👾CH. 24👾

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first update! Make sure to read this chapter before CH. 25! ;")

"How is she?"

"Better. What happened a week ago was unlike what we've ever experienced."

"Tell me about it... the whole building's power went out for a few minutes. CCTV footage linked it right towards her before it got cut. Did you see that spark of electricity from the monitor? My gosh."

"It's a miracle she didn't sustain anything terribly vital. Otherwise, on any other occasion, that shock would've surely killed her right then."

"It didn't because she was the one who produced it."

"That's right. However, this matter is still concerning since none of the other victims showed this occurrence. I should probably prepare well in advance if the others do the same."

"Doctor.. I really don't think any of this is linked to her. It was more than a month later, before someone else fell victim to this."

"What I think doesn't concern you, sir."

"Yes, it does. I'm also expected to help bring these people back from this coma they've fallen in. We just need to figure out how to bring them back from that game."

"The 'game' idea isn't realistic, Kim-ssi... how many times do I have to tell you this?"

"You don't. All of the screens that these people had played the game on have a note written. None of the family members of these patients have bothered to switch them off."

"And what is written on it?"

"I'm... not too sure, since it seems to be different for everyone, but the main point of the message is "Do not switch it off if you want the victims to survive"."

"And did you rebel against it?"

"No. I don't want to risk anything bad happening.."

"Oh, for the love of god—"



"Still no signs of waking up..?"

"No, Hobi..."

"But you said that her injuries were disappearing,"

"I know what I said. But it doesn't guarantee whether or not she'll wake up."

"It should, though...."

Aw man... my legs hurt like a butt cheek on a stick. Do I have period cramps? Why does my stomach hurt, too..? Wait, no... I don't get periods in the game..

Then does that mean I'm in the real world? What about the others??

"Taehyung, isn't that done, yet?"

"Sort of? I just felt like embroidering some small flowers over the holes... she might like these."

"..oh, wow. That actually looks really nice,"

"Thanks, hyung."

"Why don't you make something for the others, too, hm?"

"Nahh, This is only for Diana,"

"Favouritism at its finest..."

"Whatever you say, joonie hyung."

"Come on, Jin hyung will eat all of our lunch. You can continue working on that later."


I'm tired. My body feels dead, I can't even lift a finger. I can hear the others... I want to get up.

I stopped trying to fight my body for a good minute before trying again. This time, I put effort into moving my hand and although it took a lot out of me, I still managed to lift a finger. For a split second I managed to move a little.

Okay, Diana. Progress. Get ahold of your body. Why are you even this way in the first place?

I don't feel numb, it's more like a tingly feeling on my legs, arms, hands and my feet. Most of all, I feel like a melted puddle of goo. And I'm kinda getting tired of feeling like it.

I heard footsteps approach from my right and felt a stronger urge to wake up. Who is it?? Can I freaking wake up, please?? I tried again, I pushed my mind to make my body to work and I felt my hand shift. Right after that, I heard someone gasp.

"She-! She's moving! Everyone!! Diana's moving!! JiN HYUNGGG!!!"

Aish, so loud... why is Hobi screaming?

I began to feel more inclined with my body and this time, I tried to open my eyes. It was as if my eyelids were glued shut.

I heard Hoseok's footsteps distance itself and then his yells followed through, so he's probably outside, now. Then I heard muffled exclaims and then a jumbled sets of footsteps rushing my way. My ears picked on the light banging of what I presumed to be the door - most likely from being pushed open with a lot of force. Then a constant sound of shuffling as more people came inside.

Finally, I felt some sunlight enter my eyes through my eyelids. I squeezed them shut from the stinging effect the light had before gradually fluttering them open. I felt incredibly sluggish and as my eyes opened, I felt a building headache begin to settle.

With a croaky groan, I turned away from the direction from which the light was coming from, shutting my eyes closed from the brightness before prying them back open with watery eyes.

I took a deep breath then exhaled through my nose, my gaze landing on seven men staring right at me with comically wide eyes.

I opened my mouth to speak but my voice barely made it out. I want to sit up.

"Diana..!" Jin breathed out, shifting forward to be face-to-face with me. I gave him a small smile, already feeling drowsy and exhausted from how much I fought with my own body.

"Can..." I cringed, not liking how dry and raspy my voice came out. Licking my lips, I continued, "Can you h-help me up?" I asked. How long was I out?

Jin nodded and carefully brought his hands forward, helping me prop myself up to sit, while leaning my back on the headboard.

I breathed out a small 'thank you.' And he nodded.

"H-how are you?" He asked, eyes scanning over my frame. I cleared my throat, trying to get back my voice before speaking, "I have a headache." I replied, "I feel really drowsy. My body feels like jelly." I listed honestly.

Jin huffed out a breathy laugh, bringing my head to lean against his chest as he gave me a loose hug. "You're finally awake. Thank god.." He sighed in relief. I snuggled close to his chest and closed my eyes, a sigh leaving my lips.

They fell back open when my jelly hand was engulfed in another's. Pulling away slightly to see who it was, my eyes fell on Jimin's glistening ones. I softened at that and gave him a smile.

"Hi," He choked out and I giggled slightly, "Hey, Angel." I replied. I think I just struck something in him and grew worried when he burst into tears.

Was he still shaken up about that monster?

Wait, the monster.

I shifted under Jin's hold and he slowly pulled away, peering down at me with questioning eyes, "What about that- that creature?" I asked, swallowing as my throat felt like a desert.

I watched as Jin's eyes hardened into a glare at the mention of it before he cleared his throat, smiling down at me in assurance as he shook his head, "It's gone. Don't worry, we took care of it." He answered and I blew out a breath, "Good, that's good..." I nodded.

I looked back at Jimin weeping, feeling my heart turn heavy as his cheeks stained with his tears. I pulled on his hand, and though it a was a weak pull, he got the message and took a seat on the edge of the bed. Jin stood up from his spot, pushing Jimin to sit beside me by the headboard so he could come closer.

"I'll go and get you a cup of water, okay?" He briefed before exiting the room once I nodded.

"Don't cry, jiminie..." I mumbled, turning back to look at the blonde and drawing imaginary circles on the knuckles of the hand I held. A sob fell out of his lips before he stretched his other hand out, pulling me into his embrace. I shifted a little to get more comfortable before leaning close, slothfully bringing my other hand to wrap loosely around his shoulder.

"Why did you have to do that? How can you just put yourself against that thing like that? You knew it was so dangerous." He sniffled, leaning closer to hold me tighter. I exhaled softly through my nose as I patted his shaking body, "How could I not?" I replied, "You were cornered and targeted. I couldn't just stand there and do nothing, silly." I huffed, bring my hand higher to run my fingers through his hair.

Jimin pulled away, his face flushed from his cries, "So you risk your life like that? It was killing you!" He stated, tone holding his disbelief. I sighed, "Well, what else should I have done? Let you fall prey to that thing? Let you die??" I frowned. Jimin pressed his lips tightly, sniffling once more before wiping away the tears that have stopped sliding down his cheeks.

"Don't run away on your own." He pleaded. My eyes widened for a moment at that, the initial drowsiness subsided just slightly.

I cringed, feeling sheepish, "Okay." I agreed. Jimin finally smiled, although wobbly from his rocketing emotions and I couldn't help but mirror his expression, "Thank you." He said and I nodded, chuckling breathily as he pulled me back into a hug.

I rested my forehead on his shoulder, suddenly reminded of the annoying headache I was having.


I opened my eyes, looked up and past Jimin's shoulder to see Jungkook staring right back at me with his wide, doe-like eyes.

"Oh hey, bambi." I smiled skittishly, earning a huff of laughter from the male. That didn't sound very jolly...

He extended his hands out and surprised me by cupping my face between the two of them.

What the flip is he doing-

"Ah! Yah! Stopp-" I whined even though my voice was scratchy and my throat was dry, trying to pull away from his hands that were abusing my cheeks. I felt Jimin's chest vibrate as he laughed, pulling away as I moved against Jungkook's unrelenting actions. As Jimin pulled away to give me space, I began pinching Jungkook's hand for pinching my cheeks and groaned when he simply pulled at them more, clearly unbothered.

This is what I get after waking up from this dude? As if my headache wasn't a reason enough to succumb back into darkness, my cheeks will become an added bonus!

"This is for doing something so stupid! Just how many times do you plan to do something so reckless, you freaking idiot?!" He exclaimed, giving a finishing touch to his pinching be squishing my cheeks together. I groaned indignantly, unable to find the energy to give him a good fight whilst I gave him lazy and powerless pushes to get him to free my cheeks.

He seemed to realise this and I watched as his eyes softened. I heaved out a breath when he finally let go of my (most probably) red face. "Are you still feeling tired?" He inquired and I nodded.

My eyes soon diverted towards the others who sported fond smiles, making me feel warm all over. I returned their smiles before my gaze landed on Jin slipping back inside the room with a cup of water and a small bowl filled with water.

It confused me for a moment before I realised it was cold water in the bowl when he situated himself beside me, making Jimin scoot to give him room. I took Jimin's help to prop myself up better whilst Jin took a plain cloth and dipped one end in the bowl before covering that end with the dry part. I let out a sigh of ease as he placed it on my head, momentarily bringing me relief from my headache.

I didn't pay any mind to Jimin fixing the covers over my legs until—

"Diana," I heard Taehyung voice out and I turned to him. He gestured towards a piece of clothing held in his hands bashfully, making me furrow my brows questioningly before I gasped, eyes widening when I looked back down at myself to see my lower half being covered with a blanket cover splayed over me. A small peek beneath the sheet confirming how naked I was to my complete embarrassment.

My pANTS!1!!1!1!! WHY—

I spluttered, opening and closing my mouth like a fish to speak as he approached the bed, hand extending towards me with my pants. I heard the others stifle their laughter with their hands and I scoffed, extremely embarrassed amidst giving them a half-assed glare.

Quickly taking my pants from the male, I placed it close to me. "Uh- um..." I stuttered, not knowing what to say before my voice trailed when I took in the state of my pants.

My mouth fell open when I examined the small flowers of red and blue embroidered onto my pants, covering and stitching closed the initial holes they had from the spikes that pierced through my skin.

"Oh wow..," I breathed out in astonishment. I turned to Taehyung to see him smiling shyly as he brought one hand up to rub the back of his neck. I grinned widely, "Thank you so much, Darling! This is amazing!" I gratefully stated, shifting on my spot and bringing my cover further up to fully cover up my bare legs.

I am not about to risk exposing anymore while they're all in here. I'm gonna wait till they're all gone to slip this back on. There's no way I'm changing in front of them. No thank youuuu

"Here, lovely. Drink some water." Jin urged and I felt my cheeks flush at the name he addressed me with. I silently reached for the cup and took a big gulp, exhaling as I felt quenched with my throat.

"Are you comfortable? Do you want more cushions?Are you hungry?" Yoongi piped in, glancing at me and feeling slightly restless. I smiled at him, shaking my head, "No, no. I'm doing fine. I'm just really sleepy, to be honest..." I answered, holding back a yawn as I said so.

"B-but you just woke up a moment ago..." Namjoon frowned, worried at my strong fatigue as he clasped his hands together in front of him. I shrugged leisurely, not knowing why I feel so drowsy myself.

Jin hummed at that, "She must've taken a slightly heavier sedation. It happens," he shook off dismissively, "Rest all you want, dear. We're all going to be here." He urged.

I let out an appreciative groan when he began massaging my head, ceasing my headache in that moment with his ministration. I unconsciously tilted my head into his touch, urging him to massage the area of my head that held a more prominent ache.

My eyes fluttered droopily as I leaned forward.

"Let me," Hoseok chimed in confidently, shifting forward so that he could take his place beside me while Jimin clambered out of the bed and Jin took my now, empty cup from my loose hold, nodding at the younger male.

The bed shifted under the weight and movement before it stopped, I groaned softly again and very appreciatively when Hoseok took over with taking care of my headache.

I can easily fall asleep right about now. I never knew magic hands existed but this is living proof right here.

Uh....Maybe I'm exaggerating just a teeny tiny bit...

I heard soft laughter resound after awhile, but my eyes were shut closed, and I wasn't about to pry them open to see who all find my more than reasonable reaction funny.

"Is it helping, sunflower?" Hoseok laughed quietly and I hummed, too far gone and blissful to speak words. "Sleep now. Let's get your battery back upto a hundred." He cooed softly. I soon began dozing off, very inclined to gain back my energy as well.

Then, I fell asleep. This time on my own account.


She woke up!! Woo!!

And also Thank you so much, @Taegisgal for the votes! 🥹🥰😘❤️💕

I still can't believe I forgot 💀💀🤌
Alas! My children, this is your starter meal, main course is awaiting to be devoured, oh so patiently just as you scroll down 👍✨✨

We'll meet again this week for the actual day this book is meant to be updated, so you won't have to wait long!~ 🥹💕

See you this week 😘❤️💜

~ Ada

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