Special Chapter #1

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One sunny day afternoon, at the beach Takoba Municipal Beach Park, the people and kids were enjoying the beach, the view, walking, getting in the water, and more importantly spending a lot of time. The UA students from Class 1-A decided to all go to the beach during the weekend, and have some of their teachers come over as well, and friends.

Kirashima: Man, what a great day, especially at the beach!

Denki: Yeah, even on a weekend! Sweet!

Mina: Well we do deserve it knowing how hard working we've done during this week in school.

Jiro: Yea, no kidding.

Iida: Okay friends! I just sure that you all put on sun screen before entering and getting out the water!

Izuku/Ochaco: Oh Iida...

Midnight: Hey kids!

Midnight, Aizawa, Present Mic and All Might appeared at the beach as well...

Midnight: Seems like you've all beaten to us here first.

Izuku: O-Oh, heh yea.

Present Mic: Good thing you kids plan to invited us to go to the beach with y'all. Aizawa here sure needs some fresh air.

Aizawa: Literally.

All Might: So, are we still waiting for more?

Izuku: O-Oh! Yes, we're waiting for-

Mandalay: Hey guys!

Then, Mandalay, Pixie-Bob, Ragdoll, Tiger and Kota also appeared as well...

Ragdoll: We've finally arrived!

Tiger: Hope we didn't make you all waited long.

All Might: Oh no worries, we just got here, and the kids got here not that long ago.

Mandalay: Oh that's a relief. The reason why we said that it's cause I tried to convince Kota here to come along with us, which at first he didn't wanted to...

Pixie-Bob: But he changed his mind when we mentioned that his giiiirlfriend, Eri is coming as well-

Kota: SHES NOT MY GIRLFRIEND!!! Sh-She's just a friend, that's all!

Ragdoll: Suuure, just "friends".

Kota: Mmm!!

Tiger: Mm, so anyways, we are only waiting for two more people then?

Izuku: Yes, Eri and her dad.

Ragdoll: Honestly, I can't wait to meet Kota's girlfriend.

Kota: Seriously?!

Pixie-Bob: And of course her dad, never seen him, but you all have, so how is he?

Everyone: ....

They gave this nervous look to even think about Eri's dad, and picturing him all together as one giant menacing guy...

Mandalay/Pixie/Ragdoll: Just how scary is her father??!?

Denki: W-Well, I wouldn't say scary, I mean he isn't like that...

Sero: He has a soft spot, only when it comes with Eri though...

Kirashima: But when it comes just being him...he's whole different person.

Tiger: I see.


Eri: Hey guys!!

Kota: Eri!

Ragdoll/Pixie: Surprise to see her.

Kota: Shut up!

Mandalay: Leave him alone you two.

Eri rushes over to Kota and the others...

Eri: Hey Kota!

Kota: Hey Eri.

Eri: I didn't knew you were coming as well.

Kota: O-Oh, heh, well of course I mean, why not spend the day at the beach today, I mean it should be fun...spending it time with you of course.

Eri: Aww, you're really sweet Kota.

Pixie-Bob: Ooh Kota~~aren't you gonna introduce us to you're "friend"?

Ragdoll: Yeah Kota, You're "friend".

Kota: Mmmm!!!

Mandalay: You girls...

Eri: Oh! Are you Kota's sisters??

Mandalay: Not them, but I'm his cousin. I'm Shino Sosaki, or Mandalay.

Pixie-Bob: Ryuko Tsuchikawa, or Pixie Bob.

Ragdoll: Tomoko Shiretoko, or Ragdoll.

Tiger: And I am Yawara Chatora, or Tiger.

Eri: Nice to meet you guys! Kota has told me much about y'all!

Mandalay: Oh did he? Heh, well he too has told me much about you Eri, I'm glad to hear Kota has a great friend like you.

Eri: Heh, well of course.

Kota: Mm.

Izuku: Hey Eri.

Eri: Oh hey guys! Sorry if we make you guys wait.

Ochaco: It's alright, we just got here not that long ago.

Eri: That's a relief.

(YN): Eri.

Suddenly, Eri's father, (YN) appeared...

Eri: Hey dad!

Mandalay: Oh, you must be Eri's father, nice to-

Mandalay and the other pussy cats turn their attention to (YN) to greet him, and to then find him as one giant person, and giving off a vibe that cause them to feel chills and just by seeing his eyes, they felt like their seeing a demon...Eri approches...

Eri: Dad, this is Kota's cousin, Mandalay, and her friends, Pixie, Ragdoll and Tiger. You guys, this is my dad.

Pixie-Bob: H-Hi..th-there.!

Ragdoll: N-N-Nice, to meet y-you.!

Mandalay: Of course..

Tiger: ...

(YN): ....*gentle smile* Nice to meet you guys as well.

Pixie/Ragdoll Mind: He's like a giant dangerous soft grizzly bear!!

Izuku: Mr.(YN)!

(YN): Oh, hey kids, and teachers.

Midnight: Hey (YN)~~

(YN): ....*looks away and grabs neck behind* ...Hey Midnight.

Eri: Huh ???

Aizawa: So, we're all here.

Mineta: So does that mean we can go already?! I'm starting to sweat here.

Denki: Same!

All Might: Seems like it yeah.

Present Mic: Alright!! Everyone, to the sand!!

Everyone cheered as they all make a rush to the sand and placing their stuff there, blankets and beach umbrellas ...
And with that said, Class 1-A, the teachers, Pussycats, Kota and Eri make there way to the water and to enjoy it all together, splashing at each other, diving into waves and even surfboarding, Kota and Eri were both enjoying together as the pussy cats and some of the students kept teasing him with Eri around, then, they brought some water guns to make it more fun...Eri wanted to bring her dad in, but was too busy laying down and having his "me moment". Eri gave a pout look as she told the others to shoot the water guns at him, and they did. They laugh, and at the same time got scared when he too brought his own water gun, one big water gun that shoot rapid fire water drops....and giving a smile. They all ran away from him and started chasing them down with his big water gun, especially going after her daughter knowing she was into this...
But sooner later, (YN) was spending bit time with his daughter, splashing each other, and collecting sea shells for Eri. Later on, (YN) let Eri have fun with Kota as he goes back to his spot and watches everyone enjoy their day...and him watching his daughter having fun with a smile on her face, which he always wants her to be, happy always.

Midnight: Had enough fun yet, darling?

(YN): You can say it like that.

Midnight sits down with (YN).

Midnight: You know it be boring with not you being in it, make me bored out of my mind as well.

(YN): Are ya bored now?

Midnight: ...Not anymore now that I'm here with you.

(YN): Heh, you're funny.

Midnight: I'm serious!

(YN): Hehe, I'm joking.

Midnight: Hmph...anyways, I've been meaning to ask you, and don't if it bothers you, I won't bring it up nor bother you about it.

(YN): Okay, what is it??

Midnight: ...You being as a vigilante.

(YN): ...Where are you getting at?

Midnight: Ever since you...well...um...came back from...the afterlife, who knows how that worked.

(YN): I asked the same thing myself.

Midnight: Anyways...after the incident with Dr.Kyudai and the Nomu's, and we've been told that you were the one that took care of him and his Nomu's....but after all that...you suddenly didn't bother doing your vigilante work at all, I understand you have a daughter now, but I was wondering...why stop? If that was your whole soul and purpose to being like one?

(YN) stood quiet and wanted to give an answer to Midnight to understand...he looks at Eri with Kota, smiling, enjoying life, and even spending fun times with the ones she cares the most...that is what he wants to see from his daughter; smiling as always...so he responds...

(YN): ....I never told you what happen with Eri. Back when she was, a sweet..innocent little angel. when taking care of her before adopting her...when she found out and saw me who I REALLY was...the fear in her eyes when she was scared....I...I didn't like what she saw...

Midnight: ...

(YN): And even till this day...I'm not even sure how she feels about it, I mean she seems okay with it...but how does she really feel deep inside her.

Midnight: Then, that's you're problem right there hon. You don't ask her how she feels about it truly.

(YN): I want to, really, but then again, I really don't wanna make her feel uncomfortable ...

Midnight: ...She's not a little girl anymore (YN), she maybe your little girl, but to us in UA, she's one big strong girl. She'll understand.

(YN): ...I hope so, thanks Midnight.

Midnight: Please babe, just call me Nemuri.

(YN): Heh, right, Nemuri.

Midnight: That's more like it. Now, how about you get your butt up and come splash water with me.

(YN): Eh, don't have it on me.

Midnight: Maybe this will change your mind.

Midnight gets up, and to then walk away, and to give a smirk look to him while showing her behind walking away from him...and (YN) sits there watching her...

(YN): ...Okay, she got me there.

Later that day, it was evening, sun was sheeting low already and to call it a day. Class 1-A and the teachers head to their homes, Pussycat and Kota as well, and so does Eri and (YN). As Eri and (YN) got home, they treated their dog daisy, and to order some food to eat. While waiting, Eri started putting her seashell collection to her book...as for (YN), he's glad that Eri enjoyed today at the beach with her friends and Kota...but also, he wants to talk to her about what he and Midnight were talking about...so, he walks up to Eri at the table...

(YN): Hey pumpkin.

Eri: Hey dad.

(YN): Like the seashells?

Eri: I love 'em! Thanks for helping me collect them dad.

(YN): Anytime sweetie...Eri, I want to talk to you.

Eri: Sure! What is it dad?

He sits down next to her on the table...

(YN): If it makes you feel uncomfortable about it, I won't mention it, ever again.

Eri: O-Oh, is..something wrong??

(YN): No, No...well...*sighs*

Eri: Dad??

(YN): ...Remember back then when you were a sweet little cinnamon bun.

Eri: Hehe, dad.

(YN): I know, I know...but, do you remember...that time when you...saw and found out who I really was. Yeah...it's been in my mind lately, and I...*sighs* I just wanna know what you REALLY think about it?

Eri stood quiet after that, she doesn't look bother nor uncomfortable about it...all she did, was stood up from the chair, q approach to him, and hugs him.

(YN): Eri?? Wha-

Eri: It doesn't matter anymore dad, not at all. I know what you're talking about, but the only reason I was scared of you, was cause you didn't even told me who you were before, and after that, I know. If you did, I wouldn't be scared if you that day...but that's in the past now. You chose to become a vigilante, and I support that, you have a reason why. I mean come on, why do you think I always love it when you say "Rip and tear until it it done."

(YN): Heh, you do like it when I say it.

Eri: Of course I do. But anyways...it doesn't matter who you are, or what you are...you're still my dad, the best dad...and I love you, no matter what.

(YN) was greatly relieved to hear that from Eri...so he hugs her as well...

(YN): I love you too as well, my little apple.

Eri: Heh.

(YN): Anyways, food should be here any moment now.

Eri: Nice! Oh, and also dad?

(YN): What is it?

Eri: You and Ms.Midnight...what's up with that?

(YN): ...*sweats nervously* I don't know what you're talking about.

Eri: Oh you know what I'm talking about! Tell me! Spill the tea!

(YN): I think the foods here.

Eri: Oh no you don't! Come on tell dad, you like her, don't ya?

(YN): Not listening.

Eri: Heh come on now dad.


Thank you guys for reading this special chapter, hope you enjoyed it. I'll be doing some more of these, one at a time. I already have a story plan next but will take some time, so again, thank you :)

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