👾CH. 17👾

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Edited 🥲👍✨

It's the next day since the incident and I was furiously scribbling on my personal notebook like my life depends on it, writing down all I know and remember as my mind lost more memories after my little nap following after lunch. Technically, my life before this game actually depends on it.

I was slowly about to lose it as I forgot more and more, little by little as if the game was teasing me and playing with my mind. It started off as tiny memories going blank but more recently - specifically last night, I felt a huge hole in my mind, screaming at me at the loss of memories. I have no clue about what I lost so I was furiously reading over all of the thing's I have written to maybe catch something I don't recall anymore.

When I found it, I almost shattered because I realised I forgot about my dog that I named coco. 'He's a German shepherd. A bright, fluffy ball of positivity and happiness' I'd written beside his name. I believe I should confide in someone soon so it's easier to cope knowing the boys could help remind me of things I might forget to note down in case.. Yeah, maybe it's time I—

I had immediately discarded my notebook somewhere and switched over to the other notebook, pretending to look back on some notes I'd written about this world. Jimin had stepped inside, asking if he could spend some time with me and I'd of course, said yes. Who wouldn't want the company of an Angel?

"What happened to bothering Taehyung and Jungkook?" I chuckled when he let out a blissful groan as he laid down on my bed. "They're rude bastards. Also you're still upset about them?" He raised a brow at me. I huffed out a sigh.

So after the biggest inner freak out that I had experienced with the danger the 4 boys brought upon themselves the other day, of course I was still upset. I couldn't just let it slide how they walked into a life-threatening situation. I was upset all the way back to our camp and Jimin, Yoongi and Jin were bound to catch on.

Though, I have no clue how they pieced it together so quickly because I didn't full-out ignore them or send them glares.

I believe I acted the way I usually do, but just occasionally reminded them that the incident still left me upset so they weren't completely clear and fully forgiven by choosing to sit beside the other three than any of them during our meals. Not that that should've given away anything either. Just once did I shift form my spot when Taehyung took his seat beside me and strongly ignored the poor kicked puppy face I knew would win me over.

"You're only calling them by their full names." Jimin snorted. I scoffed, turning to look at him making himself super comfy on my bed with my blanket cover wrapped cozily around him.

"I call everyone by their names." I deadpanned. Jimin rolled his eyes, "Not all the time, you don't. You've not even uttered a single nickname of theirs since you returned." He pointed and I rolled my eyes, "That says nothing. I call you Jimin, too." I retorted.

Jimin chuckled, untangling himself from the covers and see better by the foot of the bed to sit closer whilst I remained on my stool writing down notes about what Taehyung and Namjoon observed about the net trap.

"You either call me Jiminie, chim or Angel. Even mochi! I barely here you call me only by my name." He stated and I frowned, genuinely surprised by that observation.

"Really? I swear I call you by your name a lot." I mumbled and nibbled at my lip in thought. That's all it takes to figure out that I'm upset with the four boys?? Seriously?? I just stop using nicknames??? Am I okay??

Just because I didn't call them by their names, they connected the dots and concluded that I'm upset at them?? Am I really that simplistic?

...nahhh, I'm better than that. Nope. I'll ignore this.

"Hmph, whatever." I grumbled, before pausing as I took a look at Jimin.

He blinked at me with a smile, though clueless about my sudden stare, "what?" He asked. My eyes squinted slightly at him and his cheeks flushed under my intense stare. He leaned away hoping to somehow brush off the sudden stare-off I was giving him and he let out a nervous and awkward laugh when that didn't budge me, "Is there something on my face...?" He squeaked out timidly.

I shook my head and shot my hands out to hold his face so he faced me and not away, "Hold still, Angel. You're reminding me of something." I stated. "Re-reminding you? Do you really have to get so close like that for it??" He stammered out, pupils shaking as he struggled to hold my gaze. I felt his cheeks warm under my touch but didn't bother too much about it.

"Well, my head isn't clicking but my gut is telling me I'm missing out on something very important so let me just stare at you a little longer." I stated and he spluttered, "E-excuse me? Just what is this sudden hunch you're getting? Is it possibly that you've suddenly realised that you saw me before we met in this game, or what?" He huffed, bringing his own hands to pull at my wrists so his face can be free.

"A-Aish, Diana..." Jimin hissed out breathily, almost afraid to speak from how close I was. I pulled away at that and let go of his face when I realised just how close I really got after I literally felt his breath on my face. "Sorry..." I chuckled sheepishly. "It's just..." my voice trailed.

My gut's suddenly telling me that I'm literally missing something so obvious and am prolonging the unknown answer as a result. An answer that's super duper important for everyone.

"Just..?" Jimin urged, caressing his cheeks whilst the redness from his bashful display calmed down.

I looked back at my desk and surveyed the things placed on it.

My bag, the bottle, my pencils, some crumpled paper, and my notebook.



The paper inside it— hold up-

"Holy fudge nuggets!" I gasped, scrambling out of my seat, scaring Jimin as a result as I stared disbelievingly at the bottle.

The freaking puzzle! How can I forget?!?? How did it just slip out of my mind?? This will literally help everyone out of this game!!

Looking for Short-term memory loss? Find it right here!

"My gosh, Diana. What's going on with you??" Jimin huffed out, holding a hand to his heart while I grabbed the bottle.

"This!! Oh my god," I facepalmed. I immediately put the bottle back onto the desk and rushed out, eyes searching for all the boys intently.

"Boys!" I shouted and watched as some emerged out of their cabins and Tae, along with Yoongs looked up from their spots by the fire-pit, a look of confusion adorned their faces.

All of them had that look actually.

"Get in here! Now!!" I instructed and rushed back inside my cabin to notice Jimin frowning at me with utter confusion. "What's happening?" He asked, tone holding some worry at my sudden call for a group meeting as everyone slipped inside. Everyone else also mirrored Jimin's expression and I rolled my eyes.

"The bottle, you goofs!" I pointed and they all gasped. All, except Hobi and chim.

Noticing this, my eyes met Namjoon's and I sent a quizzical look as he smiled sheepishly at me. "It completely slipped my mind." He admitted, stepping forward to stretch his hand for the bottle.

I chuckled, opening the bottle and slipping the paper out, placing it in his hands. Unrolling it, he turned to the confused two.

"Uh... what's that supposed to do?" Hoseok raised a brow, jimin nodded along to know as well.

Namjoon chuckled, taking a step forward towards Hoseok to ask him to read what he sees but it was unexpectedly interrupted as he grunted.

His eyes bulged as one knee buckled under him while he swiftly clutched at the fabric over his chest. Everyone resounded shocked gasps, rushing forward to help him.

"W-what's going on?!" Jin exclaimed, placing a hand over Joon's that rested over his chest before flinching away. Everyone took a step back at this, eyes blown wide with worry and fear.

Namjoon let go of the paper, having it fall to the ground beside him before he let out another whimper filled with agony and pain. "Joon, what's wrong?!" I rushed it his side, completely overlooking whatever object I just kicked as I stepped forward. Noticing him clutching desperately by his chest, I reached my hand over to check if he got seriously hurt there but he pushed my hand away with the one that momentarily supported his weight as he leaned forward, body instinctively curling into itself to block out the pain in some way or the other.

"D-don't," he gritted out with clenched teeth before he choked out another pain-filled cry, his body physically trembling and jolting ahead at the pain by his chest.

"What do you mean "don't"?! You're hurting! L-let me help!" I gawked disbelievingly, wrapping a careful arm behind his back to lower him to a laying position. I grew even more scared when his eyes began to flutter while his breath turned laboured. His eyes were dilated and sweat began gathering on his forehead, his face grew pale from the happenings and my hands shook with fear.

"Move." Jin instructed and carefully examined what just happened.

Was this the game's doing? Why would it do that though??

"His body's going into shock." He stated and lifted Joon's top over his head to see what was wrong. Jin frowned and turned to Taehyung, "Tae, you said that you saw kook and me in the hospital as well, right?" He asked and Taehyung nodded, scared and teary-eyed. So was kook, jimin and Hoseok. Myself included.

What the hell happened? It was so sudden!

Jin gritted his teeth in frustration, "I have a hunch this is the doctors' fault." He stated. Pulling Joon's shirt back down and going over to check his pulse and eyes.

"The doctors at the hospital?" Jungkook frowned and Jin muttered a 'yes', before asking some of the boys to help him out and move Namjoon on the bed. "Help me elevate his legs with something- can some of you let me borrow your pillows for the time being?" He asked about and some boys scattered, on their way to retreat their pillows, while others watched helplessly and restlessly.

"Defibrillation was conducted. I felt a static shock when I touched him and it's done exactly where Joon felt the pain. His chest has mild burn marks. They're likely from the electricity. This shouldn't even be allowed," he scowled, "He's well and very much alive. Breathing - his breathing is normal.. this could've seriously hurt him!" Jin explained. "What were they thinking?!" He shouted, aggravated and so was I.

I was furious. What would they have done if it killed him?!

Yoongi scoffed, "When I get out of this shit world, I'm going straight for the person who decided this was a good idea." He added.

I noticed the paper laying on the ground and made a motion to grab it but yelped at I flinched away, feeling a burn as I touched it.

Jimin rushed to my side, "Are you okay? What was that about?" He rushed out his words but I didn't have an answer to it. "I don't know." I mumbled and reached for it again, hissing when I felt my fingers burn on contact but gripped it either way, shoving it into the bottle as it was to deal with later.

"What's wrong with the paper?" Taehyung asked, frowning as I shook my hand in the air to "shake off" the heat that painfully gathered at my fingers.

"It burnt my fingers." I grunted.

"Okay, so a lot just happened. Let's not do anything for the moment to collect ourselves and wait till Namjoon wakes up to discuss what happened." Hoseok suggested as calmly as he could.

"Can someone get a bowl of water here? The first-aid kit as well." Jin requested and I nodded, rushing out while the others left to get their minds off of the situation to calm themselves even though leaving left them uneasy.


I had brought all of the things Jin asked for and sat beside him, helping him out in every way I could and not stare too much at Namjoon.

He's shirtless okay? Boy is ripped—-

Ugh- Noo, this is serious,
you freaky dingus.

You're right, I'll jump out of this

You better smh

Though,  I did respect him too much to really dive deeper into that train of thoughts. I was more concerned of the burn on his chest and making sure he was as comfortable as possible while laying down on my bed. I slipped off his shoes, I wet a clean cloth with the water routinely as Jin tended to the burns and eventually proceeded to loosely wrap up the wound to block out air from brushing against his skin since it would hurt.

"This will probably take two to three days to fully heal." Jin sighed, "I'm not even a full-on doctor, I'm an intern doing my best at the hospital and even I know not to do something so ridiculously dangerous and potentially life-threatening." He groaned out.

I hummed, packing the first-aid kit before shutting it closed and putting away everything onto my desk. My heart nearly lurched out of my chest when I noticed my personal book nowhere in sight. Oh no.. where did it go?!

I snapped my head around, though hoping to keep my frantic actions to be more discreet as I searched with my eyes for the book—

"Diana, you don't mind cooking up dinner for everyone this once, do you? I want to keep a close eye on Joon." Jin asked and I turned towards him and put on a smile, "No, not at all. I'll bring you food here when it's ready." I said and he nodded, smiling back with a 'thank you'.

"Ask Yoongi for help if you need it, okay? He would probably appreciate getting to do something for the meantime." Jin called out after I'd slipped out of my cabin. I yelled back an 'okay!' and climbed down the ladder.

Although I don't do any cooking anymore- like at all, I'm still decently good if I do say so myself. Despite that, I still asked Yoongi to help me out to prepare a meal for everyone and he complied wordlessly.

"Don't worry, yoonie. He'll be back and up on his feet soon enough." I consoled as I flipped over the meats on the fire while he sat beside me to do the same. He paused in his movements at my consolation and I did the same, this time to look him in the eye, "We've got our trusty Jinnie to tend to his injuries and health right now. Let's not dwell too much on the matter right now and try to enjoy this dinner. At least for Joon." I continued.

He huffed out a chuckle, "You're saying all that as if he's gone into a coma, you dummy." He rolled his eyes and I scoffed, "No, I'm not! You've been tense the whole time that you've helped me prepare everyone's meal. I was trying to console you." I crunched my nose at him.

He chuckled again, "That isn't what's bothering me, Diana." He stated and I frowned in confusion, "It's not?" I raised a brow. He shook his head, "No. I know he'll be fine, there's no doubt about that. It's that paper." He revealed and I shaped my mouth into an 'o' as a response.

"It seems like everyone completely forgot about it. I don't know what reminded you but we would've all basically camped around, and basically worked on figuring out how to handle the things in this world. Not how we'll get out." He explained and my eyes widened, "You're right."

Yoongi snorted, "Like always." He remarked and I pushed at his shoulder, huffing out a laugh. "No, seriously. You're right; none of us have been leaning towards finding a way out. Heck, I've been more focused on figuring out this other creature and that odd, ominous trap for the Olfstin." I admitted.

Yoongi hummed, "Yeah, and it's pretty obvious this is the game's doing. Escapade itself, too. You know, that word is a synonym for 'trick', too. This world is literally fooling with our minds." He frowned, clearly dismayed. I frowned as well, my thoughts going to what I've gathered about the memories I've lost.

All of them were dear to me. All of them involved something I love, someone I love and hold dear to me. It hasn't taken any of my bad memories. To put it straight, I've forgotten about my school life, but only partially. A fraction of it still remains and those parts included the few grades I'd gotten through my school years that left a bad taste in my mouth, the endless load of homework and assignments and not to mention the temporary time I've experienced being bullied.

I've completely forgotten my friends in the real world...

"You what?" Yoongi spluttered, choking on a piece of meat I didn't even notice he slipped into his mouth. He looked at me incredulously and I swallowed, my eyes blowing wide as it dawned on me that I've said that out loud.

"Uhm, I-I said that... I don't want to forget about my friends in the real world." I tried to cover up my slip up. I diverted my gaze from his narrowing ones with tight lips and a weak attempt at a dismissive smile.

Okay, maybe I should tell him... I'll do it! I should. Everyone could maybe—-

"Guys! Food's ready!" I yelled out in a momentary panic when I noticed Yoongi open his mouth to say something and huffed out a chuckle when Taehyung immediately rushed out of his cabin to fill his stomach. The others soon followed and I stood up, rummaging for a make-shift tray/plate to carry Jin's share of the meal to him.

"I'll be back, I'm gonna give Jin his meal." I announced and my eyes met Yoongi's momentarily and he gave me a weird look.

Whatever that was about. I guess he finally realised I'm a weirdo.... Meh.

I heard a set of hums and 'okay's resound after my words as I left.

When I knocked and entered, my face dropped into a frown as I didn't see Jin inside. Just Namjoon with a chest covered with bandages. I took more steps inside and tentatively placed the tray on my desk, wondering what Jin was upto.

"Nngh..." I jolted on my spot and turned to Joon. He isn't awake but he's suddenly letting out soft groans.

I carefully sat at the edge of the bed and checked whether his body was in discomfort or if he was possibly feeling sick. I placed a hand over his forehead and let out a breath, noting that he wasn't catching onto a fever.

"Is something wrong, dear?"

I startled again and turned towards the door to see Jin enter, worry in his face as he came over to check on Namjoon as well. "Oh- no, I-I don't think so. He must've subconsciously felt discomfort so I was helping out. Well, trying to anyway. He was groaning." I explained and Jin hummed, "Oh. Well, let's hope his body in real life is being taken care of. We've done all we can here. His discomfort must be in the real world." Jin guessed and I nodded.

"Oh, I also brought you food. We cannot have our Jinnie starved, now do we?" I smiled lightly as I went over to bring the tray to him, propping it on his lap from where he settled on the stool situated by the bed. "Of course not! All of you need me to keep you healthy and full." Jin replied, humour in his tone and I giggled.

"Yes, yes, as full as a balloon ready to burst." I remarked and he scoffed, swatting lightly at my shoulder, "Being over-fed is better than being under fed, you brat." He huffed. I laughed, "Not when you're so full you'd puke, sweets. That's something none of us want to go through." I pointed out.

"Yah, at least you spend everyday with a full stomach. Stop looking through that path! It won't happen anyway. I know how much is necessary and when it is too much." He rolled his eyes. I put my hands up in surrender, still laughing.

"Did you eat?" He raised a brow and I paused for a moment, "Not yet." I coughed and squeaked as his hands flew over to grab me while I jumped away with a laugh, "I plan to! Don't worry! I was gonna go eat after bringing this to you!" I defended and he grumbled under his breath, "Then go already." He shooed, already stuffing his mouth.

I pouted and began mimicking him by saying the same words under my breath as I left the cabin to eat as well.

"You better not be mimicking me, Diana." I heard his distant voice call out and I stopped mimicking him under my breath to not risk it even though he doesn't see me.

How the hell did he know anyway?? Freaky luck right there. Jeez.


Namjoonieeee 🥺🥺🥺

Seems like Yoongi has caught onto something and it's curious inducing 👀👀 Diana's memories are becoming harder to hold onto. Imagine being aware of what memories you lost 😬😬

We got a cute little moment with her and Jimin! Poor bb was a bit too flustered being so close, he experienced quite the roller coaster lmao

Did you enjoy today's chapter? 🥹✨ let's hope I keep up with the updating schedule and I'll see you again next week! 🥰❤️💕💕

~ Ada

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