👾CH. 26👾

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"Yah! Diana!!"

Oop- busted.

Quicker, jelly legs! Move faster and stop hurting, get back inside the cabin you freaking snail!!! They never saw me. Nuh-Uh.

I'm hallucination. Peace—

I squeaked in surprise when a hand wrapped itself around my waist, releasing my right leg from pressure, "You stubborn girl." I heard Jungkook huff from behind me, lifting me off of my feet and bringing me back onto my bed.

I pouted, crossing my arms over my chest, "It's not fair," I complained, "I don't want to be carried around! I have one leg that's more than capable of helping me around." I huffed.

Jungkook tsked, shaking his head at my childish act, "That one leg still has fresh wounds, Diana. Take your health more into consideration!" He scolded and I scoffed, "I'm healthy!" I attempted and watched as the bunny boy rolled his eyes.

"Your legs aren't." He shot back, forcing me to give my legs more relief by propping them to lay straight ahead of me. I mumbled incoherently under my breath, "That isn't my fault." I grumbled.

Jungkook scoffed lightly, giving my head a flick and making me yelp, "Yes, it is. Had you not run into that forest and stabbed the life out of that monster's eyes, it might've spared you a little more." He stated pointedly, obviously still holding a small grudge against my 'selfish-selflessness' if that makes any sense.

"No, it wouldn't have. It called me a cheater, a glitch and a worthless scum that should rot and die. I'm pretty sure I would've still suffered the same - maybe even worse if it still had all of its eyes." I rolled my eyes, feeling extremely salty at the mention of that creature.

Jungkook frowned, "It... did?" He asked unsurely. I nodded timidly, scratching at my neck mindlessly as I thought back towards its harsh words directed at me, "I get that I technically am not really meant to be here. I mean- one girl and seven guys? Still though, that thing didn't have to rub it in my face and call me names." I huffed.

Is it really that bad that the game had to go as far as to say all of those things to my face? It's not like I got here on purpose. Heck, no one would've if they knew there wouldn't have been any sort of exiting mechanism. How could I have known it would've literally sucked me in?

Like- being called worthless? Seriously?? Back there, I didn't really take into mind about what it said since fear and determination drived me then, but now that I really registered its less than friendly words, it kind of hurt.

Being told to die, especially. Gee, imagine being so incredibly despised by something that you didn't even know existed. It makes me feel terrible even though it's uncanny words shouldn't have meant anything to me.

I snapped my eyes back to Jungkook, then to my shoulder, where he placed a hand on. With a quirked brow, I turned back to look at him, wondering what he wanted to say as he sported a conflicted look in his eyes with pursed lips.

He frowned prominently, pulling his hand back while holding my shoulder and propelling my upper body to shift forward under his hold as he pulled lightly. "What is it?" I asked apprehensively, not liking the frown the male sported.

My eyes slowly widened when he leaned forward, a second-long stretch of a kiss placed on my forehead, which caught me completely off-guard. I blinked rapidly when he pulled away, not giving me any time to look at him as he hid his face by burying it into my shoulder, his arms bringing me into a hug.

"You know none of that is true, right?" He mumbled against my shoulder and I gulped, slowly wrapping my own arms around him as I still processed the chaste kiss he gifted me. "I mean, it's pretty obvious that everyone adores you." He added and I felt myself flush.

"D-did they, um, say that?" I asked, breathing shallowly as I felt his breath brush against my neck.

"No. Like I said - it's obvious." He chuckled lightly and I nodded, biting my lips at that. I absently brushed my fingers through the growing mullet behind his head, "...What about you?" I asked lowly, wondering if he thought the same.

I felt him tense for a split second before going slack again. It made me slightly nervous about even thinking of asking that to him and not keeping my curiosity to myself.

Aw shucks Diana, he probably thinks you're a greedy lil' stinker for wanting even him to like you as much as he claims that the others do.

I gasped when I felt him place another chaste kiss to my neck before shoving his face back into my shoulder, "Of course, I do. I... I thought it was obvious." He muffled out, sounding incredibly bashful. His voice even wavered at the end. I unconsciously tightened my grip around him, feeling immensely flustered at his gesture and admittance.

Holy moly, hugging him has never felt more cozy and warm. I just want to stay like this forever—

Oh man, it's confirmed now, Diana. You've dug yourself an inescapable hole. One you probably wouldn't even mind staying in.

What the heck.

I held back a groan and plopped my head to hide it into his shoulder as well. Why am I just now feeling like this?

It's much stronger now that kook has said that.

I pulled away slowly when he cleared his throat while loosening his hold around me, "Ahem, now what were you upto?" He questioned, not meeting my eyes.

I paused at that, "huh?" I blurted out, clearly dumbfounded. Jungkook hesitantly met my eyes before straightening up with a swallow, "B-back there. You were sneaking around," he pointed and my mind clicked, "Oh! Oh, uhhh.." I sheepishly let out.

"Haha....you know, I think you might be hallucin—- okay, okay." I stopped my less than convincing attempt when he simply narrowed his eyes.

"I was, um- Experimenting...??" I tried and avoided his deadpanned expression, holding back a laugh from how done he looked.

Did you not realise what
he just did?

What? What did he—-

He changed the subject.. sneakyyy


"Diana, I saw you—!"

I jerked up when Jinnie barged in with one chopstick in his hand. Jungkook leisurely turned to look behind him to see Jin sporting an exasperated look.

"Aw c'mon, Jinnie! I swear I'm going to go crazy laying around! For so long I've been moving around and suddenly being told to keep resting - I can't!!" I complained, not looking forward for the incoming lecture he had prepared on the spot for me.

"Then ask someone to bring you out, love. It's not that hard to ask for help." Jin rolled his eyes indignantly and I scoffed, "I don't want to be carried around, though!" I countered and he huffed, "Did you need something?" He asked instead, "You clearly had some purpose for trying so hard to come out on your own." He pointed and I pursed my lips from saying anything before giving in with a sigh.

"I was just gonna try and get to the fire-pit on my own..." I admitted with a prominent pout.

"It's only been three days, you silly girl. You have absolutely no patience for your own recovery." He shook his head.

"Kook, help her out. She might actually go crazy if she doesn't get out." Jin joked when I scowled at him and I made a sound of protest when Jungkook wordlessly scooped my up as if I merely weighted a bag of feathers.

"Bambiiii!" I threw a mini tantrum as he effortlessly made his way out of the cabin, "I can do it myself, you overgrown man-child!" I continued, squirming in his hold.

"Aish, stop moving before I drop you." he tutted under his breath, readjusting his hold as I continued to wriggle.

"Aigoo, Ana," I heard Taehyung laugh loudly.

I turned to look at him standing near the ladder by the ground, ready to help kook as he climbed down with me in his hold.

"Ow," I hissed when my right leg swung in the air without any form of support, making my ankle twist just slightly and shooting pain through me, "See? You need to take more care of your legs, woman." Jungkook smirked at me while I stuck my tongue out at him. "It doesn't even hurt that much, anymore." I scowled.

"You can move all you want when that stops happening, lovely." I peered over my shoulder when Jimin chimed in, while Taehyung carefully helped kook climb down the last of the ladder on the way down without dropping me.

"That 'when' is too far away, mimi." I whined and pouted when jimin simply nodded, "It'll move further away if you keep moving your leg." He pointed and I sighed, finally complying and going limp.

Jungkook scoffed at that, "You always listen to Jimin hyung." He scowled pointedly, while Jimin giggled heartily at that.

I snorted at that as well before shrieking loudly when he made a motion of dropping me right on the spot, making my instinctively wrap my arms around his neck to hold on tightly to not fall, "Jungkook!" I screeched out and all he did was laugh devilishly, securing his hold around my form again before making his way over towards the fire-pit.

"You- Wahh, seriously." I scoffed under my breath whilst he lowered himself to sit while I was propped on his lap, my legs being brought to lay on Taehyung's as the he sat beside kook.

"I can't even sit on my own, now?" I frowned, loosening my hold around Jungkook's neck before ultimately lowering them onto my lap.

I tilted my head backwards when I felt Jimin brush his fingers through my hair, grazing my scalp on the way, making my eyes flutter lightly. "Is that so bad?" He asked lightly and I made a sound of acknowledgment, finding his ministrations incredibly soothing.

Maybe it isn't that bad.

"How are your wounds?" Taehyung piped in, carefully laying his hands over my legs on his lap. I shrugged absently and grunted when Jungkook shifted from under me, one hand wrapping around my back to hold me up so I don't fall backwards.

I felt Tae push my pants up from my ankles and hear him hiss at the sight. I looked over at my own legs, seeing the obvious stab wounds decorating around my shin and calves.

My sprain still seemed swollen...

"Yahh, See Diana, this is the reason why you put minimal movements with that sprain!" Jimin gasped, peering over my shoulder as his eyes landed on my messed up jelly legs that can't bare to support my weight anymore. "The swelling should've been much lesser by now." He pointed.

I grumbled under my breath and propped my head onto Jungkook's chest, feeling salty about my lack of capability to walk on my own. His chest vibrated with his silent laugh and I only grumbled more, giving his chest a light smack for finding my misery funny.

My misery has always been his source of entertainment, I tell you.

"Ow..!" I winced suddenly and tensed up when Taehyung's finger pressed slightly around my sprain and he grimaced, "Sorry, sorry," he said repeatedly before pulling the sleeve of my pants back down as I pulled away from leaning on kook to peer down at my ankle with a frown. I brushed off his apology dismissively with a wave of a hand and let out a breath before propping my head back onto Kook's shoulder.

His shoulder is surprisingly very, very comfortable to lean on. I think I could just fall asleep if I wanted to.

"Ow! Tae!!" I groaned, sitting up straighter when my sprain shot more pain through my nerves. "I didn't do anything! I swear!" Taehyung immediately swore, putting his hands out in the air to prove his point.

I cringed when more pain shot through it, making me tense up when it began to throb. "What the hell!" I hissed again and pushed myself off of Kook's lap, the male's arms flailing around me helplessly as I grimaced and sat on the grassy ground, using the tree trunk to support my back while I clutched at my ankles.

"What's going on? Diana, hey, what's happening?" Jimin frowned deeply, getting onto his knees and sitting on his heels as he examined my leg.

"I don't know," I gritted, "I-It really hurts!" I whimpered, holding onto my ankle and grazing the area that shot pain throughout my body.

"Yah, yah, yah, what's wrong?" Yoongi's voice piped in, followed by the sound of thuds indicating that he was climbing down the ladder before he rushed this way.

I held back another whimper when the slightest of movements on my part added onto the pain it was causing and then shut my eyes closed as it continued to throb painfully.

"Did you put pressure on your foot, Diana?" Yoongi asked as he lifted my foot and placed it on his lap as he settled on the ground beside me, examining my ankle as it began swelling slightly more than it was before.

I shook my head, "N-No. It just started to-" my breath hitched when another wave of pain shot through me, "-T-to hurt. Really, really bad!" I specified.

"Bear with me a little, sweetheart. I'm gonna press certain areas around it—" Yoongi stated carefully and I immediately shook my head, "No, No! Don't!" I refused, instantly attempting to pull my foot away from his hold but he pulled it back on his lap, making me wince.

"Y-yoongi please, no!" I bellowed weakly, choosing to instead stop his hands from grabbing at my ankles, "Diana, I need to check if you strained your ankle more," he sighed, looking at me sympathetically.

That'll hurt way more! I can only handle so much!!!

I shook my head again, tightening my grip around his hands that made an attempt to free itself, "Yoongi, yoongi" I called for him with a soft cry, breathing shallowly with the inkling fear of feeling an even more intense pain shoot through my ankle. "Diana, this could be a lot more serious! All I'm trying to do is check it." Yoongi huffed, a deep frown adorn his face. I shook my head, "No!" I denied.

It's just a damn sprain! How bad can it really get?!

"I'm only doing this to help, okay? ...Someone hold her still," Yoongi instructed, lips pressed tightly while I bellowed loudly in protest, feeling someone rip my hands away from holding Yoongi's before my head was pushed back to rest on someone's lap. "No!!" I screamed, thrashing and kicking with my better foot to push them away as a pair of hands grabbed onto my arms, pinning them still. I twisted my body about, trying to get rid of their hold and panicking more when Yoongi's hand settled over my leg holding the sprained ankle.

This is ridiculous! Why would they—

"AHH! STOP!!" I screamed in pain when Yoongi began moving my ankle and making it emit concerning pops alongside bringing me extremely intense pain. Tears were already falling out of my eyes as I cried out.

"What are you all doing?!" Jin's voice exclaimed in shock, his footsteps quickly approaching.

Jin, Jin, Jinnie!

"Hyung, her sprain is a lot worse than we thought." Yoongi grunted when my other foot landed a kick to his thigh as I still fought to break free. "Let me go!" I sobbed, unable to bear the waves of pain shooting from my leg.

"Why are you all restraining her?!" Namjoon's voice resounded soon after. "Her ankle suddenly started to hurt so hyung said he was going to check by touching her sprain, she immediately began writhing around. We're holding her still so he can check it." Taehyung heaved out, clearly feeling bothered but running along with what he was told to do. "We don't have any pain killers," Jin mumbled under his breath, taking his place beside Yoongi and bringing his own hand over my swollen ankle, making me flinch.

No! He can't encourage this!!

"Please, don't! It hurts! It really hurts!" I cried, lips quivering as my ankle throbbed immensely.

"Please, please! Don't do anything, please!! I- I can't take it, please," I began to beg desperately when no one made a move to free me, Jin's and Yoongi's hands gripped my legs to examine my swollen ankle with ample focus that they looked past my pleas.

"What the heck! What the hell are you all doing?!" Hoseok's voice soon joined in and he immediately stepped in to rip their hands away from my arms and legs.

I quivered into his hold, curling into his arms as he pulled me away from this mess. I clutched tightly onto his shirt, crumpling them under my hold as I crawled closer, feeling much safer as he encased me into his protective hold.

"Hob-ah we have to—!" One of them began, but he wasn't having it.

"No! Fuck off! Do you have a clue about how painful it is what you're doing?! Do you want her to pass out?!?!" He yelled.

(A/N: believe it or not but extreme pain can cause you to faint 0w0)

I buried myself close to his chest, holding back my wails as my ankle never stopped throbbing. Whatever Yoongi did with my sprain, it's just began to throb more and it's beginning to swell a lot more.

"She's fucking shaking, you damn bastards! Why would you jump on her like that?! You can't proceed with whatever you were doing without her knowledge! 'She's got a terrible strain' fine, okay! - But you didn't even give her time to prepare!" He rambled with flaming eyes.

"Doing it on this ground right on the fucking spot, too? Have you lost your minds?!" He continued, before he finally looked down on my trembling form.

"It'll be okay, sunflower," he mumbled into my head softly, rubbing at my forearms to try and calm me down. He looked back up to glare at everyone, "Go, I think you've all done plenty." He gritted before shifting to pick me up.

I whimpered when he lifted me, my legs swinging and hurting as a result from the movement.

"Her leg-" Jin frowned but Hoseok cut in harshly, "I know." He scowled.

One thing's for sure. My ankle isn't healing up within a week's time, I'll tell you that. I can conclude that the initial pain that hurt my ankle out of nowhere probably had to do with my physical body in the real world.

But after what they all pulled on me even when I began to bawl my eyes out, screaming that what they were doing - what they were going to do, would hurt too much, despite that, they went on with it. And it's only made the state of my leg worse.

I'm staying away from all of them except hobi. And I'm gonna make sure they know that what they tried to do, no matter the reason being about aiding me, it was uncalled for. It concerned me and I couldn't imagine to bear it and yet, they proceeded.

To think that Jin out of them all would save me from that fiasco and how much it hurt to be proven wrong... that hurt might've matched the physical one I endured.

I'll make sure they all know very well, just how much I spite them for it.


Before any of you jump to the next chap with harsh words towards Diana, saying she's overreacting... well, spiting them is a bit overdone.. yes..

But!! she's human and many will react unreasonably at some point and that includes the boys 3

That's all this week👍✨ we're back on track with the update dates and all is well 🥴🥳✨

See y'a lovelies 😘💜 lol

~ Ada

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