👾CH. 29👾

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HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! 🥰🥰🥰🥰❤️❤️✨✨✨🥳🥳🥳🥳


"Yes?" I yelled back at Yoongi from my cabin as I fixed my wrap around my ankle, finally getting a hang of how to take care of it myself.

"Come here— oh wait, you can't walk." He cut himself off and I scoffed lightly at how he already forgot.

"What do you want?" I yelled back. When I didn't hear any reply, I huffed out a breath and was about to ask again but stopped when I heard footsteps approach.

Yoongi poked his head in after a brief knock and smiled my way, making me raise an inquisitive brow. "So I've been working on this for a little while," he began as the rest of his body also slipped in, albeit slowly as his arms remained behind him.

I narrowed my eyes suspiciously when I caught a glimpse of wood behind him before returning my gaze back to him when he purposely cleared his throat to gain my attention.

"Since you— oh, forget it, just... here." he sighed and pulled whatever he hid behind him and my eyes widened as he showcased his handy work before him.

"A... Crutch?" I asked and he nodded, taking a step forward and propping the single crutch beside the bed before helping my up to my feet. "I only made one but if it's too hard to manage, then I could work on making another one for you." He scratched behind his ears but I brushed it off dismissively.

I made sure to hover my sprained foot above the ground as he rushed to retreat the crutch and hand it over to me.

With newfound hope and excitement, I adjusted the wooden crutch under my right arm and adjusted my grip, "I'll just practice to work with one alone." I smiled widely before trying to take a few steps ahead with the crutch's help.

He moved aside silently and observed how I trudged forward. I wasn't very stable with using it, if the shaky hold on it had anything to go by, but it's nothing I can't work on to perfect on my own.

"How did you get the size of it right? It's like- the perfect height for me." I beamed, turning around slowly to peer at Yoongi who I caught smiling like a softy before he rushed to hide it with a poker face.

"I'm always right." He shrugged before making his way over and helping me back to my bed before taking the crutch from my arm whilst I chuckled at his answer, "Of course, of course." I nodded before grinning cheekily, "But seriously, how did you know? I don't remember you asking to measure my height for this." I pointed.

He rolled his eyes in good nature, "I got lucky, that's all." He chuckled and I hummed, "Thank you so much, I can't believe even I didn't think of this for myself." I laughed.

"I know you feel uncomfortable being carried to wherever you want or need to go, and you don't want to stay cooped up inside your room all day, either. So, I thought I could make you something to help." He explained nonchalantly, "And I'm very grateful," I stated.

I couldn't really hug him as I sat and he, standing up so I ushered him to lean down so I could give him one and he complied with a shy smile. "It's the least I could do," he brushed off with an embarrassed look on his face as he pulled away but I shook my head, "It's very thoughtful of you, gummy bear." I said sincerely before pointing towards the crutch he grabbed, "But why are you taking it away?" I asked.

"The handle is still a little loose so I'm gonna try and secure it better. I'll bring it back soon." He informed and I 'ah'ed, nodding understandingly.

"Ah, could you help me out, too? If it's not too bothersome with the crutch in your hold, as well." I asked hesitantly and he paused by the door.

"No, it's fine." He waved off and made his way back to me, helping me support myself on one foot. "Okay, hold on. I'll just put this away first and come fetch you. Like this, you won't make it anywhere unless you use your other foot but we don't want that." He stopped me and settled me back on my bed while I pouted.

"I can hop my way out." I suggested and he tutted, "No. Be a good girl, and stay." He pointed with narrowed eyes. I scoffed indignantly, "I'm not a dog, yoongles." I rolled my eyes and he shrugged, "Call me yoongles again and I'm leaving you here." He threatened lightly before exiting.

I have 6 other boys to help me out of here so jokes on you, I ain't staying here.

"Jun—- no, wait..." I stopped myself immediately from yelling out for his name. I do not want his help with this. Every time he has helped me move around, I've feared for my face meeting the ground because of the tease he is.

"You called?" Jungkook suddenly poked his head in with his wide, doe eyes looking at me expectantly whilst I startled.

Well, speak of the devil, here is the bunny man I didn't want to ask help from. "I never called you." I said and he chuffed cockily, "Yes, you did. Now, what do you want?" He grinned cheekily.

"No way, hosay. I want no help from you." I retorted and it seems like that exact sentence was the path to my doom, "Oh, you need help getting out?" He asked as he registered my deliberate avoidance for his help.

Imagine - this boy realised that I didn't want his help and immediately linked it to me not wanting him to carry me around wherever I want or need to go. Yet, he still decides that I will accept his help with this in the end.

"I do, but I'd rather not from you." I pointed accusingly and he put his hands up in defence, "I do a pretty good job with that, though!" He stated. "Half of the time during that trip, you make me fear my life by jumping around or pretending to drop me on the spot. I'm good today, bud. Yoon is coming anyway." I brushed away his offer.

"I won't this time, I swear." He giggled as he made his way inside and I groaned out my complain, "Hyung doesn't have the strength and he might actually drop you. Unlike me." He stated whilst I scoffed, "You calling me fat? Square up, B. I'm thicc - there's a difference." I scowled jokingly with my fists up while he approached.

He rolled his eyes in good nature before scooping me up like I'm a damsel in distress, even as I gave his shoulder a good whack, "Yah!" I whined, groaning in protest.

"Where do you want to go, princess?" He laughed once I huffed bemusedly and wrapped my arm around his neck to remain secured.

"PriNcEsS..." I mocked, "It's queen to you, peasant. Take me to Joon's cabin." I ordered while pointing towards his cabin. "Do you want me to drop you, your highness?" He mocked back and I began whining loudly, "Aish, this is exactly why—!" I began but he laughed and shushed me, "I was kidding!" He cut in with a bunny grin. With a chuff, I urged him to begin moving when he stopped in his path, "Keep moving." I pushed.

He grumbled under his breath and silently complied while I sighed in relief, "I can't wait till I can walk on my own." I mumbled.


"Oh, yoongs it's okay! Jungkookie's helping me." I yelled back when Yoongi called out for my name, he whipped his head in my direction before he stifled a laugh as I silently fake cried behind Jungkook's back while pointing at him.

"We're here." He announced and I turned back to look ahead, "Thank you. For once you didn't make me fear my life." I chuckled and he nodded, helping me onto the bed while Namjoon smiled at us from where he sat on the stool.

"Hey guys. Need something?" He wondered but we shook our heads, getting comfortable on his bed. "Oh, you're staying?" I muttered questioningly when kook plopped on the bed beside me, nodding in response.

"Any progress with the puzzle?" I asked Joon and he nodded with a wide, proud grin. "I stuck to the code you picked from the note and since everything about all of us relates to the game, I came to the conclusion that these numbers - like you already figured out - signify us." He informed.

I adjusted my leg on the bed and nodded for him to continue. He turned back to his desk and rummaged through the pages he's used and brought the note to his other hand before taking his place in between Jungkook and I to show us what he's done.


"I haven't started yet, but I have a strong hunch that this number is related to the order we followed when coming into this world." He revealed and I gasped, "Oh, that could be it!" I agreed.

1. Diana - The
2. Jungkook - within
3. Taehyung - inside
4. Jimin - reality
5. Namjoon - the
6. Hoseok - light
7. Yoongi - lies
8. Jin - hidden

"So first, we write the order in which we got here: Diana, Jin, Jungkook, Taehyung..." he wrote as he spoke before pausing there.

"But the problem is that four of us have come in pairs. So I don't know who comes first there." He pointed. Jungkook looked through the notes and clues. Even my own attempt with the 'age' order.

"Maybe we can apply this age order amongst the pairs." He suggested and I nodded, "Which way, though? Oldest to youngest, or?" I probed but he shrugged.

"Let's see.." Namjoon mumbled, "Jiminie and Hobi were last, so either of them would be numbered seven or eight." He pointed and I nodded. "Then you and yoon would either be five or six." I pointed.

"One-Seven-six... five-eight-two." He mumbled under his breath and I grew confused at that point with what is mind was working on.

"It's 'The light', or 'The reality'." He spoke more clearly, "So Yoongi hyung is automatically number six." He nodded to himself.

"Ah, hyung," Jungkook complained, "We're here, too." He reminded and Joon paused before chuckling, "I didn't forget. It's just that If I were to be either five or six, it has to make sense since my word is 'the'." He stated. "I'm first figuring out the order between hyung and I, and I'll use the same order on seven and eight." He explained.

"Oh." I blurted out and looked at what he's written down -

—> 176-4-582-3

1 - The (Diana)
7 - Light/ Reality (Hoseok/ Jimin)
6 - t̶h̶e̶/ lies (Namjoon/ Yoongi)
5 - the/ l̶i̶e̶s̶ (Namjoon/ Yoongi)
8 - Light/ reality (Hoseok/ Jimin)
2 - hidden (Jin)

I scratched at my temple with a deadpan look, "Why do you make it seem so complicated?" I laughed. Namjoon spluttered, "I don't! It's straight to the point, see - the numbers are linked to the words that were seen by this specific player. It's simple." He defended.

"So...." Jungkook dragged the word while bringing one hand out to point at the choice, "You're five and Yoongi hyung is six." He stated and I shrugged, "Seems about right, I guess." I mumbled and Joon nodded confidently, "Yes. So we follow the same order with Jimin and Hoseok." He smiled.

"So we're using younger to older." Jungkook nodded, "Then Hobi hyung is eight and Jiminie hyung is seven." He hummed.

So firstly, our order from 1 to 8 is:
Diana, Jin, Jungkook, Taehyung, Namjoon, Yoongi, Jimin, Hoseok.

By Rearranging it with the code <17645823>, its:
Diana, jimin, Yoongi, Taehyung, Namjoon, Hoseok, Jin, Jungkook.

"Finally, we should get 'The Reality lies inside the light hidden within.'" Namjoon wrote down.

(A/N: idk WHY I spent so much time in making this puzzle thing for the story lmao, I just got so invested in it that I wanted to create sOMETHING cool ㅠㅡㅠ this lil' puzzle wasn't the most creative and "omg its so hard" but I'm proud of it lol)

"Oh wow, this sentence makes sense! But what do we do with this?" I slumped onto my back on the bed, relieved that we've finally pieced together this damn puzzle but still dissatisfied with the answer. How do we find something that's been hidden?

"Oh, here you guys are!" Hoseok chimed in with a smile as he peeked inside the cabin with his head.

"We solved the puzzle." I announced with no enthusiasm, but that didn't stop from the sunshine boy from beaming brightly, "Really?! What does it say??" He asked with a wide grin and sparkling eyes.

"It says  'The Reality lies inside the light hidden within.', whatever that means." I grumbled. "Aw c'mon, babe, cheer up." Namjoon chuckled, putting aside the book before turning to me laying limply on the bed on my back. I groaned when he slipped an arm under me and circled my back before lifting me back up into a sitting position, "What were you expecting after we figured it out? Sudden show of fireworks?" He chuckled softly.

"That's better than nothing. This clue doesn't exactly help. All it says is that our way out is hidden inside of something that's being hidden itself." I huffed, "Not to mention that something is a light? Hidden light?? Seriously?" I complained irritably.

Namjoon rolled his eyes, "The 'reality' isn't hidden. It's inside." He corrected while I spluttered indignantly, "Same thing, genius." The male scoffed, "No, it's not." He denied.

"It mentions being inside, right? So some cave around here, maybe?" Jungkook proposed unsurely, and Hoseok 'ah'ed, liking that idea, "Like that cave you saw after climbing a giant tree?" He asked and kook nodded.

I paused my sulking act and listened, suddenly feeling very alert.

"Yeah, the one with purple lights coming from inside." Jungkook confirmed whilst Hobi nodded thoughtfully. "It would make a lot of sense since the color of 'light' on the paper was purple, too." He nodded.

"Wait, what?" I straightened up with a jolt, startling the poor male as he clutched at his heart, "Holy shit-" He gasped in surprise before huffing out a breath.

"Can you say that again?" I urged and he frowned I confusion, "That it makes a lot of sense?" He repeated quizzically and I shook my head, "After that!" I stated.

"That the word 'light' was in purple?" He said unsurely and I clicked my fingers, "That! What do you mean it was purple?" I asked with wide eyes.

Namjoon nodded alongside me, also very intrigued. Hoseok shrugged, "The letters were written in purple... the color purple. Why? Was I supposed to mention that before-hand..?" He asked sheepishly.

I clasped my hands together, "There we have it." I pointed, gesturing my hand ahead of me, directing it towards Hobi. Namjoon nodded with a grin, "All of us saw our words in black ink, Hob-ah." He chuckled and Hoseok shaped his mouth into an 'O'.

I turned to Kook knowingly, "We have to get to that cave." I stated and he nodded, "That's our way out." He smiled with determination.

"We've got to tell everyone!" Hoseok smiled and got up from his crouching position in front of us and I nodded, smiling widely.

"We have to prepare well for our trip to that cave." I stated.



Happy New year!! 🥰🥰💕✨
A little late but not too much right? I was caught up with my own lil outing with my family so hope you understand the delay hehe 🤌✨

Hope you liked this chapter! See you next week- er.. this Saturday! ❤️😂☝️✨✨

~ Ada

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