👾CH. 7👾

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I scribbled on the paper I've been adding details to for the past few days, circling certain spots and expanding it onto another piece of paper I stuck beside it.

If it wasn't already clear what I'm currently doing at the moment, I'm working on building a map of the forest. I've only drawn a (sort of) rough layout of all the areas I've visited and frequented to, and circled areas I found certain treasures, as well as the spawning point.

"So this is what you're doing."

I jumped on my seat and looked up, seeing Jungkook peer over my shoulder to examine my in-progress map. "How in the teleporting nonsense—?"

"I knocked on your door but you didn't answer so I invited myself in." Jungkook shrugged, answering the question I didn't even get to finish asking.

He opened up to me and Jin fairly fast. It was almost like an overnight kind of thing for his shyness to go away. He chose the highest tree house on his first night, which was just across mine but leading up a few steps of stairs.

He especially bickered a lot with Jin. It was just 2 to 3 times on the second day before he just did it out of the fun of it, not getting bored of the childish energy Jin exerted when he 'played' with Jungkook, matching his own energy that he seems to absorb every second of the day.

"I heard you were alone for 2 months. Maybe even more. It must've been lonely, right?" Jungkook asked, his tone softening at the thought. I paused my scribbling on paper and turned to Jungkook who settled himself at the edge of my bed.

"Oh shit, I'm so sorry, you must not like talking about it, huh?" He grimaced. "It's okay, you don't have to say anything. Hyung just... well, he didn't deliberately tell me. It slipped out when we went on a pointless conversation about who's been here the longest and that the longest who stayed here is deemed the strongest." He explained in a rush, not wanting to put Jin in a bad light for revealing something I'm not really happy to talk about.

"Obviously, now we all know who... is the strongest..." He looked down at his feet, feeling embarrassed at my lack of reaction and expression towards him, maybe even at his own words.

I bit at my lip, letting myself think back to my lonely days without any company. It's not exactly something I'm sensitive to. I just think I'll get the unnecessary pity for my situation.

Jungkook doesn't seem like he'd openly express that, so I decided that there's no reason I can't bring it up. I did it with Jin. What's to say I can't with him, either?

Even if we've known each other just recently.

"You have no idea how helpless and lonely I felt those 2 months." I let out an empty laugh, smiling sadly at Jungkook, who perked up at my voice. "Everyday I wondered for how long will I go without any company. If I ever will get any at all." I shrugged, plopping my head onto my hand for support as I looked back at my miserable time alone.

~ Jungkook POV ~

I really do have no idea. It must've felt horrible, I can't even imagine being on my own in the wild like this, without anyone to help guide me. I'd probably still be freaking out about getting sucked into a game.

She must've had to do everything on her own. No wonder she's gotten so familiar with her way in the forest. It's almost like an automatic mechanism to routinely go in there to search for something. For a clue on how to get out and go back to our homes. She probably had to hunt for food herself, cook herself and even tend to her injuries herself.

When I first saw her, the scar running up the back of her hand was the first thing I noticed, which honestly scared me to look at. All the food in the pantry was brought in by her, too.

I can't even begin to imagine how her first day could've been; No one had been there to assure her like she did for me and hyung. No one to ensure her her safety, a place to stay.

I probably would've begun to cry endlessly at my helplessness but she came in like a Guardian Angel.

"When I first got here, I didn't spend it in this camp. I came across a separate opening by a cliff-side. There were wooden-planks tied together by a rope, and on that was a paper. The paper had written a daunting 'House.' I had to build my own house to stay that night. I had no medicine kit to treat my first few cuts and bruises, no tool to help me build the house but only my strength and some ropes. No drinkable water, either. I had to go back in the forest to get a sharp stick by the time it was night so I could hunt for fishes in the water." She explained.

My eyes widened at the mere thought of starting so bare. Not even water? How did she survive on her own?

"I started my own little fire using few rocks I collected along with some more sticks and cooked the one fish I caught and then, I called it a night since the moon was already shining over my head. When I woke up the next morning, all of it was gone." She chuckled dryly.

I furrowed my brows, "Wait...what?" I couldn't help but blurt out. All her hard work went down the drain. That was a harsh move from the game! She must've been very scared.

...Pause. She's basically the bravest out of hyung and I. I'm definitely underestimating her ability. I better stop doing that. Maybe not super scared, but freaked out nonetheless. I would've been hiding somewhere. Probably.

"Yeah, and my outfit changed, too." She nodded, gesturing towards hew attire, "I woke up to wearing this and one bright blue bag sat cozily by a bush just outside the dense part of the forest. It held the kit, a sword and all other goodies to help me by for the moment. I knew I couldn't just stay out in the open like that so I mustered up the courage to venture through the forest, keeping myself close to the river.

Then, I found this place. My little shed was relocated here along with the planks and then this giant tree house for like- 10 people." She ended it there and I let out a sound of astonishment, wondering how she managed to keep herself going for so long without anyone.

I already miss my family and friends and I've only been here for 5 days. Diana? I'm honestly surprised she hasn't complained about being away from her loved ones for how long she has.

She looked so small just then, recounting what she went through all on her own. It made me have a sudden feeling of protectiveness over her.

"Then you met hyung." I stated more than questioned. She blinked at me for a moment, "After two months, yes. I did." She nodded, her eyes still holding the pain and isolation she felt back then. It's so much clearer when you realise what she's been through.

Gosh, so much time alone. I still haven't seen an Olfstin but whatever it is, I will make sure to keep it away from her especially. It has hurt once and that is more than enough. More than Jin hyung and I will allow. That scar spoke for itself and I shivered every time I get a look of it.

She had to tend to that giant cut on her own, too, right?

"I'm sorry you had to go through so much on your own for so long..." I mumbled. Diana gave me a small smile, shaking her head dismissively, "It's okay, Kook. I'm perfectly fine, now." She smiled more widely and I let out a breath, smiling back at her with a nod, "Yeah." I murmured.

The sorrow within her eyes still remained, though. I don't know why, but even after knowing her for such little time, I find myself being really close to her already. Maybe it's because my first ever encounter with her was a breath of relief from the brutal shock I got. Not to mention how she helped me with my bleeding hand while talking as if everything would be fine. It was honestly really comforting at that time.

Another look at her made me want to console her despite her reassurance that's she okay.

Hugs solve everything, right? If only for a moment. Should I..?

~ BACK TO Diana POV ~

I raised a curious brow at him, noticing Jungkook nibble at his lips like he wanted to say something.

Just as I was going to ask about what he was thinking about, I tensed up soon after when he grabbed my hands out of nowhere, holding it in his. I scrambled to my feet as I leaned forward from the distance, stopping myself from stumbling forward from the stretch of distance. Jungkook stood up as well, making me look up at him.

I scoffed slightly at the amused gleam shining in his eyes at my near trip to the ground and at his stupid 'I know I'm tall' look, but in the end, I sported a look of confusion and embarrassment, wondering what he was up to.

His hand was warm. I kinda want to hold it a bit longer.

He pulled on my arms to either side of his frame before letting it go, "Wh—" I was about to question but my face planted right onto his chest from the sudden pull, effectively silencing me. I felt his arms circle around me, making me realise that I was brought into a hug.

After I snapped out of my shock, I tentatively brought my own hands to circle around his slim waist. I was sure that my face was incredibly red by this sudden sweet gesture.

"W-what's this for?" I spluttered, letting one of my hands pat his back, wondering if he was seeking comfort from me for something I completely missed.

"Is... everything okay?" I asked this time, letting my voice take a more softer tone, ready to comfort the male, who only tightened his grip around me, pressing me impossibly closer to him and making my face duck into the crook of his neck while he settled his chin on my shoulder, sort of cocooning me as his body curved towards me.

"Are you feeling ill..?" I mumbled out in concern. He hasn't answered any of my questions regarding the hug. I rub circles onto his back which hopefully soothes him if he really was feeling sick.

Maybe he was home-sick... I've experienced that countless of times. The craving of hot chocolate the strongest. That magic drink always soothed me... it was like an alternative form for tactile comfort.

Man... I never realised I was so attached to it.

I continued to rub his back in a soothing manner, hoping the comfort he was probably seeking out from me was what he was getting. I can't help but worry because through the days he's spent here so far, he hasn't shown being much into open skinship. Just occasional side-hugs like slinging an arm over a shoulder but that's the furthest it's gone.

This was so sudden and out of the blue, but this bear hug was incredibly nice. I couldn't help but let out a blissful sigh at the feeling of being embraced.

It's been so long since I've been hugged like this that I couldn't help but snuggle into his neck a little. I felt Jungkook's chest vibrate as he hummed, "I'm fine." He answered simply. His own hand pressing its palm against my back as he rubbed it up and down, unknowingly bringing me a lot of comfort as my eyes fluttered closed.

I let myself absorb this tactility as much as I could before he did pull away. I blinked my eyes open, the worry I had never faded for him. "Are you sure? Do you feel home-sick?" I asked again, despite his answer telling me that he was fine.

Jungkook hummed a yes, "I'm sure. Stop worrying, Diana." He mumbled and began to sway the two of us side-to-side within our little embrace.

I was trying really hard at this point to hold it together. He had no idea how much I needed this hug after being deprived of it for so long. I basically melted in his hold as the hug stretched longer. Whether he knows what he's doing to me or he, himself, wants this hug to last longer for his own reasons... either way, I can't seem to get enough of it despite how it keeps stretching favourably longer.

I tightly shut my eyes closed, not willing to shed any tears today. If I do, then I'm afraid there would be no stopping me. I took in deep breaths to calm my aching heart and let the lump in my throat go so I don't feel like bursting into choked sobs. My breaths were shaky from trying to hold it together.

I felt Jungkook loosen his hold around me but I wanted it to last just a bit longer.

Please, just a moment longer.

I tightened my own hold around him to silently convey this plea. Thankfully, he got my silent request and continued to rub my back soothingly. I didn't want him to see me struggling not to cry, either. So I kept my grip before, and with much strength, I let loose.

Jungkook seemed to stand there for a moment before he pulled away as well. He placed a hand on either of my shoulders before gazing down at me with empathy. A comforting smile displayed in his features as he looked at me. That's when I realised he hugged me for my own comfort.

"Thank you. I didn't know I needed that." I smiled back at him, hoping my sincerity was conveyed through the first two words I spoke out. Jungkook grinned toothily, "You're welcome." He nodded, patting my head for a second or two before mentioning about bothering Jin as he turned to leave.

However, he paused when he took one step towards the exit, making me frown in confusion. I turned towards my door and my eyes widened.


How long has he been standing there? How much did he see??

I felt me cheeks turn warm all over again as Jin grinned knowingly, though his eyes held fondness in them. "Boy, am I glad I came here just in time." He giggled, skipping his way over to me and surprising me as he cupped my cheeks with his hands. "You're such a dear, Diana. If you ever want another hug soon, tell me, alright?" He looked at me expectantly. Knowing I can't just nod since his hands held my face, I mumbled out an embarrassed 'okay' as a response. That was all Jin needed before he hummed, appeased.

He then proceeded to pinch the life out of my cheeks, making me wail in pain, "Ah, Jin! Stopp!!" I whined as he continued to do what he wanted with my poor cheeks

"This is for brushing off your needs like they don't matter! Comfort is not any less of a need as is food and water, you idiot. It's natural to need comfort, you know?" He stated before letting go of my cheeks that are sure to bruise.

"You didn't have to abuse my cheeks!" I whined some more, rubbing it to sooth the mild pain. Jin scoffed, "Of course, I did and I'll do it again! Don't hide it next time or there's worse coming for you." He threatened.

I pouted, huffing out a breath before my eyes caught onto my map. "What brings you to my room, anyway?" I asked, deciding to continue my map-making for a later time as I tidied up my table.

"Oh, I came to get Jungkookie." He realised as he turned to Jungkook, who silently enjoyed my misery. "What do you want from me, old man?" Jungkook raised a brow.

Jin scoffed at the 19 year old boy, desire to strangle him clear for me to see in his eyes, "Get your bum down to the kitchen, child. I need your help but I might just ask the more mature lady right over here-" he gestured towards me, "-to help out instead since she's clearly the stronger one." He pointed out. Jungkook rolled his eyes, "I'll show you strength!" He stated as he marched his way out of the room with the purpose to prove Jin wrong.

I chuckled, "You already know how to bring the competitive side of him out when you need it, sweets. Wow." I praised, clapping slowly as Jin grinned at me. He slipped a wink my way before leaving as well, probably to take good advantage of Jungkook's strong will to prove him wrong.

"I bet you can't lift all of this and place it safe and sound inside the kitchen!" I heard Jin yell at Jungkook. "Watch me!" The younger's voice soon followed.

I shook my head in good nature, a chuckle leaving my lips as I left my room to peer down at the two. It was hilarious to watch them bicker and land playful hits at each other as comebacks before all of us froze at a scream.

My head shot towards the forest as did the two men's.


Oh no...


Oooop 👀👀

Someone else has joined the game! Who do you think it is? 🤔👀






Hope you enjoyed this mini fluff hehe, see you next chapter! 💕💕

~ Ada

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