👾CH. 18👾

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"All of these cases have occurred after all of them began playing this game called Escapade, sir."


"The count is increasing gradually. So far, it's been mostly high school students and some young adults."

"We need to make a statement about this."

"About what? A bunch of teenagers and adults in their early twenties falling into an unexplainable coma after playing some video game?"

"Yes. That's exactly what we should be warning everyone."

"Have you gone insane? Do you know how stupid and bizarre that sounds? How can you come to that conclusion, anyway? They'd all probably digested something from their meal and the problem kicked in coincidentally after they just so happened to play that game."

"Even though you're in denial and remaining close-minded about this, those kids are suffering wounds every so often out of nowhere and nurses have reported seeing them appear before their eyes with no explanation at all. I will make sure news goes about this to prevent more victims to this case."

"You expect the citizens to believe that bullshit?"

"As a matter of fact, yes. With enough to prove and convince them, it is very much possible, sir. If that isn't enough, we'll broadcast a live news to show someone voluntarily play that damn game and show them instead."

"I thought you said you wanted to prevent anymore victims?"

"Yes I did. But the number of victims increasing will only happen if majority of the people remain unconvinced. Either way, the updates we'll keep would be enough proof to show that it is the main cause of this case and ultimately avoid any more uprise on this situation."

"And what about the game? If it really is the cause, then how do we get rid of it so more don't fall under its trap before it's too late? These sorts of fantastical rumours are already spreading. We'll be encouraging it, and as it is, some idiots are trying out the games deliberately knowing about such rumours that are spreading like wildfire, just to get "inside the game" as you say. They're fascinated."

"I've sent a team to make a round about the areas the new patients were found to find the source selling those discs to put a stop to it. Miss Diana's brother has given us intel on what the person selling these cursed things looks like."

"What about the patients, then? Even if we do stop the count from rising, we still have to find a way to wake those people up."



"That's the main issue, sir. It seems like their very soul has been sucked into the game."

"What? I'm sorry, come again?"

"Yes, their souls are in the game. Though their physique stayed here. It helps justify the sudden wounds they gain periodically. Some suffering from broken bones and others... others suffer much worse."

"So- just... let me get this straight - those patients' souls are in the game but their physical body is here."


"...Mind enlightening me about the type of game it is?"

"Survival, sir."

"What about the Dia—-"

"Mr.Kim! You must take a look at this! Miss Diana is showing signs of Amnesia!"

"What?! Uh, we'll talk more later, sir. Good day!"

"Oh... yeah, you too—
Uhm... bye?"



"Diana, I think you and kook will need to go for another hunt, soon. We're slowly running out of meat, again." Yoongi announced from the pantry, peeking his head out to see me by the fire-pit to pass time.

I looked up at him and gave him a thumbs up, "Roger that, captain." I replied and giggled as I watched him roll his eyes before disappearing back inside the kitchen.

The food is running out much more quickly since there are 8 bellies to feed three times every day so hunting for (mostly) pigs and some sheep has become a more frequent task to complete. I don't mind doing it so much since Jungkook accompanies me and helps a lot with his strength to keep a good hold of them.

It makes the chase much shorter and we return with plenty more food soon enough. You would think my stamina would've built well after this long, but unfortunately, all that this time has done for me is make my floppy flesh more tight and muscular. It's not a frequent occurrence to run so my stamina still drains fairly fast. Though I have to say, my movements have become more agile, I'll tell you that.

Anyway, it's been 4 days since Namjoon's been unconscious. Even when I'm sure that he'll be fine and up on his feet, the time he has been out like a light did add onto the worry I held for his well being. I took the bed in his cabin since he currently occupied mine at the moment.

Oh! In the midst of these past 4 days, Jungkook and I actually found another bag!!

A bag!!!

It held nearly all of the same things my bag did. A dart gun, too - with the same instructions on paper about the darts holding the Olfstin's venom, and a whole other blue ball of thread. This time, the bag was a faded, bright pink. The difference was that it held plenty more weapons other than the gun.

Excluding the same sword I was provided with from my blue bag, the pink one had 3 other swords as well. Another pocket knife and a first-aid box just like the one we already had, too. No granola bars though. We had food anyway, but it was still a bummer.

We had actually found it nearby the net trap where the Olfstin's basically... passed. It was a shock, in all honestly. Being held captive within a net-like trap, hanging over the ground shouldn't have done so much as to kill it.

It actually emanated a weird smell upon closer inspection and I felt a little light headed from just one sniff.

I'd snagged a part of the net and brought it back to camp to take a good look at it. Since its smell took such great effect over my senses and nearly made me pass out, I'd taken one empty seed packet from the pantry and put the net inside to keep the smell away. That might've been what took the Olfstin, to be honest. I even called Tae to take a look at it and he mentioned that he doesn't believe such a material even exists. That didn't really surprise me though, but it's a big mystery just who set that up. Maybe even what.

If the other creature turns out to be a spider, I will ascend to the spirit world, I tell you.

I gaint spider?? ㅠㅠ

No thank youuuuu

Everyone had already finished eating their lunch of the day and the sun was now making its way to set ever so slowly so we've all been hanging around in our cabin, by the river or the lake, and the fire-pit. As of right now, I was situated by the fire pit and was actually working on reforming my pocket knife. I'd managed to slip out the blade from the holder and am melting the metal slightly to reshape its blade to my liking.

"What are you - a blacksmith, a sword smith, or a blade smith??" Jimin piped in, taking a seat beside me. I huffed out a laugh, shaking my head, "Neither of those. They're kind of the same thing, by the way. I'm just trying to make better use of this pocket-knife. It's small so I was thinking of trying to make it longer, maybe thinner... just sharper and somewhat better. It's become a little dull from cutting all those shrubs out of my way in the forest." I shrugged, bringing the back of my sword to hammer certain parts.

Jimin scoffed, "That's exactly what they do." He stated and I rolled my eyes, "I know, but I'm not even close even if I'm doing what they do. All I did so far was join two pocket knifes to extend it more with extra metal." I chuckled.

"Hey, that looks much bigger and longer than it was before. I think you did pretty good for a first time." He stated, patting my shoulder from where he sat. He made sounds of worry when I hammered too close to where my hands were, "Yah, don't break your bones, now. Move your hand away from there!" He huffed.

"I've been doing this same thing for the past hour or so, Chim. I'm not going to risk breaking my fingers any time soon." I retorted and he 'hmph'ed in response.

"How do you plan to make use of that? It's like another sword, but...curvier." He pointed and I nodded, "I actually remembered I once watched this particular video where this type of blade can easily slice through heavy vegetation so the person can move in deeper without much obstacles in the way. I think it's called a billhook*? I hope it helps Jungkookie and I soon enough." I mumbled.

Speaking of remembering, every time I look back on what I've done so far - to a certain extend on how far back I think, my mind starts getting a mild headache so I don't push it too much.

Jimin quirked a brow, "Really? You're making this after watching a video like that." He giggled and I grinned, nodding. "You can do a lot for a city girl. I heard your dad also taught you about fishing. Is that right?" He smiled.

I paused. "My... father? Really??" I voiced out, dumbfounded. Jimin's smile faltered, "Was it not your father? Then who did?" He frowned in confusion.

I pursed my lips. My father's always away and barely comes back. I don't think he ever told me about what he does. I learnt fishing from school camp...

~ Jimin POV ~

Did I remember wrong?? Jin hyung told me that her father was a cruise captain and took them to camp trips with fishing as the first activity to do when he returned. So it explained how she managed to catch many fish. That too, with simply a sharp blade or stick.

She seemed just as clueless at the moment so I wasn't so sure about that fact anymore.

"I remember learning to fish during my camp trip." She stated, "We barely talk actually, so I'm pretty sure my father didn't teach me any of that." She said and my frown only deepened. "What? I thought you were close with him.." I muttered unsurely.

Diana frowned in thought, "He's always away. Same for my other family members. I'm not really close with them. We're all busy doing our own things, really." She mumbled and ended it there.



"Ehh?" Jin hyung shot his eyes wide, stopping whatever he was doing inside the cabin with Joon hyung. "She literally boasts about her elder brother like he hung the stars for her! What do you mean she said they're not close??? He's a model, of course he's been busy but she, so confidently stated that it doesn't even hinder with their bond. He visits as many times as he can throughout the years. Same goes for her dad!! Did she hit her head? What is this all of a sudden?" He ranted with a big frown.

Jeez Louise, I don't know much about her private life, man.

"I said what I said. That's what she told me." I explained briefly and plopped onto the foot of the bed. "How's Joon hyung?" I asked instead, noting that the burn on his chest is pretty much healed by now.

Hyung hummed before tutting, "I think he's been sedated to help calm his body from the jolts of electricity it experienced without warning. I don't know for how long it will run but he should probably wake up by the end of today. Tomorrow at the very least." He guessed and I nodded.

(A/N: plsssss I'm as clueless as many when it comes to medical attention, I'm just making do with what I know, so don't bother too much with what I mention regarding the hospitality the characters get ;-;)

Knock knock

Hyung and I turned towards the door to see Taehyung enter with a frown on his face. I frowned immediately at the sight, wondering what was wrong but he answered before I could ask.

"I think Diana hit her head or something?" He stated questioningly. I spluttered at that. What the hell?

"What???" Jin hyung voiced and Taehyung simply shrugged.

"I went to fetch some water for myself and saw her rub her head really roughly on the way. When I was coming back up, I noticed her hit her head with her hand. Out of nowhere. I don't know about you guys, but I'm kinda...ok- I'm very worried about her well being." He frowned, his concern displayed clearly in his features as he mentioned what happened.

"Also she just made like- a round-shaped sword out of her pocket knife. That's pretty impressive. Kinda concerning how much she knows about doing stuff like this." He pointed and I snorted at that. I can relate to that concern. How many videos did that girl watch to know so much?

"It's called a billhook. And I totally share your sentiment, Tae." I chuckled whilst he grinned.

Our attention was soon diverted towards the man on the bed when he grumbled out a groan. We all perked up at that and smiled widely as we noticed Joon hyung flutter his eyes open.

"Ugh.." he groaned out, moving one hand to rub at his face. "Namjoon, take it easy. You just got the shock of your life like a few days ago—" Jin hyung eased him to lay back down when he attempted to sit up.

I rolled my eyes at the pun he slipped in, a small laugh leaving my lips but Joon hyung wasn't having it, "How- how long was I out?" He rasped out and I replied immediately and he seemed to snap out of the half-daze he was in as his eyes shot wide, "Four days?!" He screeched out and Taehyung laughed, "It's okay! You didn't miss anything other than Diana and Jungkook finding another bag while they were in the forest." He informed and Joon hyung groaned again.

"Let's get some food into your system, yeah?" Jin hyung spoke up and the former nodded mutely. "I had the weirdest... euhh, was it a dream?? Whatever, it was about being in the hospital. It was like I was back in the real world, but not at the same time. I could imagine what was going on but I couldn't really see anything. People were talking and..." he trailed, making the three of us raise a brow.

His eyes snapped wide open and he gasped, "Diana!" He exclaimed so suddenly. Jin frowned, "Diana?" He parroted unsurely and he nodded.

"Lee Diana?" Taehyung questioned as well and I couldn't stop as I rolled my eyes.

"Who else is named Diana, dingus?"

"I don't know! Maybe he remembered someone else!"

"He's clearly talking about the Diana we know—"

"Where is she?! I heard that she's suffering terrible amnesia!" He stated with utter concern. "W-what? Did you here that from your 'dream', too?" Taehyung asked tentatively.

Huh... maybe it is a different Diana?

Joon shook his head, snapping his eyes around the room before noticing his shirt and clutched it before slipping it on. He stood up, swaying for a moment before collecting himself and dashed out of the room before any of us could process anything.

So.... Amnesia? Diana has amnesia??

"W-what the hell?! Namjoon come back here!" Jin spluttered, flustered before leaving the room in a hurry as well. Tae and I ran after them, thinking Joon hyung's head might've taken damage from the shock or something because he's taking his dream really seriously.

"What's with all the ruckus?" Yoongi grumbled out, ruffling his hair as he made his way over towards the ladder with Jungkook and Hoseok, who were wondering the same.

"Joon hyung woke up! And he's saying that Diana is suffering from serious amnesia. He apparently heard it in his dream while he was out." I explained before rushing after the others who reached the girl by the fire-pit.

"Amnesia?" Jungkook frowned, worry making its way into his features as his brows furrowed. I shrugged, because I wasn't sure either but... deep down, I can't help but actually see how it made sense.

Not even a few moments ago, she told me that she wasn't close with two of her family members when really, they all were super precious to her. How can she change her opinion so suddenly?

When all of us reached the fire-pit, we noticed Joon hyung fussing crazily over Diana who looked incredibly lost and shocked. I snorted at that because after 4 days, she's suddenly bombarded by his concerns for her and has seen that he's awake but also remained clueless about what he was fretting over.

"How's your head? Do you feel like you're missing something?? I don't know how it works; I haven't experienced anything like that...uh, is your- maybe your head is feeling empty???" He questioned and the poor girl just shook her head, "I'm perfectly fine. But you- you're awake! When did you wake up? How do you feel??" She stammered out, dropping her reshaped sword to the ground and I cooed loudly as she pulled Joon hyung into a hug.

"Awwww," I heard Hobi hyung voice out with an endeared smile. Namjoon couldn't help but sag and return the hug as well. Honestly, those two look adorable together.

Even though they purposely annoy us with their pretend couple calling, they do make a great match. I admit it, but it kind of irks me at that thought, though I don't think much of it. She's a pretty girl and the others are a handsome bunch themselves.

"My head's always empty, you goof." She chuckled before pulling away. Namjoon though, didn't seem convinced since he sported a frown. "I don't think much." She shrugged.

"That's explains a lot." Jin joked and the others laughed at that remark and so did I, while she scowled and stuck her tongue out at him in response. What a child.

Namjoon still stood his ground, which eventually won everyone over, including myself. I think what he knows from that "dream" is maybe more serious than it seems to be.

"Everyone in my cabin. I have some things to say." He announced while holding Diana's hand, pulling her up on her feet before basically marching his way towards the ladder.

Something tells me that this is not going to be very nice...



So Namjoon's awake!!!

Idk about y'all but I'm noticing a certain pattern here concerning Diana.. 👀👀

Neways! Hope you Enjoyed today's chapter! 🥰❤️ let me know what we're your thoughts!

I'll see you next week 🥰🥰😘💕💕

~ Ada

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