👾CH. 12👾

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"Babe, watch your feet. You'll stab them instead of the fishes."

I huffed out a breath at Namjoon's words, clearly annoyed by the slippery little things that still continue to frustrate me since day one.

Fun fact: Since I began calling Namjoon as 'babe' ever since our very first interaction, he had jokingly called me 'babe' back. We basically act like a cringe couple to annoy everyone else for the fun of it. They always complain about us being too cliche and gross. It's actually hilarious.

"But, babeee," I stifled a laugh as I noticed Jungkook giving me a stank face behind Namjoon as he was making his way over to us. "They get on my nerves." I continued.

"Sorry Diana, I'm really clumsy. So don't expect me to help. I don't like seafood as it is." Namjoon chuckled. I let out a laugh this time, "I know. Thanks for keeping me company, anyway." I smiled.

"Oh good, you two stopped your stupid couple act." Jungkook grimaced.

I giggled, "Why? Do you want to be the one to have couple quarrels like ours?" I wiggled my brows and Jungkook crouched down beside the water to splash me, "I'm good." He replied with a smug smile.

I scoffed as my hair got wet from that and glared at the cheeky boy. "A 'no' would've sufficed as an answer, you brat." I grumbled and splashed him in return, grinning slyly as he stumbled onto his butt from the water on his face, not expecting to taste his own medicine. My smile faltered when I noticed Jungkook stick his tongue out to his cheek. That's when you realise you fucked up.

"I'm gonna go," Namjoon piped up, clearly wanting to stay dry. "You two have fun." He chuckled and scurried away, knowing the on coming chase game that will ensue.

I let out a scream full of fear when I noticed Jungkook rolling up his pants. He's getting in the water!!


"Stay where you are Bunny boy!" I yelled at him and stepped further into the shallow lake. I nearly tripped when I felt a fish grazing my ankle but held my ground. I cried out in misery when he didn't stay where he was and entered the water with eyes screaming 'you're in for it'.

"TAEHYUNG!!" I shrieked out and heard his distant laughter. His footsteps came closer and he peered over the edge of the lake as I walked further away from an approaching man-child.

"Where are you going, Ana?" Taehyung called out, "Ahhh away from this guy!" I pointed towards Jungkook who pushed through the water, more determined than ever.

"YAHH, you're getting too far into the water! Jungkook, Diana, get back here!" Jin's voice hollered in worry.

"They'll be fine." Yoongi chimed in, an amused smile plastered onto his face as he joined Taehyung's side to enjoy the scene.

"Come face me like a warrior, coward!" Jungkook grinned deviously and I shook my head furiously, the water already reaching my waist as I moved further. "Stay away from me, you man-child! Go spend your energy on something or someone else!!" I whined.

I was literally moving in the water for my life. Being chased is scary and I know I shouldn't find this so scary when a whole ass beast has chased me down twice before. It's just Jungkook's face held that shining glint in his eyes, taking my retreating figure as a challenge to capture and the smile on his face was that of a merciless devil I wanted nothing to do with.

"BABES HELP ME!" I cried out in pure fear. Namjoon shook his head at my call, "You'll be fine, babe! I believe in you." He chuckled.

"Stop laughing at me!" I complained and whined some more when the water was levelled a little over my chest.

"Jungkook, stop chasing me! You literally splashed me first!" I scowled. That's it, I'm swimming to the other side. That boy was still chest levelled with the water. I hate his benefiting height at this very moment.

I took a deep breath and began kicking on the water behind me to swim ahead while I paddled my arms. I kept my head over the surface because I did not want salt water in my mouth. Or eyes.

My kicking turned faster when I heard another splash similar or mine.


How big is this lake again??? ㅠㅠ

I screamed in shock when I felt a hand grab at my ankles, yanking me back and making my head dip underwater. I didn't get to catch my breath!!

And my eyes!!! It BURNS—

I gasped and coughed when I was helped back out of the water, a firm grip on muscular, upper arms of the culprit for my completely soaked body. He was laughing like an idiot as I gasped for air, not being able to before I was pulled under.

"Aish," I huffed, bringing one hand to rub the water out of my eyes. "Where did you think you could've run off to?" Jungkook laughed, keeping my over the water as we were already neck-level deep. "Anywhere away from you! I swear I nearly lost my soul when you started chasing me!" I hit his chest to compensate for the longest fright I had to endure and escape from.

"Aww, I scared you?" He giggled, one hand helping some of my hairs out of my face, which I was grateful for. "You're literally a muscle man-child that can talk and sported a look only the devil wears. Of course, I got scared." I wanted to roll my eyes but the salt water in my eyes was making me blink too much.

However, not long before I managed to overcome the stinging, I came to realise that I snapped out of some sort of immunity towards him because right now, I swear I felt all of my blood run to my face.

Since my feet barely touched the ground but his did, he was helping me keep my head up by holding me by the waist with his arms wrapped securely.

Not only that but this boy looked too good with his wet hair. His LONG, wet hair.

Oh fishsticks. Am I looking at my doom right now?

Jungkook's playful eyes turned worried when he noticed my red face and his smile faltered, "Hey, is something wrong? Did I hurt you? Fever? Your face is turning red." He pointed out and brought one hand out of the water to feel my burning face. He gasped, "You—! Y-you're turning more red!" His eyes widened in disbelief when I brushed off his worries immediately while looking at anywhere but him.

I slapped his hand away.

Touching me like that wouldn't help now would it, you clueless idiot?!

"I'm fine! It's just the- the adrenaline!" I let out a white lie. "Did I really spook you that much?" He quirked a brow at my claim, unbelieving of my words.

Believe my words, you quick-witted goob!

He kept trying to grab my face, and as caring and endearing as it may seem, he was basically asking for my face to burst into flames, which- by the way, is not how I want to die. No thank youuuuu

Jungkook huffed when I swatted at his hand again and raised a brow at my lack of eye contact. Maybe, he just might have taken notice of the way my upper body tried to lean away as discreetly as it could because my legs were flushed against his.

They felt like freaking bricks- no, no, Diana think of fluffy soft goodies. Soft blankets, clouds, cotton candy, iron thighs- no, bAD

"Wait..." Jungkook suddenly voiced, tone resounding a feeling of realisation.

I gulped when he slowly chimed in again. "Are you feeling.. shy?" His eyes widened with delight and a teasing smirk made its appearance.

"G-Get your delusional head out of the gutter,"

Aw crackers. I stuttered. Frick frick- oh god, don't look at me!

Jungkook scoffed out a laugh and began to shove himself closer to my face, enjoying my tomato face too much now that he's figured me out.

This piece of a half-eaten biscuit—

"Y-YAH, DON'T-" I shrieked when he leaned his body forward, making me move under as a result and not wanting to succumb underwater I clutched tightly around his neck to keep myself over the surface. All he did was laugh.

He was enjoying this way too much. He's doing this on purpose!!!

Having had enough, I smacked my palm over his face to push it away as he tried to catch my eye. "Look at me!" He muffled out through my hand and I yelped at the hot, ticklish feeling.

"DID YOU JUST LICK MY HAND?!" I screeched while he crunched his face in disdain, most likely from the salty taste. "Ack! That was a bad idea- pfffuh!!" He grimaced, blowing a raspberry at the intense saltiness. Serves him right!

"Stop acting so close, you two!! Get back here!!"

Both, mine and Jungkook's head spun towards the source and noticed everyone else watching at a far distance by the camp. "We are close!" Jungkook yelled back and turned to smirk at me when I smacked at his chest with wide eyes. I felt my cheeks burn again, completely forgetting that the others were watching.

"You guys go ahead! We're coming!" I shouted back and made a motion of getting out of Jungkook's hold but paused when his grip tightened. My eyes snapped to his and widened at the intensity he sported in his gaze. "Come on, bambi, we should get back." I said, patting at his forearm to silently ask him to let go.

"I know, but hold on," he retorted, slightly distracted. I pursed my lips when he turned slightly and adjusted me to the side, keeping a firm grip around me with one hand while the other remained free. I exchanged a look of confusion between him and the water he so intensely stared before gazing at the general direction he was looking to find out what had caught his attention.

My eyes widened when I spotted something move underwater and sparkled. "Oh, there's something here," I pointed out and he hummed in response. I tried to slip out of his hold to try and dive underwater to grab it but he only tightened his grip, making me grunt and look back at him.

He gave me a stern look which made me raise a brow, "What? I'm just going to see what it is." I frowned in wonder. Jungkook brought his free hand to my face and flicked my forehead, making me groan, "Ow! What the flip?" I scowled.

"You really think I'd let you get close to whatever that is, after what I saw you went through?" He cocked a brow at me, daring me to try and see what happens if I do.

You know, all of a sudden, I think I'd rather be with Jin right now. No reason.

Not at all :)

"You know what? Let's go back, yeah?" I smiled weakly, nudging on the arm he's so firmly wrapped around my mid-riff so I can get back by myself. I've had enough of being so close to him, I think I might just die from over-heating so thank goodness we're in water right now because I would be in flames right about now.

If I don't get away from this godly man any time soon, I might start making the water boil.

Jungkook narrowed his eyes at me from my silent request to let go.

What nowww??

"You stay put. I'll bring you back personally to make sure you don't go diving for things we've yet to figure out." He stated and began to make a move back to the others who sported annoyed expressions.

Oh jeez... they look really irritated. I wonder why, though. Possibly from impatience? I did tell them not to wait though... so that couldn't really be the reason.

I gripped onto Jungkook's shirt when the water-level rose slightly as he crossed the middle-region of the lake. I swam over this, why he insists to carry me all the way back is beyond my understanding.

"You're going to be underwater at this point, just let me go and I'll swim over." I suggested, a little worried when he lifted me slightly higher, keeping his grip at my upper thighs now, so my face stays over the water. His neck was underwater and honestly, swimming back would've been so much faster.

"Just let me do what I need to do," Jungkook huffed. I scoffed and brought one my hands under water before bringing the water along to splash his stubborn arse. "You persistent child, I can swim on my own. I won't come back if that's what you intend to achieve. Also this is most definitely not a 'need' to do." I stated and paused.

He did not look happy, right now. He seemed to enjoy what he was doing before but now that his face was dripping with lake-water because of, oh so lovely me, he seemed to think over something.

"You have it coming now, Diana." He threatened, grinning at whatever was going through his head and my eyes widened.

Because I watch as he disappears underwater though his grip around my legs never left. I screamed in surprise when I suddenly moved forward with much more speed before I got lifted over a wide shoulder and was hanging half-upside down over Jungkook.

"Jungkook!" I screeched out, fearing for my face as it faced the ground and his freaking butt.

"I will literally spank you. Let me down!" I demanded as I kicked at my legs. "Try me! Hit me and you have it coming right back." Jungkook warned confidently.

My jaw fell, "You wouldn't!"

This boy just said he would spank me back!

"Alright you two, enough goofing around. You're all wet! What if you catch a cold?" Jin huffed, coming over to slide me off of Jungkook's shoulder.

"Ah, sweets! My saviour!" I smiled, happy to be free from the muscle man-child. I went in for a hug but grunted when Jin placed a firm hand to my shoulder, "As much as I would like to hug you, dear, you're dripping wet. I don't want to risk catching a cold." Jin chuckled as I pouted at him in dismay. I always liked all the hugs he's given me. Why did I get wet again? Oh right. Scary Jungkook on the chase.

I made a sound of surprise when another hand yanked at my shoulder, "I will!" Taehyung's happy voice chimed from behind me, making me smile instantly. "Aww that's why you're my favourite, darling!" I exclaimed, turning to return his inviting hug. Taehyung giggled happily as he nuzzled close.

"Oh, get a room." Yoongi groaned, shoving his way in between and separating me and Tae as a result. Namjoon snorted at that, "Just say you want a hug, too and get over it, man." He laughed.

I grinned deviously at a gaping rapper who glared at Namjoon with incredulity, "Whoever told you I wanted any of that?" He spluttered.

Taehyung and I made eye contact and shared a silent agreement with subtle nods before turning to Yoongi who just now noticed our grins.

His eyes widened and he put his hands in front, "No. Stay away from me. You're both wet. Whatever it is you're planning, stop." He commanded immediately before letting out whiny complains as we both jumped to chase after him and surround him with our hugs.

Everyone knows that he hates water so what better way to get to this cutie-pa-tutie than to hug him while we're wet.

"I said no!" Yoongi hollered as he rushed away from our persistent approach.

"Yah, Jungkook! Why are you going back in?!" Jin's voice put all of us to a pause as we turned to see what the said boy was upto.

"There's something over there!" He pointed and disappeared underneath the water as he dived to reach it faster. I stopped my chasing and made my way over towards the edge of the lake.

All of us watched as Jungkook poked his head over the water before lifting his hand up which occupied something shiny. "It's a wine bottle! There's some rolled up paper inside!!" He exclaimed from where he stood.

I raised a brow, "What is this now? A legitimate Treasure hunt?" I questioned out loud and Jin shook his head, "If that thing doesn't hold any leads for us then this world is just a bitch." I gasped childishly at his words, not expecting to hear such a word coming out of his mouth.

Jin seemed to realise what left his mouth and slapped a hand over his mouth, his wide eyes turning to me, "Forget I ever said anything, Diana. I can't be the reason you say curses out loud." He pleaded. Even though I've said profanities plenty of times in front of this man, he still views me as an innocent bean that shouldn't corrupt herself with such vulgar words.

Basically, he's ignoring the fact that I have a potty mouth just sprinkled over with rainbows. It actually became a habit after my past, much worse potty mouth caught onto my little bro's so I censored mine to avoid becoming the reason he learns it all. I've been sprinkling them with goodies since then.

The splashing of water took my attention to settle on a completely drenched bunny boy as he held onto the tinted bottle. I immediately noticed the tiny, rolled up paper sitting idly inside.

I turned back to Jin with a smug face, "Remember when I told you leads could be anywhere around us?" I smirked. Jin rolled his eyes, "Yeah, yeah you were right. Don't act so smug. We don't know if it'll even play a part in helping us out of here." He grumbled before he smiled fondly at me, catching me off-guard, "Though, you are a clever girl. I've stopped questioning anything you do since day two. I just stopped you before because I was worried about the cut on your back." He pouted in the end and my gaze softened, touched. "Aw, sweets—"

"It's useless." Jungkook's voice cut through with a frustrated sigh. Both Jin's and my eyes snapped to him with frowns.

"What? Why?? Is it blank?" I asked, making my way over to see for myself. Jungkook shook his head, "It only mentions one word, here - 'within.' It's useless." Jungkook huffed, pushing his bangs out of his face with a frown of dismay.

I sported the same look as I silently asked for the paper, looking down at the plain paper before furrowing my brows in confusion, "Actually, it's written 'The' here. I don't see any 'within' written, kook." I stated, pointing my finger to the lone word written at the very center of the paper.

Jungkook frowned more deeply, "Are you deceiving yourself? it clearly says 'within' Right where you're pointing." He stated.

Namjoon pursed his lips in thought, "Can I take a look?" He asked and I nodded, handing over the small paper to him. Namjoon raised a brow, "It says 'the' for me, too." He stated. I smiled smugly at Jungkook who let out a 'huh' in response.

"Am I the only one seeing another word?" He frowned, worried. I felt kind of bad that he was questioning his own eyes with sad doe eyes. It was kinda cute but still sad as he looked like a child who just realised santa doesn't exist.

I know I threw a huge tantrum when I found out.

"Hyung, what do you see?" Namjoon's voice made me look over to see what he was upto and watched as Yoongi took a look and his own frown turned prominent, "Uh... 'lies' is what I see." He mumbled, bringing a hand to slide over the back of his ears.

Taehyung titled his head to the side, "What?? That doesn't make any sense. Namjoon hyung and Diana see the same word while Jungkookie and Yoongi hyung see two completely different words?" He observed and I nodded, just as clueless about what's going on.

"Jin hyung?" Namjoon asked this time and Jin pursed his lips before taking the paper from his hands to see. Jin raised a brow, "I see 'hidden'. Am I going crazy? Because no one sees this word literally written in bold?" He frowned, rubbing his eyes to check if it was really what was written. "Taehyung?" Namjoon then asked and Tae's eyes furrowed deeply in confusion, "oh jeez, for me, 'inside' is on the paper." He grimaced.

"Is this a damn puzzle?" Yoongi scowled, not liking the thought one bit. Namjoon hummed, retreating the paper that showed different words for everyone except me and Namjoon. "I think this forms a sentence." He piped in with thoughtful eyes. "There might be two 'the's since both, Diana and I see it." He tried.

I nodded. It made sense actually. All of us are seeing different words in this one paper. Maybe they join together in some way to form a coherent sentence. "We should keep it." I stated and took the empty bottle from Jungkook's hands before taking the paper Joon handed over. I rolled it up again and slipped it inside for safe-keeping.

"I think this is a big- huge lead." I opinionated, watching as the men all sported looks of curiosity and confusion.

"Well, think about it; This is a survival game. There's no reason for us to find riddles. Like- at all. The whole purpose of this game is to see how long we can survive in the wilderness with exotic creatures, not find a way out because in a player's perspective, we can literally just log off of the game whenever we deem we've played enough. If anything, we should've been given a way to get out any time we wanted to but we can't because we're inside. There's no button or curser that can grant us our freedom." I explained, looking expectantly at everyone who listened, "This-" I pointed towards the bottle, "-shouldn't even exist, nor should we even find any of the things we have right now; the first-aid kit, the knife, the thread, the whole tree house was given because we're not prepared to start from square one. No one, and I mean no one would've survived out here with nothing to help them. Especially since we've never been out in such situations without previous knowledge to help us around or any experience." I continued on, and finally Taehyung nodded.

"That's true, actually. Most survival games actually have the game players start from scratch. You know minecraft?" He asked in the end and I smiled, "Yes. We punch trees to get wood to start off." I chuckled. He had the same thought in mind as me. Taehyung grinned widely at that.

"Then we keep it." Yoongi shrugged, "I see where you're going with this and to be honest, even if a survival game provided these things, it doesn't give us one letter messages in tiny pieces of papers with different words viewed from different people." He rolled his eyes.

"Okay. It's almost dark now. Let's head back.., and you three," Jin pointed towards me, Jungkook and Taehyung, "By the fire-pit. Start a fire and dry yourselves. The night air is chilly so make sure you don't catch a cold and are dry by the time the sun is out. I don't need sickos to look after." He ordered firmly before gesturing for Joon and yoongs to head back. I huffed out a breath.

"Come on, let's dry up quickly so we don't spend a lot of time stuck by the fire to dry off." Tae urged and Jungkook and I nodded. "Let's play Rock Paper Scissors so we don't die of boredom." Jungkook suggested and I chuckled, "Sounds good." I agreed.

"So you two played Minecraft?" Jungkook grinned. Taehyung and I shared a look and matched Jungkook's smile. "How many diamonds have you collected in your newest world?" Tae asked.

"32. That's excluding my armour and weapons." I began with a prideful smirk. "Pshh, I have spare armour made of diamonds and two blocks for decorations, and still 20 more to spare." Jungkook scoffed.

Tae narrowed his eyes at the two of us, "I literally have two double-chests to store all the diamonds I have. I've broken all of the diamond pickaxes I've used to mine." He shared.



Finally!!! We get some sort of lead!! :DD

Do you play Minecraft? It's aged up but I still return to it with my close friends sometimes lol

We've gotten a direct clue it seems!! What do you think it'll give us? 👀👀 
We still have Jimin and Hobi left to join our game... but maybe it's a good thing they haven't fallen for this trap of a world. Not yet...

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! 🥰🥰 I did check to ensure any errors were corrected but if you find any, do let me know! 👍✨

See you next week! 😘💕💕

~ Ada

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