「4. that」

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[Name] complied and took a shower, exiting the bathroom and and going into Iruma's room to change.

However, upon arriving, she had found out the inventor had forgotten to provide her with some new clothes, so she thought of the next best thing: wear Iruma's pink uniform. She actually had extra spares if you looked hard enough. Some were in the closet, under the bed, the drawers; it was surprising how much she had. She also had some weird things lying around, but the girl didn't think much of it. Such silly devices wouldn't taint the image of the reckless female.

She peaked into the top drawer and noticed how much panties and bras Iruma had. Astonishing for someone who smells like they haven't showered in numerous years. Then again, the stench could be just from her work and maybe she built a contraption to clean clothes at a fast pace. Still, [Name] refused to put some on. Doing something so vulgar could be reported.

She hadn't had a clue about her past and she wasn't aware of what others viewed her as, and if it were a good things, then doing such an act like this could ruin it all.

Didn't she already commit something similar to this, though? Iruma never ordered her to change in her room or look through her stuff, so the damage had already taken place without her knowing.

What a turn of events.

Letting the towel drop to the ground, the teen grabbed her mysterious care taker's clothing and slipped it on like a glove. Except, it didn't fit like one. The top draped down to her thighs and the skirt appeared to be down to her knees. Such an outcome should be expected since the girl was short and could be mistaken for an elementary kid. This wouldn't stop her.

Suddenly, a weird shaped device popped into her head with a strange name. Hair Dryer.

Could such a thing exist? In the name, it sounds like it can turn your hair from drenched to completely non-soaked in seconds! She must find this item before this sleepy feeling of hers begins to dawn over her. She hated this.

After showers, a sleepy feeling always took place, and it did annoy her to some extent. Surprisingly, napping was a waste of time to her, so she preferred not to do so.

How does she know the feeling always occurs after a good shower? This is her first time doing this. How did...

Nevermind that.

She yearned to speak to Iruma.

It was still quite a mystery how she ended up here and she wanted some answers.
Not that it was guaranteed she would receive any, but she still wanted to try instead of just giving up.

Meanwhile, the genius was practically fuming, a red blush appearing on her gorgeous face. Believe it or not, she's completely embarrassed and quite angry with herself.

Super shocking, you can say. A girl with high confidence and self esteem that could take years to put her down into a deep hole of despair, was internally screaming and cussing at herself because a girl made her feel this way. Was that even possible? A beautiful inventor beating herself up because of a flat-chested ultimate?

That can't be! Keeping her cool was a speciality she received from no one but herself! She's talented and intelligent! Only she could earn things from herself! If... that makes sense.

She can't like some girl. Actually, perhaps she can. The beating in her chest whenever the girl even spares a glance at her says otherwise.

She pulled her hair and sighed heavily. Iruma can remain calm and collected, maybe even add a few curses in there if she wanted, and talk to [Name]. It would be better if the girl got stuck in the tub or something, so it could help her come up with jokes and cover up the blush. She can do this.

Those seemed to be her final words until her heart skipped a beat, watching said girl who was on her mind waltz on in, wearing nothing but an oversized Iruma uniform.

The innovator choked on her own saliva, practically collapsing onto the ground. She didn't even feel the impact to it. The small, petite girl was what caught her attention the most. This left her confused and heart struck. Why couldn't she just act normal in front of the generous girl she held feelings for? Why was it so hard?
She can't even accept these feelings. Well, considering everything she did, she has too. It felt right and okay. Yeah, it was okay. Everything's okay.

What a quick resolve to this.

"Iruma! Are you alright?" When she came back to the reality she was forced to live in, [Name] was hovering over her, a concerned face crossing her features. She was on her knees and cupping Iruma's cheeks, causing the inventor to screech. [Name] gasped and pulled back. Said girl didn't even know what happened to the creator. With a blink of an eye, she was on the ground and smoke was emitting from her body. She assumed an invention her partner was carrying around lost a nail and exploded in her pocket, causing such a reaction, but she didn't see anything to be with the other ultimate.

Thinking about it more, perhaps Iruma was just mad at her for wearing clothes she was proud to own, since she did have extra stored ones in the closet.

Apologizing could help the situation, but what if that wasn't the case? Actually, maybe the [h/c] haired girl was just jumping to conclusions like always. She remembered doing it in the academy where a killing game took place.

[Name]'s eyes shot up, glancing at nowhere really. Did she just remember something? No. That memory was rather ridiculous and... probably a complete lie. A killing game, of all things she could think of, her mind decided to conjure that?

Something. She heard something. A voice. What is–

"You're soooooo cool [Name]-channnn!! I wish I could help solve murders and be as fast as you."

"I'm–uh.... is that a lie, by any chance?"

"Kyaaaa! I would never lie to you or Saihara, [Name]-chan. Nishishi!"

Her head was pounding. It felt like her brain exploded into millions of pieces. What is happening? Why is she remembering weird stuff?

Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.
Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.
Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

Her hands went flying to grab her hair, proceeding to pull on it harshly.

Who's saying that too her? Why won't it stop? She's not stupid, is she?

The fuming girl noticed her crush's behavior so she held back an insult and sat up. "[Name]? Stop day dreaming about my hot ass and help me up, you fucking virgin." That wasn't what she planned to say at all. Sometimes, Iruma thought her body had a mind of its own, always saying other things instead of what she actually wanted to say. It actually... made many people dislike her.

"ˢᵀᴼᴾ ᴵᵀ."

Remembering this made the inventor appreciate her partner more. Despite everything, they still were together.

"ᴵᴿᵁᴹᴬ, ᶜᴬᴺ ᵞᴼᵁ ᴴᴱᴬᴿ ᵀᴴᴱᴹ ᴵᴺˢᵁᴸᵀᴵᴺᴳ ᴹᴱ?"

At least, that's what she thought. After pulling that horrible mistake in her very own lab, she never really forgave herself.

" ᶜᴬᴺ' ᵀᴬᴷᴱ ᵀᴴᴵˢ ᴬᴺᵞᴹᴼᴿᴱ..."

The door slammed shut and that was enough to get Iruma's attention again.

[Name] wasn't here.

Iruma's eyes widened and she ran to the entrance, throwing open the door and screaming out her name. She did it again and again and again and again. She wasn't in the bathroom. She wasn't in the other rooms. She wasn't in the house.

"' ˢᴼᴿᴿᵞ...."

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