Chapter 15: Healing Mayumi

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Last time Xander finally proposed to Yori! While things seem to be going great for the Yureimoto family, there is still one last sibling who has yet to join in on the family's food time.

Mitsu and Momo has been riddled with guilt for the past day or so after apologizing to the town kids. After spending hours looking back on things they had done to both their family members and the people of town, well it was starting to really weigh on them. "Sis, do you think any of our family loves us?" Momo asked Mitsu as her sister gave her a not so hopeful look. "Mom and Dad love us. I'm pretty sure Cus, Aunt Emiko and Uncle Sam do to." Mitsu said in hopes of cheering her sister up as best she could at the moment.
Before Momo could respond, their mom burst into the room with a frustrated and concerned look on her face. "Hey mom, what's wrong?" Mitsu asked as she wanted to step away from the topic they were just discussing. "Your Aunts and I have been trying to sit Mayumi down and talk with us, but we've made zero progress." Yori said in a frustrated tone as she sat down on her bed. Mitsu and Momo both flew up to their mom before hugging her. "It's okay mom, I'm sure you'll figure it out." Momo said as she tried to make her mom feel better about the situation.
"Yeah, plus Cus has been trying to spend time with Aunt Mayumi. Cus helped Aunt Rin, so she can probably help Aunt Mayumi to!" Mitsu added on to her sister's statement as they continued to hug their mom. Yori smiled as she wrapped her arms around her daughters as she held them close. "I love you two you know that? I'm sorry we haven't done anything as a family yet." Yori apologized as she gave both of her daughters a kiss on the head. "It's okay mom, things have been pretty hectic lately. Besides now that you and Dad are getting married we have plenty of time for things like that." Momo said as Yori gave them another tight hug.
                 Xander watched as the four Yureimoto sisters argued over what to do about Mayumi. "If she wants to hide herself away from the rest of us then let her! I need to focus on getting the parade ready." Fumiko said before storming out of the room. "I can't believe her sometimes!" Rin shouted as she slithered away as well. Emiko and Ena looked at each other with worry before turning towards Xander and Sam. "Well that definitely could have gone better." Sam said as he held Emiko's hand to try and lift her spirits as best as he could right now.
            "I just wish we could not fight over everything!" Ena said as she left the room in tears. "Okay I'll go talk to Rin." Xander said as he got up from his place at the table. "Xander that may not be the best idea." Emiko said with worry present in her voice as she watched the fire fighter go after her sister. "I think Rin doesn't fully understand how Fumiko truly feels on the situation." Xander said as he smiled at Emiko over his shoulder before continuing on his way. Xander found Rin looking out over the balcony with a frustrated look on her face.
"What do you want Xander? I'm not in the mood to talk right now." Rin said in the calmest manner she could manage right now. "Rin don't you think you were a bit to hard on Fumiko back there?" Xander said as the Rin hissed at him rather violently. "I was to hard on her?! She cares more about getting this stupid parade setup then helping our sister!" Rin roared as she bared her fangs at Xander, who was unfazed by it. "Rin, I'm not telling you to believe me, but could you please at least follow me?" Xander asked Rin as she calmed down before finally following behind her sister's fiancé.
             To Rin's surprise, they were walking towards Fumiko's room, Rin was about to speak up, but a gentle noise stopped her. The sound was coming from inside Fumiko's room and it sounded a lot like crying? Xander placed a finger to his lips in order to stop her from saying anything. Rin listened as her eldest sister was gently crying to herself. Rin looked at Xander in shock and confusion before he led her away from the door so they wouldn't be heard by Fumiko. "I don't think I've ever heard Fumiko cry before!" Rin said in a soft, but surprised tone as she looked at Xander for answers to this.
"Fumiko has never been good at showing she cares Rin. She's the oldest child of this family, that means she has to be the tough one that takes care of business." Xander explained as Rin still looked completely lost. "When I first met all of you, I thought Fumiko wanted me dead. Later when I caught her by herself, she thanked me for making Yori happy." Xander said as Rin started to understand what Xander was trying to get across to her. Xander gave Rin a sad smile as he got ready to continue.
"She's had to put on the tough older sister routine for so long, she doesn't know how to let her emotions out." Xander said as it all finally clicked for Rin. "I guess I forgot dad was hard on all of us." Rin said as she hung her head in shame. "Well I think you know what you need to do Rin." Xander said as Rin gave him a nod before slithering up to Fumiko's door. Rin knocked on the door with her tail as she waited for Fumiko to respond. "Haru I appreciate the concern, but I told you I wanted to be alone!" Fumiko shouted through the door in a watery tone.
              "I'm not your boyfriend sis." Rin said as she heard Fumiko start to make her way towards her door. "I thought you were angry with me?" Fumiko said as she put her tough facade once again. "Yeah I was, but someone gave me some pretty good advice." Rin said as Fumiko finally noticed Xander standing in the background. "Can we talk sis? You know you don't have to hide your emotions from your family right?" Rin said as she gave Fumiko a worried look. Fumiko felt tears form in the corners of her eyes as she let Rin into her room so they could talk.
                 Erma has been following her Aunt Mayumi through the house as she seemed to be going somewhere. "Hey Cus, Aunt Mayumi went through the bush if your wondering." Erma turned to see Mitsu and Momo standing by the bush they must have been referring to. Erma smiles before grabbing her cousins hands and dragging them through the bush. "Cus you should talk to Aunt Mayumi by yourself. We'll just mess it up." Momo said as Erma stopped to look at her cousins in worry. Mitsu and Momo looked at each other before nodding at each other.
"Cus lets be real, most of our family can't stand us! Aside from you, our parents, your parents, and Aunt Ena probably, no one wants us around." Mitsu said as the twins looked down at their feet. Erma quickly pulled her cousins into a hug as she felt tears dampening her shoulders. Erma then gently grabbed both their hands and led them towards the little building that Mayumi had entered. "Alright Cus, we'll go with you." Momo said as she knew there was no arguing with Erma.
Erma and the twins entered the little hut like structure to see their Aunt Mayumi sitting by herself with what appeared to be a music box in front of her.

Erma sat down next to her Aunt Mayumi as they both listened to the music box. After awhile Erma rewound the music box as she and Mayumi passed a bowl of food between them. Mitsu and Momo watched from a distance as they didn't want to ruin the moment like they always did.
               To the twins surprise Mayumi stood up before walking up to them. "H-Hey Aunt Mayumi, I-If you want us to leave, we will!" Momo said as she looked at her Aunt nervously. "Y-Yeah! You and Erma look like your both having a good time, we wouldn't want to ruin it." Mitsu added as they turned to leave, but were stopped when Mayumi scooped them up into her arms. Mayumi then carried the twins over to where her and Erma were sitting before sitting down with the twins in her lap as she hugged them.
                Mitsu and Momo looked over at Erma as they were completely confused at what their Aunt Mayumi was doing. Erma simply gave them a smile and a thumbs up before turning towards the music box again. Mitsu and Momo decided to return their Aunt's hug as the four of them listened to the music box together. Mayumi was happier in this moment then she had been in a long time. She wanted to hold her sisters in her arms and to be held by them, but for now her nieces were the perfect remedy for her loneliness.

So now Mayumi is going to slowly, but surely start joining in with her family again! Although the twins revealed some rather painful thoughts to Erma, which probably had the little ghost girl worried about her cousins. What else is in store for our favorite Yokai family? What other emotional pain will come up? What other adventures await? Find out in the next chapter of Erma: Family is Forever!

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