👾CH. 9👾

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It's taking them too long. Way too long. Something's not right. Definitely not. Jin was just about ready to launch himself into the forest himself just to reach the two missing people.

The sun was slowly but surely setting, it's form gradually lowered and hid behind taller trees, bringing long, outstretched shadows to loom over the camp area and darkness began to consume the day. It's nearly nighttime.

"Hyung!!" Jungkook's voice cut through the silence Jin was engulfed in with Taehyung.

The two boys stood up, watching anxiously as they waited for Jungkook to emerge from behind the dense forest before the two collectively let out gasps.

"Hyung, help! Diana, she- she won't wake up!" Jungkook cried, terrified for the girl in his arms laying motionless against him. He was panting heavily, instantly indicating the effort he put into rushing back as fast as possible.

Just how far in were they to take so long to reach back?

"Oh my god!" Jin cried, horrified at the large gash glaring back at him from her back. Taehyung's eyes stuck glued to her, guilt riding its way up his body and consuming him entirely at the state she was in. His eyes were as wide as saucers, the red slash glared back at him, it's fresh red colour making him feel dizzy.

Shaking his head, Taehyung rushed beside Diana and Jungkook as he helped the boy up the ladders safely without dropping her before Jin took the unconscious girl into his arms, carrying her into her room and laying her down on her stomach with Jungkook's help.

Jin shuddered at the torn shirt on her back, showing exactly how big the cut is. He pursed his lips, knowing that he can't begin with the shirt in the way and glanced over towards the apprehensive boys in the room.

"Why don't you two help yourself with something to eat? It's in the kitchen. I'll need to take her shirt off and see how bad the wound is. I'll call you guys back, okay?" Jin consulted softly.

Jungkook shook his head furiously, "No, please... I'm staying, hyung. I can't go. Please let me stay. I'll just turn away. I-I don't have an appetite." He refused. Jin nodded understandingly, knowing that the boy was just as attached to her as he was. Jin turned to Taehyung, offering him a small assuring smile, "How about you, Taehyung?" He asked.

Taehyung pursed his lips and nodded towards Jungkook, "I-I want to stay, too. I want to greet her when she wakes up." He explained.

"Okay. It's okay." Jin nodded before he called for Jungkook to help lift Diana up slightly so he can slip the damp shirt off. She had a sports bra on, making Jin let out a sigh.

'It's like a bikini. Don't think too much into it, it's fine. She'll hopefully understand.' Jin thought as he pushed her shirt away once it was off, while thanking Jungkook for the help.

He let out a shaky breath, seeing the wrap she tied around herself. 'When did this girl find the time to do this?' He wondered.

However, the wrap was already stained red - it was a thin layer; a single layer to make do for the time being. It wouldn't have held back the bleeding. Especially not through the haste Jungkook was in trying to get them back to camp.

Jin immediately got to work, untying the knot she made by her shoulder before unwrapping the material that was sticking to her skin like glue, making him grimace.

Jungkook let out a heart-wrenching sob while Jin gulped down on air desperately, feeling himself nearly lose his consciousness at the giant gash running down from her shoulder blades, to her lower back.

Taehyung covered his mouth in shock, tears gathering up into his already, glistening eyes. 'It's my fault.' He repeated within his mind at the sight.

Jin jumped to gather a small cloth, dampening it with water before turning back to the limp girl and wiping at the blood sticking to her skin around the cut. He paused as he reached towards the clip of her bra that was clipping her garment in place.

He pursed his lips before grabbing her dirty shirt and placing it to the side of her chest, keeping them securely under her armpit before he unclasped her bra to tend to the would without anymore obstacles.

'She'll understand. She'll hear me out. This is to help her, just patch her up quickly then you're done.' He reminded himself, a lump in his throat as he continued to treat the nasty gash.

Taehyung turned to Jungkook who silenced his own cries at the sight of the giant wound on Diana's back.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Please, I'm so sorry," He muttered apologies under his breath repeatedly, clearly blaming himself for her state as he frantically wiped his hands over his pants. His eyes were dilated with the sight of her blood covering his hands and began to shake on his spot at the sight.

Taehyung gulped, shifted closer to the sobbing male and placed a tentative hand on his shoulder, "Um...Jungkook," he began, feeling his gaze soften at the clear hurt the said man held, "Th-thank you for saving me back there." He bit at his lips, glancing over towards the girl before noticing Jungkook shake his head, "We should be thanking Diana. Sh-She saved us both." He claimed, his hands fisting as they continued to shake.

Taehyung shook his head, "Both of you saved me. I'm just showing my gratitude towards you. Please accept it. I'll be sure to thank her as well." He said instead, returning his gaze back to Diana as her wound was tended to by Jin.

"She'll get back to her feet in no time, guys." Jin claimed out loud, letting himself believe his words as he began to dab disinfectant on her cut as gently as he could with a cotton ball and tweezers. Jin wished he had more professional equipment to make sure Diana's gash was tended to properly.

Taehyung pursed his lips as he glanced back at Jungkook actively avoiding the sight of his red hands. "Let's clean up, yeah?" Taehyung chimed softly, placing a tentative hand on the younger male's forearm, not minding how the boy flinched at the touch before he agreed immediately.


~ Diana POV ~

I groaned, feeling a dull pain at my back.

"She's getting back consciousness! Get the doctors in here!"

What the hell..?? What is this nonsense?

I let my eyes squeeze open the slightest, before shutting it back closed at the bright, white lights piercing it. Too bright...

"What's happening?! My baby! Where are you taking her?!"

"Ma'am please let the patient pass. We're just bringing her to the room with the other patients holding similar symptoms as she is."

"Do it here, then! Why is she bleeding?! The sheets are bloody red!"

"Ma, they're helping her, let them do their job."

"No, they're not! She shouldn't be bleeding!!"

I grumble out a groan, feeling darkness seep back into my eyes. I felt a stiff mattress below me but I was moving. If the feeling of turning had anything to go by.

This isn't funny. I can hear mom... stop making me dream about her... it's cruel.


My eyes shoot open, before I flinched at the sunlight landing on my face from the glass-less window beside my bed.

I knew it. A flipping dream. An evil one at that.

This isn't the first time I've dreamt about my family, either. It's honestly barbaric how nearly everyday, I wake up after I reminisce my time with my family. I even dreamt of having Yohan with me. My big brother finally being home and playing with Juno while I watch from some stupid moving bed as if I wasn't allowed to join. I was kept paralysed all the time in that dream.

I blinked away the building tears in my eyes before I pushed myself up to sit, a hiss leaving my lips from the sudden burst of pain coming from my back.

The cut. Of course.

I sigh when I settle into a sitting position and don't move much after that, letting the pain fade into that dull throb again. I looked down at myself, raising a brow at the jacket that was slipped onto me. Not my shirt, no. That piece of clothing was nowhere in sight. Wasn't it torn from that scratch I got?

Who changed me out of my shirt? At least the jacket was buttoned up to cover my front. I'm still wearing my bra, too... who changed me? Did the game do this? Or...

I unbuttoned my jacket, wanting to check on the wrap I had done in a hurry, knowing it'll need to be changed. Surely it didn't help as much as it should under more proper care.

My eyes widened. A completely new bandage was wrapped around me. It definitely covered my wound well from its firm tie.

When the sound of my front door squeaking open resounded, my eyes snapped towards it and they landed on a wide-eyed Jin.

"Y-you're awake! Oh my stars, you're awake!" He gasped, disregarding the purple watermelon's outer shell (make-shifted for a bowl) that was filled with water and a cloth along with the first-aid kit onto my desk before he crouched before me, disbelieving eyes scanning me.

"Diana, how are you? When did you wake up?" He asked, lips trembling with strong emotions. My eyes softened and I pulled Jin to take a seat on the bed, beside me. "I could be better, sweets. I just woke up." I laughed half-heartedly. My eyes landed on all the things he carried with him, suddenly making my mind connect the dots.

"Were you the one to..." I didn't finish my sentence out of embarrassment as I gestured towards the wrap around me as well as the lone jacket playing as substitute shirt to cover my top. I bashfully met his eyes that held worry in his, "I did... But I promise I made sure to cover you before I proceeded to do anything else. Your cut.. needed to be tended to so I..." he took a deep breath, "I-I'm sorry.." he bit at his lips before diverting his gaze from me.

I huffed a breath, "What are you apologising for? For saving me from getting terribly sick with bacteria getting onto my cut? For basically keeping me alive and tending to my messed up back?" I cocked a brow, bringing a hand out to tilt his head back to face me. Jin's eyes locked with mine with surprise, before they glistened tentatively as his brows furrowed in worry, "Wait, so you're not mad? You weren't conscious to allow me to change you out of your clothes, I...I thought you wouldn't..." his voice trailed as I shook my head.

How can I be mad at him for that?

"Sweets, if anything, I should be thanking you! So..," I smiled softly, "Thank you so much for tending to my back. No one would've treated it any better than you do with your experience." I winked, hinting towards his successful internship that he managed to pull off at the hospital he hoped to score a job in. He told me about what he does in real life well after a week of us getting along.

Jin's eyes watered with tears, making me panic as he burst into sobs, his hands shooting forward to cradle me into his arms, "I was so scared! You- you didn't move at all and you wouldn't wake up! You have no idea how terrified I was when Jungkook carried you back here. Your- your shirt was drenched in red! Jungkook's clothes were red, do you have any idea how terrified I was?! What if you lost too much blood?! What if your cut was worse?! There's only so much I can do in this place!!" He cried into my shoulder, still incredibly aware of my back and keeping his hands by my shoulders, keeping me tucked under his head and nuzzled into the crook of his neck.

I let out a soft coo, jumping to comfort the sobbing male with the best of my abilities as I rubbed his back with the flat of my palms. I dared to place a chaste kiss to the side of his neck, effectively distracting him as he jolted at the sudden gesture. I smiled cheekily, hearing his cries fade into sniffles before he pulled away with his hands still holding onto my shoulders, ears red along with his cheeks.

"Y-Yah!" He sniffled, bringing one hand to wipe at his wet cheeks, the other moving over to graze at the area I kissed. I giggled at his embarrassed demeanour, "I'm here, trying to tell you about my fears and you.... That came out of nowhere..." he mumbled out before shaking his head, "W-why's your top unbuttoned?" He immediately point out before taking the initiative to button it up all the way himself. I raised an amused brow at him as his cheeks flushed more under my gaze. "L-let's change you out of your wrap. Don't move too much, I'll bring you food here." He stood up hastily before rushing out with burning cheeks. He was completely and successfully distracted by that lone gesture and I couldn't help but wonder what sorts of shades of red I could bring out of him with more sneaky gestures.

I laughed, ignoring the burn it caused on my back because that was too cute to ruin my happy mood. What did I miss while being unconscious? He was acting adorable just then.

Not even a moment after, the thudding of running footsteps made itself heard loud and clear before my door slammed open by a wide, doe-eyed, bunny boy.

"Diana! You're awake!" He exclaimed and took two long strides to get to my bed. He immediately plopped his butt onto the thin mattress before pulling me into his cocooning embrace, "Thank god!" He breathed out.

I smiled fondly into his chest, patting his back with one hand while the other brushed through his hair, "I am. Now, don't burst into tears, bambi. Jinnie already did that. Plus, I wouldn't simply die from a stupid scratch." I chuckled before I let out a loud 'AWWW' as the boy's breath hitched and I felt my shoulder dampen with his tears.

"Aigoo! I said no crying!" I laughed softly, rubbing his back as his body shook with his silent sobs.

"That damn nickname. I didn't know I'd feel so relieved to hear it again." He spluttered through his gasps of air. My jaw fell open in mock offense, "You didn't like being called 'bambi'?!" I let out a playful scoff, "Well, now that's all I'm gonna call you! Jungkook, Jungkookie, kookie, bunny boy, who? I only know bambi!" I squeezed my arms tightly around his mid-riff, enlightening a choked laugh from bambi boy.

"Bunny boy? I never heard you call me that!" He pulled away with an amused grin, his nose red from his sniffles and the corner of his eyes red from the constant flow of tears he rubbed away. I giggled, "You have many, many names in my mind, bambi. I had many more like- koo, bun, bunbun, doe baby, cutie pa tutie, coconut, cotton ball, but there's no use of it anymore. Because your name from now on, is bambi. Bambi, only." I stated, poking his red nose and making my heart ache at the adorable sight as he crunched his nose cutely at the contact.

He let out a grumble, a cute frown taking over his features making me coo, "Oh my, what did I miss while I was out like a light? You're acting so cute! You and Jin!" I exclaimed with a croon to my tone.

Jungkook swatted at my hands that were making their way to cradle his face. "Hey! I'm not a baby, quit acting as if I'm younger than you. I'm 3 days older!" He pouted, holding my hands away from his face.

I snorted, "Sorry, bambi, no can do. 3 days is hardly anything anyway." I shrugged. "Say..," I brought up after a moment, receiving a nod from the boy, "How long was I out?" I asked, letting my gaze settle on the paper pinned to my door that was slowly filling up with tally counts.

Jungkook 'ah'ed, and sported a sad smile, "Four days." He answered, growing downcast. My brows jumped up in surprise, "Four days? I didn't think my wound was that bad..." I grimaced.

Jungkook scoffed, "Have you seen the state of your back, woman?" He asked with incredulity. I winced, "Really that bad..?" I sighed when he nodded immediately as an answer.

Well, there's no mirror in this world other than the liquid-y reflection from the waters, so how would I see my own back? Either way, Jungkook already confirmed that my back was a wrecking mess, so yippie.

"I-I don't know, hyung..."

"Come on, you want to thank her, don't you?"

"Of course, I do! I just..."

"You're still troubling your mind with the self-blame game, aren't you?"


I perked up at an unfamiliar voice outside my room that conversed with Jin. Jungkook seemed to recognise it and rushed to the door giddily.

Oh right! The new boy! I hope he's okay. I sat up eagerly, hoping to get a good look at the man that only recently joined us. I'm guessing Jungkook and Jin had immediately hit it off with him and they clicked. They already seemed close.

"Taehyungie hyung! Come on in! Diana's awake, so you two can finally, properly meet!" He smiled assuringly, pulling the door open to let the said boy in. I stretched my neck forward to get a look at the seemingly shy boy. Hoping he'd come in so we can properly meet.

Jungkook moved aside with bright eyes, revealing the new boy standing just outside with Jin, who stood behind him with my meal.

"Hi, darling!" I beamed, patting at the space beside me as I immediately noticed how he fidgeted anxiously upon meeting my eyes. I hope to ease him and I wondered if his apprehensive behaviour was due to the first encounter we had with each other under such dangerous circumstances.

I chuckled internally at Jungkook and Jin as they shared a bemused look with one another right after I slipped the new nickname for the new boy.

What can I say? I even called my little brother ant-child when he was first born because he was so tiny and it stuck to this day. As if the universe liked my nickname for him, he grew to be shorter than most boys in his school.

And you guessed it - he hates that name with a passion.

The new boy waved at me and his shoulders eased from tension at the sight of my smile as he stepped further inside and eventually took a seat beside me.

What can I say? My smile is charming ;)

Jin followed behind with a small grin and placed my meal by the desk then pointed at me, "I better find everything gone when I'm back." He narrowed his eyes at me and I just smiled, shooing him away.

Jin nodded silently before pulling Jungkook out with him, leaving me and the new boy as a result.

I turned back to him and smiled, as did he in return before he shifted a little on his spot to face me more properly, "Hi Diana, um," he began, looking down at his lap as he thought through his words before looking back up at me.

"I'm Taehyung." He smiled a boxy smile, leaving me at awe, "I want you to know that I'm really, really grateful for your bravery with that.. creature. So, thank you so much for saving me when you did. I don't know what would've happened if you and Jungkookie..." he stopped, noticing me shake my head indignantly, "No, we do not think of other 'what if's here, young man." I stated firmly, "You're here with us now... well, it's kinda unfortunate that you had to end up in this game... but! All of us will be here and get out of this world together!" I smiled.

"I hope you don't mind that I fixed up your top," he brought up and I didn't even notice him discreetly hide my shirt behind him before he pulled it out from behind him, "I borrowed some thread and used a tiny, pointy little stick that easily pierced through to make do for a needle." He showed the back part and I gasped happily, noting how the red thread was neatly stitched to tie the torn fabric back together. I laughed, "You stitched in my name at the front!" I beamed and he laughed, "It's the least I could do for you and your bravery." He shrugged, his smile stuck to his face at my awestruck expression. I happily took it from his hands and giggled at the small smiley face stitched just beside my name.

"Thank you so much, darling! It'll be sure to make the others jealous for the special embroidery on my shirt," I slid in a wink his way and watched as Taehyung's smile widened into its full potential, making me smile back just as much at the sight. It was infectious and he was incredibly cute. Unable to stop myself from cooing loudly, I reach over to ruffle his head affectionately, "You're adorable, you know that?" I giggled as Taehyung laughed.

"My family has made sure I know that every second of the day. Though 'handsome' is more commonly mentioned." He told me cheekily, making me laugh, "As they should!" I showed my support to his family.

"I wonder how my family is doing," I wondered out loud since the topic was brought up. I'm hoping that dad is still out so he didn't have to worry about me. Finding out his daughter is in the hospital would distract him a lot.

My smile dimmed slightly as I noticed Taehyung's falter at the mention of family. I sighed, knowing that he must miss them, "Already home-sick, darling?" I asked softly.

Taehyung's smile returned as he shook his head in denial, "No no, not home-sick. I've spent some time away from them before this. I was just thinking." He explained.

I nodded as I hummed, "Penny for your thoughts?" I smiled. Taehyung pursed his lips before looking at me with sad eyes, making my smile disappear out of concern, "Why the long face?" I asked.

"I had actually... seen you before.., before I got here." He admitted, surprising me.

Does he mean the hospital??? Why was he at the hospital??

"I was visiting a friend of mine since he got into an unfortunate accident. He fractured his leg and while I walked towards his designated room, I came across yours." He pressed his lips into a tight line before he began to fidget with his fingers again.

"It was just the day before I got here. I saw a woman and two guys by your side; one was much younger and asleep beside the woman and the other had a suit on. I did visit around an early evening that day, so I guess that man visited after his work." He revealed and I felt my breath hitch. "Y-Yohan?? My big brother was there?? He's back??" I questioned all of my running thoughts. "Did... did the suited man have brown, slicked-back hair?" I asked desperately.

Taehyung's eyes softened immediately, and nodded. "H-how was the woman? Was she healthy? Did she- did she look like she was taking care of herself? M-Ma tends to push her health away in favour for us." I rushed out my words.

It has been so long since I last properly heard about my family. Well, a part of my family. I'm glad dad wasn't there. He already works hard to do his job by the sea. He shouldn't need an extra weight of stress to push him down.

Taehyung smiled at me, "You might want to lay down, Diana. Get comfortable because I actually had a good talk with your family. My friend was getting discharged that day and he just so happened to be a neighbour of yours! Well, used to be." He stated and urged me to lay down. He rushed towards the food placed on the desk and came back, helping me get comfortable before placing the make-shift wooden tray on my lap holding my meal.

My heart burst with anticipation, I wonder if that friend of Taehyung's was the shy, really reserved boy that moved away about a year back before I got here. I never caught his name because we never really talked but our parents regularly made visits to one another and became close friends. It was mostly my mom that came to their house. The boy probably grew close to her from her regular visits.

"I accompanied him when he told me he was gonna talk to your mom. He was visibly worried so I figured she was a close person to him." Taehyung explained.

"Your big brother is taking good care of her, he mentioned it to assure my friend. She was very pretty, by the way." He chuckled. I joined him, agreeing immediately at his words and feeling relieved that Yohan was taking good care of her. "Your little brother said that he was going to give you a good whack in the head once you woke up to compensate for making him worry so much. Your mother said that she would, too." I laughed heartily as Taehyung continued to share his experience with my family.

It was already clear to Tae just how long I must've spent here because one doctor had also joined in to fill in some information to my family about my state. He heard then itself, just how long I've been like that so he mentioned to me about how he felt about it - which was similar to how Jin first reacted. Though soon after, he returned to the conversation he had with my family.

I let a few tears slip out from the corner of my eyes as I imagined the interaction. Sharing a few light-hearted laughter with Taehyung as he mentioned something amusing.

I really do miss them. Once I'm back to health, I'll search far and beyond for a possible lead that could get all of us out.

I won't rest until I do. And this wound on my back would do nothing to stop me. Nothing will.


Finally Diana got an idea about how her family is doing 🥺🥺✨

We didn't meet any one new this time, but we did get to bond a little with Taehyung! So that's great!

A slightly longer chapter to compensate publishing this chapter a few days later than usual, I won't stretch this A/N too long haha so let's jump to guessing!

Who do you think we'll meet next chapter? Or will we?? 👀👀





No one 😟

Let me know!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! See you next week- er.. this coming Friday? 😆 byebye💕💕💕

~ Ada

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