Fairies in the Wind

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(Y/n) POV

(Y/n): *groans as he wakes up* Owie, my head.

I open my eyes and a blurry figure is standing over me, I grip my head as the initial headache comes and goes. My vision finally clears up and I see-

(Y/n): Erza?

At first, I am happy to see Erza, but then I see her disappointed expression and then grow very scared.

(Y/n): Erza! I-I can explain!

Erza: Explain how you disobeyed me by being on that train when I specifically told you to stay at the Guild Hall and wait for me?

(Y/n): I was snagged by a luggage cart and dragged onto the train car. I got stuck here because the door was too heavy for me to open.

Erza: Do you have any idea what could've happened had you been found today by the dark guild, Eisenwald? They could've killed you!

(Y/n): I wanted to find you when I realized I got stuck on the train, but I knew you'd be really mad at me. *sniffles*

I stand there trying to defend myself that I started crying again, partly because Erza was upset with me, and partly because my being scared through the whole ordeal finally caught up to me. Erza then knelt down and surprised me by pulling me into a tight embrace.

Erza: I'm not angry with you, I was scared.

(Y/n): But you're not scared of anything.

Erza: I thought I might lose you. So of course I was scared. Like I said, you are very precious to me.

(Y/n): *sniffles* I'm so sorry, Erza.

Erza: It's alright. We'll sort out your punishment later, but now we have evil wizards to stop. And from now on, you will do exactly as I say, do you understand me?

(Y/n): *nods* Mmhmm.

Erza: Everyone, load up into the four wheeler, we need to head to the next town along this railroad.

Natsu: I already got sick riding a vehicle, I ain't doing it again!

Erza: Just do it!

Natsu: *whimpers* Aye.

I load up in the back with Ms. Lucy Happy and Natsu, Erza hits the gas and we start booking it alongside the railroad.

Lucy: What were you even doing on that car anyway?

(Y/n): I told you, I got stuck. I saved a unicorn and then collapsed where you found me.

Lucy: An unicorn?!

Happy: Hahaha! You're funny, there's no such thing as Unicorns. Everyone knows that.

(Y/n): It's true though, I did see and rescue one.

Happy: Do you have proof?

(Y/n): *looks down sad* No.

Erza: *from outside* I believe you!

Lucy: Why?

Erza: (Y/n) has never told a lie, why make things up now?

Happy: Cause that's what kids do.

Erza: Lucy hit Happy for me will you?

It was almost half an hour later when we got to Oshibana station, Lucy and Happy drag Natsu out but before I can follow, Erza stops me.

Erza: Nope, not this time. You're staying here until I come back.

(Y/n): Aww, but-

Erza: No buts, just keep yours here.

Erza POV

I lead the group to the station and we see a crowd gathered outside. I push my way through the crowd and approach one of the officials.

Erza: *demanding* You, what's going on?

Official: Why would I tell you lady?

I headbutt him and knock him out and move on to the next one.

Erza: What's going on?! *headbutts and moves on* What's going on?!

Lucy: Her questioning method is a little counter productive.

Not really getting the answer I want, I head into the station and see an army that was sent to deal with this before we arrived was incapacitated.

Erigor: Looks like we've attracted the attention of some flies.

I look up and see Erigor, the Reaper, floating above us.

Happy: Is that Erigor?

Lucy: Is he flying?

Erza: It's wind magic. We know about the Lullaby flute Erigor, stop what you're doing and we can end this without bloodshed.

Erigor: Hahaha! Oh there will be more bloodshed than you can imagine. I plan to play the flute over the speakers for all to hear. We were robbed of our rights and now I will pay them back by playing this flute over the speakers here.

Lucy: Killing a bunch of innocents won't get you your rights back!

Erigor: Personally, I don't care about rights anymore. I want revenge and power. Power gives you the ability to rewrite history and rule the future.

Kageyama: Sadly, none of you will ever see the future but only the afterlife when you die here.

Kageyama attacks Lucy but the conversation seemed to give Natsu enough time to get over his motion sickness and defends Lucy. I notice Erigor leaving.

Erza: Natsu! Gray! Go after Erigor, Lucy and I will deal with these ruffians!

Gray: Alright, just be careful!

Natsu: *growls* I'm fired up now!

Natsu and Gray leave but are followed by Kageyama and Rayule, the rest of them were about to follow, but-

Erza: Halt villains! The battle stops here.

Dark Wizard: You two really don't expect to take us all on at once?

Erza: Requip!

I requip my winged sword to my hand and take out several of the members of Eisenwald. Lucy uses her celestial keys to summon the spirit Cancer. I requip through several weapons, but the numbers are starting to overwhelm so-

Erza: Requip!

Erza: Heaven's Wheel Armor!

Lucy: I thought requip was only for weapons?

Happy: Erza is special, she has the unique ability to exchange entire sets of armor through a pocket dimension.

Erza: *activates spell* Circle Sword! Hyah!

The attack takes down the rest of the guild.

Erza: *exhale* *reverts back to Heart Kruez armor* Thanks for the back up Lucy.

Lucy: Oh, I didn't do much. You seemed to have everything under control.

Cancer: It's been a while since you've had a haircut. What gives, babe?

Erza: Why does this spirit address you in such a perverted manner?

Lucy: Honestly, I don't know.

Erza: *to Cancer* You should address Lucy with more respect.

Cancer: *scared* Y-Yes, Ma'am. I'll see you soon, Ms. Lucy. *disappears*

Erza: Lucy, it seems Kageyama and Rayule went after Natsu and Gray which means Erigor is still running loose somewhere, you should follow them.

Lucy: *freaked out* Who? Me?!

Erza: *annoyed* Just do it!

Lucy: *scared* Whatever you say! I don't want to make you angry! *runs out of the room with Happy*

After Lucy and Happy leave, fatigue finally hit me and I collapse to one knee.

Erza: Gray was right. I used up too much magic power with the four wheeler and just now. It'll be some time before I can be of use again.

Suddenly, I start to hear a commotion outside, like a gust of wind. I head outside and see a huge windstorm surrounding the station.

Erza: So, all this was just a trick.

Erigor: Indeed. *floats into view* You Fairy Tail flies were going to try and stop me, so I lured and trapped you here with a Wind Barrier.

I rush forward and punch to wind barrier, but am almost immediately thrown backwards, and I notice some bruises and scrapes on my left arm.

Erigor: Careful. If you try to break through it the barrier will tear you apart. You're lucky to only have some scrapes. Farewell, flies! *laughs maniaclly and flies away*

Erza: Damn.

(Y/n): *from the other side of the barrier* Erza! Mommy!

Erza: (Y/n)?!

(Y/n): What's going on?! *approaches*

Erza: (Y/n), don't touch the barrier!

(Y/n): Why?!

Erza: It's a Wind Barrier spell, it's sheer speed and force will tear you apart! Just wait by the four wheeler, I'll figure this out, *to herself* somehow.

(A/N): Well, that's a problem. But a problem for later. For those readers who are curious, I plan on finishing the Lullaby arc before working on another story, so if you're waiting for those, please be patient. Thanks, and I'll see next time. PEACE OUT!!!

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