👾CH. 20👾

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~ Diana POV ~

I let out a small groan as I moved on my spot on my bed, not at all appreciating the bright lights piercing my eyes.

Noooo, I want to sleep a bit longer bright light... go away.

I buried closer into my pillow to block out the light from penetrating my eyes and sighed as it got dark again. I was warm and very comfy on my bed, I didn't want to ever wake up. It was so cocooning and snuggly, I couldn't get enough of it. I immediately felt my drowsiness return as I slowly began to fall back asleep, happy now that the bright light wasn't bothering me anymore.

It smells nice. That's nice.


Wait, bright light?? Smell??? What the f—-

A chuckle cut through my thoughts and my eyes fluttered open. Aw geez, my eyes sting. I blinked leisurely, bringing one hand over to rub the soreness some way or the other. The clicking of a tongue put my movements to a pause and a large hand wrapped itself around my wrist by my eyes, pulling it away. "Don't do that. That'll damage your poor eyes." A voice tutted, lightly scolding me.

Hold the f—

At the voice, my eyes shot wide this time. Now that I'm actually very awake, I can't help but suddenly realise that what I'm snuggling into isn't my mattress but a person's chest- not to mention the snatched torso my arms had circled that felt awfully, and I mean awfully familiar.

I drifted my eyes up slowly and froze when they met Taehyung's bright, amused ones.

"Good morning!" He chirped happily. You know, now that I've realised just what I was snuggling into, I suddenly also realised the strong arms wrapped around me as well. Minus the one still gripping on my wrist.

I'm 100% sure Taehyung just watched how my face flared into flames before his eyes as I noticed his them grow wide while observing me. I mean, I don't know about you, but suddenly my face feels like lava.

"Woah, that's - by far - the fastest blush I've seen appear on your face. More red, too."

At his claim, I definitely flushed more since he was right in front of my face to see it. I hastily pulled away, apologising profusely for the position I'm sure I brought him into. When did this happen?!

I was practically laying halfway over him- ㅠㅠ

He only laughed and sat up, shaking his head at my 'sorry's before grabbing at my flailing arms that gestured around the air in front of me whilst I jumped to try and explain myself about how I had no idea, that I never meant for this to happen and that it won't happen again.

"Woah, Diana take a breath, I'm not upset! I was the one to cuddle you!" He stated so easily and I clearly felt my brain malfunction for a split moment as it processed his words. All I could voice out was a- "W-what?" I squeaked out.

He nodded, "You- you fell asleep and I was already holding you.. so I just thought that maybe you wouldn't mind some company through the night since I didn't want to wake you up if I moved away. Now that I think back on my words, that was too assuming, wasn't it? I'm really sorry if this made you uncomfortable." His smile had flattered into a thin line by the end of his sentence. You know, I'd probably lie and say that it threw me off for a moment, but honestly? Yes, it was unexpected, but I think I liked it way too much... more than I'm supposed to- let me go hide in a corner...

"I wasn't uncomfortable at all, Tae..." I huffed out a breath.

I mean, that's the comfiest sleep I've gotten since being in this world.

"Really?? Then can we do cuddles, again??" His smile beamed brightly at me and I had to blink rapidly to adjust my pierced vision, "O-Oh yeah, I don't mind," I bashfully mumbled out.

How could I ever refuse more cuddles??

Also, speaking of bright, the sun's already high in the sky, isn't it? I've pretty much "slept in" today and pouted, wondering if Jungkook had already finished making his rounds within the forest.

I resounded a sound of surprised when Taehyung wrapped his arms around me again before leaning back so we were put back into our previous position. He's awfully comfortable to cuddle with, is he a personified cloud of fluff and coziness? What is this??

"Then let's cuddle a little more! I was enjoying the snuggles you gave while you were asleep." He giggled and I let out a breathy laugh, "Is it better than when I'm awake?" I teased and he laughed as well, "Only by a little because you don't shy away then." He shot back and all I could do was splutter.

"I-I don't shy away!" I instantly denied and he tutted, "Yes, you do. When I make an attempt to pull you closer during our huggies, you make an excuse and scurry away like a shy high school girl." He pointed and my jaw dropped, "High school girl??" I scoffed.

"Yes, you don't think I haven't noticed your red face, do you? I have big eyes for a reason, darling~" he grinned slyly before choking out a laugh when I poked at his side, "Not big enough, I'm afraid. Your eyes are deceiving you." I countered with a fond smile. His smile is honestly a blessing.

"No they're not." He huffed and I rolled my eyes.

"Yes they are."




"No, you."

"No, you!"

"Hello...?" The two of us stopped our pointless banter and looked over towards the door to see Jimin peeking in his head.

His eyes landed on the two of us causally snuggling together and gasped, "Why wasn't I invited?!" He questioned incredulously, slipping inside completely to join me and Tae to cuddle as well.

Oh gosh, I'm so dead— double trouble!!

"Ack—" I groaned when he plopped over me, as a result crushing Tae as well, who also grunted indignantly.

"Scoot, make room for me!" Jimin demanded, pushing our figures to make room for himself. I groaned, "This bed is made for one person only, you dork," I huffed, though he brushed it off, not letting up and it's with a fast-beating heart, I realise I've been sandwiched between these two as Jimin slotted himself behind me, spooning me. All the while, Taehyung turns, causing me to slide off of him completely and land right in between whilst he curves inwards, to the middle.

"Why am I in the middle?" I whined out, not at all intending to give away my staggering heart as those two faced my way and I wisely faced the ceiling, not ready to meet any of their eyes because one single glance their way was enough giveaway to the amusement glimmering in their eyes.

Also how did we just pull-off fitting ourselves in a 1 person bed??

This sudden jump to endless skinship through cuddles just as I wake up, is not something my heart was prepared to endure. I just hoped that these two teasers didn't hear the loud beating of my heart because it wasn't handling this position I was in pretty well.

I might get a heart attack.

"You know, w-why don't you two cuddle with each other, in-instead? I-I'm gonna.. gonna get up." I mumbled and made an attempt to slip out to save myself from a ridiculous death.

My grave showing that the cause was because a pair of hotties decided it's okay for a weak-hearted girl to be sandwiched into their endless cuddles. No thank youuuu

Also I'm kinda lucky but let's not dive into that right now-

I lifted off of the thin mattress, squeezing my way up as the two bodies pressed closely to my sides. "Nooooo!!" Taehyung whined and simply wrapped a tight arm around my mid-riff, pulling my back down. I squeaked at the sudden pull and froze up as Jimin also joined in by wrapping his own arm beside Tae's.

"G-guys!" I stammered out, feeling my cheeks warm again. "I stand corrected, Diana." Taehyung chuckled, snuggling ever so closer and making my breath hitch, "A-about what?" I dared to ask, shying away from the lack of distance that keeps vanishing the closer he leans.

Jimin was here, enjoying this!

That boy was wearing a wide smirk and didn't help as he stayed put where he laid, limiting my space and as a result, my movement to shift away.

"You're being just like a shy, high school girl." He rasped and I shivered as his hot breath hit my ears.


I breathe out the breath I previously held when Jimin's hand darted out in front of me, pushing Taehyung away by the face, "Okay, that's close enough, Taetae." He laughed breathily, "Poor Diana stopped breathing!" He pointed as I heaved out a breath.

Breathe, heart. Breathe. Take as much oxygen as you can, you'll need it, I swear.

"Both of you are such meanies to my poor sunflower." Hoseok's voice chimed in soon after and my eyes darted towards the door, where he tsked at the sight before him.

Meanies is an understatement, my guy.

He stepped closer and ripped away the two 95' liners' arms caging me and helped me out of my bed. "You're smothering the poor girl! Jiminie, Jin hyung specifically asked you to call Tae and Diana for lunch, too." He snorted.

Jimin pouted as he sat up, as did Taehyung. I sighed in relief after I finally felt my heart calm. This duo is a seriously dangerous one. I might have to fear them more than this world.

"I was gonna..." he grumbled under his breath and even I couldn't help but scoff at that response along with Hobi. Jimin seemed to take offence to that and gawked at the two of us, "After a minute!!" He added, though I remained unconvinced. That man watched my soul slip out of my body ever so slowly as Tae did things to my heart, but he did nothing to help me escape from my near-death experience so he's very much guilty.

"Likely story, Chim." I chortled before skipping away and out of the cabin with Hoseok. I thought back to what he said and paused, "It's lunchtime..?" I queried and heard the sunshine hum in response. I frowned, "I've missed half of the day. Why did I sleep for so long?" I grumbled.

"Don't fret too much, sunflower. You needed that sleep after what happened yesterday." He replied and my frown only turned more prominent.

"Yesterday?" I parroted and quirked a brow as he tensed at my questioning tone. "Do you not remember? You had... read your book." He frowned. I shook my head, feeling a little wary at his reaction, "I do that everyday, hobi. It's nothing new. Though I have to admit - I don't remember when I fell asleep. I know Taehyungie was beside me before I dozed off." I puckered my lips in thought.

"Did I miss something yesterday?" I turned to Hoseok curiously and he seemed to ponder for a moment before he gazed at me sadly, confusing me greatly.

"Ah, dear, I thought you'd never come out! Come eat!" Jin's voice intervened from the ground and I turned to him, smiling, "I've emerged from my humble abode, sweets! So sorry for keeping you waiting~" I joked as I slid down the ladder.

"You look very happy today," Yoongi smiled at me, "Had a good sleep?" He asked and I smiled, nodding. "Clearly. I even slept past the sunlight. That's new." I pointed and took my seat beside him. He hummed and passed me a cup of water silently. I thanked him before my gaze caught onto hobi taking a seat beside Joon and Kookie while mumbling something out of my hearing range.

My curiosity grew as I noticed the two boys pause mid-chew at whatever hobi told them before their attention was completely focused onto him. At the swift glance my way, I concluded that it was about me, which made me straighten up on my seat.

"How're you holding up?" Yoongi asked softly from beside me, making my eyes divert away from the three and towards the pale man. "Nearly died, but I think I'm perfectly fine. Though, I am sort of thrown-off by how late I woke up. I haven't slept for this long since I've been in this world." I mumbled, shrugging.

Yoongi hummed, blinking as he registered my words, "Wait, "nearly died"?" He repeated, obviously stupefied. I chuckled, "Devil Duo nearly crushed me in my own bed just as I woke up. Those two are dangerous, I tell you." I shook my head at the thought. Yoongi 'ah'ed at that before he slung one arm over my shoulder, yanking me to scoot closer to his side.

"What about your memory? Does... your head feel empty? More empty, I mean." He asked. I quirked a quizzical brow at his question, shaking my head, "No. I'm pretty sure my head isn't... empty empty. What's with that question?" I snorted. What a weird question.

Yoongi frowned slightly at my answer, making me purse my lips, "Was that not what you meant?" I wondered before thinking back on his question.

My memory? Do I feel empty?? No.. nothing's going on in my head.

"Uhh.. well, I guess I don't think as much as I used to..??" I wasn't too sure what sort of answer his question was trying to seek. "Let me ask you another question, Diana." Yoongi cut through my thoughts and I looked at him expectantly.

"Do you miss your family?" He asked, his tone incredibly soft and careful. I frowned at that, "Of course, I..." I blanked at that moment and my voice died down in my throat. I felt suddenly conflicted as I pondered over that question.

Do I miss my parents..? We're not really close. I barely keep in touch with my father. I don't exactly say more than necessary with my mother.

Come to think of it... my life in the real world isn't all that great, huh? I'm constantly busy with my assignments and overall studies at uni, I'm distant with my family, my friends... friends? I don't even have a friend. However, I've gained 7 friends here, though. They're all amazing in their own way.

Sure, sweet, lovely, only
friends, right?

Shut up, brain.

Though... my crappy life shouldn't stop me from returning back, right? That's the real world after all.

I shouldn't even begin to think of staying here. It has monsters for goodness sake.

~ Yoongi POV ~

This is so concerning... how did she forget so fast? It was just yesterday night when she realised that she was forgetting about her life in the real world. She broke down into tears, she cried for such a long time and exhausted herself.

How did she forget what happened just yesterday?

"I'm not really close with my family... you know - we're all busy doing our own things." She answered. "Not close" - yeah, right. They're basically all she ever boasted about before.

"Then do you miss my music?" I asked instead, raising a brow. She froze for a moment and looked at me as if I grew another head. Her eyes grew in size at my question as she processed it, her mouth falling open just slightly as she gaped at me in surprise.

I'm sure she noticed my amusement fly out of the window when I soon came to realise what her reaction upon this question meant. I felt my lips twitch into a prominent frown. My brows furrowing in denial as it dawned on me what was potentially going through her mind.

No... don't tell me—-




"You make music?"



Let's meet next chapter! HAHAAHAH 😆😘❤️💕

~ Ada

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