👾CH. 25👾

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Double ducking update, ain't no way I actually forgot to update!! 😭😭


"Oh- hey, did you sleep well?"

I groggily mumbled out a 'yes', covering up a yawn behind my hand as Yoongi made his way towards me and settled by the edge of the bed. He just happened to walk in right as I woke up and thank goodness I put on my pants already. I did not need to start off the day by corrupting Yoonie's eyes.

I rubbed my eyes, trying to get rid of remnants of sleep still latching onto me before opening my eyes further, a lazy smile directed towards the rapper.

"I have a question I want to ask you..." I muttered slowly, holding back another yawn.

Yoongi smiled at me, bringing one hand forward to tuck a stand of hair away from my face, "What is it?" He asked.

"Namjoonie told me about the girl you're close to," I began, "And that you wrote a special song just for her." I continued and watched as the male furrowed his brows the more I spoke.

"Wait- Namjoon told you that?" He cut in, his tone holding utter confusion. I nodded, "Yeah, he also told me that she has amnesia." I pointed out, my mind still a little fogged up with a little drowsiness to really register Yoongi's change of expression.

"Oh." He mumbled and I watched with amusement when a dust of pink made its way onto his face. He might like her a lot to react that way upon mentioning her.

I nodded again, wondering what that sudden shine of understanding meant as I said 'amnesia'.

"So I know you've written plenty of amazing songs for the world, 'cause you're a musical genius of course- but anyway, would you—"

"Wait- wait, you know?" His eyes bulged and I snapped out of my sleepy daze, confused at his sudden outburst. "Uh, what?" I asked.

"That- that I write music?" He stammered, eyes wide and hopeful. It was an endearing sight and I would've cooed loudly had it not been the lingering glint of desperation present in his eyes and his tone. I grew a little worried, wondering what exactly caused such a reaction from him.

I nodded slowly with my eyebrows furrowing, "Of course, I do... I'm a fan, remember...?" I tentatively reminded.

Did he get amnesia??

"I may not fangirl as much now, but I'm still very much a fan, you know. It's not easy to forget that The Agust D is sitting here, right in front of me." I mumbled with a shrug.

I watched with a suddenly, pounding heart as Yoongi broke into the brightest, gummy smile I've ever laid eyes on before I found myself engulfed within his tight and warm embrace right as I blinked. I was taken aback by the sudden show of affection and soon snapped out of my momentary shock before returning his hug.

"Am I missing something..?" I wondered out loud to myself, though not at all minding this sudden hug because I love everything about it. I felt the bed shift slightly under his weight as he scooted closer to sit more comfortably without breaking away from the embrace he pulled me in.

I felt his shoulders bounce with the huff of laughter he resounded over my shoulder - where he propped his chin whilst squeezing his arms tighter around me to pull me closer. He seemed to be incredibly happy right now, and I wasn't about to put a stop to this burst of happiness anytime soon.

I'm not entirely sure just how long this embrace had stretched and to be honest, I didn't realise when we'd adapted our postions to keep this hug going on.

He'd shifted further up the bed and I was basically laying on my side, facing him as we began cuddling. No one has a clue just how hard my heart is beating this very moment, possibly a dangerous amount of speed in its pumping system as well, but we're inside a game so all is good.

Don't know how the doctors in the real world will take this, though. Let's just hope they brush it off.

I had one hand hung over his side just like he did on mine. We were basically hugging each other while laying down and none of us seemed to mind.

Except my fat, whiny stomach. It was grumbling like it hasn't been fed for days.

Uh- technically, that is true but through that time I didn't do anything so-

"Are you gonna keep ignoring that? Your stomach might outdo the Olfstin's roar." Yoongi chuckled soundlessly, snuggling my head to his chest.

I'd rather starve than to put this moment to an end, tf. This is what it feels like to experience a dream come true ㅠㅠ

"Yes, I am. You should, too." I murmured. I smiled to myself when Yoongi let out another set of laughter at my blatant suggestion and I swear, I felt my inside do a whole circus stunt when I felt something place on top of my head for a split moment.

D-did... did he-

Did he kiss my head????????? Am I deceiving myself??? I swear to god—


I internally whined when Yoongi pulled away to peer over his shoulder and see who the source that was intruding our cuddle session is, and I lifted my head up to look passed his frame to see, as well.

Namjoon stood there with his mouth closing and opening like a fish at the sight before him. I mean, I guess the reaction is kind of reasonable considering how long the man has known the other. I was shocked when he pulled me into a hug too but look at me now.

Is it bad that I'm not embarrassed to be found out in this position?

"Uh..." he let out again and I couldn't help but roll my eyes, a laugh leaving my lips as he seemed so dumbfounded. Yoongi chuckled, clearly not bothered by Namjoon's sudden presence.

"G-Good morning..?" The dimpled man said, finally snapping out of the odd stance before taking a step closer. A brow was quirked up, his own lips lifting up upon the joyful expression Yoongi sported.

"Babe, I hope you don't mind if I cuddle your buddy. I swear it's all friendly, I'm not a cheater." I joked, and stifled a laugh when Yoongi snorted, a shove to my shoulder making me roll away towards the other side of the bed.

"Fuck's sake- I thought you two stopped your stupid couple act." He huffed out.

Namjoon seemed frozen the moment my words left my lips before he broke out into a bright, ecstatic smile that proudly showed his deep dimple on his face. A similar burst of happiness that Yoongi showed, which got me questioning what was it that my words held to received such a reaction.

"What?" I giggled, finding Namjoon's expression comedic as he stood frozen but sported the most happiest, and widest smile on his face.

"You-" he stopped himself before rushing forward and flopping onto the bed, crushing me and Yoongi as a result. The two of us groaned loudly, not expecting the sudden weight to fall upon us and the pale man pushed out of Namjoon's weight and clambered out of bed with an indignant scoff.

"Aish, fine I'll go get you something to eat." He grumbled before directing a knowing smile towards Namjoon who shifted on top of the bed before carelessly plopping over me. However, he was still mindful of my legs, which I appreciate.

"Gosh, Joon!" I wheezed out, a breathy laugh leaving my lips when all he did was mumble a light-hearted sorry before wrapping me up in his arms. I hugged him back, a little confused but incredibly delighted to see him so happy. "What is up with you two?" I chuckled softly.

He hummed thoughtlessly, a bright smile adorn his face as he looked at me, making me feel warm and fuzzy. "My babe is back!" He cheered beamingly. I smiled toothily at that, even if I hadn't had a clue about the reason behind his joy.

"Did it suddenly click in your head that I'm awake, or what?" I questioned. I'm pretty sure "being back" isn't what he literally means when saying that, because I was never gone in the first place.

"What's with all the shouting?" I heard one of the boys wonder aloud, a hand pushing open the door to slip into the cabin.

I smiled cheekily at Hoseok, who had both of his brows jumping up in surprise at the sight before him, "uhhh...."

Did I get sucked into a cycle? This whole situation is being repeated.

"Ask Joonie. He's the one shouting." I suggested, gesturing towards the human puppy happily holding onto me as if I just did something super special just for him.

I wouldn't mind doing that but it seems like I already did something unknowingly for his sudden burst of enthusiasm and giddiness.

"She called me 'babe'!! She's back!!!" Namjoon exclaimed right after I'd replied to Hoseok. I scoffed out a laugh, "What the hell." I blurted out through my laughter.

What is going on?

Hoseok however, seemed to understand what he meant and smiled beamingly, "Really??" He enthused, looking so, very happy for Namjoon. When the taller male hugging me nodded in confirmation, hobi turned to look at me and swooned loudly, hands extending forward to reach for me as he stepped forward.

"Sunflower!!" Hoseok hollered happily, placing one knee on the edge of the bed before leaning forward and smushing my face in his hands.

Then he decided to slay my heart by peppering kisses all over my face. I immediately shot my hands to grip at his wrists, not at all expecting this sweet gesture that was slowly making my heart lurch out of my chest as it pounded quickly.

What is goiNG ON?!?!



With one final, lengthy peck to my left cheek, he released me and I was ushered close to Joon's chest as he held me close, a giggle leaving his lips when he noticed my beet red face stuck expressing my shock and fluster.

My mouth was gaping open in that shock of being showered with Hoseok's kisses and once Namjoon took the initiative to bring me close to his chest, I decided then that I needed to hide. I buried my face into the curve of his neck out of embarrassment when Hoseok was clearly aware of what he did but still sported his beaming and proud expression, as if he wanted to do that for a while now and finally did it.

"I'm back with the food.." Yoongi piped in soon enough and the three of us already in the room looked at him. He walked forward and took a seat on the stool in the room and set the tray of my food on the desk.

"Thank youuuu, I'm starving!" I exclaimed.

"Ah-ah-ah, sweetie, you stay on that bed. Your legs need all the rest they need to heal fast. Moving will not help." Yoongi tutted just as I made a motion to pull out of Joon's hold.

The latter seemed to think the same as he tightened his hold. I let out an exasperated complain, just now realising that I practically wouldn't be able to walk without help either.

I squirmed on my spot while Namjoon clicked his tongue in dismay, "Why are you fussing so much, all of a sudden?" He murmured into my head softly, making me feel tingly and warm as he snuggled, encasing me against his body. "I'm not," I mumbled, pouting.

I shifted my legs a little, holding back a wince when my pants graze slightly against some of my wounds, shooting pain through my body as a result. I grunted as I wiggled more and paused when Joon let out an indignant huff, pulling away as he did so.

I looked up at him with a small frown, already missing the protective cocoon he engulfed me into but was soon pleasantly surprised when he shifted a little closer towards the end of the bed and pulled me closer, bringing me to sit across his lap with my legs hanging to his side. "There we go. Comfortable?" He asked, an appeased smile adorn his face.

Okay, wow, now this- this is even more pleasantly shocking. I'm sitting on RM's lap?

Is this a joke? Is this a dream?

"I- Uh.. y-yes. Thank you..." I stammered out, 100% sure my cheeks were blazing red with the gesture. Yoongi hummed absentmindedly and brought the tray of food onto his lap.

I reached over for the tray, deciding to busy my racing mind with the thought of food and quenching my hunger. Yoongi tutted again and slapped my hand away from the tray, making me scowl. "Yoongi-ah!" I whined.

He raised a brow, "Yoongi-ah?" He parroted pointedly and I froze before grinning sheepishly. Okay, maybe I shouldn't forget that he's elder than me...

"I mean, cutie bear~" I smiled hopefully, watching as he blinked once, twice, maybe thrice before narrowing his eyes at me. I paused when he simply began reaching over towards the tray with chopsticks and brought a mouthful of meat to my mouth. "Eat now." He ushered. I spluttered, taken aback by Yoongi trying to feed me.

"I have perfectly capable hands to feed myself! Why are all of you pampering me today? Am I missing something? What's the occasion??" I exclaimed, completely at a loss for words and incapable of understanding why I'm suddenly being so babied.

Namjoon hummed, "Is there supposed to be a reason for wanting to shower you with our affection?" He asked back and my jaw fell open, "That— ...I- um, what??" I questioned incredulously.

Hobi chuckled from my right, patting my head in response, "Aigoo, look at those cheeks turning all red and pretty~" he cooed, "Sunflower, we just missed you terribly while you were recovering. You can say that we're making up for the lost time." He shrugged.

I frowned, still feeling lost, "But... how long was I out?" I asked instead and his eyes glistened slightly with sorrow.

"An entire week, love."

All of us turned towards the door and saw Jin enter with a small smile. My eyes widened, "Seven whole days?" I gasped silently. Holy coconuts, that's so long!

"One more if you count the rest you took last night, sweet girl." Yoongi mumbled. My frown turned more prominent - that is a lot of lost time...

We could've all found out a way out... surely by that time. Maybe we'd already be moving through the forest to reach whatever place that holds our way back to the real world.

"Come on, eat up. Your stomach will finally stop crying." Yoongi pointed and I let out a small laugh, complying. Yoongi brought the food to my mouth and I bashfully took it, avoiding any eye contact as I intently stared down at my lap.

"How's your headache? Is it gone, now?" Hoseok wondered and I hummed, mouth still full. "Issf gonmph, thenk yu." I smiled, giving an additional thumbs up.

"Yah, don't speak with your mouth full! You'll choke." Jin fussed, crossing his arms over his chest. I hummed again, swallowing before I speaking, "No, I won't." I denied.

He rolled his eyes in good nature, a chuckle leaving his plump lips before Namjoon chimed in, "Well either way, no one wants to see the munched up food in your mouth. So let's swallow it all before speaking." He laughed softly, lightly clashing his head against the side of mine, a short nuzzle given before he pulled away again.

I paused to consider that and nodded. Yeah, that's not really a pleasant sight to set on.

(A/N: Istg people who speak with their mouth full just give a full view of their chewed up food 🤠🔫 pls finish eating whatever's in your mouth before talking 🥹🥹 At least in front of me 😪😪)

"Sorry." I sheepishly let out before accepting the second bite that Yoongi held readily for me. While we all fell into a comfortable silence, I began wondering about how we could possibly get back to the real world.

Will there be a bright light that will blind our eyes similar to the way it did to me just a moment before I was brought into this world?

I absently leaned my head against Joon's head as I got lost in thought. My eyes trailed down to my injured legs, wondering if something will happen that'll require for us to escape and how I would manage when even the slightest movement on my part would shoot pain through my nerves and most likely make my legs give out under me?

I couldn't possibly make someone carry me. :((

"Open up, sweetheart." I snapped out of my train of thoughts upon Yoongi's words and instinctively opened my mouth to accept another bite. I felt Joon's hand rub at my back, compelling me to go limp in his warm hold, a quiet sigh leaving my lips as I relished being held, feeling utterly cherished in this sweet moment.

"Everything okay?" He mumbled softly to me. I hummed, swallowing before leisurely pointing towards my hobble legs, "I'm worried just how long it'll take before I can start walking without any difficulty." I riposte.

Jin heaved out a sigh, smiling sadly at me and my immobile legs, "Your ankle has a slight strain. It's best if you don't walk for a while. A week shortest to fully heal if we avoid any sort of pressure on it." He informed, sympathetic eyes directed my way as I resounded an exasperated whine.

"That's too long!" I complained. No wonder when I moved my legs, my ankle shot some pain through my nerves...

"Surely it can heal faster," I tried, "This stupid leg strain will prolong our stay here." I reasoned when none of the 4 oldest gave in at my suggestion to roam around here at the very least.

"But I don't want to be cooped up inside my- wait, who's room am I in?" I cut myself off as I took in the cabin, just now realising that this wasn't my room.

The men chuckled at my late realisation, "Jin hyung's room, sunflower." Hoseok answered, giggling.

With one final bite given from Yoongi, the male put the tray on the desk and clasped his hands together, "If you want to go somewhere, then call one of us and we'll help you." He suggested and once I swallowed my last bite with a frown on my face, I scoffed, "That's too much." I stated.

"Then stay in here for another week." He shrugged.

I groaned. Just great; I could be walking about much sooner if it wasn't for this stupid strain on my right ankle. What a hassle.


Woopy some fluff for y'all :>

And it's the hyung line's fluff as the meal👍✨
All things considering, we'll just be meeting again this week becAUSE I WON'T Forget to update😔☝️ I hope you enjoyed this chapter! ☺️☺️💕💕

See you this week! 🥰😘❤️💜

~ Ada

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