👾CH. 34👾

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After we wrapped everything up as we put out the fire and finished our food, everyone collectively crawled their way back inside the cave that I took the liberty to make somewhat comfortable. With the pillows and remaining covers to prepare for the night, I was pleased when they all chorused their gratitude once I was done.

I'm one for the comfort so of course, I knew how to make do with that factor in any given chance.

We had four covers left aside from the ones we used for another purpose. It was decided then, and quite easily that everyone was going to pair up and share one cover each.

Cutting straight through the chase, the pairs were as followed: Hoseok and Jimin, Jin and I, Yoongi and Taehyung, and finally Jungkook and Namjoon.

It was early into midnight right now, and I woke up for no reason at all. I was as comfortable as one can be inside a cave with a pillow and something to cover me.

I had no idea why I'd suddenly woken up, but I couldn't seem to fall back asleep like I thought I would as I laid limply on my back with Jin right beside me sleeping soundly.

Everyone else was very much asleep as well - I knew that.

Huffing under my breath irritably, I propped myself up on my elbows, wondering where my slumber ran off to.

I glanced towards one of the glowing rocks lighting up this cave thoughtfully. Maybe I can't sleep because it's too bright..?

Oh, who am I kidding. I've managed to sleep through the full moon shining right on my face, in clear view from my open window. Point is, some little glowing rock can't disturb me like that.

Either way, I couldn't seem to fall back asleep no matter how bright or how dark it was as I looked away from the light. I was growing fairly annoyed with my uncooperative body that decided I've slept quite enough despite it having been barely over 2-3 hours since I called it a night.

With a defeated sigh, I sat up all the while making sure not to trouble Jinnie too much with my movement.

Shuffling out of the covers, I glanced towards the blocked exit, contemplating my choices before deciding that I just needed some open space instead of a caving-in hole that has a giant, heavy rock blocking the one way out.

By no means am I claustrophobic. In fact, this cave was actually much larger than I first thought when visiting it when I did. Since it's more lit up with the rocks lighting it up, it was more spacious than anything.

Come on, now - it fit 8 grown adults. I think that speaks for itself.

Crawling towards the exit and grabbing my crutch along the way with one hand while my other held onto a glowing rock, I took a deep breath and collected all of my strength and placed the flat of my palms firmly against the surface of the rock before pushing with all my might after placing the objects previously occupying my hand by my knees.

I let out a grunt and panted as it shifted ever so slightly, but not entirely. Falling onto my bum, I glanced at the little opening I managed to create and shrugged, going along with what I could before slipping passed the slim gap with a little trouble.

Pulling my crutch out with me for safe-keeping as I sat outside of the entrance, I stretched my arm to reach for the single glowing rock I decided to bring along to light up the space just outside where I settled.

I took another deep breath and leaned against the rocky slope beside the thin gap leading into the cave and sighed, fiddling with the glowing rock on my lap that helped me make out the little outlines of bushes and trees situated ahead and towards my right.

I leaned my head back and watched through the little opening between the steep slope I leaned against and the tall tree for the starry sky decorating the darkness of the sky.

I'm pretty sure I hadn't stargazed since the very first day I got here. Had my position be anything other than the abnormality of being sucked into a survival game, I'd be swooning over the beauty this place held every time it presented itself.

It's not a normal thing to lay eyes on a setting holding every single type of tree placed in the same forest. The exotic plants and flowers, along with the many fruits I hadn't bothered to check out, it gave the setting so much colour. That's to put aside the various colours of leaves ranging from green to yellow to red. There are Autumn leaves here! But it's clearly summer!!

With a heavy sigh, I turned back to look at my wrapped up foot holding my sprain. This pain in the ass... honestly.

I know for a fact that I'll be having trouble with getting back the gist of walking without any support once it's properly healed. What worries me is that torn ligaments don't necessarily heal all the way, and this may need surgical treatment to fully repair.

I just hope the doctors in the real world would stay put for just a little longer before commencing through that plan of action because it just might come bite us all in the bum here. We cannot really afford that.

Thud Thud Thud

I tensed at the sound of heavy steps resounded somewhere around the area. Oh snap—

My eyes immediately widened upon catching the sight of rustling bushes in the distance and I booked it back inside, careful with my movements as to not make a sound that'll attract the beast I took the liberty to name. The low rumble within its tone was a dead giveaway.

I slid my crutch back inside and panicked when the shiny stone in my hands seemed to cause the creature to come to a stand-still at the moving light. With a shaky breath, I quickly discarded the stone inside and got onto my knees, crawling through the tight squeeze of the gap I slipped past before shuffling inside.

I put my hands on the giant rock and began pushing. I cursed under my breath at the sudden clamminess covering my palms, making the flat of my palms slide over the surface.

I sucked in a breath and decided to instead, hide away the closest light source emitting out of the thin gap I created and watched with clear wariness as its front paws made its appearance past the thicker bushes from the front-right.

I poked my head past the giant stone to watch the Olfstin sniffing around and coming to a stop exactly where we started our little fire.

Had it not been such a monstrous being that went for the kill when anything so much so held anything worth poking through its skin, I'd actually call it cute with its wolf-y snout sniffing through the air with its round eyes, clearly calm since there was nothing it deemed out of the ordinary nor dangerous to its life.

I watched as it looked around the setting nonchalantly. I shuddered as the sight of its pointy tail swing carelessly around the air, brushing over everything and anything nearby, leaving faint scratch marks on tree trunks and brushing through the hurdle of bushes, creating sounds of rustling in its wake.

Finally, with the Olfstin beginning to walk away, towards the path opposite to where we plan to move towards, it's footsteps eventually faded into nothing as it strode further and further away.

I think its sense of smell is incredibly weak. It can't even sniff out the obvious signs of humans here.

Thank goodness it didn't spare the entrance of this cave any mind.

Knowing the coast was clear, I slipped back out. Chances of two Olfstins showing up at the same spot in such little time is quite unlikely so I wasn't too worried.

Although that much was certain, I still sent the trail that the Olfstin took an apprehensive look a few times. Soon, I gradually calmed down and began stargazing again.

I was in no way, not even in the slightest bit sleepy to resort to laying down back inside and trying. This time I decided not to bring along my crutch, choosing to leave it inside, but kept it just beside the gap if I change my mind whilst I sat here leaning against the slope.

I noticed the moon make its appearance through the little gap I was watching the stars from, concluding that it was a little passed over midnight by now. At least in this world.

We had all slumbered quite early on in the day, intending to use up all of daylight to benefit us and pushing passed darker hours with sleep so it seems to go by faster.

Once the sun reappears again, though, we would mostly be trekking through nighttime as well. If we get lucky, we might find a decent spot to rest at but we're prepared to move along even if there is none.

I sighed soundlessly again, glancing down at the glowing rock in my hands, blankly.

My gaze trailed over towards the closest tree from where I sat, and my eyes set on the thick branch closest to the ground.

I wonder if I could manage to lounge over there. The feeling of having an upper view a strongly convincing thought making it hard for me to not go through with it.

I noticed that that particular branch seemed to have a perfect opening view of the sky. If the bright moon light pushing past the gap had anything to go by.

I know I have a sprain... but I believe I have quite a strong upper body to help me instead.

Tap tap

I nearly screamed in shock at the feeling of getting tapped on my shoulder, eyes bulging as wide as saucers whilst a large hand clamped over my mouth to avoid any possible sounds of surprise from escaping.

I tensed completely, clutching tightly on to the wrist of the hand holding my mouth shut and I stretched my neck behind me to feel my breath hitch in shock.

Who the hell is this?!?!

"Shh! I swear I'm not here to hurt you! J-just don't scream, please." The male whispered pleadingly. My hands trembled in fear, not registering the genuine request from his tone.

"I-I'm going to let go now... okay?" He whispered beside my ear and I couldn't do anything else but nod, hoping to rid of his grip around my frame, holding my body still with his other bulky arm.

"Okay..." he heaved out and warily released my mouth. I swallowed thickly, quite literally shaking out of my wits. I thought 8 people was the limit?!

What is going on?!

Frankly, I was a bit too shaken up and terrified to turn to see the face of the source pleading for me to comply to their request.

With another large gulp, I glanced down at the bulky arms of my captor wrapping a firm grip around my mid-riff, keeping me in place whilst his other hand settled on my right shoulder, giving it a small pat as if to calm me down.

"L-let me go." I whispered harshly. "Huh?" The male retorted dumbly.

I took in a shaky breath and repeated my command with more stability in my voice, heaving out another sigh when his arms loosened around my frame.

I dared to move away and spun my head to get the face of the male before grabbing the top of my crutch and pointing the end of it threateningly his way.

"Wh-who- who are you? What do you want?" I gritted, I didn't bother to whisper that time and glared sharply his way while he put his hands up in defence, widening his eyes in warning, as if to tell me to quiet down.

Like hell I would.

"Who. Are. You." I demanded and narrowed my eyes in warning when he hissed my way to keep my voice low, "L-Lee Hoseok. That's my name. You can call me Wonho. Please, stop speaking so loudly." He pleaded with wide eyes.

(A/N: surprise surprise ;)))))

I glanced nervously towards the little gap of the cave where everyone else slept cluelessly about this occurrence. I took a glance for a split second, but that seemed to be enough time for the male to shove away my crutch and out of my grasp, making me gasp. He pushed himself forward and right onto me.

He locked onto my arms and pinned me flat onto the ground making me groan at the impact of getting shoved back.

He held me in place with his arms, "You're going to wake everyone up, Diana!" He whisper-yelled. I scoffed, "So what?!" I bit back harshly, squirming under his grip. Damn muscle pig.

"How the fuck do you know my damn name?!" I growled out when that part registered, "If you'd just listen—!" He gritted desperately.

I looked anywhere but at him, having noticed his lack of clothing. More specifically speaking about how shirtless he was.

"Why would I—"

"Shh!!! They'll wake up," he pointed and I would've laughed had I not been in the position I was in, "That's the damn point! What do you want?" I snapped, moving against his pinning weight and firm grip.

Wonho hissed in a breath at my voice growing in volume before he ultimately took a grounding breath, making me feel wary all over again as his gaze sharpened.

"I'm here for you, but if you keep speaking so loudly, I might have to ask all I need somewhere else. Without those seven guys close by." He pointed and my eyes widened.

Before I knew it, he had blocked my mouth again, sealing it shut alongside my nose, making me struggle to intake any breath. I resounded a muffled sound, struggling against his other hand holding my wrists in place.

"I'm here to help, for goodness sake!" He gritted.

My chest began to hurt from my lack of oxygen. I'm going to pass out at this point!

Also, here for me??? TO HELP?! THIS IS HOW YOU HELP SOMEONE, DUMBASS??????

I bent my knee upward, landing a hit at his crotch before he grunted, groaning under his breath before sucking in a breath as if sucking it up.

Oh god, that was a bad idea on my part, his grip only tightened. I felt black spots beginning to hinder my eyesight and began panicking. His own leg planted itself over the bend of my knees, holding them still and shutting down the possibility of any other stunt.

My muffled sounds grew increasingly quiet and lacked more energy the further this lasted. I vaguely made out the guilt glimmering within Wonho's eyes as he pressed firmly against my mouth.

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, but they'll w—-"


I gasped loudly after his hands left my mouth and nose, having lost the strength after a strong hit to his head, effectively knocking him out.

I gasped desperately for air and clutched tightly onto the fabric of Jimin's shirt as he brought me into his cocooning hold whilst Jungkook held tightly onto the glowing rock in his hands, glaring furiously at the unconscious man limp over my legs.

Taehyung shoved carelessly at his body so my legs could breathe.

I felt Jin grab onto my face and tucked away the lone strands covering my face with clear worry as he examined my face for anything. Aside from me gulping down at oxgygen like a mad-man and with my posture holding clear fatigue from the stunt the male pulled by depriving me of air and bringing me close to passing out, I didn't sport anything concerning when it came to injuries.

Even my wrists, although very lightly bruised, didn't seem all that bad, either.

I felt my ears ring, still recovering from my near black out whilst I quivered weakly within Jimin's protective hold.

"Love, what- my gosh, are you okay?!" Jin spluttered with wide worried eyes. I took a quick glance at Wonho laying unconscious on the ground, the others taking care of his frame however they deemed it should be whilst he was passed out, before meeting Jin's eyes after catching my breath and getting more gradually calm under Jimin's hold.

"Are you okay?! Who was that?!" He bombarded questions after questions all the while scanning through my frame to spot any serious injuries before ultimately checking on my sprain, noticing it was still kept the way it was and my leg was fine.

And it was. Even more surprising considering how huge that man was.

"What are you doing? We should just get rid of him!" Yoongi barked furiously, clutching tightly on the dart gun as he watched Joon and Kook use our covers to tie him against the branch of a tree.

I blinked rapidly and let go of my death grip on Jimin's shirt, resounding a weak sound against Yoongi's words. He snapped his piercing gaze my way, his eyes immediately growing soft upon making eyes contact before he discarded the gun and rushed to me, propping himself on his knees.

I held tightly onto Jimin's circling arm holding me upright, "I-I'm okay. I'm good. That guy-" I gulped, rubbing over my chest with a wince as it hurt to take a breath.

I watched as Jin's eyes flashed with a hint of darkness at my actions, his eyes snapping towards the limp male sitting motionless against the tree trunk.

As I thought back at that man's words. He clearly held something against the boys. So and so with what he mentioned and how he seemed to want to remain out of their hearing range, choosing to tell me that he's here to flipping help.

He has no idea how to do that, apparently.

"He- he said he was here for me. To..help." I rasped out after another swallow. They made a sound of disbelief.

"To help?" Deadpanned Yoongi with a scoff. I shrugged, just as clueless, "He was adamant on not letting any of you hear us." I stated and they pursed their lips, hard gazes adorned their soft features, making them seem more intimidating.

"Sunflower," Hoseok piped in from my right, grabbing onto one of my arms and locking our hands together, giving it a light squeeze as he settled beside Jimin who cradled my on his lap.

I gave Wonho another glance as his head rolled forward, his bangs covering most of his face as a result.


I turned to Hoseok who called for my attention, his other hand making it over towards the side of my face to keep me from looking away, "What were you doing out here on your own?" He asked sternly.

Oh- wELL..

"I-I couldn't sleep..." I admitted timidly. The four boys surrounding me nodded in unison, choosing not to question that for the moment.

Soon the others crowded around as well, asking for my well being, too, before calming down visibly upon my reassurance.

"Come on, let's get you inside." Jin urged and everyone nodded, piling in with attentive eyes looking back for me as I followed after them.

"My crutch," I perked up as I recalled it being flung over. "I have it, Petal." Jungkook chimed immediately, lifting the said crutch for my to see. I heaved out a breath and nodded, resuming inwards and settling by my pillow as Jin told me to.

'Is it okay to leave that guy out in the open like that..?' I wondered shortly after, catching a glimpse of his leg before Taehyung and Joon pushed the rock closed. Everyone made a circle around the cave with a serious aura surrounding their frames.

Time to discuss what the hell just happened...



Mr. Muscle man has entered our world! Give him a standing ovation 👏👏👏👏

Quite the unfortunate scenario but nonetheless, he's quite curious right off the bat, isn't he? 🧐🧐 what could he possible help Diana with? 🤨🤨

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! 😘❤️
See you next week!! 🥰🥰💕💕🫶🫶✨✨✨

~ Ada

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