👾CH. 8👾

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I slid down the ladder in a rush, my trusty waist bag holding my small pocket knife, some bandages and the bottle of disinfectant as well as a small water bottle in case the person gains any minor injuries that would need tending to. I had removed the one rock that caused a nasty cut on Jin and Jungkook to make sure anyone new doesn't get them too and pray he isn't too wounded by the fall he took from the sky. But I don't think it really mattered when I heard the familiar sound of a growl.

An Olfstin.

"I'm coming with you," Jungkook immediately stated, making me halt in my hurried steps to get to the scared man in the forest. "Jungkook, it's not—"

"Please, Diana. It's better if you're not alone over there!" He pleaded. My eyes jumped from between Jungkook and the forest before I heaved out a breath, "Fine, whatever. Jin we'll be back soon!" I called out for the worried man who dutifully stayed back to keep a watchful eye out for our camp. "Wait!" Jin called for me, bringing the sword out from the cabin and placing it in Jungkook's hands, "Please, please, be careful!" Jin let out, having heard the loud growl, "Just run back if you can with that boy." He frowned. I opened my mouth before the new boy's voice cut through with plea for help.


I gave Jin one final look before I jumped into the forest and ran towards the voice that was emitting fearful sobs. My pace quickened at that, and Jungkook kept pace with me as well, following close behind as I easily made my way towards the spawning point where a boy had tears streaming down his face as he pulled himself away from the Olfstin.

I gasped when I realised that this particular Olfstin was bigger than the ones I had encounter before.

"Kookie, get to him." Was all I said before rushing forward and blocking the path of the approaching Olfstin that still emanated it's threatening growl. "Diana! What are you doing?! I'm the one with the sword!" Jungkook's voice called for me even as he rushed forward, intending to pull me back from getting any closer but I slipped past before he could.

(A/N: I'm the one in my zone~~ 🤪🎶)

"Diana!!" Jungkook gritted, his wide eyes watching the Olfstin with high alert and a hint of fear.

"Don't yell. It'll feel provoked to attack us. Don't move either, okay? Just trust me on this." I calmly explained.

I got it to go away once. I can do it again!

"Diana, if you get hurt, I will kill it if I have to." Jungkook frowned in utter concern, standing a few feet behind me while sporting a ready stance if anything happens.

It growled again, noticing Jungkook and crouched slightly, readying itself to pounce. The new boy let out a whimper as he made himself as small of a target as he could while curling into himself by the tree behind him. My heart hurt for him. He didn't have to come fact-to-face with this creature right as he got here. He's terrified.

"Diana..." Jungkook warned as I brought my hands up to show I held no weapon. "Drop the sword, Kook." I instructed firmly, "What? Why would..." his voice trailed as the Olfstin let out another loud snarl. Startling me as it was a different sound altogether from what I know it could make.

'A last warning.' I realised.

"Drop the damn sword, Jungkook." I gritted. He put it to the ground immediately, though never leaving his eyes off of the giant creature. It's loud growls reduced to low rumbles. Indicating that it was still highly cautious of our presence. I heaved out a breath.

"There we go..." I let out, still feeling incredibly tense at its posture. It screamed, 'stay back, or else' to me and I didn't want anyone to get hurt. There's a way to prevent it, we just have to stay clear from sudden movements and sharp objects.

The Olfstin's eyes snapped away from me and turned back into its merciless slits before dilating dangerously as it locked onto a prey. My eyes bulged at that and I dared to look behind to see the new boy rushing over towards Jungkook who had silently called for him to come and stay beside him.

"Guys! No sudden moves—!" I gasped and felt my breath hitch as the Olfstin pounced and swung its paws at me. I dived to my left to avoid it but let out a painful cry as my back burnt agonisingly.

"Diana!!" Jungkook screamed, running forward as he picked up his sword. "Shit." He cursed under his breath when the beast stepped forward with a loud growl.

I shoved my hand into my waist bag and pulled out my pocket knife. It'll have to make do. "Get out of here! I'll bring it away." I gritted and scrambled to my feet, keeping the knife hidden from its view. The Olfstin's eyes locked with mine before I made a beeline towards a bunch of bushes, squeezing past a small opening as I ran to the place I knew the creature wouldn't reach me.

The cave.

I held back a whimper and sped up towards the hidden cave with my burning back while the beast chased after me. I jumped over roots that stuck out of the ground as I watched where I stepped carefully while I ran.

There is no way I'm going to trip like a damsel in distress and let the damn monster catch onto me and do who knows what.

I took a sharp turn to my right, past a few plants before using all my strength to move the rock that blocked the cave. I let out a grunt as it shifted before quickly crawling in and used my remaining strength to push it back in place.

Almost like it's déjà vu, I heard it's rushing feet stomp hurriedly against the dense forest and created crunching sounds after every step it took. I held my breath when I heard the sound of sniffing awfully close to the rock that hid me from the creature.

God, I hope Jungkook and the new boy hid somewhere. I have no clue if it will go back to get them instead since I didn't fall prey to it.

I bit my lip from letting out a groan of pain as my shirt stuck glued to the giant gash I was sure I sported on my back. It brushed over the wound so painfully I thought I might faint from its pain. It wasn't bearable at all and I know I'll have to get it checked before it gets infected.

Jin is not going to be happy.

Not one bit.

~ 3rd person POV ~

Jin felt restless by the fire pit as he paced back and forth. He heard an awfully loud growl from within forest and hoped it had nothing to do with Jungkook or Diana. He didn't want to think the way he did but he rushed towards his room and prepared all sorts of medics needed to treat wounds onto his table as he pulled out nearly everything from the medical kit.

"Please be okay, please be okay," he repeated under his breath like a mantra, hoping desperately that nothing went wrong and that the two of you would get back safe and sound with the new boy.

"It shouldn't take this long." Jin stated uneasily, his brows creasing together in utter concern before he heard Jungkook's call.

"Hyung! Jin hyung!!" Jungkook's voice rang out. Jin jumped to his feet and rushed out of his room, eyes widening in horror, "Where the hell is she?!" He shrieked, rushing down the ladder to be face-to-face with Jungkook. Jin's eyes diverted to the new boy who sported tear-stained cheeks and scared eyes.

"Help him out, please. Taehyung hyung needs his injuries tended to. I'll come back." Was all he said as he left the new boy under his care before rushing back into the forest. "Jungkook-ah!" He called after the younger male, but to no avail - he already went.

Jin pursed his lips, just about ready to pull his hair out of his scalp before his eyes softened on Taehyung. "Hey, let me help you with your hand, hm? I'm SeokJin, but you can just call me Jin." The elder figured that he could use something to busy himself from his negative thoughts. Taehyung's lips wobbled with emotion.

"Th-thank you and I'm sorry," he replied as he let Jin guide him towards the seats by the fire pit. Jin frowned, wondering why the boy was apologising.

"I-I moved from my spot and it seemed to trigger that... that thing. She seemed to know what to do, but I ruined it all." He cried, guilt and worry flooding over his fear.

Jin's eyes widened at that information, before he shook his thoughts away from worst-possible scenarios in his head. "Hey, don't worry about it. She's a strong girl so she can handle herself just fine. Jungkook is just going to make sure she comes back without any more trouble." Jin assured and nodded at his own words.

That's right. Diana is incredibly strong. He should trust her ability to handle herself.

"I'll go grab a first-aid kit. Wait here for me, okay?" Jin smiled comfortingly at the boy. Taehyung hesitated for a moment before nodding, "Please hurry." He requested with a small voice, clearly not wanting to be left alone.

Jin smiled endearingly, "Of course." He compiled before running like a mad man for the kit.


~ Diana POV ~

"Oh gosh," I whimpered as I wrapped up the little wrap I carried with me around my wound, circling over my shoulder and below my arm on the other side. I secured it tightly before making a small knot to keep it together around my frame as I moved. I let out a grunt as I reached over for my shirt before slipping it on carefully so it doesn't brush roughly against my back.

"Game, I might just hate you a little more for making that creature so hard to calm down to make it understand that we want nothing to do with it." I scowled, letting out a pained breath as any slight movement caused my gash to throb painfully.

I took a deep breath, knowing that it'll only hurt more once I put my strength into pushing the rock out of my way so I can slip out. I heard the Olfstin walk away to the far right from here.

I let out a cry as I pushed at the rock with all my might. I was already drained from energy so this was literally the last straw before I decide that I've moved enough and settle where I am as I was, for the sake of gaining back my energy without getting a throbbing pain penetrating my very being. I pushed through anyway as I took great efforts to crawl my way out. I let out a shaky breath and used the rock for support as I straightened up into a stand. I swayed on my spot, feeling dots cover my vision just briefly.

I've never ran as fast as I did in my entire life. Contrary to how certain aspects regarding situations such as the one I experienced, time seemed to speed up alongside my heart rate. It went by in a flash and it's majorly the result of the drive of pure adrenaline. The sun was already setting and I'd heard the new boy scream early in the morning. How did I manage to run for so long? I guess I pushed my limits a bit too far... my legs can barely withhold my own weight. I'm shaking like a leaf.

"Diana, Please tell me where you are!! Diana?!"

I heard Jungkook's voice call for me. God, this guy. I never told him to come back did I?

Why did he come back in? What about the new boy? How did he reach so far? I know that the trip from camp to this cave is way too long. How did he...

I heard his footsteps increase in volume, indicating that he was getting closer. I let the rock I pushed support my weight as I let myself take a breather, feeling dark spots blur the corners of my vision once again.

"I never told you to come back, bambi. What if the Olfstin was still lurking around?" I breath out, noticing Jungkook's head peak over the bushy plants and shrubs as he searched for me.

At my voice, Jungkook gasped as he made a beeline towards the plants separating the two of us before he pushed past them messily in a hurry when he noticed me. "Oh my stars, Diana," he shakily let out and hurried over by my side as I took a step towards him.

He took one of my hands in his while the other circled around my waist to support my weight. "What are you doing here? Do you know how far we are from camp? You're so pale!" He scolded. I rolled my eyes at all the questions stumbling out of his mouth. I know exactly how far I am.

"How's the new guy?" I asked, cutting through his words. He stopped talking at my question before letting out a scoff, "What the hell, woman. You should be worrying about yourself right now!" Jungkook frowned.

I winced when his arm touched my gash, tears gathering at the corner of my eyes at I shut them closed to keep them from falling. "Oh no, I'm so sorry!" He panicked, pulling away as a result. Not expecting the sudden lack of support for my aching body, I fell to my knees and let out a loud whimper. I took on big gulps of air, momentarily seeing even more black spot within my vision as the pain struck me so suddenly.

"Oh my fucking god, Diana! Y-Your back! No wonder you're as white as snow!!" Jungkook gasped, clearly horrified. He rushed to help me up to my feet as much as he could as his hands hovered over me hesitantly, not wanting to cause me any more pain than I already am experiencing.

"I-I'm fine. Let's get back to camp, yeah?" I gritted, some tears sliding down my face from the pain despite my efforts to keep them at bay. Jungkook pursed his lips before he crouched down in front of me just slightly, wrapping his arms around my upper thighs before lifting me up.

I gasped, clutching at his shoulders instantly as to not fall, my legs instinctually wrapping around his waist. "Kook, what the hell?" I hissed out my question. What was he doing?

"I won't let you move so much. We have a far way to go to get back to the camp so I'm carrying you. Rest, okay? Keep talking with me though, I need to make sure you don't black out." He urged, bringing one hand up to push my head to his chest before it circled around one of my wrists and made them wrap themselves around his neck.

"I can't... I-I can't let you carry me all the way back.." I stammered, my voice slurring as I saw black spots clouding my vision once again.

Oh geez, I might just faint and I'm not even moving that much, anymore. I guess I bled a lot. I feel super light headed.

"Hey, hey, Ana," Jungkook brought me back to a more conscious state, his voice was wavering with strong emotions, "Stay with me, okay? I'll try to make our trip fast without causing too much disturbance. Please keep those eyes open." He spoke frantically, feeling my limbs loosen under his hold whilst I barely voiced out a hum as a response.

"Shit, shit, shit," I heard him repeat under his breath, his feet beginning to move as he carried me.

"Diana, come on. Talk to me. W-what do you think about having some company for the early morning ventures you take? Can I join you n-next time?" His breathing quickened as panic slowly settled within his guts and tears temporarily blurred his vision.

I opened my mouth to answer a yes, but only a puff of breath left my lips.

"Hold on tight, Diana. Just a little more..!" Jungkook kept speaking, his feet now rushing forward while his hands held me securely under his grip, he ran on his toes, intending to make the journey back as less painful as he can manage in his hurried steps and avoid jolting me in his hold too much from the movements.

My eyelids drooped gradually, I watched as the surrounding trees blurred into the distance and disappeared from my vision as he began to run in pure panic, rushing passed all sorts of plants.

"Diana, come on, don't close your eyes...!"

I'm here, I really am. I'm just feeling really tired, that's all.

Before I know it, they shut closed on their own account.


His voice faded along with my vision and my consciousness. Instead, darkness filled my vision and my back dulled from its constant throbbing pain, bringing me momentary relief as the pain subsided slowly into nothing.

Nothing at all.


Poor Taetae!! Imagine being thrown into a survival game world unknowingly and coming face-to-face with an Olfstin

I can't imagine having such a giant cut on my back but I bet it hurts like a butt cheek on a stick 😬😬 maybe even worse- I mean, it is from the creature.

Shout out to @mangmang_mocha ! You guessed it right! 🥳🥳

Not sure if we'll meet anyone new next week, but if we do, who do you think is next? 🧐





I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I ended up making Diana suffer more than I intended but oh well, lol!
See you next week! 🥰💕💕✨

~ Ada

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