Finding the Kid

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Erza POV

I am walking back to the city of Magnolia, with the monster horn from my recently finished job when I hear mock laughter and punches being landed. Reminding myself of my duty to Magnolia and Fairy Tail, I follow the noise until I come upon a gruesome scene. Five adult men are beating an innocent boy and one of them has a knife. Do they plan to torture him? I don't know and I don't care because they're not going to get that far. I slam the horn on the ground and get they're attention.

Erza: HEY!

Man 1: *turns around* What do you want woman!

Erza: I am giving you one chance. You will stop what you're doing and leave Magnolia for good.

Man 2-5: HAHAHAHA!

Man: 1: Who do you think you are, huh?!

Erza: I am Erza Scarlet of the Fairy Tail Guild and I will not tolerate this behaviour in my city.

To emphasis my point I requip two swords to my hands and prepare for a fight. Though I guess my threat was enough to make most of the men scared and run away. The last one however, just smirks and unsheathes an axe from his back. The big man charges at me and I move quickly and slash the man and he keels over, still alive but no longer a threat to anyone. I look over at the boy who had moved to the corner of the alleyway and look him over. I have seen this kid a few times, and now I am ashamed I didn't do something to help him sooner. This kid has lots of bruises and cuts from this encounter, through his torn clothes I can see older scars and his lanky frame which tells me he's been on his own for a long time.

Erza: It's alright, little one.

I move to him and try to touch but he flinches away, probably has never had a positive interaction with an adult before.

Erza: It's alright, I'm not going to hurt you.

The boy continued to cower with his face in his knees, I reach into my pocket and pull out an apple I had with me and offered it to him. He looked up and saw what I was giving him, his licked his chops a little but hesitated to take the apple. I offer it to him and he slowly took it and looked at me. I had a smile on my face and he started eating the apple, he burped after eating it which caused me to chuckle a little as he covered his mouth and saying sorry. I simply put my hand on his head and gently rubbed it.

Erza: Hey wanna come with me? I can give you food, a bed and friendly people I like to call family.

I stood up and held out my hand, he looked at me and hope began to flicker in his eyes once again. He took my hand, I lifted the monster horn and led him back to the guild. Then I asked....

Erza: What's your name?

????: I-I was never given one.

I was heartbroken to hear that, this kid left on his own without a name and no one to love. I then think for a moment and come up with a good name.

Erza: Well then, how does.....(Y/n) sound?

(Y/n): *tearing up* I like it.

Erza: Well I'm Erza Scarlet and I'm a wizard of the Fairy Tail Guild. Let's go home.

I guide him back to Fairy Tail and as soon as I walked up to the door I could hear all the ruckus on the inside and remembered all the complaints I've been hearing about my fellow guildmates lately. Ugh, when will they learn, I then feel (Y/n) hug my leg and I look down and see he is a little scared. I gently rub his head and reassure him that they're not mean just like to rough house. I then kick the door open and walk in and drop the monster horn and announce.

Erza: I have returned. Where is Master Makarov?

Mira: Welcome back Erza. The master is away at a meeting of the guild masters.

A guildmate then asks about the horn and I tell them how the locals of her last job decorated it for her as a souvenir.

Erza: *scolding* Do you have a problem with it?

Guildmate: *scared* Uh, no ma'am!

Erza: Now, listen up! While I was on the road, I heard a few things! Word is that Fairy Tail is causing nothing but trouble as of late! Master Makarov may not care but I most certainly do! Cana, you need to start controlling your drinking.

As Cana flinches from the scolding and puts down the giant barrel of whiskey.

Erza: Vijeeter, *acknowledging the guy in a supposed dance pose* please take the dancing outside! Wakaba, *to the guy smoking* get rid of that filthy habit! Nab, *to the guy next the request board* I thought I might find you skulking there! Just pick a job! Macao....*sigh*

Macao: *really scared* Just say something.

Erza: *rubbing the bridge of her nose* I don't even know where to begin with you, you cause so much trouble I've almost given up.

I then feel a small hand grab my hand, I look down and see (Y/n) looking into my eyes with a little shyness. I calm down from tearing into everyone and get everyone's attention again.

Erza: One more thing, this is (Y/n) and he will be the newest member of Fairy Tail. I have decided to take him under my care but everyone will help out if I'm not around. I expect you to treat him with kindness and Natsu don't you dare try and start a fight or I'll tear you to pieces!

Natsu: *wimpy* Aye, Sir!

I pick up (Y/n) and carry him over to a bar stool, because that's all that's there, and when I do, I feel how skinny and light he really is.

Erza: Mira, we got any food left for him?

Mira: Of course, *grabs wood cup* and a cool cup of water to go with it.

(Y/n) takes a quick drink then says-

(Y/n): *shy* T-T-Thank you.

Mira: *giggles* Aw, aren't you the sweetest thing.

I smirk a little as Mira gets (Y/n) some pulled chicken and rice and eats the whole plate, I keep a gentle hand on his back and instinctually start rubbing it. (Y/n) looks up at me and smiles and I can see his beautiful (E/C) eyes grow brighter, as if a glimmer of hope had returned. I smile back and continue rubbing his back, until an explosion is heard.

Natsu: Try saying that to my face you ice breathing freak!

Gray: Pink haired punk!

Suddenly, (Y/n) grabs me and hold himself close against me, I instictively wrap an arm around him and with my other arm, I throw a stool at the two idiots.

Erza: Stop what you're doing, right now!

Gray: But he-

Erza: I don't care what you're excuse is. Fight one more time and you'd better start digging your graves!

Natsu: *scared* Aye.

(Y/n): *whimpers*

Erza: *looks down at (Y/n)* It's alright (Y/n). I won't let anyone hurt you ever again.

(Y/n) continued holding me, so I just lift him up and decide to carry him to my home at Fairy Hills, a Fairy Tail girls only dorm complex.

Erza: *opens door* And this is where I live.

(Y/n): *coos in awe inspired wonder*

Erza: Now, I would ask that you not touch any of the armor's so they don't fall on you and possibly hurt you, ok?

(Y/n): Okay.

Erza: Now, let's get you cleaned up.

I take him to the bathroom and remove his disgusting, torn garments. I throw his old clothes away and get some warm water going, I look at (Y/n) waiting for him to get in the tub, but he's hesitant.

Erza: It's just bath water, there's nothing to be afraid of.

I take his hand in mine and guide him into the tub, he sits and gets used to the water for a moment as I undress myself as well and join him. I start by shampooing his hair, but I don't wash it out just yet, so I gently scrub his body with the soaped sponge. As I wash off the soap, I can see more clearly the scars he's sustained, some are recent, while others are really old and faded. This caused me to shed a tear as I wonder about everything this poor, innocent child has been going through.

Even though I washed (Y/n)'s hair twice, it was still matted, so I took a pair of scissors and cut his hair, he did look a lot more relaxed and comfortable when I finished. I couldn't understand why he was initially nervous about me bathing with him, but as I continued washing him, (Y/n) eventually relaxed more.

Cleaning done, I wrap a towel around me and then lift (Y/n) out of the tub and gently dry him off with another towel.

Erza: Wait here, I'll find you something to wear tonight and we'll shop tomorrow for clothing more your size and style. Deal?

(Y/n): *shakily nods* Deal.

Erza: *rubs top of (Y/n)'s head* I'll be right back. Promise.

I leave (Y/n) in the bathroom and find a pair of pj's for the night, and while they are pink, they will have to do. I return with said pj's and help him dress for bed, afterwards he looks around the bedroom and asks very shyly.

(Y/n): W-w-whe-where do I sleep?

Erza: *looks around* Well, I suppose you're stuck in my bed with me tonight.

(Y/n): *mumbles indistinctly*

Erza: *firm* Speak up when you talk to me.

(Y/n): *flinches then crouches covering himself in fear*

I realize there that maybe I came on too strong and kneeled down to him and touched his knee with my left hand-

(Y/n): *while keeping himself covered* Don't hurt me, please!

Erza: *deep breath* (Y/n)? Please look at me when I'm talking to you.

(Y/n) shakily looks up at me with fear still in his eyes, I slowly and gently rest my left hand on his right shoulder.

Erza: I apologize for my tone, my inexperience does not excuse me for raising my voice at you when you did nothing wrong. I'm sorry.

(Y/n) does relax a little but he still doesn't say anything.

Erza: Please, until I can get you a bed of your own, you will share my bed with me, okay?

(Y/n): *nods*

Erza: Now get under the blankets and I'll join you in a minute, please.

(Y/n) hesitantly climbs into bed and I go and change into my pajamas, I then climb under the covers with him and wrap an arm around him and hold (Y/n) close. I then tell him....

Erza: Goodnight, (Y/n).

........ I wait and just decide to close my eyes and get some sleep.

(Y/n): Goodnight, Erza.

I smile and fall asleep readying myself for the challenges that may lay ahead if (Y/n) is going to be a proud member of Fairy Tail.

(A/N): Whoa! It's finally happening! You've all been waiting for this story and I am delivering on it as a Christmas present for all of you. I wanted to get this out on Christmas Eve, but holiday travel delayed by a freak snowstorm in the mountains didn't help, but it's here. MERRY CHRISTMAS!

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