👾CH. 19👾

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~ Diana POV ~

He seemed to be very persistent about what I know and it's kind of getting to me from how serious he was about it.

"Who knows a lot about her life in the real world?" He asked around and Tae and Yoon raised their hands. So did Jin, though he was still tentative because I can see that the seriousness Joon was emanating was bothering him a lot. It was bothering me too.

Amnesia?? I mean- I know I can forget some stuff sometimes, but I'm not that bad, am I???

It's exactly the next day and right after breakfast, he'd called everyone into his cabin with a stern and authoritative tone. No one planned to go against his command so we all piled in and took our seat around the room while he stood. I was beside him as he kept a hand slung over my shoulders, but I felt uneasy because of how lost I felt at the moment.

"When I was unconscious in this world, I could see- well.., I could hear what was happening in the real world. I could imagine where I was. We're all currently at the hospital and the doctors are all running around to try and get us back, but-" he pursed his lips before sighing, "-it seems like our souls are in this world. Whatever injuries we obtain in this world, will appear on our bodies in real life. There are so many more people that are in this game. But most likely in a different survival world than ours." He explained and I felt my blood run cold as I turned to look at Joon in shock.

I've had those kinds of dreams. Of being in the hospital. I hear my family speaking to doctors while I'm on some bed. But there's not much noise like how Joon says there is.

"Diana is apparently the very first to be sucked into the game. It's the reason doctors have kept her in a separate room from everyone else. They believe all the other victims are linked to her." Namjoon continued but I froze in place, body turning tense as he continued on, "So to finally explain my concern," he brought up, "I heard a doctor announce how Diana is suffering from serious amnesia. It was an urgent call out on their part and soon after, I woke up." He explained before squeezing my shoulder with the arm he's wrapped around me and look at me with soft, worried eyes.

I was honestly at a loss for words. What do I say? I don't feel any different than when I first got here.

"You've written some of your own things in your personalised notebook, right?" He asked just as softly and I paused.

My personal notebook..? Did he mean the one where I've written everything about this world? It's not really personal, though..

"You- you mean the- the one with all the things we know in this world...?" I asked hesitantly. I thought back to the book and only ended up thinking of that one, we don't have any... else thinking any harder on this matter had my mind start that reoccurring feeling of the beginnings of a migraine if I try and whack my brain to remember if I have any other.

"Eh?" Jin gasped out, making me turn to him with uneasy eyes. Was that not it?

"Dear, the other one. Where you've written all of your personal feelings about your experience here before we came into play." Jin specified. I slipped out of Joon's hold and rushed towards my cabin.

Everyone else silently followed behind me as well because I'm slowly beginning to panic. Did I really forget something even Jin remembers even if it's not his??? What the hell??

I scanned through all the things kept in this room once I got in and frowned, turning to the others. "This is all I've been using for as long as I've been here." I pointed towards the one notebook kept on my desk. "Where's the other one?" Jungkook raised a brow, his own frown plastered on his face.

What "other" one?!

I shook my head, "There's no "other" notebook, kook." I told him before growing timid, "...Are you all like- jointly trying to prank me?? It's not funny being convinced about forgetting something that's supposedly important..." I mumbled with a frown.

"This isn't a prank, Diana. And that book is important, especially to you." Yoongi furrowed his brows and made his way over towards the desk. "It's somewhere here, I know it." He grabbed onto my bag and rummaged through it before letting it go when he found nothing. Then he went over towards the bed I've not even been using for the past 4 days and he ripped away the covers, threw away all the pillows gathered on it then dropped to his knees after reaching back to the desk I use.

I watched as everyone else also began searching through my room with a dumbfounded look on my face.

"But..." I trailed out helplessly. We had another notebook? Really??

"I found it!" Everyone stopped looking around when Jungkook found the mentioned 'other' notebook underneath the bed. He asked Joon to lift it up a little so he could look under it better and when he shot his hands inside, he pulled out a notebook looking very similar to the one I used.

No one even bothered to exclaim their relief and happiness upon finding it, but instead gathered around Jungkook as he flipped through the pages.

I felt myself shrink a little as I noticed my name written in full-capital letters over the cover to point out that it indeed belong to me. When did I have this...? That's definitely my handwriting.

"Oh my god...,"

I pursed my lips nervously as I watched everyone's faces slowly morph into one of shock and sorrow. They looked horrified at whatever they were reading and I began to feel restless standing opposite to them, wanting to know what they were seeing and observing from a book I supposedly used so frequently. I mean, I can see kook flip through countless pages filled with some writing and even scribbles from the little I could see from where I stood.

"W-what does it say...?" I asked with a weak, scared voice. My eyes widened when I noticed some of the boys sport teary eyes. "Y-you're forgetting..." Jimin choked out and strode my way with quick steps and pulled me into a hug.

What am I forgetting?!

"Do you not remember the names of your siblings?" He asked with a shaky voice and I frowned. S-siblings???

"I..." I paused.

Wait- yes, of course I do. His name- it's... it's..

"Oh dear..." Jin piped in with sorrow, making me stiff, "No, no, I do remember! I swear, I- Uh, it's- it's.." I took in a deep breath. A headache began to pound in my brain, making this situation more overwhelming to me, it made my mind pull up a blank.

I'm really forgetting... I-I don't how to respond to this...

My eyes darted between all the other boys and my eyes widened at Tae and kook, who were already shedding tears as they read through the notebook.

"C-can I see?" I asked, though feeling reluctant at finding out just how much I've lost. Jungkook's eyes met mine at that and he only seemed to cry more. Jimin let go of the hug and nodded, letting me take a step towards the boy holding my lost memories and he tentatively handed it over to me.

I took a deep breath, taking a seat on my bed to ready myself in case I really can't handle it.

I flipped through the pages right from the beginning and felt my eyes burn as tears gathered. I kept taking deep breaths as I slowly came to realise how much I've forgotten and felt my lips tremble as I grew closer to crumbling under myself, realising just how much closer I must be to my family. This revelation has my heart pounding loudly in my ears, thumping against my rib cage strongly, making me breathe deep breaths.

I have no memory of anything mentioned here...

Two brothers that I actually hold dear to me, one elder and the other, younger. My father was indeed a cruise captain, which explains why I'm not close to him, but that explanation was also shot to the mud when I myself, had specifically written that despite the distance, we're super close and he visits as often as he can, even bearing gifts for everyone.

Why don't I know this??

A sob escaped past my quivering lips as I flipped further in the book and read that I'm the closest to my elder brother, Yohan. He's a successful model for cosmetics and trending fashion, and he's the one that I confide in the most - be it in person or through texts messages from my phone. All I remember of him is that he couldn't make time for any of us because of his work and even didn't bother to attend my birthdays. This particular remark felt childish of me when I still find room to write how much our bond is unwavering no matter what happens.

Yohan. That's his name. Yohan, Yohan, Yohan. Remember the name of your own blood family!

Then my little brother, Juno. I have no memory of him.

'We both actually bicker a lot but show our affection to one another by giving each other their favourite snacks or competing together through video games.' I even mentioned that he looks after me the most after my own mother. 'Ma' is what I address her as.

My Ma.

By now, I was a sobbing mess. I had completely broke, shattered within myself as I realised that all of my family members were actually the best in the world. All I remember are the bad moments, like how my mother, on many occasions, refused to allow me to do certain activities. How she'd sometimes scold me for actions I thought weren't necessarily a bad thing. How I'd felt jealous when she'd done some things I was refused to do.

Then.. I have a dog?? Are you kidding me? Coco is his name and he's a German shepherd. A bright, fluff ball of positivity and happiness.

All I know about my life in the real world is that it's less pleasant than most of the days I've spent in this one. I've even dared to think that I wouldn't mind staying here, but that was plain stupid and absurd.

I had long since pushed away the book to wipe furiously at my eyes to rid them of my never ending flow of tears.

I've been snatched of the memories I hold dear to me. Of people I hold dear to me. I was balling my eyes out as it dawned on me that I was forgetting the faces of my family and how much love I hold towards them. My chest hurt from my sobs.

I'm forgetting it all and it's terrifying when I suddenly realised the gaping hole within my mind. I curled into myself, bringing my knees upto my chest and buried my face in to shut myself out of the daunting reality of my state. The headache increased tenfold and only pushed me to cry more as what I felt became unbearably painful to digest and process.

This world is purposely taking away everything I hold dear to me and as a result, it's making itself more appealing to stay in since all it lets us keep are the bad memories in the real world.

"Diana..." I heard Taehyung chime in from my right whilst the bed dipped slightly under his weight. I felt his arms wrap around me and made me lean against him as he rubbed circles on my back to comfort me. I was slowly losing it as my sobs grew louder and more broken. My heart ached at the clear hurt I felt for forgetting such precious things. My body shook as I choked on my sobs and gasped for air.

I don't know for how long I cried, for how long I kept my eyes shut as cries left my lips, as I continued to remind myself of all that I've forgotten, all I will still probably forget without a clue. I don't want to forget more, I can't bear it. There's only so much I can handle, and this sudden bomb has done enough damage to my heart and mind as I pitied myself for my situation, for the loss I'm feeling and the helplessness for not being able to figure it out sooner. Before it was too late.

I don't know for how long I sat by my bed, curling in on myself and for how long I shook as sobs left my lips and I eventually drifted off into a restless sleep without knowing as the uncontrollable flow of emotions that fell like a waterfall finally exhausted me.

~ Taehyung POV ~

It hurt me more than I could imagine, seeing such a strong and bright girl break down before my very eyes. It hurt to see her cry endlessly at the sudden bomb that was dropped, telling her that she was forgetting about something so beautiful and filled with love in the real world.

It made my heart feel so, extremely heavy as her body shook with her uncontrollable cries as she slowly curled into herself to shield herself away from the terrible, daunting reality about what her mind has done. What this world has done.

It hurt everyone to see her break down like this. I pulled her close to me as she cried, and cried, and cried for a long stretch of time. She's even forgotten that she was losing her memories at some point. That thought enraged me more than I could put words to as I realised that before that happened, she was aware of the holes her mind was producing in place of her precious memories and resorted to writing down all she could before it was too late.

All she's remembered so far was the distance her family members kept with one another and not how despite that, they were impossibly close and held the strongest bonds. The game had purposely erased the good ones to leave behind the bad.

It was a long while before her sobs soon subsided into occasional hiccups and gasps of air then into sniffles. Eventually, she had drifted to sleep as she exhausted herself with the wreck of emotions tormenting her heart and mind. Everyone stayed to keep her company while she dealt with the horrifying revelation. None of us held a smile, none of us. We were all just as effected as could be at the heartbreaking sight of Diana breaking in front of our very eyes.

I remember she'd talked so lovingly of her family and their endearing habits and what not. How she always bickered with her brothers out of nowhere for no reason at all. We both had even swore to get our own dogs to meet and bond with each other, but it was clear that she didn't remember anything at all.

"She fell asleep..." Hoseok hyung voiced out, his tone not even holding a hint of his cheery, bright aura. It was gloomy and sorrowful.

"I can't even begin to imagine being in her place," Jimin choked out with strong emotions, his eyes red from shedding tears. Everyone's eyes were red, really.

I nodded solemnly, looking back down at the girl sleeping in my arms. She looked so tiny in my arms and I just wanted to shield her from everything and anything evil or even remotely bad to her, fight them off and make it suffer the worst of pain for even thinking of showing itself.

"Why was the book under the bed..?" Jin hyung asked, bringing the notebook into his hands and flipping through the pages, observing some of the portrait drawings of her family with great attention. "Most likely the game's doing." Namjoon hyung snarled menacingly.

Another silence fell in the room except the occasional flip of pages coming from Jin hyung as he looked through the book to see all that she's written, presumably in a desperate attempt to remember and write down the memories she holds dear to her on the book to not lose them despite being erased within her mind.

Jin hyung choked back a cry as he noticed a drawing of a beautiful dog, immediately linking it to Coco, "She drew all the portraits of her family, too." He sniffled.

"Why didn't she say anything sooner?" He whimpered and everyone slumped on their spots even more. "She might've.. forgotten..." Yoongi hyung mumbled solemnly, gazing sadly at Diana who was out cold after exhausting herself.

"But the book..?" Hoseok hyung brought up tentatively, not quite able to link that possibility together with what he knows.

I frowned deeply when Yoongi hyung clenched his hands into fists, presumably holding back the urge to burst with his strong emotions.

"I couldn't place it... but the day Joon got hurt, when we prepared lunch.. I thought I'd heard her wrong, she even repeated herself, but it was different." He rambled on, feeling a little aggravated as he was aware this build up was causing the lot of us discomforting suspense.

"She didn't realise but.. she mentioned something about forgetting all of her friends in the real world. But when I asked to clarify, she repeated the same thing- only.. it was modified; along the lines of not 'wanting' to." He revealed and opened his mouth to say more.

What else..?

"She- her eyes.. you should've seen her eyes. Gosh, it was like something switched and she just became this... oblivious girl who has no clue that she just... suddenly forgot what we were talking about." Hyung brought his hands to hold his head, feeling disturbed by the memory.

It sure as hell disturbed me. Imagining such a sight feels unnerving, but for hyung to actually see it to tell us that it happened...

"Will... will we forget, too?" Jungkook asked fearfully. All of us tensed at that thought. All except Namjoon hyung.

"We won't." He denied immediately and everyone turned to look at him. He still held a frown on his face as he kept his gaze on Diana. "I've been thinking about this for... for quite some time now and... well," he took in a breath, "Look at all of us." He gestured, "Seven guys and just one girl?" He pointed out.

Jin hyung perked up at that, "I agree. She might've...um, forgotten about this, but her elder brother gifted her a belated birthday gift to her. She told me that his letter included how excited the man selling the game was to explain what it's about, almost as if he expected her brother himself, to be the one to play." He recounted.

"She told me one time about how she felt as if she wasn't meant to be the one to be in here but rather, her brother was. She was still glad that she ended up here." He continued. Joon hyung nodded, looking more confident about his claim, "I think being put into this game is taking a toll on her because she wasn't meant to be in here in the first place." He stated.

"I think memory loss is one of the effects that has been taken on her for being an unwelcomed player." He gritted back an internal rage at the thought that tried to surface, as did mine.

"Well then this game is fucking sexist. Show her the way out instead of erasing her mind! The fuck?" Yoongi hyung scowled.

"Now we all have to work extra hard to find a way out. Who knows what would happen if she spent her time any longer in this world? There's no way I'm letting her suffer through more." Hoseok hyung gritted and everyone collectively nodded.

"Taehyung, why don't you spend a few minutes more with her?" Jin hyung gestured towards the girl sleeping in my arms and I nodded without a second thought.

I was going to stay either way.

I moved a little on my spot by the head of the bed and tilted inwards to bring the rest of my body on the mattress, being also careful to not jostle her too much as I got myself comfortable as well. I pulled her closer towards me and made her head lay on the area by my chest and my shoulder to play as a substitute pillow.

I noticed Jiminie reach over for the covers while I adjusted my hold around her frame as he flung it over the two of us. Once I was settled and made sure she was comfortable as well, I gave the others a thumbs up and watched as they nodded or returned my hand gesture before leaving the cabin.


Ahhhhhhh Diana forgot that she was forgetting memories and as a result didn't realise she was losing more as days past 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 Poor loveeeee

How far do you think this world will/ can go to make sure Diana suffers??😣😣

I'm a day late as I publish this, but not too late as it's only a couple of hours apart from my usual updating schedule so... point is, I updated on time... technically 😂😂👍✨

Hope you enjoyed today's chapter! 🥰❤️ see you next week! 😘💕💕

~ Ada

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