Ermaween Special 2: Tales From the Firehouse!

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Yes! On the night of ghouls and ghosts is I'm here to deliver another tale of holiday horrors! This time from Xander's place of work, the Firehouse! Don't worry though, we'll be checking in on the rest of the Aarons family as well as Erma!

Yori was currently on the phone with Emiko as she watched Mitsu, Momo, and Erma sitting on the couch watching horror movies. "Yeah sis it's fine that Erma sleeps over. Mitsu and Momo were pretty bummed their dad had to work on Halloween, so I think it'll help cheer them up." Yori said as Rin joined them on the couch as well. "Well if it's alright with you. Did you hear from Fumiko?" Emiko asked as their eldest sibling had given them a call a few weeks ago. "Yeah, something about Kentaro meeting up with Mayumi at an Onsen? Apparently Kentaro saw the family she's staying with mixed up in some crazy stuff?" Yori said as she vaguely remembered the conversation.
            "She said that Kentaro might've been drunk, something about stamps and guys in armor? Although Haru and Kenji backed up his claim, so maybe it's true?" Emiko said as Yori snorted at the possibility. "Well, Mitsu, Momo, and Erma are going to video call her soon on Xander's laptop. Rin and I could grill her for details, enjoy your night with Sam, sis." Yori then said goodbye to Emiko before entering the living room with a bowl of popcorn. Erma and the twins decided to get their trick or treating done early so they could have a movie marathon with Rin. Yori placed the popcorn bowl down on the table before sitting next to Rin on the couch.
             "So should we give Mayumi a ring before we start?" Rin asked as she gave her sister a curious look. "Probably would be our best option before starting the movies." Yori said before she opened up Xander's laptop before going into the video call app and hitting Mayumi's name. The screen displayed a ringing phone for a minute before Mayumi appeared on screen. "Hi aunt Mayumi!" Mitsu and Momo said as they hung from their mother's shoulders while Erma just waved. Mayumi waved back as she was happy to see her nieces again, even if it was through a screen at the moment.
"How's your time been in Tokyo sis?" Yori asked as Mayumi quickly grabbed her phone before typing out a message. "It's been fun. Kazuya and his family have been really kind to me. Although I do worry he's going to collapse from exhaustion with all the work he does." Mayumi's phone announced as everyone was surprised by that statement. Aside from Ena, who was staying with Mayumi at the moment, none of the other Yureimoto family had met this Kazuya Baishō their youngest sibling was staying with. "Seriously? How could the guy possibly be run rampant from working at a bathhouse?" Rin asked as she felt there was more to it.
Mayumi tensed you, but quickly calmed down before grabbing her phone and typing out another message. "Kazuya has been helping out the FENIX organization his little sister works at with their research. It's pretty taxing on him." Mayumi's phone announced as she hoped they wouldn't press for further details on the topic. "Isn't there some kind of crazy cult running around attacking places Aunt Mayumi? What were they called....Deadheads?" Mitsu said as she remembered seeing a news article when searching how to solve math problems for her homework once.
Mayumi hesitated again, but ultimately typed out another message on her phone. "Deadmans, they're just an extremist group. Their part of the work Kazuya is helping FENIX with, I wish they would stop so he could actually rest for a moment." Mayumi's phone announced as Yori and Rin caught a slight blush on their little sister's face. Yori and Rin looked at each other before nodding their heads in agreement. "Oh is that so sis? You seem to really care about this guy, what's up with that?" Rin asked as she smirked at her little sister.
Mayumi immediately fumbled with her phone as she tried to type a message out before someone got the wrong idea. "It's not like that! Kazuya really helped me out when I first arrived in Tokyo is all!" Mayumi's phone announced as she turned away from her sisters angrily. "Alright, alright we'll stop teasing you for now. I hope you know we're excited to meet him!" Yori said in a teasing tone as well, which caused Mayumi to slam her head into her desk. Yori and Mayumi started laughing, which only confused the twins and Erma as to what was so funny right now.
After apologizing to Mayumi, Erma and the twins told their aunt all about what they had been doing since they got back home. Eventually they said their goodbyes before hanging up the video call. Yori then started the first movie before she checked what time it was on her phone. It was only eight-thirty, which means they had plenty of time to get movies in. "I wonder how Xander is doing over at the firehouse right now?" Yori mumbled to herself as she decided she should probably give him a call in a half hour or so to check in on him and see how he's holding up.

At the Firehouse
Xander woke up before exiting his bedroom and walking through the firehouse. The strange thing was that there was fog everywhere. "Did someone leave the garage door open or something? How did all this gif get in here?" Xander mumbled to himself as he entered the kitchen in the firehouse. Xander was about to grab a drink when he spotted three girls all in white dresses jumping rope while singing some kind of tune. "What the heck? Who lets their kids out trick or treating unsupervised?" Xander said as he quickly exited the kitchen and made his way to the garage of the firehouse, where the door was open.
A heavy fog hung outside as well, but Xander could make out the silhouettes of the three girls. "Hey you three! Are you lost?" Xander called out to the girls, who seemed to ignore him completely. "I wouldn't be worried about them." Xander turned to see a man who looked like he suffered some nasty burns standing at the end of the firehouse driveway. He had a hat on, a trench coat, a striped sweater under the trench coat, and some type of bladed glove on one of his hands.

"Look pal, there is no Halloween party going on here. So could you please leave before I'm forced to call the cops?" Xander said as he wasn't amused at all with the man's antics in the slightest.
The man started laughing as he pointed his blades glove at Xander. "You don't get it do you? Your asleep right now! Your in my world bitch!" The man said with a sadistic cackle as he pointed started walking towards Xander. "Wait, asleep? So this is my dream?" Xander asked as the man in the hat gave him a quick nod of the head. "Well in the case..." Xander said before an ambulance rammed into the man from the side. The man was sent sprawling across the ground before two paramedics wearing Halloween masks jumped out with a stretcher.
The two paramedics pick the man up before strapping him to the stretcher and loading him into the back of the ambulance. Xander waved them off as they driver away from the firehouse. "You try and attack me in my own dream? What kind of idiot does that?" Xander mumbled to himself before he heard a ringing and felt himself being pulled out of his own dream. Xander noticed the jump rope girls waving goodbye to him as he quickly returned the gesture. Xander was then pulled from his dream as the jump rope girls wrapped up their jump rope before walking down the street.

In Reality
Xander was woken up as he saw his phone was ringing, Xander picked it up and saw Yori's name displayed on the screen. Xander quickly hit the answer button before holding it up to his ear. "Hello?" Xander said as he waited for his wife to respond to him. "Hey sweetheart, I was just checking in. How are things at the firehouse?" Yori asked as Xander let a smile spread across his face as he climbed out of his bed. "Fine, just got finished with a little power nap. Hoping we make it through with no calls tonight." Xander said as he didn't feel like going out on a call.
"Well I'm glad your doing okay. The girls and Erma are watching movies with Rin right now. I just stepped out to call you real quick." Yori explained as Xander let out a small chuckle. "I'd trade places with you in a heartbeat, but I'm stuck here for the night." Xander said as they both shared a laugh at their conversation. The door to Xander's room burst open as Rusty was standing in the doorway. "Rusty? What the hell man?" Xander said as he looked at his coworker in slight irritation. "Xander, one of the showers is clogged and is flooding the bathroom!" Rusty said as Xander let out a frustrated sigh at the news about the shower.
"Looks like I gotta go clean up a mess, I'll call you back before you go to sleep tonight babe." Xander said before quickly saying goodbye to Yori and pocketing his phone. Xander followed Rusty to the bathroom, which was indeed covered in water. "Geez, how did it get this bad?" Xander asked as he grabbed a plunger before walking through the almost waist deep water. "Hell if I know?! I opened the door and was nearly crushed by water!" Rusty said in an obviously annoyed tone as they finally made it to the shower in question. Xander started plunging the drain as he hoped to clear it.
"I think I almost got something!" Xander said before he heard a popping sound and the sound of water draining. What he was not expecting was a little girl in a raincoat to be on the business end of the plunger he had just been using.

"Oh! Hello there, you lost sweetie?" Xander asked the little girl, who simply grabbed her red book bag before walking out of the bathroom. "Seriously, people need to do a better job at watching their kids!" Rusty grumbled before stomping out of the bathroom in annoyance. Xander put away the plunger before also taking his leave from the bathroom. "That's two weird things tonight, hope this doesn't become a recurring issue." Xander thought to himself as he entered the kitchen to get something to eat.

An Hour Later
Xander was busy checking that the trucks had all the gear and tools they'd need for a job in them when he heard a soft crying. "Another lost kid? Seriously is no one responsible for their children nowadays?" Xander mumbled to himself as he walked out onto the driveway of the firehouse and saw a young girl with short brown hair sitting against the building with tears in her eyes.

"Hey there sweetie, are you lost?" Xander asked as he crouched down next to the girl, which caused her to jump slightly in fear. "I-I think something bad happened to my parents. I-I can't remember what though!" The girl whimpered before she started to break down crying again.
Xander gently pulled her into a hug before patting her on the back. "Hey, it's fine sweetie. Look, why don't you come inside the firehouse and get some sleep? My coworkers and I will figure out what happened to your mom and dad alright?" Xander said as he gave the little girl a reassuring smile. The girl smiled back at Xander as well before she let him carry her into the firehouse and put her to bed in his room. "Alright, now I better start making phone calls and let the other guys know." Xander said to himself before going off to take care of this new issue.

Two Hours Later
Xander and his coworkers hadn't gotten any info on the girl's parents yet, but they weren't giving up that easily. "Hey Xander, we got another issue." Rusty said as he sat down next to his coworker. "Seriously? What now?" Xander groaned as he was starting to get sick of all this weird stuff happening. "There's a bunch of guys dresses like clowns outside the firehouse right now." Rusty said as Xander looked at him like he was crazy before going to check the window and sure enough, there were a bunch of clowns outside the firehouse.

Xander marched out of the Firehouse as all the clowns turned to look at him. "Alright guys, the nearest circus is about thirty-two miles from here. So could you please get off the premises?" Xander said as the clowns started laughing at him before pulling out what appeared to be pies. "If you even think about it I swear!" Xander growled as the clowns simply laughed as they got ready to throw the pies at him. Suddenly the neighing of a horse was heard as Xander and the Clowns turned to see a man with no head riding a horse coming directly at them.

The Clowns dropped their pies in fear before piling into their tiny car before driving off down the road.
Xander turned to look at the man on the horse with an appreciative smile on his face. "Thanks for the help back there. Anything I can get you?" Xander asked before the man pointed towards one of the Jack-O-Lanterns decorating the front of the the Firehouse. Xander picked the one he was pointing to up before handing it to him. The man placed it where his head should be before riding off into the night. "Nice guy, hope he's gets to wherever he's going on time." Xander said before walking back inside the firehouse for the moment. What Xander didn't notice was a strange truck watching the firehouse from a distance.

One Hour Later
Xander was in the TV room with a few of his coworkers as they watched one of the many horror movies that were playing for Halloween night. Suddenly they heard a beeping noise from outside as Xander shot out of his chair. "I swear I've had it up to here with all these unwelcome guests!" Xander growled in annoyance as he marched outside again to find a guy in a large coat and hat standing on top of his truck. The man had an axe in one hand and was glaring at Xander.

"Dude, I'm not in the mood for whatever stupid prank your trying to pull! So would you please just get the hell out of here?!" Xander growled in annoyance as he glared at the figure on top of the truck.
The figure roared as wings sprouted out of his back and he flew towards Xander with his axe raised. Xander let out an annoyed sigh before pulling out his Soul Cremating Lighter and flicking it. A Chinese dragon made of purple flames flew out of it before slamming into the figure, sending him crashing into the hood of his truck. The figure's entire body was smoking as it rolled off the hood of its truck before opening the driver side door before climbing in. The figure roared at Xander in anger before driving off into the night. "Yeah screw you to pal!" Xander shouted after the figure before walking back inside the firehouse for the night.
Xander felt his phone vibrate in his pocket as he quickly pulled it out and answered it. "Hey babe, how's the movie marathon been going?" Xander asked as he waited for his wife to respond. "The girls and Erma are enjoying it. How have things been at the firehouse tonight?" Yori asked as Xander let out an annoyed sigh. "A bunch of weirdos kept showing up. I swear can't people find anything better to do then mess with a firehouse on Halloween?" Xander groaned out as Yori laughed at his expense. Xander continued to talk to Yori as he went to rejoin his coworkers. There may have been no calls, but the night was far from anything dull.

So another Ermaween Special for your enjoyment! Of course this obviously does not relate to the events of the main story as it's a special! Now the horror media referenced in order. Nightmare on Elm Street, Dark Water, Fran Bow, Killer Klowns from Outer Space, Sleepy Hollow, and Jeepers Creepers. I hope you enjoyed this second Ermaween special! Please check out Erma: Demons & Stamps and HellTaker: Daily Life with Demon Girls as they both take place in the same universe as this story! I hope to see you in the next chapter of Erma: Family is Forever!

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