👾CH. 16👾

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"He's the artist, that taller man. His roommate was found laying limply beside him on their living room couch when a friend found them. Jackson was his name, I believe?" A woman informed and the doctors nodded.

"His fans somehow found out about his state and some of them are causing a scene by the main entrance of the hospital. Fortunately, we've got security to handle the situation. Namjoon-ssi and Yoongi-ssi's family members and friends are waiting outside." She continued on.

"What about the girl in the other room?" The doctor questioned, manoeuvring around the room to check their vitals as he listens to the nurse present in the room.

The nurse sighed, "She's stable but there's no sign of her waking up anytime soon, sir." She stated. "What do you plan to do with these cases?" She asked when she noticed the man pause to think through something.

"I think we should try defibrillation."

The nurse frowned immediately at the suggestion, "Sir, that could hurt RM-ssi. That could push his heart to pump irregularly. He's a healthy man despite being in some sort of coma, it's a risky procedure to take." She stated. The doctors nodded, "I know that, dear. But isn't it the same with all the other patients in this room?"

"Why with him, though?"

"Our facility is being pressured to bring him back to health as soon as possible. His fans are worried and are already making and signing petitions to help prioritise his case and bring him back to his own feet. Not to mention that his family demand that we put all our focus into bringing him back as well. Though he's healthy and nourished, if we don't even take one attempt to try and help wake them, then we have no clue for how long they'll stay unconscious." He reasoned.

The nurse pursed her lips unsurely. "Bring the others here, let's try this once and if it doesn't work, we stop. I know you're his fan, too. We're doing this to help them and this is the first bigger attempt we make to succeed, okay?" He assured and the nurse sighed, then nodded.

"I'll inform the others and make sure a room is prepared to set action to the plan."



"Just shine the light a bit more to the right, Joonie. Yep, that's it." I instructed as I carefully traced on the paper that just barely showed a silhouette of something unidentifiable.

"What is that?" He crunched his nose once I finished tracing and told him it was done.

"I have no idea." I responded before I decided that filling in the shape would help better.

I was wrong.

It just looks like an irregular, black-coloured shape of a beat up, rip-off of a regular circle that got bonked by hammers, stretched like soft rubber, and then poked around before being pinched around flatter areas to make pointy ends. Many pointy ends.

It didn't resemble anything - to put it simply.

Joon groaned, "Man, this game is cruel." He sighed before plopping onto his bed, "This sucks." He voiced and I hummed.

I can't even tell what sort of animal aspects this creature holds. Is it like curled up into a ball?? It's so spiky :/

It reminds me of a hedgehog to be completely honest.

You see it, too, right?? Just the top part of the silhouette.

Well, either way, because of Namjoon's endless patience and careful eyes, we figured out something, at least.

Jungkook and I had already had a discussion with everyone about what we found at the furthest end we've ventured as of yet and what happened.

I'd told everyone that the two of us would be visiting that place again today since it was already incredibly dark when we went the other day. Jin made a fuss over it with protests and dismay at the decision we made on our own.

The others let it be more easily but still voiced their own reluctance at the thought after what they'd heard. After a while, everyone ultimately agreed that it's better if we know what's going on than to pass our time here remaining clueless about what this world holds.

Jungkook volunteered to talk to Taehyung about coming along with us and I talked to Joon just before we began working on this unfolding about the faceless creature. He agreed to come and even mentioned that he wanted to come before as well, but was tentative to ask.

I still had someone else to convince though...



"No! Absolutely not!!" Hoseok immediately refused.

"Sunshine, come on, this will be just a one-time thing." I tried but he furiously shook his head, "I don't want to be close to a monster!" He exclaimed incredulously.

"It's caged inside a net trap, hobi. Jungkookie and I will be there with you every step of the way! We need to figure out their behaviour and you said you've studied ethology well! It'll help us a lot, please Hobi, you'll get a good look at the forest that we'll sooner or later be in as a whole group when we find our way out." I pouted, "It will be bright, too, so there won't be any dark spot that we can't see." I added.

Hoseok was still frowning deeply at the thought of walking into a forest.

"What- what if we get lost?" He asked hesitantly. I perked up, "We won't! That's what the threads are for! I've been in the forest every day, sunshine. I know the way back. I'll even hold your hand throughout the little journey if you'd like and we'll be back before sun set!" I tried again.

"Hobi hyung, you'll be fine!" Jimin piped in, startling me a little from his sudden appearance by the door. "Ah, jiminie, not you too!" Hoseok whined.

Jimin huffed out a chuckle, "Have some trust in the poor girl's words. I know it's a scary trip to make but Taehyung, Joon hyung, kook and Diana, all of them will be there with you. Like she said, it will be bright outside and you'll be back before it gets dark." He stated.

Hoseok groaned softly, though still incredibly reluctant, he finally complied, "Just observe the Olfstin and come back? That's all, right?" He asked and I smiled, nodding, "That's all." I parroted.

"You better hold on to your words, sunflower. Because I'm going to hold onto you tight." Hoseok warned and I grinned widely before jumping forward to hug him, "Thank you, thank you, thank you!!" I repeated and hear him laugh at my reaction, returning my hug and patting my head.

"Hey, hug me, too! I practically helped you convince him!" Jimin voiced out from behind me. I chuckled and made a move to pull away but Hoseok only tightened his grip, "No, go hug someone else. She's staying glued to me from this moment onwards." Hoseok shooed at the blonde boy who feigned being hurt as he placed a hand on his heart, "You wound me, hyung. After all the years of friendship we built together??" He scoffed and then he stopped acting like a drama queen with one eye roll and left saying - "Aish, whatever, at least I have no reason to go inside that jungle of bugs." He flicked his hair all the while.

I stifled a laugh at his change of demeanour while Hoseok simply shook his head at his antics, already used to it.

"Ready to go then, sunshine?" I looked back up at him. Hoseok's eyes shot wide open, "Right now?!"



I let out a small, compassionate sigh at the yelp leaving the male's lips from beside me and patted his hand holding mine with my free one to remind him that I'm right here.

"Hyung, we only left just five minutes ago." Jungkook chuckled. "You've been here for way longer than I have- Aish, these tree roots sticking out in the open keep scaring me when they touch my legs." Hoseok whimpered.

"There there, hobi." I consoled as he squeezed my hands and dodged the lower branches carefully.

"Are you guys sure there isn't any poisonous plant around here?" He frowned. Namjoon opened his mouth but closed it upon making eye contact with me. I had sent a pointed look his way because he noticed the poisonous mushrooms, and although they aren't plants, they'll most likely freak the poor sunshine keeping a death grip on my hand even more and immediately begin assuming majority of the plants are out to kill him.

(A/N: I'm just mentioning this here because I've had some people private msg me and say that i shouldn't write the members like "this" or "that" but this is in no way reflecting the boys irl. It's a fAn FICTION. (;-_-))

We walked all the way to the trap and on the way, Hoseok had calmed down much more than when he was before.

He doesn't keep a death grip on my hand anymore but still holds onto it to make sure I keep my words, and it's not like I'm Jungkook who said that same thing to me and forgot he did by the end of it. I actually keep my words.

"Holy moly," Taehyung gasped.

I let out a sigh of relief at seeing the Olfstin still hanging from where it got trapped. I had actually been a little worried about finding it gone by the time we returned.

Although it's a relief to see it still where we left it, I never forgot about the sound of the branch snapping slightly and called for everyone to stop at a little distance. Jungkook immediately understood and followed along, pulling Tae a little back since he walked ahead with him.

"Uh.. hobi?" I winced a little at what I was about ask of him. He mumbled out a 'yes?' and noticed my grimace and frowned, "Don't tell me you have to separate from me..?" He immediately connected my expression directed at him and I sighed, "Well, unless you don't mind being a little stealthy and join me to climb up a tree so I can make sure the branch carrying the creature won't break then, by all means, come along! You can get a closer look all the while, though you can also stick with Tae and Joon since they'll be doing the same." I shrugged.

The Olfstin's back was facing us and I guess it tired itself out by thrashing pointlessly for so long.

Hoseok's brows furrowed, "O-okay. It's okay, I'll join the others. It does assure me that it's kept under a trap so it doesn't attack us, so..." He agreed and I smiled encouragingly, feeling a motherly kind of proud for his sudden rise in bravery.

Rubbing at his knuckles with my thumb, I gave Jungkook a look, silently telling him to make sure everyone remains out of reach from the Olfstin and he nodded, turning over towards Taehyung and Namjoon to suggest moving closer so they can take a better look but to remain silent. We're basically telepathically communicating.

"I hope you don't mind helping a little, first." I said to Hoseok in a hushed tone and he shook his head, "Of course, not. How can I help?" He responded and I smiled and told him that I needed a lift so I can climb the rest of the way up with the little branches poking out lower than the others.

He nodded and bent down and patted at his shoulders. I raised a brow - what was he saying here?

"Place your feet on my shoulders." He stated and I paused, "W-what?" I stammered out and he simply urged me on. I didn't want to stretch our time so I followed suit and hesitantly climbed onto his shoulders. I clutched onto the tree trunk to support myself and not fall.

"All good, sunflower?" He grunted and I hummed before grabbing into the nearest branch and climbing over it as well. I looked back down and saw that he was already getting a little restless. I got an idea and pocketed on my waist bag and pulled out the torch, "give this to Tae, will you?" I smiled and he nodded, "Keep your distance, okay? We can't risk it waking up and hurt you. Stay out of reach. Tell the others that, too." I reminded and he nodded again, tip toeing to reach the torch in my hand and scurried over to the others while also making sure to not cause too much sound.

He'll most probably stay with them for the mean time. I need to try and secure the branch before it snaps and drops the Olfstin. I know that when it realised we're here, it will start growling and moving in its net cage.

I continued my climb, searching for that one branch holding its weight and let out a laboured breath before sitting at a nearby branch beside the one carrying the creature. I rummaged through my backpack, holding it close to make sure it doesn't fall out of my grasp. I pulled out the ropes I stored before-hand for this occasion. They're the remaining load of it from all those wooden planks to tie and hold them together. Only thinner ropes were left behind, so we weren't really completely out of ropes.

Yoongi and I already used plenty of that wood to extend the kitchen and pantry area and barely used the ropes so this was perfect.

I looked over at the branch and tutted at the sight. It was really holding well for having 1/3 of the branch snapped away and apart from the weight. I slung the rope on their underside of the thick branch and carefully stood up on my feet on the neighbouring branch beside it, then whipped one end over a similar sized branch above it.

I carefully placed one foot on the branch already carrying the Olfstin and hurried as I tied two tight knots to secure it.

I looked back at the parted little area that was too weak to hold the weight and slung another shorter rope just ahead of it to bring some support to the other end of the branch and pulled it over to join it with the other rope holding into the upper branch.

I nearly slipped and had a mini heart attack at the slip up before I judiciously took a seat on the branch instead of stand on it to keep my balance and stay there with a lesser possibility to fall.

I strained my hands slightly as I leaned forward on the thick branch I sat on and carefully placed my bag leaned against the tree branch behind me to rid of the extra obstacle and wrapped the second rope on the underside of the pressured branch before reaching over to pull it back up from the other side to tie it in place.

(A/N: that's the net-like thing at the bottom 😗✨)

I hope this helps because in the end, I'm only tying it how I deem it could help keep the Olfstin from breaking free from a breaking branch.

I huffed out a breath, finding this task more draining than I expected due to the constant worry of falling from this height and catching the Olfstin's attention.

The others don't know this yet, but if that creature finds out I'm here just above it, it can easily sting me with its tail. Maybe even stretch it's neck far enough to scrape its pointy teeth in my dangling legs.

Now that I'm done and have used up all the rope that I decided will need to take part in supporting the branch in carrying the heavy creature, I quickly zipped up my bag and slung it over my shoulders before carefully tracking the branches below me and figuring out a way to safely climb down without disturbing the tired beast.

With one careful step at a time, I successfully made it back to the ground and patted down on my clothes to rid of it from some clingy dirt.

I noticed the four boys a little ahead and raised a brow. What are they doing?

I noticed Taehyung take a small step closer and realised that all of them actually, were within its attacking range.

My eyes widened when I saw Namjoon trip a little on the way to get Taehyung to back away but instead accidentally bumped onto the designer's back, making him trip forward and graze the creature's back as he fell with Namjoon. Finally ending it with a cherry on top by the loud sound of twigs snapping from their weight.

The creature jerked awake in an instant and I gasped, already running forward to pull them away.

It's neck strained to look beyond it's physique and it's eyes turned to dangerous slits as it set its gaze on the four boys.

"That is definitely taking us as a threat." Hoseok fear-laced voice reached my ears as I neared and I clutched onto Tae's hand on the ground while the other hand gripped onto Joon's shoulder and yanked them backwards, pulling myself back as well.

"What the hell did you guys not understand about keeping your fucking distance?!" I gritted, barely missing the swiping claws poking through the green goo-like net, with the full intend to hurt and kill.

At the momentary shock of barely missing a slash from the creature, I got my shit back together and I snapped my eyes towards Jungkook who sported wide eyes, "Jungkook!" I scowled as he pursed his lips. He knows about this creature and it's fierce behaviour. Why didn't he stop them? Why did he even allow them to get so close?!

I was gone for only a moment only after strictly instructing everyone to keep their distance!

"I- Uh, th-they needed a closer look on the- the net." He stammered out weakly and I scoffed, "You should have refused and told them to suck it up and observe from the distance!" I stated and turned to give the other three a sharp glare.

"You don't risk your life to get a "better look"! You could've gotten seriously hurt!" I yelled.

I turned to face the thrashing Olfstin and pointed my finger at it, "This little shit could've escaped if you did that any sooner." I pointed, glaring at all four boys.

I thought Hoseok would be the most keen on keeping his distance! What happened to that?!

He must've noticed my gaze lingering on him and he grimaced, embarrassed and a little shaken, "I-I noticed a cut at the back of its right ear... but the fur blocked it from where I stood so I...I stepped closer.." he admitted and I groaned.

I'm angry at them because I care about their well being. But if they deliberately risk their lives to take a "closer look" then they've really done it.

I didn't even flinch from the roar resounding from behind me since I was so intensely giving each boy a hard look, conveying just how mad I am.

"Whatever you've gotten a "closer look" at, is all we'll observe. We're heading back this instant." I gritted out.

"Diana, but you said—"

"I know what I said!" I gritted harshly, frowning at Taehyung, who flinched at my outburst. "But if it means you behave recklessly like that, then I don't want anything to do with it! I'm not risking it if it means you, so carelessly put yourself in danger like that!" I stated. When no one spoke, I deflated on my spot a little.

"We're heading back." I spoke with finality. Raising a brow to see who wants to go against it.

"It was an honest mistake, Diana. It won't happen again, I swear! I got clumsy and tripped, pushing Taehyung forward as a result." Namjoon reasoned and I let out an exasperated sigh.

"I saw the whole thing, alright?" I said, "I saw how you guys took a step closer, I saw you trip - I saw it all. It wouldn't have been a problem if you tripped a little further behind, though." I pointed. "You were all still much closer even before the fall." I narrowed my eyes at him.

Namjoon pursed his lips, not saying anything after that. Because it was true. My brows furrowed with clear worry, "You don't just do that, guys! What would I have done had I found out you got hurt?!" I let out desperately, my fury subsiding to replace with anguish alongside the daunting feeling of fear at the possible thought of seeing them terribly hurt.

Because at the end of the day, I was the one to suggest the idea for bringing them here. I was the one who mentioned coming back here and Jungkook joined me, as well. With a last look at the stiff males before me, I let out a shaky breath from the rush of emotions running through me. I stated once again that we were leaving, emphasising my words to get them to begin moving and they followed behind me as I began heading back, taking the lead while they meekly trailed behind.

I let a soft sigh, noticing Jungkook's hesitant approach towards me at the corner of my eye. His hands were floating by mine before he ultimately backed away with a conflicted look on his face.

They all did their walk of shame behind me, dragging their feet as I was sure they were thinking back on what they had done. With a knowing look, I noticed Jungkook's hands reappear within my eyesight.

Rolling my eyes, I reached over and grabbed his hands, making him jump in surprise. I pulled his hand to get him to walk beside me and gave him a quirked brow as he stared at me with wide eyes.

"Don't think you're off the hook, yet, Jungkook." I began and turned back to look ahead of me, "I'm still upset, but that doesn't mean I'm going to suddenly push you away for it." I grumbled.

Before he could open his mouth and reply, I spoke once again, "I'm not looking for an apology for the sake of getting you on my "good" side. You all scared the daylights out of me back there. That's more than I can handle, right now. I know you guys didn't purposely try and put your life on the line.., but getting close to it like that? You were basically asking for it." I added.

I hear him sigh beside me and felt his hand squeeze mine in his, distracting me for a moment as I sneaked a glance his way. I nibbled on my lip before bringing his hand in front of me and brought my other hand to caress at his knuckles, "Just...just please. Please, don't do that again. I can't handle the thought of seeing any of you hurt - let alone imagine it." I frowned.

"I promise we won't do that again. I know you're not looking for an apology but still... I..I'm really sorry for being irresponsible." He voiced out and I let a small smile take over my features before I looked back up at him.

He smiled back at me, sagging at my expression and continued, "And for your sake, I promise to try my best to avoid getting hurt." He vowed.

"S-same! I promise, too! I'm really sorry, Diana, I won't repeat that. I'll be sure to be more careful next time." Taehyung piped in eagerly, coming ahead to walk beside my other side. I smiled more widely as I turned to the elder male who looked back at me with wide, earnest eyes.

"Me too, I promise to be more responsible and conscious of what I do!" Hoseok joined, catching up from behind us, as did Namjoon, "I will, too. I promise." He smiled timidly before setting a knowing look my way.

"You should, too. You've already gotten scars from last incidents, Diana. Can you also promise us to at least try and stay out of danger?" He asked. I blew out a breath and nodded, "I promise to try my best." I relented.

"Good! Now I won't tell Jin hyung and Yoongi hyung about you climbing up that giant tree to on your own to hang over the net holding the creature." He smiled more brightly and I scoffed, "All I'll get is a day long lecture. Plus, the deed's already been done and the Olfstin is staying in that trap for a much longer time." I shrugged. "You little snitch." I glared jokingly at him while he laughed, putting his hands up in mock surrender.

"So we will be returning back to that trap, right?" Jungkook asked from beside me and I looked over at him with a bemused look.

"When you've got a leash on, then sure." I shrugged.

"Hey!" He pouted.

"There's no leash in this world in the first place." Hoseok frowned.

"Exactly." I snorted.

"Can we have that strawberry slush when we get back?" Taehyung asked hopefully and I hummed, "You can if you can make it yourself, Taehyung. I don't think Jinnie wants to be cooped in that kitchen much." I replied and heard him let out a whine.

"Wait, you're still mad at me." He frowned. Jungkook snorted at Taehyung and I gave him a pointed look, "You think you're off the hook already, Jungkook?" I raised a brow. His grin turned upside down instantly, "Me too?? But I promised I'd be more careful!" He frowned.

I chuckled, "I'm still upset at all of you. You thought I'd just let that incident slide so easily? Sheesh, you don't know me well enough." I shook my head, letting out tsks all the while.


Long chapter weowie

So Diana is a  b i t  overprotective it seems! 😂😅 But who would ever want to see any hurt and pain on those boys, amirite? 😙😙

And look at this! I updated on the right day! It would seem more like an early update to u guys since I last updated a bit later (Monday) so the wait was just 4 days lol!

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! 🥰✨ see you next week! 😘💕💕

~ Ada

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