👾CH. 10👾

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"For the love of god, woman, your back hasn't healed completely, yet! What are you doing by the river?! We talked about this!" Jin's voice rang about and reached my ears as it grew louder and he came closer.

I huffed out a breath, "The pain is gone, my back is fine, and the sun is shining like it always does. All is good, sweets." I dragged out my words as I pulled at the hem of my pants to push them further up from getting wet by the water I stood in.

"Why the hell are you hunting for more fish?! We have enough to last another month!" Jin exclaimed and I yelped after the sound of splashing water made its way from behind me before Jin's arms wrapped around my waist, scaring me half to death.

"Jin!" I shouted, gripping at his arms as he carried me out of the water and set me to my feet on the dry ground.

"Why are you so stubborn?" Jin tsked while I whined childishly as he dragged me by the arms towards the camp, where the other two men sat, amusement clear in their grinning faces.

"What about my shoes?? I wasn't even fishing!" I groaned out, leaning away to stop him from dragging me across the ground.

"Yeah, I can see why I'm older than her." Taehyung's voice chimed and I directed a dirty look his way. He simply snickered at my reaction before turning back to a cackling Jungkook who agreed to his statement.

"I was looking at the ground underwater and scaring away the fishes that blocked my sight!" I whined as Jin finally stopped his dragging before making me sit by the fire pit. "For what?" Jin raised a brow. I pouted, "I don't know... some clue probably hidden underwater that would give us some lead to getting out. The biggest lead is sometimes where we already are, you know. The biggest lead could be right here. So I decided to check the waters." I grumbled.

Jin sighed as he crouched in front of me to meet my lowered gaze. "We will get out, Diana. There's no doubt about that. But you need to completely heal before jumping to your quests. We don't want your cut to suddenly rip open, now do we?" He asked as if he was trying to convince a stubborn child.

Well, I guess I am one right now.

I shook my head, "That wouldn't be very appealing..." I agreed and Jin nodded, "Yeah, it wouldn't, huh?" Jin continued as I agreed to his words reluctantly. I do not need another bedding to happen to myself for a wound that can't hold itself together.

I sighed, "Fine, I'll take it.. more easy with myself..." I complied under Jin's expectant eyes. Jin smiled victoriously, "Excellent! Now be a good girl, and stay put. It's almost lunch time anyway." Jin stood up from his crouched position in front of me before he gave my head a pat.

"Yeah, yeah." I huffed, swatting at his hands that continued to pat my head. Jin clicked his tongue before disappearing into his upgraded kitchen + pantry space that was previously a storage cabin.

"Diana, you can be such a child sometimes." Jungkook tutted at me from his spot by the lit up fire-pit.

(A/N: aight just to clarify, when I mention the fire-pit, it doesn't have to be lit up with flames. I mention it during the day time as well. There's no need for it unless it's about food :P plus I'd specifically mention it if it was)

I stuck my tongue out at him, earning one back from him. I scoffed at his response, "Speak for yourself, child." I emphasised my word in the end before letting my gaze set back on the food Jin brought out. Uncooked meat ready to be cooked by the fire in the middle.

"You know, I still find killing those pigs super weird since all I need to do is give them one slash and they transform into a giant pile of meat before my eyes." Jin shuddered, setting up the meat beside him before he began to cook them by the flames.

"You've been here long enough, though. I'd understand if darling, over here, freaked out at the sight." I pointed over at Taehyung who turned just slightly bashful at the nickname before he voiced his disagreement, "I wouldn't! My family literally owns a farm. You know that." He scoffed.

"I still don't get how you suddenly deem some nickname fit for someone the moment you meet them." Jungkook pointed out. "Why? He looks like a darling to me, so that's what I'll call him when I want." I retorted.

"Can't you come up with something else for me, then? Since it's so easy for you to make one, it shouldn't be hard for you to think of something else other than 'bambi'" Jungkook huffed. I shook my head, "No can do, bambi boy, you brought this upon yourself. I had many I could give to you but you flat out told me you didn't like the precious name I gave you. Suck it up." I rose my chin high to look down on him jokingly. He huffed, "I never said such a thing!"

"Did too!"



"You two are complaining here while I've long accepted mine. She basically called me sweets because I was simply eye-candy. And candy just so happens to be sweet." Jin crunched his nose indignantly.

I laugh, "Aw noo, you're a sweetheart, you're so much more than that, Jinnieee!" I assured, giggling as Jin only 'hmph'ed as a response. "I better." He replied pointedly.


I tensed. That's not just one voice... that's two. Two people in one day? That's definitely new.

I turned towards the forest to my right from my spot and exchanged a tentative look with the three males before me. They all looked at me knowingly.

"There's no Olfstin.." I pointed with wide, innocent eyes.

Jin's eyes narrowed, "Gee, isn't that good news?" He said in bemusement. I smiled sheepishly at him, knowing exactly why he said that with overflowing sarcasm, "It's great news, actually." I corrected before bolting.

I want to be the first to greet them! I've been doing that for everyone that came here so far and a nearly healed scar on my back is not going to stop my streak.

"Diana!" Jin yelled after me.

"I'll be fine, I promise!" I yelled back as I rushed deeper.

I heard the distant voice of Jin shouting at Jungkook who I'm sure ran after me and I rolled my eyes. That boy had figured out my thread work around the forest and managed his way around without me. He had been the one to take morning ventures into the forest in my place while I recovered for the next 3 days.

"Diana, wait for me!" Jungkook's voice rang from behind me but I simply ignored his plea to wait up for him.

He'll just beat me to the new players.

I took a deep breath, standing just behind a tree trunk that separated me from the two newcomers. I had a momentary pout in my face when I realised it was more men. Do no girls play games anymore?? What is this??

Whatever. They're both super cute too. This game holds high standards for players.

Was I a mistake?? Tf???


I snapped out of my thoughts and stepped forward, "Sup," I replied and watched with great amusement as the two males jumped in surprise at receiving a response.


"-Diana!" Jungkook's voice cut through as he clutched at my shoulder. I huffed, "I'm already here. You can't take me back. The two guys look petrified so I'm gonna be the one to make them feel at ease." I pointed towards the two males sporting wide eyes.

I looked over at one who looked like he was ready to rip his head off at what he just experienced. It's not usual to find yourself falling out of the sky after a blink from being at home, "Believe me guys; I've been in your place before- except... I was alone, and so has this bambi boy right here. He calls himself Jungkook." I introduced them to the man beside me.

Jungkook scoffed at me before he stepped ahead, bringing me along with him as he kept his grip on my shoulders. He's not letting me off on my own this time.

The taller male pursed his lips warily at us. "What's going on? Why are you guys in this... forest? What sort of forest is this, anyway??" He changed his train of questions for us into questions directed towards this setting.

Ah, he immediately took notice of the variety of trees. And exotic, surreal fruits.

And unusual vegetation.

"You're inside Escapade, babe. Yes, the game, cutie." My last sentence was directed towards the shorter male who looked at me like I was crazy.

Jungkook nudged at my side, making me jolt. "What was that for?" I frowned.

"Cutie?? Babe????" He questioned with disbelief. "What? That guy looks like a babe. So he is one. Same goes for cutie boy." I shrugged nonchalantly.

Babe cleared his throat, overlooking what I addressed him as, "That doesn't make any sense. How does one get sucked inside a game?" He questioned.

"The same way you ended up here." I answered and watched as his brain malfunctioned for a split moment.

"What happened to your arm?" The shorter man questioned tentatively. I glanced down at my left arm, at the first scar I got from the Olfstin, I guess it's hard to overlook. "And whats with the outfit? Why are two kids in the middle of a forest??" He continued to drop questions.

Jungkook furrowed his brows at the shorter male and opened his mouth to say something but I beat him to it.

"I'll answer all your questions back at camp, cutie. Are you not even going to introduce yourself or it's just that you prefer if I stick to calling you cutie?" I raised a brow, crossing my arms over my chest to convey my mild irritation. He was kind of insensitive with all those questions.

The taller man took in deep breaths before he stepped forward, taking the initiative to introduce himself when the pale man simply sent me a dirty look, "Sorry, my name's Namjoon. Kim Namjoon." He gifted a small smile, still a little shaken from his fall, probably.

He has dimples!1!1!!1


Dimple man do be a 'cutie', too.

I nodded and smiled back at him then turned over towards the frowning male who had yet to introduce himself, "How do we know we can trust you?" He questioned with distrust instead.

Jungkook pursed his lips at that and I raised a brow, "How do you know you can't? Did we put a knife to your neck?" I questioned back and the nameless boy huffed out a breath, clearly annoyed at my response.

"That's not an answer to my question." He snapped in exasperation, "I told you I'll answer everything once we get to safety." I narrowed my eyes at him. The man scoffed, "You like to talk back a lot, huh?" He scowled, I opened my mouth to shoot back a remark saying that's how communication works but Namjoon interjected

"His name is Yoongi. Please ignore him... he'll warm up eventually... I think. He's not like this with everyone, it's just this situation that's making him seem cold and.. rude. I hope you understand, it's hard to trust anything really, with what just happened." Namjoon shot a pointed look at Yoongi who rolled his eyes.

I hummed. Fair enough, I guess. I wouldn't trust anyone in their place either so I'm not too annoyed by his attitude.

Still looks like a cutie, though. On the contrary, his angry face is kinda hot. Intimidating but attractive. He can be a 'babe' too but I might call him a hunka-bunk instead. That plain black T-shirt is owned by him. Full black, too. Like- holy mother of a headless chicken! This man— aight I think I've said enough.

For now.

I grinned at myself before calling the new players to follow me and Jungkook as we head back to camp.

Surrounded by boys has made me shameless. Maybe Jin specially is at fault here... but!! I'm not shameless enough to say things outright in front of them. Not... yet. I'd bury myself in a grave I dug myself if I did.

I need some girl friends. Actually, I need to get out of this world before I start voicing out all of my thoughts without a care. I don't think having female company will change my shameless thoughts. They all might actually just join in on my inner thoughts.

All of the boys so far are total God's work and I'm convinced they are god's favourites. Most definitely of this game's god. If there is one.

I'm also convinced that I was supposed to be a total catch with looks to be here, maybe that could explain the crappy start I had to go through. I just wasn't pretty enough in the game's eyes for it to provide me with the camp in the start. I had to give it a crying fit before anything. Smh

"I've never seen you act so snappy before." Jungkook mumbled from beside me and I turned to look at his expression to his words. "Changed your view of me, then?" I asked.

Jungkook chuckled breathily, "Yes. You're more feisty than I thought." He stated and I smiled, feeling relieved that he doesn't seem to dislike me for seeing a different side of me. "Is that a good thing or bad?" I tilted my head to the side in question just to confirm and watched as Jungkook raised a brow at me, a smirk on his face, "It's good, don't worry your pretty little head about perceiving yourself as someone I wouldn't like anymore. You're perhaps more... charming in my eyes now that I've seen that side of you." He grinned as if he had me busted, a wiggle to his brows basically supporting his knowing grin.

And boy, he did have me busted. Also my 'little' head is 'pretty'??? ㅠㅠ

Is that supposed to make me feel better because that doesn't really flatter me much. Though the 'charming' part of his words did do me no good.

I flushed at his words and shoved at his shoulder, "Why the hell would I worry?" I scoffed, looking away and deciding to bring up a conversation with Namjoon instead.

This man-child might have caught onto me. There's no way I'm gonna let him push closer to make me reveal what I think because then he'll just feel the satisfaction of having me confirm that I find him attractive.

I find all of them attractive, so don't go feeling all special, bunny boy. -_-

Even if I don't ponder over all of their out-of-this world beauty in favour of keeping a level-headed mind and avoid turning into a tomato in their presence, they're still super cute.

And I ain't about to admit any of that. No thank youuuu

I moved away from Jungkook and began walking side-by-side with Namjoon. "Yes...?" He asked as he watched me accompany his side with wide, curious eyes. Because in fact, I was incredibly curious about him. Ever since he revealed his name, actually. It just rang a bell in my head and I felt a little giddy about the thought running through my mind that only made me more excited.

"You said your name is Kim Namjoon, right?" I began and he nodded, a small smile making its way onto his face, wondering where I was going with this. I gasped in delight, "So you're RM!" I beamed, "I love your music!!" I was sure my eyes were sparkling with admiration for him as Namjoon's eyes widened at being recognised. I noticed from the corner of my eyes how Jungkook peeked over his shoulders to look behind as he walked ahead of us.

"You listen to my songs..?" He mumbled out, dumbfounded. I squealed, "God, yes!! I miss listening to it everyday since there's no music player here. You're truly incredible!" I rambled on. I had let my fangirling slip and spilled nearly all of my feelings towards his work before I decided that I've said enough. An embarrassed cough leaving my lips as I try to hide my fluster. Namjoon chuckled, visibly touched. "Wow, I.. don't know what to say. I'm so glad my music effects you that way." He said sincerely. "Of course, it does!" I stated immediately.

I pulled on his sleeves, urging him to bend down slightly so I could whisper in his ear. Namjoon complied curiously, already at ease around me from our little conversation... or well, my fangirling.

"So that means Yoongi-ssi is Agust D..??" I asked as softly as I could. I didn't want to ask the man himself to confirm my guess because we basically had a little argument on our first meet. He probably finds me annoying which kinda dampens my mood but hopefully we make up soon enough. There's no way I'm letting almighty Agust D keep me under a darker light from our first interaction, that is, if he is him.

Namjoon smiled cheekily, his dimples on full display as he nodded. I covered my mouth to stop myself from gasping out loud. Agust D is also my favourite artist... how the phineas and ferb, do I speak to him now??? I internally groaned.

Also he apparently plays games??? ㅠㅠ

I only pieced this together because it is known that RM and Agust D are close friends and actually share an apartment together and do their magic in there. Also Yoongi sounded awfully like Agust D.

I sneaked a glance at Yoongi and jolted in surprise when he was already looking at me with a knowing glint in his eyes. He even gave me a small smirk when we made eye contact.


Is it weird that suddenly everything he does makes me find him kinda.. more cute? I know my eyes don't fail me when I first set them on his figure. Cutie is perfect for him, in my opinion.

Let's just forgo the fact that he's a rap god for the moment.

I felt my cheeks burn and immediately turned away. No, no, bad. Stop it, we literally had a little quarrel before this, you can't suddenly switch and admire him the way you are. He totally caught you. Did he hear my conversation with Namjoon?! AHHH—

"We're back!" Jungkook's voice cut through my little dilemma and I looked ahead to see Jin's rushing steps move my way.

"Aw, shit-" I blurted out and made a run for it. "Nothing happened!! I'm fine as I promised, see? Ah! Jin, I'm sorry!" I screeched out as he chased after me with a long stick. "Come back here! You can't run off like that! The last time you ran in there, that giant monster nearly killed you! I have every right to be mad at you! I'll turn old before I even hit thirty because of you!" Jin yelled after me, not letting up even as we circle around the fire-pit like fools.

Taehyung sighed before he smiled at the new comers, "Hello!! I'm Taehyung. That old man chasing after Diana is SeokJin hyung. But everyone sticks to only Jin. I'm sure you two can as well." He introduced. Namjoon smiled and introduced himself, his smile widening more as Yoongi introduced himself, too.

Maybe he'll warm up to us after all.

Jungkook was enjoying my misery as he joined Taehyung's side and snatched a piece of meat by the fire-pit.

"Taehyungie! Help me!" I whined, feeling my legs tire as Jin swung at his stick, intending to bonk my head. That man was determined, I tell you.

Taehyung chuckled, standing up from his spot before making his way towards my running figure that immediately turned to him for protection. "You've handled yourself with a giant beast and can't outrun someone like Jin hyung?" He laughed, bringing me into his arms as he patted my head.

He's definitely the most affectionate out of Jungkook and Jin. He craved tactile comfort the most and comes to me for hugs because I match the amount of affection he craves. We basically turn to each other for skinship.

"You have a boyfriend?" Yoongi questioned in amusement, having watched the entire scene unfold. At that, Jin scoffed.

"Heavens no! This girl can't even take care of herself, there's no way she can handle a boyfriend. This place has absolutely no time for that, either." Jin cut through with a shake of the head. Taehyung played as a barrier between the two of us as Jin raised his stick to land a light hit on my head. It was still going to be a hit so I avoided it.

"You wouldn't hit a girl, Jinnie, would you? You would be contradicting your nickname 'sweets', which is short for 'sweetheart'." I huffed.

"Ah, hyung!" Taehyung complained when Jin accidentally hit him. Jin scoffed and dropped his fiasco before apologising to a pouting Taehyung.

Jin dusted at his shoulders before composing himself, "Have you two eaten yet? All of us were about to have lunch. You can join us." Jin offered, smiling as if he didn't just act like a disciplining parent needing to teach his disobedient child a lesson.

Namjoon laughed heartily, "Thank you for having us." He bowed at him and took a seat by the fire-pit. "We still need an explanation about what's going on, anyway." He reminded. Yoongi nodded, "Yes, because I'd like some answers now." He stated, a pointed look directed to me though the amused glint on his eyes never faded. I raised a brow at that and nodded.

I did say I'll answer all their questions once we got here.

"Now what the hell did SeokJin-ssi mean by a 'giant monster'?" Yoongi began.

This will be a while..


Just jimin and hobi are left.

Did u expect 2 to drop in at once? I bet not, haha! 💅✨

Are you thinking the remaining 2 will drop together as well? Hmm. 🕵️‍♀️

Go ahead and make your guesses 😁😉✨

I know I said I'd drop an update on Friday but I literally couldn't function since my last update because of the load of events I've been put in to participate😵‍💫😵‍💫

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! See you next week! 🥰💕💕

~ Ada

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