👾CH. 11👾

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It has been an entire week since the new additions to our world got here. 3 months for me.

Yoongi had helped me work on extending our pantry area more since we would be needing more space to store our foods as the number of people continued to grow.

Namjoon had taken great interest on the map I drew that was pinned to the wall opposite to my bed and he spent a lot of time basically noting down all things unusual or possibly useful to get us out from my little notes inside the notebook I've been taking full use of since day 1.

I didn't want him to go through the trouble of making trips to my cabin everyday he's stayed here so I moved my notes, sketches and map to his room. He had no reason to feel embarrassed but he did with his flushed cheeks and bashful smile. He had shook his head profusely to refuse my offer but I'd insisted. He has thanked me plenty and I waved it off.

All I did was give him my 3 months of work without blinking. It was completely fine.

I don't think much about this... but when I do, I feel utterly relieved and glad that all the players that ended up in this world were respectable men who all played a part in helping everyone out. I would've honestly lost my mind if some idiotic pervert ended up here. Maybe I'd even volunteer to send them to an Olfstin to deal with him.

I know that there are still two vacant tree houses left and had told Namjoon before-hand about it. We both collectively agreed that 8 players in total was the limit. But none of us knew just how many copies of this game was being given out to other clueless people.

For all we know, this could be just one of the many other survival worlds that players ended up in. Whoever created this... I hope they rot in hell.

(A/N: Diana, sweety...😬👉👈)

When I find them, I will make sure they play this game and never find a way out. I hope they play it all alone and suffer all of this madness on their own, get a taste of their own medicine.

(A/N: 👁👄👁 ... Chile— 🕳👩‍🦯)

And then an Olfstin could—

Knock knock

I snapped out of my thoughts and glanced at the door. "Come in!" I called out. That was a really soft knock. I nearly missed it had it not been quiet enough. I say 'quiet enough' because I can hear Jungkook and Taehyung goofing around.

I raised a brow, surprised when Yoongi poked his head in, "I hope you don't mind if I join you?" He asked just as softly.

I shook my head, "Of course not, make yourself comfortable." I ushered. He nodded and took a seat by the foot of the bed while I remained on my stool, noting down a few new things I came across while venturing the forest with Jungkook.

He is one curious boy, I tell you.

He saw one particularly giant tree and said he's going to climb it. I immediately shot that thought down but he held onto it and left my side to put actions to his words. He was super high in a few minutes and I had to squint my eyes to spot him. He was moving further and further up until I could barely hear him when he pointed a few things out on the way. That's how high up he was.

When he got back down, he vividly described that there seemed to be a giant cliff side at a far distance that held a ginormous cave. It was wide open and he even mentioned spotting something emanating a purple light deep within the darkness inside it. It sounded like an entrance to a show of purple lights from glowing crystals. But that's just my imagination from that one fairy barbie movie I watched when I was younger.

Ever heard of Mariposa??

(A/N: is that how the name's spelt? 💀💀)

He also told me that in a few weeks, we might even cover enough of the forest area to reach the cave. Of course, he said much more about what he could see from up there but I'm no memorising machine. I'll simply ask him to point out the details he told me then, after I finish sketching what I hoped looked somewhat similar to what he saw.

"That's a beautiful sketch." Yoongi spoke up from behind me, which scared my arse to Andromeda galaxy because I clearly recall seeing him make himself comfortable on my bed.

"Th-thank you." I stammered out, clutching at my spooked heart. I heard him chuckle from over my shoulders before he reached over to grab it and take a better look. I let him and turned to watch his reaction with pursed lips.

Honestly, it's just a rough sketch so I don't know how to really take his compliment. I've still yet to add in more details and maybe possibly expand it to get a wider picture to really properly take in the compliment.

"Is this what Jungkook saw? I remember he told me about a cave in the distance." Yoongi pointed towards the coloured in, half-circle behind a bunch of tree leaves in the distance. With a nod and a "yep.", I answered.

"You drew the little details he mentioned, too. Are you an artist?" He diverted his gaze from the paper and over to me at his question and I nodded, "Yeah, I was going to intern as an architect for a company where one of the employees is a high school friend of my Ma. So I scored an opportunity for getting to experience the job." I explained.

Yoongi's eyes softened, "When was it going to start?" He asked. I smiled sadly, "On a monday morning but I was already in this game before I could even take the chance to experience working." I sighed. Yoongi took back his seat on the bed and hummed thoughtfully, "I'm sure you would've done wonderfully." He assured.

I huffed out an empty laugh, "It doesn't matter, anymore. I've already missed my opportunity a long while ago." I mumbled. Yoongi tutted, "Don't say that. You're still only nineteen. You have plenty more opportunities waiting for you." He comforted and I couldn't help but smile gratefully at him, "Thanks." I smiled.

Yoongi nodded, waving off my thanks with his hand saying he was only saying the truth. We continued to converse more and eventually, it led to me talking about my family and friends. It was easy to open up knowing it was Min Yoongi that was listening. He didn't even say a word while I rambled on about how much I miss and love them. Soon after, I kinda got embarrassed for preaching so much about my life before getting sucked into this world and he insisted that it was totally fine and that he enjoyed listening to it.

"I don't have hot chocolate a lot, barely even. Still, I'm very interested in trying out the one you have. You had a lot to say about it." He chuckled.

I might cry, oh my god. This dude has no idea I literally look up to him. Then here he is, showing his support for my future career. Then basically, indirectly telling me he wants to come with me to have hot chocolate??? ㅠㅠ

But he knows I'm a fan, doesn't he??? It was literally the most I've spoken since he first got here when we were heading back from the spawning point.

And it seems like he suddenly recalled that as well because-

"So Namjoon told me that you're a fan?" He smiled slyly. I blushed, unable to deny it.

He definitely knows, oh gosh. Damnit Namjoon, couldn't he have spared me the awkwardness now that this other legend knows I'm his fan? How awkward must it be now?? It was fine with Namjoon since he still perceived me as friend and an even closer one now, but Yoongi? Will it be the same or will he just find it weird to be with me?

"That won't change anything if it really bothers you so much that I know, Diana."

he's said it plenty of times, actually. I just can't seem to get used to it ahhhh!!!

"I-I didn't want to bring it up because I thought it would make you feel weird knowing I might've fangirled over you and your amazing work...and now we're stuck in this world....." I squeaked out. Yoongi scoffed, placing my sketch back on my desk before bringing his outstretched hand to ruffle my hair.

"Hey! I have enough knots as it is, don't tangle my hair more!" I complained, rushing to fix my hair by my scalp to make sure it wasn't too messed up. "You've already given me a first-impression with that loud mouth of yours and I knew you were a fan since the beginning. I already heard how you gush over my music from Joon and yet, here we are." Yoongi pointed, another chuckle leaving his lips as I scowled.

"Well, it's different now, since we've brought it up." I grumbled.

He raised a perfect brow, "Care to tell me how much different is it now?" He questioned inquisitively. I paused for a moment and took in that question.

"Well?" He asked. Bruh I'm thinkinggg— well, nothing's really changed... just that we've acknowledged what we know to one another.

"Not much.."

"Okay, shut up, nothing's changed. You're still a friend of mine, okay? So don't bother so much about it. Plus, I really appreciate the support." He smiled gummily.

Omg. He looks like a soft, cuddly bear. A bear with a gummy smile.

Gasp! Gummy bear....

He quit smiling in a split second, making me blink as he coughed, "Um, anyway, I came here to ask you about something, actually..." he mumbled. Cheeks dusted red for nearly forgetting why he came to me in the first place. I nodded, waiting expectantly.

I mean, I did kind of distract him from the main purpose of his visit by ranting about my life but anyway-

"So I actually found a dart gun hidden behind the pantry..." he began and I tensed. How the heck did he find that?

His eyes picked up on my suddenly stiff posture and he paused momentarily from what he was going to say, instead though- "Did you hide it?" He asked. I sighed, and nodded.

"Why? It could've been used on that 'Olfstin' creature that's lurking in the woods." He frowned in confusion. I bit at my lip before speaking, "Inside those darts, The Olfstin's venom is stored. It's clearly not... not made for that creature." I explained the best I could.


I rummaged through my new found backpack, looking through it more thoroughly now that I had a proper place to stay.

Removing all the stuff I already pin pointed was contained inside, I found a crumpled note at the very bottom. Raising a brow, I hesitantly grabbed for it.

"Game, if this says anything stupid like that one dumb note stating 'House', I will literally scrape out 'You effing suck' onto a giant rock so you have to see it everyday for the rest of your existence." I warned and straightened out the paper.

It was for the dart gun...

I unfolded it finally before widening my eyes, at the one word written on it, followed by a series of simplistic illustrations showing the dart and an arrow pointed towards the inner-design of it filled with some substance.

It was the only thing labelled, which was stating "venom".

Then that word was circled to indicate something about a silhouette of some unknown looking thing. Was that a scorpion?? Of course not. That tail does look similar to it, but the rest of its body's outline looks far from it.

I guess I'll have to find out for myself... is this supposed to be used on this.. thing?

You're cruel game.

~ the first week after Diana's first encounter ~

I never mentioned this before, but the Olfstin sheds its fur a little. I had brought back my dart gun the very next day after I first got to see the creature in person. I could now put a face to that silhouette.

I'd actually come back to where I first met the Olfstin, hoping to test this gun to ensure it actually works on it. Otherwise, the game was just playing tricks on me for handing me some useless gun that shoots darts and stores just as useless venom inside.

When I didn't find any signs of that creature, I decided to venture around the cave I hid, since that was where I last lost it before it caused too much damage to me.

Then, I instantly held my breath. I heard the growl, I heard it's thumping steps and immediately rushed to a bushy plant to hide myself. I wasn't about to put myself face-to-face with it. I might just shoot it when it doesn't face me just to be safe, in case this thing just riles it more instead of kills it.

My eyes narrowed in concentration when the Olfstin made its appearance a few meters ahead from where I hid. I brought my gun in position and wrapped my index finger around the trigger. Just as it's back faced me, I held my breath as it resorted to lie down, unaware of my presence.


A small sound emanated as the gun shot the venom-filled dart right onto the back of its neck, making it roar from the sudden piercing it received. It jumped around and shook its body to rid itself from the needle stabbing its scale-like neck.

I waited for maybe an entire minute or two with anticipation and short breaths from where I was and made one conclusion.

It's not for an Olfstin.

The paper actually meant to say that the venom was from the Olfstin. I basically gave it a power up because it was behaving like a full-on savage.

This game is a b—-


Yoongi's eyes widened, "Then there's..." he paused and frowned deeply, "There's something else entirely. It's probably somewhere out there." He realised and I nodded solemnly. I'd already pieced that together 2 days after my attempt on trying the gun. It was it's venom so it was obviously a useless weapon against it.

There's some other creature entirely that requires an Olfstin's venom to bring it down. Not a simple gun, no. A gun that requires an Olfstin's venom to take it down.

That immediately stated that we can't take it on ourselves. We'll have to keep distance as to not get ourselves kill. I hid it late at night after Jin arrived so he didn't freak out. I still don't know what other creature this game has.

"Why didn't you tell anyone, yet? I know Jin hyung was second to join this world and even he has zero clue about this." Yoongi furrowed his brows. I jumped to explain myself saying that It could be a feral creature just out of control, and bringing it up just fled my mind as more joined the game. I was utterly relieved when he told me he understood where I was going with this.

"But we really should mention this, Diana." He mentioned and I agreed, "I know, I'm just worried about how everyone would react. I don't want to make them fear their days here, for a creature I haven't even gotten a glimpse of... and I've been here for the longest time." I frowned.

Yoongi's eyes softened, "How about this, -" he brought up, "- we'll collectively talk about this once everyone is here. For now, we'll focus on finding leads to help us get out. What do you think?" He smiled assuringly. I smiled back, feeling lighter about that suggestion.

"That would be better. Thank you for understanding, cutie." I giggled at my chosen nickname for him. Yoongi scoffed, "The others were right; you do come up with nicknames for everyone. You literally called me that not even a minute after we met." He pointed.

I shrugged, "What can I say? It's my specialty." I grinned. Yoongi shook his head at my grin before saying that he's going to fetch himself some water. I waved him bye as he left me in my room and I let out a content sigh, feeling much lighter now that someone knows about this little secret I kept.

It's not the best idea to keep it hidden but I'd feared Jin would've fled if he saw this. Even more so when he first encountered the Olfstin. Then I just happened to push the subject further as Jungkook joined and then the situation with Taehyung's arrival was not at all the time to add to their momentary shock after encountering the creature for the first time. I was out cold the following 4 days and I focused on recovering as quickly as possible after waking up.

I looked back down at my sketch with determined eyes, because I have a feeling that once we set our path to reach this cave, I'm in for an unexpected treat.


Wowowowow Yoongi moments~~~

So we haven't gotten anyone new with us yet..! But we're close to building our team of players and a rough outline of where to start looking for an exit!

Do you think we'll get any direct clues? Any ideas on how we can make it out of this game world?? Let me know!

Hope you liked this chapter! 🤓 see you next week! 🥰😘💕✨

~ Ada

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