👾CH. 14👾

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~ Yoongi POV ~

It's not just me who has noticed this, but everyone has — even the new guys. Jimin and Hoseok actually seemed to be off-put by Diana's change in demeanour. I can understand to some extend as to why they feel that way.

That girl was cheery and bright when she first introduced herself to them and they were instantly put at ease by her cheery mood and calm intake on the happenings.

No, I didn't follow her before the crack of dawn into the forest. I just know because that's all she has ever done for all of us.

It changed a bit with me but... that's on me.

And her.


The two new guys took a small nap after they came and woke up around the same time when the sun was close to reaching its complete peak over-head. They're pretty bright and optimistic themselves, which helps cheer up everyone else, including me. I don't plan to say this out loud, though. The others already figured that out for themselves.

We've all acquainted well with one another and I can certainly say that we can eventually become close friends. Everyone definitely agrees on that.

However, the bond we will build with each other right now is not what concerns me at this moment. It's Diana. She had shut herself into her room and flat out refused to go out today, saying Jungkook can go if he wants and that her absence shouldn't stop him from venturing into the forest.

The two of us had shared a look of confusion knowing she goes every morning to do her daily ventures. Not only that, she hardly lets Jungkook venture in without her.

I let her be for now, but I noticed the new players were visibly worried. However, it could merely just be that she's already gone in way before the time she usually goes and doesn't feel like taking a second trip.

Right now, I sat by the fire-pit on the ground and used the seats as a support to lean on as I lazed. The other two were sitting on their own spots by the fire-pit and were acting restless with frowns on their faces.

Diana really put an impression on them. She probably played as a grounding Angel sent personally from heaven for them and saved the day by being the Beacon of hope and security, bringing along a sense of normalcy under life-shocking experiences and abnormal circumstances that had frightened them to no end within the darkness of the unusual forest that could've held all sorts of threat to their lives.

Just to point out because I can, those aren't my words. Just saying.

They're not.

"Yoongi, is the first-aid kit still in your cabin?" Jin asked and I hummed a yes. I forgot, I was helping Jin hyung cook food for everyone but I burnt my hand when it got too close to the fire that's been put out now. I had gone back to treat it on my own because I can take care of myself just fine. A little burn is nothing I can't tend to myself.

He nodded and mentioned that he's going over to fetch it and I waved him off, saying it's fine.

Right now, Hoseok, Jimin and I were all lounging here after having our second meal of the day. Diana was once again, staying inside, but hopefully she ate the food Jin personally brought to her cabin. I got up from my spot, intending to spend my time in my cabin at the moment.

"Did something happen while I was asleep?" Hoseok asked, fidgeting on his spot and occasionally glancing at her room by the ladder. I paused on my step and pursed my lips.

I shook my head, "No." I answered. I believe they warmed up fairly quick to her. I don't question it because she holds such a welcoming aura around her all the time. As of now, it seems to disappear because she had mentioned that she wanted to be left alone.

I watch Joon pop up from the tree house and call for Jimin and Hoseok, who scurry after him, most likely to distract themselves from feeling odd from the switch up of a warm welcome to an abrupt silence provoked after Diana shut herself in.

By the time the sun sets, I'll go talk to her to see what's wrong. On the other hand, something is nagging me at the back of my mind...


Wait... Jin hyung's going into my room.

My feet quickened to speed up as I rushed after him.

"Shit, shit, shit, shit..!" I cursed under my breath. The dart gun's in there!

I hid it with me because if Diana wanted to keep it hidden, hiding it close to the kitchen was a no-no since hyung frequently goes there. I had offered to hide at mine and she agreed.

I panted as I stood at the door of my tree house, noticing Jin stare at the dart gun with wide, horrified eyes.

Fuck, fuck, fuck. He found it. And he doesn't look happy in the slightest.

~ Diana POV ~

I've been keeping myself endlessly occupied with my personal notebook and even asked Namjoon if I could borrow the maps I drew along with the other notebook for a while. I'm grateful he didn't push to ask why I needed it and simply handed it over. He even smiled at me in a reassuring and comforting manner, which helped my overflowing mind of negativity even if he doesn't know the extent of the frenzy brewing within my mind.

I don't even know why I'm in such an all time low today. I should be so much more happier than usual because we've all finally found some hint to get us out.

I've tried to forget about my missing memories but that effort makes me remember it so much more, so I've resorted to go through all of my notes and rough sketches of all the things I've seen and have got a glimpse of, for all the time I've spent in this world to rid my mind of the daunting thought.

I know I could just go out and let the others help distract me from all the negativity clouding my mind and cheer me up from my lack of enthusiasm but I don't want to risk showing them how hard it is that I'm trying to keep going and not just let myself fall.

The feeling is so much worse now since I accidentally closed my eyes for a minute too long and saw my family again. When I shot my eyes open after such a short moment, the holes in place of my memories was awfully obvious because...

I swear, I know I go to school.

I just don't remember. But I'm sure I do. I've written it down at the back of my personal notebook to make sure I don't forget.

Instead of risking forgetting more before it's too late, I've been furiously writing down about all the memories I hold so dearly to me in my personal notebook to remind myself if I ever forget something super important.

Like the time my little brother was born, what my father's occupation is, my elder brother's as well and why he's always away and that despite the constant distance between us, we're still so close and love each other no matter what. I even tried to sketch a somewhat realistic portrait of my mother from the very little I still remember despite only seeing a blurry face when I close my eyes. Fearing that I'll most likely forget other faces, I had jumped to draw a small portrait of the rest of my family members as well. Ones that have not turned blurry, yet. I wrote what I do, the type of school I go to, my internship opportunity, what my goal is and why is it so.

I wrote down the names of my family members and I'm so, so freaking glad I did because I might even forget something like that, and I just can't possibly let that happen even if it does, so I swiftly noted down anything and everything I remember.

Knock knock

Not expecting anyone to pay me a visit because of my plea to be left alone, I scramble to shut my notebook closed in a hurry and sloppily tidied up my messy desk when I heard the door slide open before flipping open the other notebook to a random page.

Spinning my head to look, I was surprised to see Namjoon, Jimin and Hoseok enter.

"Oh, h-hi guys!" I smiled. I want to avoid bringing up my situation at all cost because I don't want the boys to believe that they might lose their memories, too. I've been here for far too long so I guess being inside a world that exists only in a game has began to take effect on me.

I doubt the others will have to face this because they came here much later than I have. There's no need to plant fear within them and watch them dread the day they think they'll begin to find holes in their mind.

Also... I feel like this is happening to me because I'm the only girl present here. I have a hunch that I wasn't meant to be inside this game.

"Hey," Namjoon sent a small smile my way and ushered the other two to take a seat on my bed, as did he. "I hope you don't mind the sudden visit. I know you said you wanted some alone time... I'd actually sat these two down in my cabin before and had briefed them on the Olfstin and what we've found and know so far, while you were in here." He explained and I made an 'o' shape with my mouth.

Namjoon looked at the two timid guys beside him expectantly, but upon recieving no response, he sighed and spoke on their behalf, "They're a little freaked out, and you're the first person they met here, so I thought I'd bring them here. I hope you don't mind, you kind of have that... how do I say it—?" He tried to say but Jimin cut in swiftly.

"It's kind of like a.. soothing effect because you're the first person we met, and we're kinda freaked out.. But anyway- u-uhm.."

Seem's like he didn't think through what he wanted to say before interrupting Joon, who rolled his eyes, "Basically, you'll provide them more assurance and comfort than me. So they're here." He ended there.

"Oh," I blurt out and turned to the two guys who let out a small grimace. "Yeah.. we feel like our time in the forest is even more scary now. What if that thing was there before you arrived?" Hoseok shuddered. I let out a chuckle, "They don't really show themselves much. For all the time I've spent here, -" I cleared my throat. "-I've only seen that beast about four to five times." I said and they gaped at me.

"Don't they scare you? They have so many teeth! They're like needles, but longer and bigger! They have a tail like a scorpion's, doesn't that mean they can sting you? And don't those stingers hold venom??" Jimin frowned.

(A/N: rough sketch of what I picture the creature as lmao it doesn't really look scary but now u get the idea I guess (after so many chaps lmao) also I very VERY roughly pointed out the features lol)

I huffed out a breathy laugh, "Wow, I guess Namjoon's already showed you the sketch. A pretty rough sketch, but anyway - yes, they do hold venom. I've tested it before and it's not a very nice thought to think about. Extra venom makes them go bonkers." I winced.

Namjoon frowned in confusion, "You've tested it? When? How??" He jumped to question and I froze.

Oh snap-

"Oh- Uh, w-well... you see..." I bit my lip. Crap, how do I bring this up? Maybe I should tell them, now?? No no no I'll need Yoongi to be here with me because I'm not sure on what to expect when I'll have to explain the purpose of the dart gun... another whole creature somewhere out there, possibly more savage and feral than an Olfstin...

"Diana?" Namjoon probed skeptically.

Yoongi was way more calmer and accepting of the new information than I expected, I can't imagine the others reacting the same way. They might misunderstand why I hid it. It's a stupid, stupid reason but for goodness sake, how does one begin to explain this?? I just kept pushing it back cuz I have no proper excuse!!

Yoongi, I need your support!!!


I let out a breath. Fantastic timing yoongi! I fucking love y—-

"Yes?" I called out and deliberately avoided meeting Joon's eyes, knowing he was still looking at me for an answer.

Yoongi poked his head in and raised a brow, "Oh. Here you guys are." He mumbled at the sight of the three men sitting on the bed, before he turned back to me.

"Actually perfect, all of you stay here." He stated and made his way over to me. "Diana, I think it's time." He told me and I furrowed my brows questioningly at his words before tilting my head to the side when he gestured to whisper something to me.

"Jin hyung found the dart gun." He whispered and I tensed.

My eyes widened at him and he pursed his lips, moving his hand up to pat my head to sooth my suddenly, very erratic heart, "It'll be okay." He mumbled and wrapped his other hand around my shoulders in a brief hug to assure me. "I'm bringing them here, all right?" He informed and with a tight smile, I nodded.

"I'll help you through the explanation, don't worry, sweet girl." He smiled more softly. I nodded and let out a nervous breath, giving him a smile back before he stepped back out of my room to call the remaining boys in.


I looked down at my lap with a shameful look as I felt Jin's heated gaze settle on me while he stood by the head of the bed whilst the others sat on my bed and some took a seat on the floor. Yoongi came over to stand beside me and wrapped a loose arm around my shoulder in silent comfort and support.

"Um..." I began and hesitantly brought my eyes up to meet Jin's hurt ones. "How can you hide this for so long, Diana? Why was this hidden? A gun? Where did you get this from?" Jin questioned with a permanent frown on his face, holding the said gun with careful hands.

I let out a long sigh. "I-I've had it since I got the bag when I got here." I began and winced when everyone gasped except Jimin and Hoseok, who looked uneasy and worried, though confused about the stronger reaction the others gave.

"That's nearly four months ago, Diana!" Jin snapped with bulging eyes. I bit my lips when I noticed Jimin and Hoseok give me horrified looks my way at that knowledge from the corner of my eyes. Yoongi's hand squeezed at my shoulder to remind me he was right beside me.

I nodded at Jin's words and opened my mouth to explain more about it, "I-I know... it's just that.. The- the gun, um.. it- it—" I took a deep breath. Keep calm, Diana. They were going to find out sooner or later. You would've never been ready to drop the bomb so it's good now that you can tell them. Even if it's unnerving with all the other eyes on you.

"The dart gun holds the Olfstin's venom. So the gun wouldn't work on it even if we try. She had tried it before and it only makes them act more savage." Yoongi spoke on my behalf, his thumb rubbing at my shoulders to sooth me. Jungkook furrowed his brows, "You already knew?" He frowned at Yoongi, eyes dancing between looking at me and him.

Yoongi nodded mutely before looking down at me, silently asking if I want him to continue or will I.

I shook my head at him and he nodded, squeezing my shoulder to keep me calm as I turned to the boys before me and opened my mouth.

"He found out on his own, too. I-I just asked him to keep it a secret until I tell you all myself. But.. J-Jin already found out..." I mumbled at the end before clearing my throat, ready to continue but Taehyung cut in with wide eyes, "Wait- if the darts for the gun have the Olfstin's venom th-then..." he trailed, gulping at his own conclusion because that only meant one thing. The others began to register this realisation themselves and sported their own shocked looks. Some turning fearful.

I nodded, "Yes. It's not meant for the Olfstin. It's meant for something else, some other creature." I confirmed.

Namjoon jutted his jaw in thought before he spoke up, "So there's another monster somewhere out there that we can't even approach. Because if the dart gun is specially designed to take down whatever it is, it's much more dangerous than an Olfstin." He stated knowingly.

I nodded, "I didn't say anything because I was so frightened by that thought alone, I didn't want you all to dread your time spent here knowing there's something so feral out there..." I explained myself, "And- and I know that despite it all, I shouldn't have kept it hidden for so long and told you sooner. I'm sorry... It's no excuse, I was just afraid about possibly losing the one company I've wished to have for all the times I've spent on my own. I didn't want to scare anyone away with this information." My voice died down at the end, a small peak at Jin's face and I looked away before I could register what his face expressed at my poor confession.

I couldn't keep eye contact with anyone for that matter, and ultimately decided to look back down at my hands on my lap when Jin's stare continued to rest on me. I clenched my fists at the lack of response before I heard some shuffling followed by footsteps. Some of them mumbled needing time to process this new piece of information and others agreed as well.

Yoongi watched blankly as they all filed out of the cabin with running minds before giving my shrunken form a soft gaze. Figuring that I might want some time alone as well, he leisurely retracted his arm resting over my shoulder—

I tensed instantly when I felt Yoongi's grounding hand slip away and I rushed to hold on, "w-wait please. Don't go, please don't leave." I stammered out and Yoongi seemed to freeze for a moment before he wrapped his arms back around my shoulders, his other coming over to push my head closer to him and rest against him from where he stood. "Okay, its alright. I'm not leaving. I'm right here." He mumbled into my head, where he placed his chin, prompting my head to tuck under his as I shut my eyes closed.

"They left, didn't they..." I murmured, pained at the complete silence in the room. Yoongi hummed to confirm my words but continued to brush his hand over my head while the other squeezed around my shoulders, holding me close to him, "Don't worry about that, sweet girl. I know you didn't notice but I saw all of them loosen up and gaze at you so softly, it's kind of funny to witness. They all care about you so much. Jimin and Hoseok, too, and they've not even been here for an entire day, yet." He chuckled, "They've all just gone to process the new news on their own." He comforted before he let go of his hold around me before urging me to look at him.

When I did, he smiled warmly, "They may be upset right now, but they'll get over it." He said with so much certainty, I couldn't do anything else other than to hold onto his words with hope and believe it.

Yoongi gave my head a ruffle before his smile turned sly and knowing, "I bet Jin hyung will be the first to come." He stated confidently and I couldn't help but let out a small laugh, "and if you're wrong?" I raised a brow expectantly.

Yoongi scoffed, "I won't be. Believe me, I know he'll be the first." He grinned cheekily and I huffed out a breath, "Let's see if you're right then." I smiled.

"Diana..?" My eyes bulged when I heard Jin's voice behind the door.

Yoongi burst out into a laugh, "What did I say?" He grinned widely before making his way over towards the door and swung it open, "That was fast, hyung." Yoongi said amusedly and left me alone with an embarrassed Jin sending a discreet glare at the pale man's back by the door, after he sent me a 'I told you so.' Look before disappearing.

Jin sighed at my stiff figure and closed the door behind him before approaching me and grabbing my hands, surprising me as he led me to sit on my bed instead so he could take a seat beside me.

I squeaked in shock when he pulled me into his arms, "I can hardly stay mad at you for more than five minutes, you silly girl. I'm still upset that you kept this from me for so long but it doesn't hurt more than to know you assumed I'd leave you to fend for yourself and run away." He cooed, placing his cheek against my head that was buried close to his chest. I let out a breath I didn't realise I held before returning the hug as relief washed over me.

"I'd be ridiculously crazy to leave your side knowing you could help me survive in this world. You saved me from that monster and helped bring food to our table so that we continued on with full stomaches." Jin continued and I opened my mouth to protest on that claim, but he tutted, "I cook those foods and am only able to do so because you've gathered them from your occasional hunts. I only help make them more appetising and more tasty to digest, dear." Jin reasoned before letting me go as I pull away.

"I-I swear I was going to tell you myself but I just couldn't find the right moment. But...I- I realised that I would've never been really ready at all to say this because of the fear. But then you already found out..." I bit my lip.

Jin smiled softly, "It's okay, Diana." He said, "I understand. It's all out in the open, now. There's no need to dread the 'reveal', anymore. I can assure you that the others understand, too. I just made up my mind much sooner because I can't stand that frown on your face. A smile suits you much better - so please, lighten up." He said, pinching my cheek.

I voiced out my complains as he laughed, bringing another hand into the mix and stretching my face as a result, "Jin!" I whined.

"Okay, okay. Will you come out with me, this time? You've been cooped up in here for so long." He asked hopefully and I smiled, nodding, "Yeah, let's go." I giggled as he jumped and grabbed onto my hand, pulling me out.

It certainly feels better now that I have one less thing to hide.



We've got some moments here!! Jimin and Hoseok have already grown attached to Diana so I suppose we can push to achieve a lil more with them Huh 😏😉 jkjk 😂 unless..👀

Diana is stressing out about her memories.. just how long does she plan to keep that worry hidden? 😣😣

Anyway! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! 🥰✨ it's slightly longer than usual, but I'm aiming to make my chapters long either way so it's pretty much a win lol 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

See you next week!! 😘💕✨

~ Ada (who finally updated on a Saturday lol)

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