👾CH. 28👾

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I straightened up on my spot on the bed, before stammering out a 'come in!', watching as Yoongi tentatively poked his head in.

He's first?!

I sucked in my cheeks anxiously as he took small steps in, closing the door behind him while doing so.

I attempted to give him an encouraging smile, but from his timid expression, I can certify that it worked uselessly. I awkwardly gestured for him to sit across from me on the bed and he nodded mutely, doing as he was asked, very careful of where he placed his hands as my legs were propped ahead of me, beside where he sat.

The silence between us felt a little stiff and tense, none of us knew how to break it. I felt really awkward with this silence between us so I cleared my throat, fumbling with thoughts on how to break the ice but it seems that he took that as his cue to start before I could.

"Diana, I..." he sucked in a breath, "I'm really sorry..." he sighed dejectedly, "I completely disregarded how much pain your sprain was causing you and jumped to do things without really explaining anything. It wasn't fair on you, nor how I commanded the others to.. hold you still." He grimaced at the end and I felt myself soften.

Shit, I'm too easy!

He glanced my way before quickly looking back down at his hands on his lap, nibbling at his lips, "I was so focused on figuring out the problem behind the pain you were suffering from to lessen it - as ironic as it sounds, I'd completely overlooked how my attempt could've hurt you so much more. I did it because being helpless was the last thing I wanted to feel when I first noticed that you were in pain." He pressed his lips tightly after that, hands going over to rub at the back of his ears.

"You don't have to forgive me but still, please know that I had no ill intention when I asked everyone to hold you down. I'm...really sorry." He ended it there and looked up to meet my eyes, his own blown wide with anxiousness, anticipating my response. His gaze only turned me more putty and so ready to forgive, just so that he didn't look so worried, especially because of me.

I knew if any of them came to apologies, I would crumbled immediately and forgive them after they'd explain themselves. It's why I pushed the confrontation so far - I didn't want to give in so easily because as smitten as I may seem for them, I wanted to remain angry at them for restraining me without taking anything I say into account. I wanted to convey my dismay loudly, but without words.

I heaved out a quiet breath and scooted closer to Yoongi before placing one hand on his bent knee, watching as he tensed slightly before sagging whilst he looked at me with nervous curiosity. I shimmer of hope that hit me right where he wished for.

My whole grudge crumbled, leaving me feeling awfully softened at the sight instantly and I gave him a more genuine smile, "I forgive you." I stated, "I know that at the end of it, you were just trying to help. You said so yourself, too. I probably wouldn't have a torn tissue on my foot if it weren't for my reckless behaviour. I panicked and being held down didn't exactly help," I chuckled awkwardly at that, "I'm sorry for kicking you that time, by the way." I cringed, remembering that I kicked quite hard on his thigh while he worked on checking my ankle. "And for being so petty." I added with a wince.

He let out a breath of relief, "So all is good?" He asked hopefully and I smiled, nodding before letting out a quiet laugh as he pulled me into a hug, "Thank you. I won't do that again." He breathed out softly and I hummed, patting his back in response.

"Go easy on the others... I was the one who told them to hold you down." He mentioned after pulling away. I deadpanned at that and clicked my tongue, "No can do, gummy bear. They had a choice and they chose to listen." I pointed.

"Alright, fine. Then it's upto them to earn your forgiveness." He shrugged, "Also gummy bear?" He raised a brow while I only grinned toothily, "What about it?" I asked.

He opened his mouth to say but ultimately closed it to display a smile. "Nothing." He brushed off. "Just don't call me that in front of the others, though. Else I'm holding you hostage in my cabin for an entire day." He warned.

I snorted, "Is that supposed to be something I should dread?" I asked and he paused, "You'll be stuck with me.. for the entire day." He stated pointedly and I smiled, "I'm perfectly fine with that, you cutie." I chuckled and he flushed, "Seriously?" He frowned, dumbfounded.

I nodded, "Yoongles, your company is always welcomed. Well, that's to put aside this fight we had for three days." I swiftly added at the end and grinned when he nodded mutely, scratching at his ears.

"How's your foot?" He asked, glancing at my elevated foot laying idly beside where he sat and I shrugged, "I can't walk." I bluntly told and he hissed, "How long?" He asked and I slumped on my spot, "Two months? Three? I don't know..." I sighed.

He tsked, "That's not good. What if we have to climb up some cliff to get out of this game?" He questioned and I grimaced, "Oh heck, don't jinx it, please." I pleaded and he put his hands up in surrender, "Okay." He complied with a soft chuckle.

"Diana..? Can... can I come in?"

Both Yoongi and I turned towards the closed door and then looked back at each other. He pursed his lips and held back a smile whilst I stifled a laugh, hearing the anxiousness radiating off of his voice.

"Good luck with him." He patted my shoulder but I only quirked a brow at his wishing. "What do I need luck for?" I asked, but he just smiled and waved, opening the door before ushering the anxious man inside while he left us alone.

"Am I allowed in or...??" He trailed unsurely, pointing towards the closing door behind him, indicating how Yoongi urged him inside and that he didn't do it.

I felt my heart ache at that and I nodded, "Yes, Taehyung. Come sit." I urged and he shuffled closer, visibly tense and fidgety and awfully careful of keeping his distance with my leg.

I breathed out through my nose quietly, feeling myself slip a little as I nearly blurted out how it's okay and that I understood that he only did it to try and help me from my pain but I still held strong.

Come on now, he can't use sad puppy eyes on me! That's cheating! See, this is why avoiding them was a must.

As the quiet stretched, excluding the ruffling of the sheets moving under our weight and the soft breathing, he finally let loose, "I'm so sorry, Diana! I never ever - and I mean ever meant to hurt you! I didn't know what to do when you suddenly started hurting and hyung seemed like he knew what to do, and when he told us- told me to keep you still so he can check your ankle, I-I just listened!" He ranted out, "It doesn't excuse what I did and I don't know how to make it up to you. I really, really miss you and if there's anything I can do to get you to forgive me, please tell me! I'll do it!" He urged with wide desperate eyes as I blinked. I was planning to forgive him after his apology but he seemed to have a lot on his plate.

"Taehyung it—"

"I swear, I will never do that again! I won't pin you down, it was very stupid and I wasn't thinking! All I wanted to do was help in some way or the other—"


"—I was too agressive, too! I didn't think about my actions until you screamed and it just struck me what I was doing and that you were only hurting more—"

I sighed, letting him finish spilling out his worries and apology speech that stretched longer. I don't really have the heart to cut in so I'll just wait once he's got everything off his chest. Was I being too harsh on them? He's finding every single action he took that time with fault and is playing a deep blame-game.

"-this is the second time I've made you angry at me and this second time was just out of line since you even began avoiding me. I can't bear keeping this up any longer and- and I can't even imagine going through another day knowing I've hurt you because I cherish you so much that even I can't fathom it—"

Okay, okay. I think it's time that I intervene. Some of the stuff he's already apologetic for is being brought back up. He will never stop at this rate.

"Taetae!" I interjected while grabbing his flailing hand, effectively silencing him. I let out a soft 'aw' when I noticed his glistening eyes stare back at me widely and with so much sorrow. I just couldn't help it and brought him closer to me, engulfing him into a hug and smiling as I did so when he sagged and returned the hug with a brief squeeze.

"It's okay, I forgive you. You have to breathe, darling." I chuckled breathily at the end and stifled the urge to laugh more when he complied by taking a deep breath.

When he pulled away, he looked at me with so much hope, it melted my insides, "Am I really? You're not just saying that to get rid of me, are you??" He asked.

I frowned, shaking my head, "No...no, darling-" I sighed. Was I really too harsh with this?

"Why would I try to get rid of you? Yes, I was upset and I acted grudgingly to you and the others for that but still, I know you all were trying to help me. Though, how you proceeded to do it wasn't very nice, in the end you did it out of good reason, right?" I consoled.

He nodded instantly, "Of course! I never wanted to hurt you, Diana. I really wanted to help but—"

"But you didn't know how, so you listened to what Yoongi said to do," I nodded knowingly and he pursed his lips, agreeing. "You're forgiven. Just don't force me down and restrain me, alright?" I giggled and he finally smiled.

"I won't!" He swore before scooting forward, "Can we hug, again?" He requested and I cooed, "Yes, you big baby," I laughed as he jumped ahead and wrapped his arms around my frame while I did the same.

"I missed this the most," he sighed, snuggling close. I hummed, rubbing his back with a grin glued to my face, "The only reason I avoided you and the others is because it's hard to hold a grudge when you're all behaving like kicked puppies." I admitted and shrieked lightly when his index finger poked my sides, making me laugh at the ticklish sensation.

He pulled away slightly to look at my face and scoffed jokingly, "Aish! And you also purposely stuck glued to Hobi hyung and showered him with hugs and cuddles to mess with me!" He pointed and I could only snicker because it was true. I did it to mess with them all.

I gasped in surprise when he pushed me back and propped himself over me whilst my back hit the mattress. I peered at him with widely blown eyes, "Tae, what the hell!" I scoffed out a laugh, trying to sit back up, but I let out a small grunt when he pushed me back down, holding me in place.

"What are you doing?" I huffed, sporting a quizzical look.

"I know I told you I wouldn't hold you down, but I don't think I can do that for other particular circumstances. I didn't make any such promises..." He murmured lowly and I cocked a brow, "What sort of occasion exactly would require you to manhandle me?" I questioned with a frown of confusion, huffing once more when he kept his hold on me as I tried to sit up again.

He grinned deviously at my question, making me furrow my brows. I didn't want to jump to unholy conclusions but that's exactly where they're landing this very moment. I mean- he could be implying something entirely different, but I can't help it!! And I can't even manage to think of some other scenario that would fit this besides the unholy!!!

I'll just wisely choose to remain clueless and hold back the urge to erupt into new shades of red.

Right now, the switch in attitude that he just took is messing with my brain. Where the hell did Taetae go? This isn't big baby Taetae.

"I want my hugs and kisses. One that makes up for the loss of three whole days." He demanded softly and I froze. "Uh, wait- you want three days worth of hugs?? Kisses? R-Right now??" I stammered out unsurely and he nodded affirmatively.

I deadpanned, "How the frick do I do that?" I inquired, "Also k-kisses??" I specified again, flushing as I mentioned it before attempting to get up again, but failing as he pushed my back down to lay flat on my back, "Tae..." I chuffed before shutting up when he shushed my with one finger pressed against my lips. I felt my cheeks warm and I looked back up to see his face.

He looked at me with hooded eyes, "I know how you can do that, so you know what?" He began with a hushed tone, making me gulp nervously, "Let me just show y—-"

"How long does it take to apologies??? Taehyung-ah, either you said something stupid and irrelevant and Diana isn't convinced, or you're ranting like there's no tomorrow and she doesn't have the heart to stop you. But I do, so just get to the point already and make up!"

Taehyung pulled away after Jin's voice with a small scowl while I sighed in relief and sat up, peering over towards the door emanating impatient knocks.

Was it just me or did the temperature just turn up? Just me? Okay...

"Hyung! We were bonding and making up for our lost time! You have the worst timing, seriously!" He whined loudly and huffed out a breath irritably before turning back to me.

I pursed my lips as I looked back at him as well. He grinned at me cutely and I just had to blink.

It's that switch again!! What the fluff puff??

"Tell me when you're done, because I'm holding onto getting those cuddles I couldn't get for three days!" He stated before getting up and off the bed, about to stride towards the door until he paused and looked back at me.

I stared back and wondered what he was thinking before I found myself squeaking in surprise as he leaned forward and planted a fat kiss to my cheek.

And I mean- he just stayed like that, making sure I didn't move away by holding my head close and kept his plushy lips pressed against my cheek for a solid 5 seconds before giggling like a child who did something mischievous and then he scurried off with a shit-eating grin.

I was frozen and steaming. Did I upgrade to freezing up like dry ice? My heart could be heard pounding away all giddily while my brain tried to process both my feelings and the occurrence at once, leaving me a flustered mess unprepared to consol a surely upset Jin.

"Can I come in? D-Diana?" Jin's voice broke my stupor. Shaking my head and taking deep breaths, I clapped my face to get my gearings back in order, making sure to note in the back of my mind to give Taehyung a special visit once this little apology and forgiveness session was over.

4 more sad boys to console and assure, then we're back as a team again.

Seems like everyone has a lot to say.


As expected... I stand corrected.

I'm very right as I pat Jimin's back comfortingly while he squeezed the air out of my lungs through our hug.

I initiated it as I noticed him grow more emotional, clearly being the most emotionally affected with the whole ordeal. Right now, he seemed to be relishing in the fact that everything's good between us again. He was staying strong from the beginning as he apolgised but after a while, his eyes were glistening with unshed tears.

Wondering how Joonie, Jinnie and kookie's went?

They were similar, really. Though I have to say, the talk between Jin and I stretched the longest. And... kook? Well- we'll get to that. Joon's was honestly really wholesome with his dimple smile just shining brightly.

So anyway-

Jin revealed that he felt like he failed me by proceeding with checking on my leg even after he noticed how everyone collectively held me down. He went on and on about how he had a good hunch about how I felt, saying that he knew I expected him to help me out and play as the supporting and soothing role he's been for me since the beginning. He mentioned that he realised all this through the three days I avoided him like the plague.

He revealed that he felt awful and stated that he would accept his fate if I didn't forgive him but only requested that I don't avoid him anymore - saying that he wants to be able to properly help when I need it even if I still held a grudge against him.

Fortunately for him, I had let the feeling of slight betrayal go by the next day since that incident and of course, I'd forgiven him. He'd beamed brightly at that and we had shared a bear hug as well.

Namjoon seemed to have prepared an entire apology speech- or he just said what he did right on the spot. I wouldn't be surprised if the latter was the case but anyway, he proceeded to say it all while holding my hands in his, but I let him. Whatever that helps, you know?

I listened carefully to everything he said and he mentioned that he should've intervened when he first spotted and approached the scene and stated that he was stuck glued to his spot in shock because his mind was still processing the situation before him. With a wistful look, he revealed that he only really registered what was happening a bit too late and that Hobi had already stepped in.

When I told him that I forgave him, I could visibly see the weight of guilt lift from his shoulders as he took a breath of relief and finally displayed his adorable dimple smile. To lighten the mood even more, I proceeded to call him 'babe' as well and couldn't help but grin widely and pridefully when his smile widened and his eyes sparkled happily before he pulled me into a hug, promising that he will do better and be a better friend.

I'd immediately assured him that he was an amazing friend since the start and that he doesn't need to do anything more. He'd complied and laughed when I wheezed as he squeezed the oxygen out of me before finally letting go.

Jungkook was somewhat of a different story with how the initial apology was supposed to go...

Before Jimin finally came in, he had left me a mess of emotions and shades of red.

It was going smoothly; he apologised earnestly and owned up to his mistakes, and then he admitted that he really missed being able to hang out with me. And honestly I did, too! It made me smile and I guess when he noticed that, he just went on a... flattering rant about missing more things.. like- simply, my presence, our pointless talks and my smile that I give only to him... whatever that means.. uh, you get the point.

Eventually, his apology rant turned to a never ending waterfall of unintentional compliments and the likes before I finally decided that I should tell him that my smile means that he's forgiven, because who knows what else he was going to say after he managed to blurt out that he missed my natural scent as well-

I know he's sensitive to smell but seriously- that was unexpected.

Then the same after-dialogue about not doing it again and to make him feel better - to bring back his cute bunny smile, I decided that there's no harm in returning the compliments by saying how I missed our useless talks as well..., yada yada..

Then, hahaaaaaa and THEN, hmmmmmmm

So let's just start by saying that I'm used to him shying away from a lot of physical affection.

That's not to say that he doesn't give any, it's just subtle and not very frequent and it's normal - again, I'm used to it. I'm just not used to when it does happen.

I actually pointed out to him how his pink cheeks was adorable and 'boop'ed his nose for how cute his embarrassed and bashful grin was after I'd returned the compliments.

Look- I didn't know that he preferred to be called "manlier" stuff like handsome and what not, so when he grabbed my wrist and pulled me forward to make my body lean ahead, he blatently shut me up by covering my mouth before suddenly getting an ocean-deep voice out of nowhere and whispered to my ear "Stop treating me like a kid" and sent dangerous shivers up my spine as his breath brushed against my suddenly, sensitive-ass ears.

Did he get access to our real world's romance novels or some shit??? That was straight out of a main character line in a story!!

Then to put the cherry on top, when I complied and squeaked out an 'okay' through my covered mouth, he pulled his hand away, tilted my face his way by my chin and kissed my cheek before skipping out with a crap-eating grin! A motherchucking tease, I tell you!!

Both him AND Tae!! Those two surely planned this together!!! Surely they know what they do to me??!?! It's getting ridiculous!!

Now back to soft, little ball of emotion, Jiminie, he was holding me so delicately it warmed my insides to no end.

He'd bashfully asked to hug me longer and who was I to say no? I'd agreed easily and returned to encasing him in my arms, patting his back softly until he deemed that it was enough. I mean, this is the very first quarrel between the two of us and he clearly hated it.

He's made that very clear by frankly stating that the 3 days were awful to him, claiming that he couldn't rest well knowing that I was upset at him. I felt bad that he felt so restless from my petty act but even so, I'm not sorry for keeping up that act for that long.

As a matter of fact, I would've probably stretched it up a few days more for extra added pettiness, only if it weren't for that sunny smile of endless optimism and rainbows and- you get it, right?

Jimin was still feeling sensitive and was a bit tired from his built up emotions. Even so, he smiled happily my way while he wiped at the corner of his eyes to rid of the few tears that escaped.

I felt too soft for him so I gathered all the courage and leaned forward to gift him a peck to his flushed cheeks. It was an adorable sight to see him freeze up and flush, clearly caught off-guard.

"W-what..." he stammered out, bringing one hand to touch the spot I kissed him. I couldn't help but turn a bit bashful as I grinned at him, "I just felt like it." I shrugged with a giggle.

Maybe Jungkook and Taehyung rubbed off on me. Maybe...


Shut up

Come to think of it, the only other time I was the one to give a kiss to someone was to Jin when he burst into tears. It was out of the blue, I admit, but I just so happened to have enough courage to take action to that sudden urge I had, so I did it.

It was a pleasant surprise when Jimin broke into the widest grin yet, and I'm sure I cooed and swooned wayyy too loudly when I say his eyes completely disappeared as his cheeks bunched up.


Not gonna lie, I just felt like giving him even more kisses. Is this what my eyes will be blessed with every time I give him a lil' kiss to the cheek?!?!

Do I make such faces?? Is that why the other two cute, alluring devils with shit-eating grins gave me a kiss??? No... I can't make those faces..— Nooo... just-

Just stop

Ma'am, yes ma'am.
You're absolutely right!

"Ahh, Diana, stopp!" He laughed heartily while I 'AW'ed the heck out of the sight before me before scooting forward and holding Jimin's head still and stopping him from leaning away before I grinned widely, "Is giving you a kiss to the cheek all I need to do to make you smile like that?" I asked cheekily and he flushed again.

Jokingly, I puckered my lips in front of him and leaned forward like a snail, very obviously aiming for his bunched up cheeks in my palms and stifled a laugh when he shouted for me to stop teasing him before snatching my hands away and burying his face into my shoulder with an embarrassed laugh, making my giggle loudly, "You adorable angel!" I crooned, deciding to instead, sneak a peck to the side of his head.

It wasn't very sneaky though, because he immediately pulled away and touched the area I kissed with visibly red cheeks. I chuckled at the blushing boy before me, "Be very grateful, angel. You're the first to receive two kisses from me." I winked jokingly and he smiled the same beautiful smile, "I'm telling everyone!" He stated slyly and I gasped, "No!" I immediately grabbed onto his hand as he jumped up to his feet.

"Jiminie!" I hollered with shock and fluster.

His smile turned devious and full of mischief, and that's when I knew he was going to-






When will they all just start dating? 😩😩🤌🤌💕💕💕

All of u kiss already.. and I mean KISS kiss😔✊❤️💕

Surprised I updated 2 days earlier? 🤭🤭 I'm going to have a heck of the next 2 days because I'm loading myself with too many entrance exam preps AND scholarship tests, which just so happens to be tomorrow alongside a Run test to help me prepare for the real deal!

They're back-to-back, so imagine how I would end up after my school has planned a slumber party for the ending the same day of tomorrow?! 🥹🥹 My classmates won't let anyone sleep, we'll all be playing the entire night if we can, before we disperse the following morning 👍 then! I return to my Math tuitions because I've dropped down LOWWWWWWWW and it's compulsory that I get my grades back up ㅠㅠ ✨✨

Whoops! A bit of a rant there, anyways I hope that explains the brief of it haha! 😂💕

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! 🥰🥰❤️ see you next week! 😘💕💕

~ Ada

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