👾CH. 35👾

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This is the part into the story where I begin to question the direction of my plot :,)
Way to go meeee


I grumbled as I turned on my spot, not appreciating the sudden noise and pressed my face into my pillow with a soft groan.


I brought my thin cover over my head and squeezed my eyes shut in annoyance. I felt someone pull my covers down and tucked it around my neck before caressing my head. Heaving out a content sigh, I slowly drifted back to a more unconscious state of mind before letting out an indignant huff of breath after another yell resounded past the entrance.

I heard Jin chuckle fondly from beside me, urging me to take a small peak. I fluttered my eyes open and felt my lips tug upwards into a soft sleepy smile as he peered down at me.


I grew tremendously more awake than I previously was at that sudden yell mentioning me. Jin's smile dropped as well and his eyes hardened, glancing towards the halfway open entrance of the cave, where the yells resounded.

I immediately recalled the moments of last night and turned to my back, propping myself up with the help of my hands and let out a yawn. I blinked leisurely and noticed how the cave lacked six particular boys.

No one else was inside except for me and Jin. So everyone else was most likely outside. I didn't hear any replies to the yelling... were they just watching that man whilst he was tied up?

Jin patted down my hair and watched as I blinked up at him with a small frown. He got the silent question my gaze gave him and sighed, "They're all outside trying to get answers out of that guy. He's been constantly bugging everyone and dodging their questions with his own, he's quite intent and persistent on knowing about you and your well being." He briefed.


I directed a wary look towards the outside, past this cave, knowing I'll come face-to-face with the male.

Wonho was his name, right?

Jin rolled his eyes at my stare as I wordlessly pointed towards the exit. He gave me a reluctant look but nodded either way, following closely after me as I crawled with my knees towards the exit.

I noticed that it was still way too early in the morning considering the sun was yet to show up. How long was everyone up for?

I glanced towards Jin who motioned towards my crutch, to which I gratefully accepted before he helped me to my feet, adjusting the crutch under my arm before letting go.


I shuffled ahead with a wary look, gulping a little at the sight of the large male held captive against the tree branch looking frantic and angry.

When his gaze met mine, I had to take a double look when he visibly sagged and his piercing gaze softened into one of relief. The boys ahead with their backs to me noticed his change of demeanour and turned to notice me standing timidly.

"Diana," Wonho breathed out and I nodded with a conflicted frown, "uh..., Wonho.." I mumbled back unsurely.

Jungkook scoffed loudly, alongside Jimin who was looking super scary with his glare.

I shuddered at the sight of his cold stare directed towards an unaffected male who still stared my way.

That's some fearlessness I can only wish to achieve.

"Please help me out, Ana," He pleaded hopefully and I frowned more deeply. What is up with this guy? How does he even know me??

Namjoon gritted out warningly, "For the hundredth time, for fucks sake-" He stepped forward, taking the tied up male's attention away from me. "-What is your motive? Who are you and how do you know her?" He probed.

Wonho glanced my way before heaving out a disdainful breath, "Lee Hoseok. I'm here only for Diana, okay? I'm here to protect her but you all decided to smack a glowing rock against my head." He started, nudging his head my way, "I know nothing about the lot of you men and thought you're all a threat. I still do, by the way! So, considering it was nighttime and none of you were awake, I could take her away without a problem but she was causing too much of a ruckus even after I told her about my motive, but if she made any more noise, you lot would wake up so I decided to put her unconscious for the mean time." He huffed.

I gasped at the man, "First of all, sneaking up on me and man handling me is in no way, and I mean no way convincing nor reassuring and most definitely not a way to prove yourself non-threatening." I scoffed in disbelief.

He sighed, "I know, I know. I'm terribly sorry, but in that instant, that's all I thought of and went with it. I didn't know you and these men were your.. what? friends?" He frowned.

"Bullshit aside, what do you really plan to do?" Jimin scowled. Wonho chuffed indignantly, "I'm not bullshitting anything! For goodness sake, she'd be in terrible danger moments prior my appearance, had I not redirected that damn Olfstin!" He exclaimed. All the boys turned alert upon that claim and snapped their heads my way.

I tensed and glared at Wonho in dismay, "You distracted it?" I question, dumbfounded.

I figured this man would've noticed the Olfstin somewhere else or something, but not with me! How long was he hiding and waiting for the perfect moment???

What a way to put me under the bus.

"Diana, what is he on about?" Yoongi asked with furrowed brows.

I grimaced at their scrutinising stare, "Uh, like I said that night..." I trailed, "I wasn't sleepy and.. I kinda forgot to mention that an Olfstin appeared out of nowhere and was just outside our cave... I thought it didn't detect anything out of the ordinary since it just walked away," my voice lowered in volume as I fiddled with the end of my hair, "I didn't know he was the one to lead it away..." my voice died down as I returned a sheepish gaze.

"Believe me now? I have no ill-intention, I swear." Wonho piped in, "Can someone please free me?? My neck and back is killing me." He sighed indignantly.

I frowned at one thing, "Wait- you call it an Olfstin, too...?" I wondered out loud and he turned to me with a small smile, "Is that not what it's called?" He asked back.

"Uh..., no..?? Not really, I actually just came up with that name." I raised a brow skeptically at him. He nodded, "So that's what I call them." He shrugged, "I'm here solely to help you, Diana. I have no other purpose being here." He claimed with obvious earnesty lacing his tone as clear as glass.

Hoseok frowned in confusion, "Are you an in-game program or glitch?" He muttered.

Wonho turned to Hoseok with a cold stare, "I'm getting there," he sighed before looking at me with a glint in his eyes.

"I'm her guardian, actually. I have no recollection regarding existing in the real world. I know snippets here and there but I do also know I'm here solely to assist her to help her get out of here. All of you, now." He grumbled under his breath at the end.

My mind glitched for a split second. My- what now?

"Her- what now?" Jungkook asked for me.


I sat awkwardly in front of my supposed guardian as he blinked my way, awaiting the questions attentively as I pinched the bridge of my nose whilst he sat crisscross in front of me, finally freed from being tied up.

"I guess we'll start with introductions...??" I questioned unsurely. This guy did a total 180 on me, and that first impression is almost like I imagined it considering his now, bright and welcoming manner.

Wonho smiled with a nod, "Alright. I go by Wonho. My real name is Lee Hoseok. I'm twenty-three years old. I'm here as your guardian." He spoke fluidly and blinked my way, awaiting the next question.

The remaining boys were sitting at the sidelines, watching— no... glaring daggers at him as Wonho smiled at me encouragingly.

"Uh... What do you mean by guardian?" I threw it out and he smiled understandingly, "You've been inside this game world for nearly six whole months, Ana." He pointed out, slipping out the nickname as if he's known me for a long time, "I know how you spent your very first day here. Though, I wasn't physically present to lend a hand." He sighed.

"But you're incredibly courageous. It was a miracle you managed to stumble upon the camp - as you call it." He broke into another smile after that.

I flushed under his warm gaze, not entirely registering why he's looking at me like that- I mean... we barely know each other! Clearly, he's gotten to know quite enough about me to address me in such a way.

"Uhm, how much do you know about me?" I asked and he smiled with a crunch of his nose, making my purse my lips as I avoided his gaze. What in the world is happening?? Does he not care that he's shirtless? He isn't even bothering with the sheets I shoved his way and held it in his arms with a curious look as I cut him off before he could answer.

"Okay wait- first, c-cover yourself up, please." I flushed when he nodded and draped my cover over his shoulder, making do with the fabric in the mean time.

"You're all I think about." He simply replied, making me choke on my spit.


"That- that doesn't answer my question." I stammered as he smiled toothily, "Well, for lack of better words, when I first got here, you were the first thing shooting through my mind. All I know I can really say is that I'm here for you every step of the way." He answered before growing serious, "You've suffered enough in this world, Ana. I'm here to help you get out. To start off, your destination towards that cave is the right path." He smiled.

I brightened up at that. So we are heading the right way?! BOI, does it feels incredibly great having a confirmation about where we're headed! He's genuinely positive about our plan!!

He seemed to notice my perked up demeanour and laughed fondly, "Aigoo, you're adorable!" He swooned and ruffled my hair, making me squeak in surprise.

YeAH- he's acting as if we've known each other for ages!! He's smiling all cutesy and what not with that damn ripped body, what is up with him??? Is he a softy with a not-so-soft body?? His demeanour contradicts his appearance and it's giving me whiplash.

"OKAY." Jin's voice interjected, "Seeing as you somehow know every little thing about her and our journey towards our destination, I suppose we can...overlook what you pulled off." He waved his hands towards the male and shuffled my way, ready to bring me away from the overly friendly stranger.

Wonho raised a bemused brow and reached for my hand, pulling me to his side before Jin could, "We're not done." He stated.

Jin paused on his spot with a scoff, incredulity displayed on his face, "What's pending?" His eyes stared pointedly towards Wonho's hand clutching mine, "You can continue with the rest of us as well." Jin scowled.

I honestly don't want to fight against this guy's touchiness. This man is built different, okay?

All I could do was look at the stare off the two males were having.

Wonho huffed out a small breath and nodded, "Alright. Bring the others over then." He retorted blankly. I frowned at the new male, "You're being rude. Jin is older than you." I pointed out and Wonho pursed his lips, nodding before turning back to Jin who's eyes twitched irritably.

"Sorry..." The male sheepishly apologised to the elder.

Yep. I'm not scared of this dude anymore.


"The game has set out sneaky traps along this path," he gestured towards the map splayed out on the flat ground whilst everyone circled around it to take a look. They still seemed unsure of Wonho's presence. I mean- I am, too; He came out of nowhere.

"We can still take the direct route, but we'll have to dodge the setups so we don't fall prey to it." Wonho continued.

"The sun's already out in the sky. At this rate, we'll be venturing way into nighttime." I huffed indignantly.

"It's better late than never," Wonho chuckled, "But I have to point out - the entirety of the forest passed this area, is loaded with traps. Those Snaders are blood-thirsty monsters." He pointed out.

Let's keep ignoring how he literally knows everything. 'The Snader name i came up for that snake is now officially its name. Wow.'

Hoseok sighed, "Then how do we avoid it?" He inquired. Wonho clicked his tongue, "We can't." He admitted before holding up his hand when Jungkook opened his mouth to speak, "But! We can set them off before we continue through. The branch sticks on the ground can be used for it. We can notice the placements of certain traps by looking upwards at the trees. We can catch glimpses of that green string before proceeding." He mentioned.

Namjoon groaned under his breath at how time was passing by whilst everyone was still settled here by the cave and reevaluating their plan before he glanced towards the newcomer, "Can I ask you something?" He frowned and Wonho paused before nodding tentatively.

"Why did you appear now, of all times?" He threw it out immediately. Wonho pursed his lips at that. "If I had an answer to that I would tell you, but I'm sorry, I don't." He replied.

Jungkook huffed at that, "Why not? You seem to know everything about Diana since the beginning. You could've been there to help her from the very start but you didn't. Surely you have some sort of answer." He pointed out accusingly.

I sighed and placed a hand over kook's, earning his attention as he diverted his gaze my way. He frowned softly at my warning gaze silently telling him to ease it down.

Wonho nodded, "I have been, that's true. But I'm not the one who developed this game. I opened my eyes and I came face-to-face with this cave whilst everyone was asleep. I have no reason to hide anything, kid." He retorted.

Jungkook's hand squeezed mine to suppress his irritation. I could practically read what ticked him off.

"Okay, let's just finish discussing our new tactic here, please?" Jin cut in bemusedly.


"Wonho... is this really necessary?" I sighed, a little flustered with the constant skin contact he maintained with his hand and my shoulder.

I could feel the other boys' annoyance radiating off of them despite their backs facing me as they walked ahead.

Wonho nodded at my question, "I want to make sure I can help or protect you as soon as I can make possible." He reasoned. "Um.. okay," I mumbled. I don't suppose simply walking beside me is any different? Either way, I guess he knows what he's doing. He did say he's a guardian...

"Is the hand on the shoulder necessary?" Yoongi piped in with a disdained look, the closest walking ahead of me whilst the others were a little more further ahead.

Wonho nodded after a single beat, "This way, I can pull her away in face of danger immediately." He explained. I pursed my lips at the male, "Look, I know my injury isn't much of a help in this sort of setting, but I'm not completely useless despite it." I tried.

Wonho seemed to understand where I was going with this before he complied, letting go of his loose hold on my shoulder as we continued on our path. "Let me know when you grow tired." He smiled. With a small nod, I mirrored his expression before turning towards Yoongi who had slowed down to keep pace beside me on the other side.

I held back a small chuckle at his cold upfront towards Wonho and decided to leave him to his deed and grabbed his arm to ease him since he seemed to be uncomfortable for the majority of our walk since we left the cave.

He glanced down at his hands, then at me and faltered with a slip of a smile before turning to look back ahead, giving my hand a firm grip in return.

I noticed the small smirk the new man held to himself and I raised an inquisitive brow his way, letting a grin take over my features upon noticing him hold back a laugh with a shake of his head, waving off my questioning gaze.

Still, I nudged at his side to prob the hidden answer behind his sudden amusement and he broke into a toothy grin, completely discarding his tough look with a cute smile.

Yoongi didn't seem to pay any mind as I leaned closer towards Wonho as he bent down just slightly to share the reason behind his amusement, "You've got all of these boys wrapped around your finger." He chuckled discreetly when I gave him a disbelieving scoff.

He nodded insistently as I shook my head in denial, taking a step closer beside my side to gossip more, "Want me to prove it to you?" He wiggled his brows in mischief and I thought over it, a small devious smile making its way onto my features.

"I'd like to see living proof, so yes." I nodded, whispering back to answer his question. He grinned widely and straightened up, sliding in a subtle wink indicating that he was going to begin;

He cleared his throat and puckered his lips 'mindlessly' as he gazed fondly at nature before slinging an arm over my shoulder like we were the best of friends. I had to hold back a snort at his first plan of action, all the while trying to fight off the growing tint of red on my cheeks from the close proximity.

I felt a gentle tug on my hand and glanced at Yoongi who had his eyes narrowed at the man acting like he was my bestie.

Wonho gave my shoulder a squeeze when the other boys ahead took a glance over their shoulders out of curiosity upon the sound he made to purposely catch their attention. I tried my best to play along and relaxed under his hold before giving his smug face a quirked brow.

This is proof?

He smirked at me and gave me a look saying 'Watch closely' and I listened, turning to face the boys with expectant eyes before feeling my face flush a bright red when Wonho spoke up, "Yeppeun," he called for me with the most casual tone he could muster while facing me expectantly for my attention.

(A/N: Yeppeun: Korean for pretty/beautiful)

I kept my gaze ahead before I might turn into a literal tomato-head if I met his eyes. He didn't seem to mind and instead, he brought his other hand over to manually make me meet his eyes by turning my face with my chin. I gulped when he smiled innocently, "I'm talking to you, Ana." He husked out.

I spluttered, immediately shying away from his touch, "O-Oh. Uh, I thought.. I thought- um..."


he knew how to exude his charms well. Jesus Christ on a motor bike—

He chuckled lowly when I asked him to proceed since he had my attention, "Right. I was wondering if you mind that I start calling you that? It suits you well." He smiled charmingly. I cleared my throat and shook my head, "Uh- I-I don't mind..?" I squeaked out.

He gave me a knowing grin, "With your reaction, I don't suppose it's a common thing you get told, hm?" He wondered and I shook my head again, confirming it.

OOOOHOOO WHAT IS HE PLAYING AT??? All the boys had their ears listening closely in on our exchange, a stiffness in their strides as we continued on ahead.

He clicked his tongue in dismay, "Well, that won't do." He pouted, "I initially thought you wouldn't be so flustered considering the beauty that you are. You should know that!" He insisted.

One thing's for sure - this man knew how to push the right buttons and make me display the darkest shades of red. Smooth son of a brick-

I made a sound of surprise when Yoongi tugged on my arm with slight force, "Quit it." He snapped.

Wonho tsked, "Why? I'm simply building on our friendship." He raised a brow.

Hoseok scoffed from ahead of us, "Friendship my ass." He muttered under his breath.

"He's flirting with her." Taehyung frowned indignantly, mumbling this to Jin who dragged a palm over his face with the most deadpanned look of bemusement I've seen.

"What are you trying to do?" Jungkook scowled, stopping momentarily in his walk as we approached before he gave a warning glare at Wonho.

Wonho feigned his confusion, "I'm not trying to do anything. Why are you acting as if I'm stealing your girlfriend?" He shot back.

He didn't just-

Jungkook scoffed out a mocking laugh at his remark, "That's it." He muttered and took two big steps our way before shoving the elder male away and pulled at my free hand to bring me into his hold, making my breath hitch.

Wonho held back a smirk and continued to play along, "Aren't you being too short-tempered? We were simply talking. Look at you getting so worked up over something so simple." He pointed.

Jimin scowled, making his way beside Jungkook and pressed his chest against my back, shielding me from behind as he glared at Wonho. At this point, everyone had stopped walking.

"He has every reason to. You're getting all touchy with her. We're merely strangers and just because you claim to know her well, it doesn't mean you go out of your way and flirt so openly without a care." He countered.

Wonho let his smirk take over his features then, a pointed stare meeting mine as I bit my lip whilst these two boys 'protected' me from him.

The other boys frowned at his expression, furrowing their brows skeptically whilst he broke into a wider grin, "I can see you lot will protect her well. I guess I don't have to fret too much. That's good to know." He commented smugly.

Namjoon broke into a breathy laugh, being one of the most quiet out of the rest. He had caught onto our little play sooner than the others. It didn't mean that he didn't mind all the skinship Wonho initiated, but the reactions brought out of it from his fellow brothers was entertaining to say the least.

Everyone held a frown, feeling stupefied by the happenings.

I couldn't help but giggle at the expressions they portrait and felt Jungkook loosen his hold around me slowly, as well as Jimin from behind me.

"What is happening? I don't find anything funny." Taehyung furrowed his brows. The others collectively agreed on his claim. All aside from Namjoon who continued to snicker.

Wonho soon broke into a laugh himself, before facing me with a cheeky glint in his eyes, "Is that not enough proof to you, Madame?" He inquired amusedly.

I felt my cheeks flush, reminded of the reason behind this upfront and Wonho's teasing in the first place. Jimin took a step in front of me to catch my attention, confusion clear in his features, "What is he talking about?" He probed with a curious frown.

I smiled bashfully, stumbling over my words in embarrassment regarding the reason behind all this. How do I tell him and everyone else that Wonho did what he did to try and provoke them?

So that I can get a gist of what he was on about when he stated they were all supposedly "wrapped around my finger".

I gave Wonho a pointed look, silently urging him to take this upon himself because I didn't have the best words to explain this.

He raised a brow as if to ask if I was sure.

And you know what? I wasn't so sure anymore. What if he bluntly puts it out that I wanted to see whether the boys get irked about me being close to someone else.

Am I getting full of myself? I'm getting full of myself. Everyone, this delulu began to imagine the possibility of having all these fine men being whipped for her. Give her a round of applause for the gullibility of her mind.

CLAP right nOw

"Nothing concerning." Wonho smiled deviously, "I noticed a thing or two about all of you and tested the waters." He stated.

Yoongi seemed to understand and rolled his eyes in incredulity, grumbling under his breath.

I peered up at Jungkook who seemed clueless as ever before his gaze fell back on me from Wonho and I grinned up at him. He exhaled softly and gave me butterflies by gently pushing away some stray strands of hair blocking my face.

Is it bad to realise just now, exactly how whipped I am for them?? Oh no, Diana... this is bad. Really, really bad.

You weak hearted mf why would you do this to yourself, oh my god...

"Ow! Ow, ow, Kook, let me go!" I shrieked in surprise, groaning at the pinch he was giving my cheeks. They don't deserve to be abused this way.

"Why should I? I'm going to keep you close to my side and you're gonna have to deal with it, woman." He glared playfully, "You think messing with me is funny, don't you?" He continued.

"Jiminie! Help!!" I whined out, reaching behind me for the said male but he seemed to support kook this time, "You sneaky girl." He mumbled with a small grin at my misery.

Everyone is a sadist!! EVERYONE!

"Jinnie!!!!" I made grabby hands at my man and he seemed to hesitate for a while before he gave in when I pulled on my puppy eyes and pout. He rolled his eyes and instead of simply saving me from these two devils, he decided I didn't need to walk anymore and situated me by his hip like I'm some freaking baby!

"Wait-" I spluttered and he pressed a finger to my lip to silence me, "I'm doing every party a favour. You'll be under my watch and hold, and I'll make sure you don't start pulling off stupid plays like that." He stated with a finality to his tone.

"But my crutch—!" I pointed towards the discarded object before looking up when someone reached for it, taking the initiative to hold onto it. "I got it~" Wonho grinned with a wink. He mouthed 'enjoy' to me and snickered to himself when I gave him a glare.

He skipped ahead with a smirk, claiming that he'll begin looking out for potential traps. Namjoon smiled my way as my red face ducked into Jin's neck out of embarrassment, before he skipped ahead as well, picking up stray sticks off of the ground to throw ahead.

Is it just me or do the other boys seem to grow more comfortable with Wonho?? What is this??

My heart for Jin is the worst out of them all. This organ is hyperventilating and making 100 beats per second and I have no doubt Jin feels and hears it to.

Just great.


Let's get some progress in! Half-filler chapter

I'm way ahead now in the story of this book, but at this point (as I've mentioned right at the start,) I was struggling to come up with a solid plot line because it deviated from my original plot line a bit.. but! I think it's fine 😁👍✨

Im a little late, but it's still Saturday so here you go!🤲 <— update

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! 🥰🥰❤️ see you next week!! 😘🫶🫶💕💕✨✨

~ Ada

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