Forming A Bond

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Erza POV

I was having a nightmare about my past when I suddenly wake and sit up in a cold sweat. I breath heavily as I cup my hand to my face and shed a tear. I then noticed I didn't feel (Y/n) next to me, I frantically turned my head looking for him. Then I get the thought of turning on the lantern next to me bed and I finally see (Y/n) cowering in the corner with his head in his knees.

Erza: *exhale* *stands and walks over to (Y/n)*

I kneel down and touch his head, he didn't flinch away, but he did raise his head to look at me, he had remnants of tears running down his face.

Erza: *affectionate smile* You had a nightmare too, huh?

(Y/n): *sniffles* *nods* Yes.

I wrap my arms around his back and under him then pick him up and hold him close to me. I take us back to bed and as I sit down, I gently rub his back and suddenly remember a song that my own mother sang to me when I was little.

Ezra: *singing*

Come stop your crying
It'll be alright
Just take my hand
Hold it tight
I will protect you
From all around you
I will be here
Don't you cry

For one so small
You seem so strong
My arms will hold you
Keep you safe and warm
This bond between us
Can't be broken
I will be here don't you cry

Cause you'll be in my heart
Yes, you'll be in my heart
From this day on
Now and forever more

You'll be in my heart
No matter what they say
You'll be here in my heart

*normal voice* Always.

I held and rocked (Y/n) until I hear him snoring, I smile as I feel something I haven't felt in a long time, peace. I keep holding (Y/n) close to me as I get us under the blanket and- *trails off as she yawns* Good night.

Timeskip Next Morning

I flutter my eyes open as the sound of morning birds fills the air, I still feel (Y/n) in my arms, but I remind myself we've got a lot to do today.

Erza: (Y/n)? Time to wake up.

(Y/n): Mmm. Five more minutes, Mommy.

Erza: *confused* (Y/n)? Wake up, we've got stuff to do today.

(Y/n) groggily opens his eyes and yawns as he stretches, he looks at me and grows a small smile with a hint, still, of shyness. I place and gentle hand on (Y/n)'s shoulder and he looks up at me again.

Erza: Good morning, (Y/n).

(Y/n): M-Morning, Ms. Erza.

Erza: Just Erza will be fine. You don't need to be so formal with me.

(Y/n): O-Okay.

Erza: Now, let's get washed up and ready for the day, we've got some shopping to do.

(Y/n): What's shopping?

Regardless, I requip my armor and get (Y/n) dressed, we then head for the Guild Hall after saying good morning to some of the girls. We enter the Guild Hall and it's surprisingly light on company, the others must be sleeping in.

Mira: Good morning, Erza. And good morning to you, young (Y/n).

(Y/n): H-H-Hi.

Erza: What's for breakfast, Mira?

Mira: Red beans and rice with smoked sausage.

Erza: Two plates then, please?

Mira: Coming right up.

Erza: Thank you.

(Y/n): Why say please? Or thank you?

Erza: It's called being polite and respectful to a friend or a stranger you've just met. Be polite when you first meet and they may end up being friendly.

(Y/n): Okay.

Mira: Alright, here we are, a hearty breakfast for two proud members of Fairy Tail.

Erza: Thanks.

(Y/n): *imitates* Um, thanks.

Mira: *blushes playfully* Oh, you're welcome, (Y/n).

(Y/n) and I eat then head into town, first stop, the Tailor.

Tailor Shopkeep: Ah, Titania, Erza, you're looking fashionable as always, how can I help you today?

Erza: I am here to get some measurements for my young friend here. *indicates (Y/n)*

Tailor Shopkeep: Well, well, when did you get a kid?

Erza: I found him being hurt by some thugs just down the street.

Tailor Shopkeep: *recogniztion* Oh, I remember now. I would ask him to make deliveries for me in exchange for food sometimes. *walks around desk* Go ahead and pick a style or brand and we'll get measurments.

Erza: Alright. *turns to (Y/n)* Okay (Y/n), see anything you like?

(Y/n) looks at the different styles unsure of what to pick, but he does eventually points at a steel colored material with a shield outline as a graphic.

Tailor Shopkeep: Ah, the Iron Mountain Company, a fine choice for an aspiring warrior.

Erza: Is that the one you like?

(Y/n): *shy murmuring*

Erza: (Y/n)? What did we say about mumbling when speaking to someone?

(Y/n): *clearly* Y-Yes, I like this one.

Erza: Alright then, Iron Mountian it is.

Tailor Shopkeep: Very well. Let's take him to a dressing room and get his measurments.

Erza: Please note that he is currently malnourished and skinny.

Tailor Shopkeep: So make the measurements at least twice as big so he grows into them, got it.

(Y/n) clung onto my skirt not wanting me to leave, so I end up following into the dressing room to keep him calm. Half an hour later, measurements are finished and the Tailor uses his own magic to make the sewing needles, well, sew the multiple sets of clothes I have commissioned, I even asked for some boots for (Y/n). (Y/n) and I actually went to get lunch back at the Guild Hall while we waited for the Tailor to finish. We still waited after three hours, so I decide to stop at a woodworker's stand.

Woodworker: Good afternoon, Ms. Can I help you?

Erza: Good afternoon. I was curious if you had any child sized bed frames ready?

Woodworker: I am actually just about to finish one up, made entirely out of Oak wood. Where is the intended destination for delivery?

Erza: You can drop it off at the Fairy Tail Guild Hall, if I'm not there leave it with Mirajane Strauss. *pays for bed frame* Please.

Woodworker: Of course, I'll deliver it personally as soon as she's finished.

Erza: Thank you very much.

(Y/n) and I then head to a toy store and he picks out some games and toys for himself to play with when we're travelling or whatever the situation asks for. While I have my back turned though, I don't notice someone approaches and was talking to someone near me.

Woman: There you are.


Woman: *feigned concern* Where have you been? I've been looking everywhere for you.

(Y/n): *whimpers*

I turn around see a woman in tight leather pants and a leather jacket over top a white shirt of some sort.

(Y/n): *terrified* Please, don't hurt me?

Woman: As long as you give me what you owe me, then we won't have any problems.

(Y/n): *hesitates* ..... I can't.

Woman: *growing impatient* You can't or you won't?

(Y/n): *speech starts breaking* I can't!

Woman: *angry* You will, you little brat! *reaches for (Y/n)*

That's it! I quickly grab the woman's outstretched wrist with my right hand, she then scowls at me.

Woman: Stay out of this, you bitch!

Erza: *firm* You dare speak to my friend this way?

Woman: This brat is your friend?

I then requip a sword to my left hand and block an incoming overhead axe swing with little effort, then summon more and point them at various other delinquents that I noticed had surrounded us.

Erza: Yes, and as of yesterday afternoon, he is under the protection of the Fairy Tail Guild.

The woman finally sees my Guild symbol and though she tries to hide it, I can tell she's starting to get scared.

Erza: (Y/n) is my friend and I will defend him as if he were my own family. *threatening* So, you want to get to him, you've got to go through me, or more accurately, I go through you.

The woman retracts her hand, waves it to the other delinquents that had surrounded me and (Y/n), they all backed away and left the market. My sword disappears and I turn and kneel down to (Y/n) who was fighting hard to hold back tears. I put my hands on his shoulders and he finally let's the tears loose.

(Y/n): *crying heavily* I'm sorry, Erza.

Erza: Oh, there's nothing to be sorry about.

(Y/n): *through the heavy tears* I was so scared!

Erza: *pulls (Y/n) into a hug* Shh, shh. It's alright now. It's all over.

(Y/n) continues crying into my shoulder, I actually pick him up and walk us back to the tailor, pick up his clothes and walk back to the Guild hall, all the while he slowly calmed his crying but I could still hear him sniffle occassionally. I walk into the Guild Hall and set (Y/n) on a bar stool and talk to Mira.

Erza: Mira? Can you make him some roast chicken and a cup of hot chocolate, please?

Mira: Of course. By the way a delivery with your name on it is at the front door.

Erza: Thank you. *turns to (Y/n)* Shh, it's all over now.

I then see Natsu and Gray fighting again and I remember something worrysome I overheard while on my way home yesterday.

Erza: *to (Y/n)* I need to talk to Natsu and Gray, I'll be right over there.

(Y/n) nods as his food and hot chocolate arrive.

Erza: *commanding* Natsu. Gray.

Gray: *nervous* Oh, hey Erza. We're just hanging out like good friends tend to do.

Natsu: *whimpers* Aye.

Lucy: *concerned* Why does Natsu sound like Happy?

Erza: Come on, even the best of friends fight sometimes.

Gray: I wouldn't say best friend.

Natsu: *whimpers* Aye.

Erza: I need your help, on the way here yesterday I overheard some troubling things. Normally, I would wait for Master Makarov to make a decision, but I fear time is of the essence. Will you work with me?

I could tell Natsu and Gray were not thrilled about working together, but I put a pin in that for now and the two agree. I then hear Happy making fun of (Y/n)'s clothes he's currently wearing, which were mine, and I end up punching the stupid cat in the head. Afterwards, I pick up (Y/n) and carry him to Fairy Hills and let him change into his new pajamas, but something has been nagging me all day long.

Erza: (Y/n)?

(Y/n): Yes, Erza?

Erza: Do you remember calling me a name this morning?

(Y/n): No. *nervous* I hope it wasn't mean or o-o-offense. I'm sorry!

Erza: Shh, shh. It wasn't anything offensive and I'm not mad. I'm just curious, *deep breath* you called me Mommy this morning, why is that?

(Y/n) suddenly grew really nervous and blushes very heavily, his starts stuttering when he tries to respond, I just kneel down from my chair and place my hands on his shoulders.

(Y/n): I-I-I'm s-s-sorry. I..... g-g-guess I just r-r-really w-w-w-wanted one. I'm sorry.

I have to admit, I did feel really strong posotive feelings for (Y/n), and I guess along the way in the past 24 hours, something within me changed, I would love to keep him as my own. So, I lift his head by his chin and gently make him look at me, he sees I have a content expression and smile on my face as I tell him.

Erza: You may call me Mommy from now on, alright.

(Y/n): *hopeful* R-Really?!

Erza: Yes, but when it's only the two of us.

(Y/n): Okay! *sniffles with happiness* Thank you, Mommy!

(Y/n) jumps into my arms and I warmly embrace him, I decided to make (Y/n)'s bed in the morning, at this point I was too happy to let sleep in his own bed just for one more night. So, I get us under to covers and I hold (Y/n) close as I fall asleep with a smile on my face.

(A/N): Okay and, CUT! Great work everyone. Take lunch and we'll get back to it tomorrow.

Thanks to all of you amazing readers for your patience and support. I have a endgame storyline for this story but I completely forgot about to think of how they get there so, my apologies for my tardiness. Anyways, I wish you all a great rest of your day/night and I'll see you all next time. PEACE OUT!!!

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