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Erza POV

I have tried everything in my power to smash through the Wind Barrier, so to speed things along I start going to every Eisenwald member I have defeated and question them about what Erigor's real plan is. Well, when I say question....

Erza: *picks up dark wizard* You! What's Erigor's real plan? *punches him* *picks up another* Where is Erigor going?! *punches him* *picks up another* Why is Erigor really doing this?!

Gray: Erza! We've got bad news! I just figured out the Erigor has already escaped.

Erza: I know, and there is a wind barrier trapping us in here.

Gray: I saw it on my way here, but listen, Erigor's going to use the Lullaby to kill the Guild Masters, at the meeting in Clover!

Erza: *turns to dark wizard* Why didn't you tell me?! *as wizard faints* Gray, go find a dark wizard named Kageyama, I believe he has the ability to dispel magic seals.

Gray: Got it. *Gray leaves*

(Y/n): *from outside barrier* Erza?

Erza: (Y/n)? I asked you to wait by the four wheeler.

(Y/n): But I'm scared!

Erza: It's alright, I've got an idea. Just wait there, I'll find a way to you, promise.

I decide to look around the station for Kageyama myself and after hearing sounds of Natsu kicking ass, I finally find them and rush at them.

Erza: Natsu! *with sword in hand*

Natsu: *terrified* I don't know what I did wrong, but I'm sorry!

I leap past Natsu and hit Kageyama who was trying to shadow sneak through the wall.

Erza: *demanding* You will dispel that Wind Barrier and face punishment if anyone else dies today.

Kageyama: *intimidated* You can't be serious?

Natsu: *still in shock* Just do it, man. Erza is monster level scary.

After several tense minutes....

Kageyama: F-Fine, but it won't do you mich good against Eri- Ack!

Suddenly, Kageyama is stabbed by a hand appearing from within the wall.

Erza: No!

Natsu: Why would you do that to a fellow guildmate? *gets really angry* He trusted you to be his friend!

Natsu punches the mage through several walls in rage as Lucy shows up.

Gray: Great, now he's useless.

Erza: We can't let him die, he's our only way out of here! *shakes Kageyama*

Gray: There's no way he can use his magic in his condition.

Erza: If I force him to, he will!

I drag Kageyama back to the Wind Barrier outside and start telling him to get that barrier down.

Natsu: *gets idea* AH! *turns to Lucy* We could use your spirits!

Lucy: *confused* Huh?

Natsu: Remember, when we took down Everlue, I grabbed a spirit and travelled through some hole to you.

Lucy: It's dangerous, it's hard to breath in their world. I didn't care back then because that celestial key belonged to Everlue. Besides, using a spirit to travel to and from their world is a serious breach of contract. And even if we had all that, a spirit can only be summoned where the key holder is standing.

Natsu: Huh?

Lucy: It's never going to work!

Happy: *to himself* Everlue's key? Hold on........ *remembers* AH! Lucy I remembered what I wanted to tell you!

Lucy: *freaked out* What?!

Happy: Look!

Happy pulls out a golden celestial key, even I know that a gold one is rare, there are only 12 in existance, one for each of the zodiac.

Lucy: Where did you get that, you thief?!

Happy: After Everlue was arrested, Virgo's key was taken away from him, so she appraoched me and asked me to give her key to you.

Lucy: Oh, I'm sorry I called you a thief. May I please have the key?

Happy: Get me some fish when we get back and we're even.

Lucy: *takes key* Okay. Open, Gate of the Maiden, Virgo!

The maid Virgo appears and slightly bows to Lucy.

Virgo: Hello, Milady. Are you in need of assistance?

After some debate about her appearance, Lucy asks for Virgo to help get us out of here, and she happily does so by digging a hole underneath the barrier to the other side. As soon as I come out of the tunnel-

(Y/n): Erza!

I see (Y/n) relieved smile and happy tears as I quickly embrace him in a hug.

(Y/n): I'm so happy you're okay!

Erza: I told I'd find a way, didn't I, and a Fairy Tail wizard doesn't break their promises.

Lucy: Uhm, guys? Where's Natsu and Happy?

I look around and don't see either one here, then I piece it together.

Erza: They're going after Erigor! Everyone, into the four wheeler!

(Y/n): Who's that? *indicates Kageyama*

Erza: Someone who's hurt and needs help.

(Y/n): Even though he's bad guy?

Erza: A Fairy Tail wizard helps all in need. Now, let's go.

We all pile in and I start driving us fast to catch up to Natsu and Erigor.

(Y/n) POV

Kageyama: *labored* Why are you taking me with you?

Lucy: You are in terrible condition. The town is deserted do we're taking you to Clover to see a doctor. *surprised* WHOA!

Suddenly, the four wheeler hit a bumb and sent people all over the inside of the vehicle.

Gray: You okay?!

Erza: Everything is fine now!

Lucy: Oh my god, I'm so sorry.

Kageyama: Could your butt be any bigger?!

Lucy: *scoffs* Sexual Harassment! Kill him Gray!

(Y/n): Get off me!

Lucy: Sorry!

3rd Person POV

It was some time before Erza was able to catch up to the aftermath of the battle between Salamander and the Reaper. When they did, they saw Natsu standing tall while Erigor was face down in the dirt. Everyone minus (Y/n) got out of the four wheeler while Natsu celebrated his victory, supposedly like he proved he was stronger than Gray.

Kageyama was in shock that Erigor was defeated by, in his view, a weak Fairy Tail fly. As the heroes congratulate their fiery comrade, Kageyama eyed the Lullaby flute. The flute's eyes seem to light up purple as some strange voices were heard inside his head, urging him to use it to finish Erigor's mission...... So he did. Kageyama grabbed the flute and hijacked the four wheeler and sped of.

Erza: Kageyama!

Gray: What do you think you're doing?!

Kageyama: The Lullaby is mine now! You shouldn't have let your gaurd down flies! *laughes maniaclly*

The group was in shock as the car drove away, but as it does, Erza saw something even more worrying.

(Y/n): *scared* Mommy!

(Y/n) was still in the back of the car and as it sped away, Erza felt new energy and power well up inside her, she felt her magic power coming back and-

Natsu: That jerk!

Lucy: And after we showed mercy and tried to save his life?!

Erza: *rage* I'M GOING TO KILL HIM!

Erza suddenly requips into her Heaven's Wheel Armor and flies after the car, while the others try to follow.

Timeskip Later that Evening

(Y/n) POV

(Y/n): *fearful* Please, don't hurt me.

Kageyama: Stay here, you'll be joining the old geezers in eternal sleep momentarily.

(Y/n): Erza's going to beat you.

Kageyama: We'll see if she can withstand the power of the Lullaby. Now stay here and shut up fly!

Big meanie hits me and I fall back into the car.

3rd Person POV

Not far away from the meeting hall in Clover, Fairy Tail's Master, Makarov, is reading this week's Sorcerer's Weekly..... Swimsuit edition, sigh. Unbelnownst to him, and Kageyama for that matter, the two don't see one another. As soon as they catch one another, Kageyama tries to make up a ruse to get Makarov to listen to him play the flute. Just before he does though, his guildmates words run through his head, then Lucy and Gray's words of rebuke sound and make him hesitate.

Makarov: Well, I can't wait all night, young man...... *sighs* You realize that it's not going to change anything.

Kageyama looks at the old man surprised.

Makarov: You cannot change the fact that those who are weak will forever remain weak. Now, maybe it's just me, but I don't think that's a bad thing. I mean we humans are weak creatures by nature. Our insecurities are the reason guilds even exist, and they're why we have friends. When we're surrounded by allies it's easier to stay positive about the future. Think of it this way, if we're clumsy, then we may stumble and bump into things, but as long as we have faith in our future, we continue marching forward. Our inner strength emerges on it's own, but we have to choose that path and pledge to live our lives to the fullest. Don't let that silly flute get in the way.

Kageyama: ......... *drops flute* I-I-

Erza: *rage* Kageyama!

Kageyama: Uh-oh.

Erza flies in and tackles Kageyama dragging him across the ground and then pinning him underfoot and requipping a sword to her right hand.

Erza: Where is he?!

Kageyama: *struggles to speak* H-He-

Erza: Tell me where is my son is or I will run you through!

Happy: Erza!

Natsu: Don't do it!

Lucy: Erza!

(Y/n): Erza!

Erza hears his familiar voice and turns her head towards the bushes just as (Y/n) trips over a branch and falls face down on the ground. Erza seemed to regain all her senses, drops her sword and reverts to her Heart Kruez armor. As she rushes to (Y/n) and picks him up in a tight hug, she starts to shed a few tears.

Erza: Oh my baby. I'm so sorry.

(Y/n): I'm okay, Erza. Honest.

Erza: *deep breath of relief*

Makarov: Since when did Erza have a kid?

Happy: It's quite the story, Master.

Lullaby: *maniacal* Hahaha! I grow tired of you cowardly wizards and your antics!

Everyone looks at the flute shacked at what they heard as a cloud of smoke came out of the flute.

Happy: Something came out!

A gigantic purple magic circle appears and transforms the tiny flute into it's true demon form, then to scare the military that had just arrived, it destroyed a mountain with one attack.

Erza: *growls to herself* Master? *hands (Y/n) off to him* Watch over (Y/n). Natsu? Gray?

Gray: We've got your back Erza.

Natsu: Let's turn this flute into burnt twigs!

Erza: Requip!

Erza: Black Wing Armor!

(Y/n): *amazed* Whoa.

Harry: Erza's Black Wing Armor gives her attacks more destructive power!

Erza: Let's go!

The three wizards send various spells at the demon making a lot of holes but not really destroying it.

Gray: Ice Make: Lance!

Natsu: Ragh! Fire Dragon Iron Fist!

Lullaby: *grunts as it's hit* You're making me angry!

Lullaby finally powers up an attack and as a result-

Lucy: Look all the plants are dying!

Happy: The demon is sucking the life out of them.

Lullaby: One note and I will feast on your souls!

But what was supposed to sound like music sounded like just hot air with no tune.

Lucy: What happened?

Happy: Nothing happened!

Lullaby: What?! Why can't I play my song of death?!

Kageyama: It must be because of all those attacks.

(Y/n): They punch a lot! Heheh!

Lucy: Sheesh, talk about going out with a whimper.

Happy: Yeah, flutes are lame to begin with.

Lullaby: You dare insult me?!

Gray: Ice Make: Shield!

Suddenly, fire engulfs the entire area, but is then sucked up by Natsu.

Natsu: Oh yeah, now I've got a Fire in my belly!

Lullaby: You're not even human! You're a monster!

Lullaby punches but Natsu dodges and starts running up the demon's arm.

Natsu: Like you can talk!

Erza makes another attack with her sword.

Gray: Ice Make: Sawcer!

The attack hits the demon knocking it off balance.

Erza: Natsu!

Gray: Now!

Natsu: I've got this. With flame on my right and the flame on my left! Put the two together and this is what you get! Fire Dragon Brilliant Flame!

The fire attack completely annihilates the demon leaving nothing but a broken flute.

Lucy: There's no question, this is the strongest team in Fairy Tail!

Happy: Aye!

The crowd starts to cheer until someone points out.

Master 1: Yeah, they were great, but they completely overdid it!

Fairy Tail turn around and see the destruction caused by the battle.

Lucy: *freaked out* The entire meeting hall is gone!

Happy: *casually happy* Aye. There's also a couple of mountain tops missing.

(Y/n): Mommy!

Erza happily kneels down and catches (Y/m) as he jumps for her, and despite the angry mob, she had a smile as she hugged him. Then the mob starts chasing Fairy Tail out of town, then scene cuts to black..... Heheheh!

(A/N): *chuckles* CUT! Alright, good take! Take lunch, and if you don't have a wallet like some stupid people, I'm just kidding I love you, then there's catering in the cafeteria. We'll get back to this tomorrow.

Thank you amazing readers for reading so far, I hope to figure put how the reader's character will unlock his magic by the time a new chapter comes out, hopefully. Have a great day/night, and I'll see you next time. PEACE OUT!!!

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