👾CH. 15👾

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Everything had settled down by the end of the that day. All of the boys had come to me on their own times to discuss about what they felt about this.

It was a completely different story with Jimin and Hoseok, though. Those two came together and were careful about mentioning about the amount of time I've spent inside this game. It took up most of their thinking time.

I didn't mind talking about it much because I've said it before so it doesn't bother me anymore, but it does still make me sad. The only thing that really bugs me, is the one nagging thought at the back of my head trying to scream at me and say that all those times in this world is the reason for my... my situation. I might actually confide in someone or the other. I don't think I'll be able to cope with this for long.

Anyway, It's been exactly 2 days since that day and the dart gun is no longer hidden from view. Jungkook and Taehyung gave everyone a tough time by pointing the gun at them as a joke.

I had fallen victim to their joke (their stupid little prank hhhh) and even screamed bloody murder when Kook pulled on the trigger. I snapped out of my fright when the two burst out laughing because nothing shot out.

I had chased after them for the huge fright I'd experienced being under the gun's radar and they had screamed as they ran.

Because I was a fast bitch.

Today, I plan to reverse the roles here and grinned mischievously at Jimin, who mirrored my expression as I made sure the gun was unloaded.

Because I had half-heartedly gotten back at them by chasing them, I let Jimin do the honours to shoot tiny paper balls at them.

I know they won't believe that there's anything inside the gun when he pulls the trigger so I took it one step further and used some torn out paper from one of my notebooks to shape them into a similar size of a dart before carefully placing them inside so they shoot out easily.

(A/N: Shoot out, shoot out, shoot out 😩🎶)

"They had it coming eventually." Jimin snickered as he held onto the gun and nodded towards me before I began making a move out of his cabin and towards the two siting by the fire-pit doing god knows what.

Now that I think about it, what do they do? I never payed any mind to it since I was always doing something or the other but.. do those two just lay around?? Or do they simply talk about anything that comes to their mind and make do to pass time?? The least I've done is just laying on my bed and staring at the semi-realistic clouds out the open window. Or, I'm just looking at the glowing water in the river.

Either way, I'll help them have something to do, alright. Help them be something actually.

Be fearful. >:)

Jimin tapped my shoulder and I hummed in response, turning to him, he had that mischievous glint I found myself loving a bit too much.

"Tae already noticed us. Let's just start right now. There's no point in waiting the inevitable." He giggled softly and I grinned, nodding.

To make it seem like it's like any other day, I go down the ladder first with ease and turned to a smiley tae. "Hey guys! What're you two upto?" He asked curiously.

I smiled toothily at him and almost felt bad for what I was going to do. Almost.

Jungkook turned over since his back faced us and raised an inquisitive brow at my happy mood, jimin joined my side with the same demeanour.

"We actually found out how to do something." He began and pulled out the dart gun from behind his back.

Tae's eyes widened for a moment before he let out a sigh, "Jungkookie and I already did that." He pointed out and shook his head.

I grinned, "We know."

Jungkook shifted so he faced me and Jimin more properly, "Then what are you planning to do? Shoot us with air?" He snorted.

Jimin hummed almost sadistically and had I not have him on my side of the plan, then I'd be scared for sure. He slung an arm over my shoulder while the other hand pointed the gun to his right side, "No. This is actually a payback." He wiggled his brows and pulled the trigger. That let out a shooting sound and a "dart" like bullet shot out and pierced the ground.

Jungkook and Taehyung jumped on their spots, wearing wide eyes and holding a defensive posture.

"Y-Yah," Jungkook gawked, "You can't actually shoot a dart at us! It has venom!" He pointed out.

I snorted, "Oh, pshh don't worry, bambi. Didn't you hear Jiminie mention that we found out how to do something?" I asked sweetly, "Well, we extracted all the venom from the darts, so all it will do is pierce your skin~" I chuckled, "No biggie." I gave the two scared boys an obvious fake smile before turning to Jimin.

"Jiminie?" I began, giggling deviously.

Jimin giggled alongside me and directed the gun at them, "Say hello to sweet, sweet revenge!" He cackled and pulled the trigger, dileberately pointing it in between the two who scrambled out of their seats with a yelp.

"Jiminie, stop!!" Taehyung cried out and booked it to Pluto. Jungkook did too and resorted to sacrificing Jin, who was pulled into the mess with clear confusion written on his face. "What is the meaning of this?" Jin frowned.

Poor jinnie.

"They're shooting me with the dart gun loaded!" Jungkook exclaimed and Jin gasped, "What?!" He shouted and began wrestling Jungkook to get away from the mess he was dragged into.

"Why am I here?!" Jin complained, "This is dangerous, Diana! Jimin! Put the gun away!! What the hell!!" He hollered.

"What's with all the commotion?" Yoongi piped in from above the ladder before he climbed down. Jimin smiled innocently, "Diana and I are taking our revenge on Tae and kookie." He answered and Yoongi hummed.

"Why are they scared? You're doing the same thing as them." He wondered and I laughed, "Oh no, this time it's loaded." I pointed out.

Yoongi's eyes shot wide at that, "Wait what?" He muttered and I nodded to confirm that he heard right.

"Why are you playing around with the darts? Have you two lost your minds??" He asked incredulously, "You're wasting them, too!" He frowned.

I chuckled and motioned for Jimin to go on, and he did so with an evil laugh filled with joy. I waved off Yoongi's concern, "Don't fret, cutie. We replaced them with paper balls shaped as darts." I revealed and he sagged on his spot, "For fuck's sake, Diana. You couldn't have mentioned that at the start?" He scowled.

I giggled, "I wanted to see your reaction. Also mind your language." I simply answered and squealed as his hands shot to get me, "Come here, you!" He scoffed out a chuckle.


So Jimin finally decided to land one hit on Jungkook who screamed so loudly, it had me rolling on the ground. Namjoon joined in on the show beside me, having heard all the noise from his cabin before he decided to take a look.

Even Yoongi had a good laugh at the scene and Tae seemed as horrified as ever, "YOU ACTUALLY SHOT HIM?!" He had screeched out while Jungkook soon realised that what hit him was a ball of paper in place of actual darts. Jimin was clutching at his abdomen because he laughed so hard, it hurt him physically before he fell to the floor while gasping for air.

"That was hilarious," Jimin cried out as he made his way back to us (Diana, yoon and Joon) before holding out his hand for a high five from me, which I gave with a satisfied cackle.

I gave him two thumbs up, "That was a total success, Angel!" I laughed.

"Angel???" Taehyung repeated with a scrunched up face, "More like devil! That wasn't nice!" He scowled.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and spun to smile at Namjoon, "So I was looking through all the notes on the notebook and you know that paper for the dart gun?" He started and I nodded my head, "Well, I borrowed the flash light from your bag to put a direct light on the paper." He continued and I quirked a brow.

"Did it do something?" I asked and he nodded, grinning. "So I thought the paper was sort of thicker than usual paper. At the very left corner, there's a very faded outline of something. It looks similar to the silhouette picture of the Olfstin." He revealed.

My eyes widened, "That must be the other creature!" I gasped and the dimple man grinned widely, "Yeah! So maybe you could try and trace out the shadow? I'll help shine the light while you do that." He offered and I nodded.

The two of us stood up which caught the attention of others who were also gathered around the fire pit.

I smiled, "Joon and I will be back. We have some news to share," I explained, but froze.

So did the others.

There was an incredibly loud roar that emanated from within the forest and everyone quickly shot to their feet in alarm.

I know what that sound is. It's an enraged Olfstin.

Jungkook, Jin and Tae were the most tense out of everyone because all three of them were here to hear its roar.

"W-was that the O-Olfstin?" Jimin stammered out, eyes wide with fear and shock. Hoseok spotted a horrified look on his face, turning pale.

Something's happened to cause such a response from the creature and I was really worried because the Olfstin was too close to our camp. It sounded way too close.

"Diana, wait!"

Before anyone could stop me, I had already climbed up the ladder to retrieve my backpack and pocketed my knife. The sun was already setting so I rushed to Namjoon's cabin and fetched the torch for my trip into the forest.

As you can already tell, I've turned out to become a bit too daring- or, in other words, an idiotic replica of one of those horror movie characters that seek to find out what's wrong.

I stopped just as I spun to leave the room as Taehyung blocked the path. The thudding of many feet's resounded behind him before the others appeared behind him as well.

"You- you can't go, Ana. Please! The last time it made a sound like that, you fell unconscious for four consecutive days." He pleaded desperately.

My gaze softened, "Darling, that was a while ago. I swear nothing will happen. I'm just going to try and lure it away from our camp to keep this place safe." I tried but he shook his head furiously, taking a step in and closer to me before he placed firm hands onto my shoulder, "Let it do whatever it wants. It won't come here. Please, Diana." Tae frowned.

Another roar cut through the air and it sounded way closer.

I felt panic build within me and I cupped his face in my palms, "Hey, hey. Taetae," I began before letting one hand go to grab his. I showed him that I was locking my pinky with his and smiled assuringly, "I would never break this promise, alright? I pinky promise I'll be back just fine." I sweared and I watched as he pursed his lips with conflicted eyes.

He did want to believe me, but the memory of my bloodied self was something that made him hate the idea of me going after the Olfstin.

"I'm coming with you." Jungkook's voice piped in sternly from behind Tae and the younger male gave his own smile towards Taehyung.

I nodded, letting out a breath in immediate compliance, "Yeah, he'll be with me all the way." I confirmed and Taehyung let out a sigh, still deeply worried as he cleared the path so I can exit. Letting Jungkook come along will definitely ease his worry more if not completely.

"You better hold onto keeping that promise or I won't forgive you." Jin sternly stated as I passed him on the way. I nodded, determined, "I'll be back. We'll both be back, guys!" I directed the last sentence to everyone else before I rushed down the ladder with Jungkook right by my tail before he stood beside me.


I furrowed my brows and gave Jungkook a look of confusion, "Give me your hand, Diana. I am not losing you and you're gonna stay beside me and not let go of my hand until we get back." Jungkook firmly stated, "We're luring it away and that's it." He finalised firmly, daring me to say otherwise with a strict look on his face.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed his hand before entering the forest.

Not even 2 minutes later into the forest, we saw the giant creature moving restlessly. It really was too close for comfort.

Another enraged roar left its mouth before it carelessly bumped into trees in its rush to our right. I took on a crouching position and took discreet steps closer towards the Olfstin, Jungkook being right beside me.

"What is it do—"

I immediately jumped to shush him as the Olfstin snapped its head in our direction with slits as its eyes. I felt Jungkook's hold tighten around mine at the sudden movement and he gave me a surprised look with tight lips before looking back at the Olfstin.

Just why is it worked up? It's more sensitive than usual.

I looked down at the small sticks gathered on the ground and nudged Jungkook to pay attention, diverting his alarmed eyes away from the creature for the moment.

I pointed towards the sticks and grabbed one for myself after handing him another. I pointed towards the very front of us that is directed opposite from the way to our camp. He understood what the plan was and pulled on my arm to follow him.

The Olfstin was standing right in front of us so we were moving a little further so we can throw our sitcks without giving any information away regarding our location, and then have the Olfstin search from what direction the sticks (that we were about to throw) came from.

I mouthed the count down and when I said 'one' the two of us simultaneously threw it at the far end, effectively grabbing the Olfstin's attention. It was growling constantly and let out a deep, warning grumble at the sound caused by the sticks and pounced with clear intent to get rid of it for good.

I shuddered at the mere though of being on the receiving end before I shook my head slightly to focus.

Jungkook pulled on my hand slightly to get my attention and I turned to him, "It has a gash behind its ear, look." He pointed out softly, his fingers directed towards the Olfstin's head where a huge cut was just behind its right ear. I raised a brow at that.

Did it hurt itself?? A sharp point of a branch maybe??

No, no. That cut looks much deeper than it is on one glance. Could... could it have been the other creature in this world? The one that has a dart gun designed especially to take it down?

I noticed that it realised there was nothing behind and began to trek further in, sniffing aggressively at the ground before it as it proceeded. Jungkook and I needed to make sure it stayed as far away as possible, so any possible noise that we make back at our camp doesn't reach it and attract it to our resting spot.

It began growling again and Jungkook and I mirrored each other's reaction. We were confused. We weren't even close to it. We stayed a suitable distance away while we made sure it went away.

What did it pick up?


We've been following the creature carefully and it's growls just seemed to grow more in volume the more it sniffed at the ground. Jungkook has been keeping a close eye on where the beast goes while I wrapped thread around nearby trees as quickly and as quietly as possible before moving further. There's no way I'll let us get lost.

And so much for that authoritative instruction from Jungkook to keep holding his hand lmao

We ducked beside a plant when it turned sharply to look right, we were to its right as well but much more behind.

"You think this could really be the other creature it's tracking..?" Jungkook whispered beside me and I nodded. What else could it be sniffing out? Another Olfstin? Please - they'd be roaming as a pack then. Despite its abnormal physique, it's still part wolf with a head resembling like one.

Though, it had two other species combined into it. That being a scorpion because of its tail and a snake because of its eyes and slithery tongue. So it's easy to conclude that all the Olfstin's fend for themselves. For whatever it is that that they do.

We moved a bit more, though making sure to stay out of its sight before settling behind a thick bush that reached a little bit over our heads when we crouch down.

Do these things even get hungry???

I frowned when it stopped in one spot and began whipping its head around its surroundings as if something was there before it lets out another loud roar.

Jungkook and I let out loud gasps as we watched fishnets pull up and capture the Olfstin into its trap. It was pulled over high branches and thrashed as it hung high over the ground, more riled up than I've ever seen.

We both rushed out of our hiding spots and cautiously approached the feral Olfstin that just now, noticed us.

"What the hell?" I gawked, clutching tightly on Jungkook's hand as did he on mine. He was equally as shocked.

"A-are there more traps around here?" He asked, suddenly very attentive to where he stands. I did too and glanced around the ground to make sure I don't trigger anything.

I flinched when the Olfstin used its pointy tail my way, though failing to land a hit as it stayed so high above the ground and out of reach. 'That's the first time it resorted to using its needle', I realised. Jungkook pulled on my hand as he backed away slightly.

"Well, I guess it won't bother us now," he chuckled dryly as he continued to back away. "Wait," he paused, making me do the same in alert.

"What? What is it?" I asked uneasily, glancing at the Olfstin that calmed down just slightly from thrashing around at the net holding it hostage.

"I thought this was a fishnet but it's not. Look-" He pointed out. I observed the net closely before widening my eyes. "What is that?" I mumble out in wonder.

"I... don't know," Jungkook pursed his lips, "It's too dark to tell." He shrugged and I suddenly recalled that I carried a torch with me.

"I have a torch." I answered his silent questioning look as I crouched down on the ground and slid off my backpack before shoving my hand in to rummage through the other things stored inside, which wasn't much. Feeling the round surface of the torch, I pulled it out and switched it on, directing it over towards the Olfstin stuck inside the net trap.

It started thrashing and growling again in its place as I put it under the spotlight.

"That is no ordinary net." Jungkook stated and I nodded.

'No shit, Sherlock.' I held back my creeping smile for the remark I made in my head.

I cleared my throat, "We should mark this place so we can visit it when it's brighter tomorrow." I suggested and he nodded mutely.

"I'll wrap it on the tree to the left." He pointed towards the said tree while gesturing at the ball of thread in his hands. I hummed for him to go ahead before taking a step closer towards the net, though still making sure to stay out of range from the Olfstin's attack.

"Look bud, this wasn't set up by me.." I murmured under my breath as it growled at me. I squinted at the material, noticing it glistened slickly under my torch light. It was green in color and glimmered under the light. What the hell was this??

"Diana, let's head ba-" Jungkook called out before cutting himself off when he felt something beneath his feet at the one step he took. He froze when I shouted in surprise.

Something was tightly wrapped around my right ankle. My eyes bulged when it settled on a thick green rope wrapped tightly around my ankle. I put a hand up to make sure Jungkook didn't move, making him tense just as he was about to move.

"D-don't move, kook. Do not move your foot." I instructed sternly, urgently. He nodded with fearful eyes and stayed put stiffly.

I immediately fetched for my pocket knife and crouched down, furiously cutting at the rope. The Olfstin still attempted to attack us through the gaps in between the net and eventually, we heard a dreadful snap of one of the branch holding its weight.

Shit, shit, shit!

I sped up and sighed deeply in relief when I freed my ankle before grabbing Jungkook's hand after I slung my bag on and held the torch in my other.

"A-are you okay??" He asked frantically. I nodded and followed our tracked steps and marked trees before breathing out another breath full of relief.

We never stopped running after the incident, intending to share this new information we discovered along our mission to lead the Olfstin away before I plopped down on the ground, groaning at my aching legs from the continuous run. Jungkook plopped down beside me, "Seriously, Ana. Are you okay? Did that net cut your leg? Does it hurt, right now?" Jungkook rushed out his words, shuffling to sit in front of me before he examined my ankle himself.

"I'm okay, bambi. I just got really shocked. It caught me off-guard, that's all." I pulled my ankle out of his grasp and huffed out a laugh, gifting him an assuring smile to ease him. He sagged slightly before standing back up, "Come on, let's head back. The other's are probably losing their minds for waiting so long." He urged with a small knowing smile while I laughed, agreeing.

"Yeah, let's head back." I stated, dusting off the dirt from my clothes before linking my arms with his, making him raise a brow at me.

Agh- Don't look at me like that dude—

I scoffed, feigning a look of irritation, "Did you already forget that you told me I should stick by your side until we come back to camp?" I questioned and Jungkook immediately remembered his words with a short 'ah'.

"Right. Stay beside me at all cost! ...Even though we're nearly back." He nodded affirmatively.

I chuckled as he grinned and began to walk in a march like manner, making me follow suit to keep pace with him.


Once we were back, we were bombarded by bodies flinging themselves onto us.

"Oh, thank god!" Taehyung exclaimed, most probably the most unsettled, Jin being a close second.

"You idiots are crushing them!" Jin hollered. Yoongi hummed beside him to voice that he agreed to his statement before everyone scrambled to stand up upon Jin's words.

I let out an 'Oof' when I was shoved in between two bodies, sandwiching me as result whilst they embraced me.

"Yahh, you two took too long!" Jimin tsked in distaste and I heard the deep vibrations of Taehyung's voice from behind as he agreed with a whiny tone.

"Things happened..." I squeaked out and stifled out a laugh as I noticed Jungkook being in his own little human-sandwich himself. Hoseok and Jin wrapping him up with their arms while he complained passionately for being suffocated.


I snorted at Namjoon, the nickname being his way to call for my attention.

Which was pretty effective to be fair, because he certainly got my attention.

"Yes, babe, I'm right here!" I giggled out, Jimin and Tae collectively scoffed at my response in distaste.

"Come give your babe a hug then, babe! I was worried, too!" Namjoon stated before letting out a sigh when I wasn't freed from the 95' duo. He resorted to shove his way to me while Jimin and Taehyung scowled, finally letting go.

"Awww," I cooed and returned Joon's hug. "We were supposed to figure out about the other creature's silhouette today..." he grumbled into my shoulder and I patted his back to console him, saying that it will be the first thing we'll do and he cheered up after that.

"So, I stress cooked." Jin piped in, "I also dragged Yoongi to keep me company so we've prepared dinner already." He chuckled sheepishly.

Hoseok snorted, "Who in the world, stress cooks? Thank you for the food anyway, hyung." He giggled.

So that's what we did after everyone assured themselves that Jungkook and I were fine. We ate heartily and called it a night.

The two of us intended to speak about what we found tomorrow as well. I might bring Joon with me to show him the trap there, hoping he could maybe figure something out.

Oh, Tae too. Maybe it's a material he might've seen before?? I'm clueless when it comes to all the different materials that exist but he might have an idea. He's a fashion designer, he might recognise what it is.

Oh, hobi has studied Ethology for a decent amount of time so he might be able to help figure out the Olfstin's behaviour, which could help us know its purpose behind its actions. Though, it might be hard to convince him to come with me because Jimin has mentioned time and time again about how easily he gets scared.

Tomorrow's going to be a busy, busy day.



An unexpected visitor was immediately pushed away by the swift work of our two youngsters.

It seems as though Taehyung is extremely disconcerted when it comes to Diana dealing with an Olfstin - which is stemmed from his first encounter and the outcome of that particular episode.

I hope you liked today's chapter! Please do leave a lil' comment and express how you feel on certain moments during the chapter! It's quite rewarding to see them, haha 😆✨✨

See you next week- er... this week on Saturday! 😅😘🥰💕💕

~ Ada

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