Erma Christmas Special Part 1: Holiday at Wakagaeri Bathhouse!

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Happy Holidays everyone! As my gift to all of you, this will be a two part Christmas Special feature our favorite little ghost girl! Although this time around their traveling to Tokyo Japan to spend the Holidays with Mayumi!

Xander still didn't know if this was the best idea in the world. Yori, Emiko, and Rin all decided that they would head to Japan to spend Christmas with Mayumi and the family she had been staying with, the Baishō's. "Are you sure it's a good idea to just show up unannounced like this? Mayumi did say that Kazuya's family run their own business. Wouldnt we be getting in the way of that with this unannounced visit?" Kazuya asked his wife as they got settled in their hotel room before heading out to surprise Mayumi.
"It should be fine hon, Mayumi will be happy to see the girls again. Plus I want to meet Kazuya, it seems like Mayumi has taken a liking to him." Yori said as Xander saw an all to familiar look spread across his wife's face. "Can you and your sisters try not to tease Mayumi to much about it? I can only imagine what that's like for her." Xander said as he didn't want the youngest Yureimoto's siblings holiday to mostly consist of being teased by her big sisters. "Oh come on! The best way to get her to admit it is to tease her!" Yori fired back as she gave her husband a cheeky grin that only made Xander sigh.
             Their conversation was interrupted by Mitsu and Momo reentering the bedroom after they went to Sam and Emiko's room to check on Erma. "Mom, Dad. Uncle Sam, Aunt Emiko, and Cus are ready to head out when you are." Mitsu said as she and Momo walked up to their parents. "You ready to go?" Yori asked her husband as she gave him a sideways glance. "Ready as I'll ever be, let's head out before it gets dark." Xander said as he grabbed everything he needed to have on his person before they exited their hotel room. The Aarons met up with the Williams before they all hit the streets of Tokyo.

Wakagaeri Bathhouse
The two families found themselves standing outside a rather quaint bathhouse. The sign outside read "Wakagaeri Bathhouse. let your troubles be washed away."

The two families made their way to the entrance of the bathhouse. "Welcome to Wakagaeri bathhou-Emiko, Yori? What are you two doing here?!" The two families looked to see a shocked Mayumi behind the receptionist desk. Emiko and Yori were equally as shocked by their youngest sibling actually talking, something she hadn't done since they were all children still growing up.
              Emiko and Yori recovered from their initial shock and smiled at their little sister before walking up to her and pulling her into a hug. "Surprise! We came to spend Christmas with you!" Yori said as she and Emiko continued to hug their little sister. "While I'm happy to see both of you, you really should've told me before coming here! Honestly, I could've at least given Kazuya and Akemi a heads up!" Mayumi said in a mock scolding tone at her sister's actions. "It wouldn't have been much of a surprise if we told you now would it?" Emiko said with a small giggle before they broke their hug and turned back to the rest of the group.
             "Aunt Mayumi!" Mitsu and Momo cheered as they both along with Erma ran up to their Aunt. Mayumi crouched down and wrapped the three girls into a loving hug. "It's good to see you three again!" Mayumi said happily as she hugged her three nieces. Mayumi broke the hug before looking around for any sign of Rin. "Where's Rin? She did move in with you and Xander, Yori?" Mayumi asked as she looked around for her other sister. "She went back home to spend time with Fumiko, she says she come visit you with her." Sam explained as Mayumi gave a quick nod of understanding.
"So are you the only one here right now? This place seems pretty empty." Xander said as he he looked around the mostly empty bathhouse. "Kazuya and Akemi's father is visiting his sister, Ena went to spend the holidays with Fumiko like Rin did. Kazuya is in the back cleaning, and Akemi is working at her job at FENIX." Mayumi said as she didn't want to reveal all the details of what FENIX does and how she's recently gotten involved with it all. "All of you are probably tired after your trip, let me see if Kazuya is done cleaning the bathing room." Mayumi said as as went to the back room of the Bathhouse.

Bathing Room
A man in an all white outfit with short messy black hair and blue eyes was currently sweeping up the last of the filth from the bathing room. This was Kazuya Baishō, the eldest of the Baishō siblings.

"Alright, that looks like it's everything. I should probably tell Mayumi we should be able to close up for the day." Kazuya mumbled to himself as he put away his cleaning supplies. A somewhat see-through being came out of Kazuya's body. It had white hair and was wearing a blue mask over his mouth. Instead of legs, he had a ghostly tail that connected to Kazuya's body.

"Oi, Kazu-Chan! Can we go see the Christmas lights? It's been so boring just looking at the Christmas decorations through the windows!" The Demon whined as he looked at his human host with a pleading look on his face that made Kazuya roll his eyes.
"Would you be patient? We can't just ditch Mayumi and leave her to close up." Kazuya said before he felt his Gundephone vibrate in his pocket. Kazuya hit the answer button before holding the Gundephone up to his ear. "Big brother, we have an issue! Phil was jumped by Julio. He was able to steal the Spider and Batta ViStamps from him before getting away!" Akemi said as Kazuya resisted the urge to curse under his breath. "Alright, I'll keep an eye out for any Deadmans activity. Be careful Akemi." Kazuya said before hanging up his Gundephone.
Mayumi entered the bathing room as she looked at Kazuya and Vice, being a Yokai, she was able to see the Inner Devil. "My sisters and their families dropped in as a surprise. They're spending Christmas with us." Mayumi said in an embarrassed tone at her family's antics. Kazuya walked up to Mayumi before giving her a reassuring pat on the shoulder. "Hey, it's fine. Your family is welcome at Wakagaeri Bathhouse anytime! Now, let's go meet them. Vice, don't you dare come out." Kazuya said as he gave his Inner Devil a stern look, which got an annoyed grumble in response before they returned to the front of the bathhouse to meet up with the others.
"So your Kazuya Baishō? Mayumi's told us all about you." Yori said as she gave the Bathhouse Worker a cheeky grin. "All good things I hope." Kazuya replied as he shook Yori's hand. "Don't worry, Mayumi has had nothing but nice things to say about you. Thank you for taking care of our sister." Emiko said as she shook Kazuya's hand as well before he turned to face Sam and Xander. "Well since your all here, would you like to use the bathhouse?" Kazuya asked as he waited for the Williams and Aarons families to give him an answer.
             "Are you sure it's okay? I mean it looks like you just got done cleaning the place." Sam said as he noticed that Kazuya still had a dirty rag in his hand. "It's no trouble, your Mayumi's family so I insist. I can't tell you how much easier things have gotten around here since she joined us." Kazuya said as he wasn't taking no for an answer on this topic. "Well if your alright with it, what do you say Xander?" Yori asked as she gave her husband a playful look. Xander scratched the back of his head awkwardly. "I guess it's fine, thanks for letting us use your place." Xander said before he shook Kazuya's hand.
              "Oh come on! I wanted to walk around Tokyo!" Momo grumbled as everyone to look at the three children. "Mitsu, Momo we have all week to do that. Besides the sun is going down." Yori said as she tried to reason with her daughter as best as she could. "Please mom? Cus wants to see the lights." Mitsu said as Erma looked down in embarrassment at being called out. "Erma, we can go see the lights tomorrow." Emiko said as the half Yokai girl deflated at her mother's response. Kazuya could tell Vice was bouncing around in his head about wanting to see the lights as well, might as well.
              "You know, Tokyo has so many light displays around this time of year. While you catch up with Mayumi and enjoy the baths, I could take them down to the Shiodome. The lights there are always some of my favorites." Kazuya said as he scratched the back of his head nervously. "You don't have to do that, your probably busy." Xander said as he tried to wave Kazuya's offer off. Kazuya chuckled before grabbing his winter coat off the coat hanger. "Honestly, it's no trouble. Besides I've been hear all day, it'll be nice to get out for a bit." Kazuya said as he put his winter coat on before zipping it up.
                The parents looked conflicted for a moment before nodding in agreement. "Okay, but you three be good for Kazuya alright?" Emiko said as she gave the three girls a stern look. "We will Aunt Emiko!" Mitsu and Momo said as both of them along with Erma put their coats on. Kazuya said his goodbyes to the parents and Mayumi. "Gotta admit sis, he's a keeper from what I've seen so far." Yori whispered to Mayumi, who's face heated up with an embarrassed blush as both her sisters started teasing their little sister. Sam and Xander watched their wives antics and could only shake their heads in response.

Kazuya looked at the Shiodome with a small smile on his face as snow fell around them. He remembered him and his family would come here around this time of year. That was before his mom passed away of course, but things have been getting better. "So Kazuya, is it true?" Momo asked as she Kazuya gave the little girl a curious look. "Is what true?" Kazuya asked as he didn't really know what the little girl was talking about. "That cult, the Deadmans or whatever their called. Do they really attack Tokyo?" Mitsu explained her sister's question.
           Kazuya didn't want to get into the mess that was his second job, but he also knew he couldn't flat out lie to these kids. "Yeah they can get a bit out of hand, but nothing that FENIX can't handle." Kazuya said before they finally made it to the front door of the Shiodome. Kazuya and the kids entered as they made their through the lobby and into the main room where the light display currently was.

Erma and the twins looked at the room in awe as Kazuya simply chuckled at their reaction, remembering how he was when he was their age. "It's so pretty." Mitsu said as she and Momo looked around the entire room at all the different light displays.
            Erma floated into the air so she could get a better view of the entire room. A large smile spread across her face as she looked down at all the pretty light. This moment was interrupted however by the screams of fear coming from the guests. Erma saw people running out of the Shiodome. Erma spots the source of the panic, that being a strange monster that resembled a spider along with a group of other monsters that had bone themed armor over their bodies.

Erma flew down to where Kazuya and the twins were as the bone monsters rounded the corner and found them.
            "Gifu Juniors! Mitsu, Momo, Erma. All of you have to get out of here!" Kazuya ordered as one of the Gifu Juniors lunged at him. Kazuya quickly dodged before delivering a roundhouse kick to the Monster's head. Mitsu, Momo, and Erma hide in the light display as more Gifu Juniors appeared in front of Kazuya. Due to being half Yokai, the three girls also saw Vice come out of Kazuya's body. "Kazu-Chan let's give these guys our season's beatings!" Vice said as he started shadow boxing in the air in front of him. Kazuya pulled out the Revice Driver before strepping it to his waist and pulling out the Rex ViStamp.
               "If you make more jokes like that, the only one getting a beating is you." Kazuya said before pressing the button on the ViStamp. "Rex!" The ViStamp announced before Kazuya stamped the Revice Driver with it. "Come on! Re-Re-Re-Rex! Come on! Re-Re-Re-Rex!" The Driver chanted as Vice started dancing around Kazuya.

A large stamp appeared in Vice's hands as Kazuya got ready. "Henshin!" Kazuya shouted as he plugged the ViStamp into the Revice Driver before pulling it to the side, which caused the screen to flip up.

Vice then dropped the large stamp onto Kazuya as the substance inside surrounded him. "Buddy Up! Ohing! Shoning! Rolling! Going! Kamen Rider! Revi! Vice! Revice!" The Revice Driver chanted as the stamp shattered off of Kazuya as he was now in a mostly pink suit of armor. Vice got a physical body that was mostly black and pink, he more a T-Rex head as a helmet.

           "Oh yeah! Everyone's favorite demon is here to bring you all some Christmas cheer!" Vice said as he turned to look at seemingly no one. "Vice stop talking to your imaginary friend and focus!" Revi said before lunging towards the Gifu Juniors. "Hey! Wait for me Kazu-Chan!" Vice said as he chased after his human host. Meanwhile, Erma and the twins were confused as to what they had just witnessed. "D-Did another person just comes out of Kazuya's body?" Momo asked as she turned to look at her sister and cousin, who both nodded their heads slowly, still processing the whole situation themselves.
Revi delivered a snap kick to the head of one Gifu Junior before whipping around and hitting another in the chest with a palm strike. Revi dropped down to the ground, avoiding attacks from three more Gifu Juniors before kicking their legs out from underneath them. "Vice!" Revi shouted over to his partner who just lifted a Gifu Junior off its feet before slamming its head into the ground. "What's up Kazu-Chan?!" Vice shouted over to his human host before punching another Gifu Junior in the face, sending it flying into two more Gifu Juniors, destroying them.
"Flying Devil!" Revi shouted as he dodged an attack from another Gifu Junior before hitting it with an Axe Kick. Revi cupped his hands together as Vice ran towards him. Vice placed his foot on Revi's hands as the Kamen Rider launched him into the air. Vice then delivered a people's elbow to a group of Gifu Juniors, destroying them. "Deck your halls with that!" Vice cheered before grabbing another Gifu Junior by the waist before suplexing him. Revi and Vice turned to face the Spider Deadman and remaining Gifu Juniors as they got ready to continue fighting.

With Erma and the Twins
Erma and the twins tried to sneak towards the exit, when a black portal appeared on the ground. Out of it came Emiko, Yori, Mayumi, Sam, and Xander. "Erma! Thank goodness your okay!" Emiko said as she pulled her daughter into a strong hug. "We saw the news report of an attack happening here. Good thing you three are unharmed!" Yori said as she pulled her daughters into a strong hug as well. "We're fine, Kazuya and so guy that came out of his body are fighting the monsters." Mitsu said as all the adults were taken aback by that statement.
"Kazuya and Vice are probably fighting a Deadman and Gifu Juniors, they should be able to handle it." Mayumi said as everyone turned to look at her. "Deadman? Gifu Juniors? Vice? What are you talking about Mayumi?" Xander asked as he gave his sister-in-law a confused look. "It would be easier if you just see it for yourselves." Mayumi said as she began leading the group back to where all the fighting was going on. Mayumi just hoped she wouldn't have to jump in and help considering her family would already have enough questions as it is.

Back with Revi and Vice
Revi and Vice were knocked back by the Spider Deadman striking them with its blade like arms. "Kazu-Chan, maybe we should try something different!" Vice suggested as Kazuya pulled out a ViStamp that was magenta with a green Megalodon on it. "Megalodon!" The ViStamp announced as Revi removed the Rex ViStamp, which caused Vice to be sucked back into his body. Revi then stamped the Driver with the ViStamp. "Come on! Megalodon!" The Driver chanted as Vice danced around Revi with another stamp. Revi plugged the ViStamp into the Driver before pulling it to the side flipping the platform up.
"Buddy Up! Dive boom boom! Ready, go! Splash! Megalodon! Just a passing through hu-hu-hu-hunter!" The Driver announced as Vice dropped the stamp on Revi as his armor started to change. The stamp shattered off Revi as him and Vice were now in new armor.

"This shark is just passing through to hunt down some Christmas Dinner!" Vice said as he pointed at the Spider Deadman. "Focus Vice!" Revi shouted before charging towards the Spider Deadman. Revi slashed the monster across the chest with his arm blades, which Vice followed up with a powerful punch to the chest. The Spider Deadman stumbled backwards, but Vice was already on top of him again as he delivered a three punch combo that sent the Deadman stumbling even further backwards.
Revi then slashed the monster across the chest in an X pattern which sent it sprawling across the ground. Vice then picked the Deadman up before spinning it around and tossing it high into the air. "Vice! Let's go full force! No holding back!" Revi said as he pulled the ViStamp to the side before pressing the button on it and pulling it to the side again. "One Remix coming up!" Vice said before he did a handstand in front of Revi. Revi grabbed Vice's legs. "Remix! Buddy Up! Certain kill! How many tons? A megaton! Megalodon!" The Driver announced as Revi and Bice fused together into a Megalodon.

The Revice Megalodon roared before swimming into the air before striking the Spider Deadman higher and higher into the air. The Revice Megalodon rammed into the Spider Deadman, sending it crashing into the ceiling before it started to fall. "Megalodon! Stamping Finish!!" The Revice Driver announced as the Revice Megalodon swam towards the Spider Deadman before biting down on it. This caused an explosion of sparks as Revi and Vice fell to the ground with the Spidef Deadman's body sparking in the air.

"Alright everyone you know the drill! Three! Two!! One!!!" Vice counted down just as the Spider Deadman exploded in midair.

"Oh yeah! Show some Christmas cheer! Because a Scrooge just got taught the true meaning of Holiday Spirit!!" Vice cheered in victory as Revi simply let out a sigh of relief at another job well done.
"We should make sure that Erma and the twins are alright." Revi said as he turned to look at Vice. "What do you mean? They're fine, see!" Vice said as he pointed towards one of the paths. Revi followed where Vice was pointing to only to see Mayumi, the Williams Family, and the Aarons family standing there in dumbfounded silence. Mayumi pinched the bridge of her nose as she knew this was going to be a long week. "Looks like we have some explaining to do Kazu-Chan!" Vice said with an amused cackle as Revi let out a groan of annoyance. This was certwinly going to be a long holiday.

So the Aarons and Williams have come to spend the Holidays with Mayumi and the Baishō family! Although now they know about Kazuya's secret! Of course Mayumi is more involved then she would like to admit! As always please leave your thoughts and opinions in the comments! I hope all of you enjoyed the first part of the Christmas special and look forward to part 2! I hope to get it finished before Christmas, but if I can't, I will make sure it's out before December is over! I hope to see in all in part 2 of the Erma: Family is Forever Christmas Special!

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