👾CH. 4👾

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It's been... just about 2 months since I was put into this world.

I'm past an entire month and am nearing the end of the 2nd. Just a few more days and it will be a complete 2nd month of my unwilling stay here.

I had gotten so fed up of meat for the first 2 weeks of my stay here that I began a little potato farm, actually. For so, so many days I had completely missed the packets of seeds sitting right below the area I keep the pot full of water. Carrot and potatoes being the largest of quantities. I also collected some exotic looking fruits that reminded me of real life fruits. I haven't touched them yet, though.

It took me many failures and retrying to grow the potatoes and get it right. I also began to grow carrots, it's far more easier to grow with way less retries. They take about 2 weeks to grow, some even more but I managed to grow enough and collected them while more new seeds were planted for more new carrots.

I also always made sure to speak a little everyday, not willing myself to lose my voice from my lack of needing to. To make it less forced, I sung a few songs. 'Anyone' by Demi Lovato being the most frequent.

Right now? I was singing just that as I refilled my pot with fresh new drinking water. I was glad that I had things to keep my mind from drifting into a darker pit.

"I used to crave the world's attention, I think I cried too many times," I sung softly, "I just need some more affection, Anything to get me by," My words faltered like the many other times I sang this song. It started to hit deep within me.

A hundred million stories,

And a hundred million songs,

I feel stupid when I sing.

Nobody's listening to me.

Nobody's listening.

I talk to shooting stars,

But they always get it wrong,

I feel stupid when I pray.

So, why am I praying anyway?

If nobody's listening.

The constant reminder of being alone nagged at me in my head 24/7, yet I can't do anything. Speaking out my thoughts, questions and opinions and still not receiving any answer whatsoever left me hanging and made me feel unimaginably empty inside - So, incredibly isolated and alone. I've done everything for these last 2 months on my own.

I had no one to confide in when things get super tough. No one to lean on when I let my emotions out. No one to tend to my injuries for me. When was the last time I had a decent meal? Seasoned, warm and cooked with love? When was the last time someone called for my name?

The constant hope of waking up back in my room, enjoying a hearty meal with my family and forgetting all of this madness and loneliness I currently felt, left me depressed nearly every morning since the very beginning. It's slowly getting worse as I wake up from consistent dreams of my family. That's how badly I miss them, because they're all I dream about at this point. I simply want my Ma's embrace.

Now that so much time has passed, I can't keep hoping and instead, search for my way out every morning from the crack of dawn. I've felt indifferent towards waking up so incredibly early and sleeping till the moon is right over-head. Indifferent towards the constant scratches I obtain when venturing back into an all too familiar forest I've basically memorised to near perfection.

My singing had reduced to humming and then to nothing by now. My own mind dampening my mood and spirit. I let myself take another gulp of water, subconsciously using it as a way to wash down my negative thoughts.

Grandma's Hot chocolate would've done a much better job...

I jumped on my spot at a sudden scream. Nearly choking on the water I swallowed. The scream was not at all similar to the sound of a growling Olfstin, nor any normal animal.

A person. That scream sounded awfully like a person's.

Before I could even process the utter relief and desperation coursing through me alongside the sudden building hope rising from within my guts at the thought of some company, my body had already jumped into action.

I rushed into my tree house and grabbed my waist bag, clipping it around my torso and I rushed down the ladder, the fear of falling or tripping had long since gone.

I moved past the giant trees, uncaring of the new scratches littering my exposed skin. I ducked under some lower branches and hopped over some roots sticking out of the ground before huffing out a breath. Following the sound of panic and fear as it grew louder and closer, driving me to reach it faster and possibly help to the best of my abilities.

I stopped beside the tree I marked with my thread. My breathing laboured from the adrenaline coursing through my vains.

It really is a person.

A man.

"Where the hell am I?!" He shrieked, stumbling over his feet like a newborn deer. He was a panicking mess, spinning around in circles to see the unfamiliar sight of giant trees and bushy plants covering the land. The forest was heavily rich with greenery, vegetation and strange fruits. Fallen leaves covered the ground, creating a crunching sound after every step he took.

"Calm down, Sweets." I calmly voiced amidst his loud screeches. My words cut through his mess of a mind making him freeze on his spot. Turning on his heel, he noticed me. He stumbled back immediately - possibly because I was covered in angry, red scratches and the bandages covering my arms alerted the male.

"What the fudge?!!?! Who- who are you??" He shouted, alarmed by my...seemingly beaten-up figure.

"I'm Diana. Welcome to the game." I smiled softly. Hoping my excitement can keep a hold of itself for the sake of keeping the man from getting scared.

Dumbfounded, He could only let one word out, "Huh?".

Oh boy.

That was the first thing I could say. He's acting just like I was when I first started.

...Minus the loud crying.

I took a step closer, seeing as the man remained on the ground, his knees pressed closely to his chest and arms spread behind him to keep him up-straight.

He flinched when I got closer, immediately making me freeze. "Don't worry, I was- am. I am just like you. I'm here to help, I swear." I tried to assure.

The man shifted on his spot and scrambled onto his feet, still carrying wariness in his posture. "Wh-what did you mean by 'welcome to the game'?" He asked anxiously, taking a small step away from me.

I huffed, "Listen Sweets," I started before pursing my lips as his eyes narrowed defensively at me. "We gotta get out of this forest, okay? It's already really dark. I'll tell you everything I know about this world. You have some cuts and scrapes... I'll help treat it, alright? Just trust me, please. I'm only trying to help." I tried, this time making sure my voice was soft and non-threatening. Not that I sounded threatening to begin with. I'm a lovely gal.

I knew I sported a bright, beaming smile when the man nodded, albeit with hesitance. Understandably. I gestured for him to follow me.

It was already nighttime closing towards midnight but thankfully, at this point, I knew this forest like the back of my hand so I easily manoeuvred through rough patches on the way back. The taller male was flinching every so often at the littlest of things that grazed him even the slightest, which unconsciously made him drift closer to me.

My smile remained permanently on my face all the way back and I watched in anticipation for the man's reaction to the tree houses.

I was incredibly pleased with the result.

"Woah..." he breathed out as he took in the wood work. My little animal farm, my vegetable farm and the small cabin, the houses, everything had him 'woah'ing and I felt my cheeks hurt from smiling so much.

Oh, almost forgot; I'd actually found some super handy-dandy, weird-looking, rock thing that glowed in the dark. I had collected a lot when I came across it somewhere around the little cave I'd discovered a long while ago. It's almost void of those rocks when I took them. They glow usefully bright and I had propped them all securely onto the fence keeping us from falling off of the tree house platform and I even propped some inside my upgraded storage cabin, not to mention putting one in each tree house to make use of them all.

They were really pretty during nighttime so I couldn't help it, hehe.

"You built all this?" He asked with wide eyes, gesturing at our surroundings. I would've loved to lie and claim that I made it all but to be honest, I don't want to start our soon-to-be bond on some lies. So I shook my head.

"Other than the farms and the cabin, everything else was readily here." I answered. The man nodded and strolled towards the ladder leading towards the many houses.

Now that I think about it, wasn't this supposed to be a multiplayer game? It would explain why there were so many tree houses. But then again, I've been alone for so long, that possibility never came to settle in my mind up until now.

I watched the man climb up the ladders carefully, not wanting to fall and hurt himself. I watched him do whatever he deemed needed to be done with sparkling eyes.

My eyes trailed over his luscious black or brown hair- I'm not sure, it's night, the lights don't really do much except make them shine. The sunlight will confirm it for me soon enough.

Then my eyes trailed towards his neck.

Man, that Adam's Apple is very clear when he tilts his head up. Following downward, I quirked a brow at his attire.

"What were you doing before finding yourself here?" I blurted out, not missing the way he jumped slightly from nearly forgetting I was here before looking down at his clothes. He gasped, clearly shocked.

"What the—?!" He let out, alarmed. He turned to me with wide eyes, "I-I was at home. It was already well into the night before I decided to try this game called Escapade. Then after entering my name, I ended up... here. Wherever 'here' is." He gestured around us.

I hummed, "It looks like the game already handed you the clothes for this world." I mumbled. "What does that mean?" He frowned.

I looked up at him, "Well, when I first got here, I was wearing a black shirt, some shorts and my favourite cardigan. The next day I was in this," I gestured towards myself.

"Really? That's freaky." The male crunched his nose.

I raised a brow. This guy sure is way too calm for finding out he's inside a game. I shrugged, "It is." I agreed before my curiosity got the better of me, "What were you wearing before you got here?" I wondered out loud, catching the man off guard. His ears turned pink, "Oh, um... I was..well..." he trailed, "I wasn't actually—"

"It's okay if you don't want to share," I figured he wasn't ready to open up just yet. A good rest after the shock of his life might ease him a little more so I had unintentionally cut him off, "Oh, sorry, please go on. I didn't mean to cut you off," I immediately offered when he pursed his lips.

He shook his head dismissively, "No, no, it's nothing." he brushed off. I shrugged it off. No reason to pry him to speak up. Especially since we're merely strangers at the moment.

"We'll talk more tomorrow morning, then, okay? For now just choose a cabin of your choice and settle in." I motioned towards all the other houses staying empty. He nodded and pointed towards the closest one to mine. "I'll be here, then." He mumbled, making me smile.

"Of course. See you in the morning." I said and entered my own.


I squinted my eyes at the light falling through my window, once again waking up at the crack of dawn. I yawned, sitting up and walking towards my desk to sit on my wooden stool and slip on my shoes. I grabbed a pencil and stumbled over towards the door, drawing another line beside many to count another day to spend in this world.

I threw it behind me, knowing it landed back on the desk and opened my door, stretching as the sun slowly lit up the world.

"Oh... good morning.." a voice greeted.

I froze and my half-lidded eyes shot wide-awake. My gaze snapped towards the man I was sure I was dreaming to make do for my loneliness but no... he's really here.

"Oh, wow." I gasp. Finally able to take in his appearance. Wide shoulders, lean body, a ridiculously gorgeous face and luscious brown hair, not to mention those plump lips.

It took me a hot second to realise what I said before I rushed to cover up my mistake, "Ah, gosh! I-I mean good morning!!" I stammered.

I'm talking to a person.


The said person is super handsome, too. What a jackpot, Diana. You better become best friends with him soon.

The man gifted me a small smile, not minding my little slip up and I couldn't help but feel awestruck.

So. freaking. pretty.

I noticed how his ears turned red. His eyes darting away from me, which confused me for a moment before I realised I called him pretty out loud.

Yahhhh how embarrassing!!1!1!!1!

"S-sorry," I blurted out. My mind was so incredibly attentive to his reaction, afraid of scaring him away. The male shook his head, "No, it's okay. Thank you, though." He chuckled.

Man, I got lucky.

I snapped out of my daze and gestured towards the fire pit, "Breakfast?" I asked. He nodded, following behind me as I slid down the ladder with ease. I grinned, watching as he took his time and effort to get down, not wanting to fall. "There's a waterfall to the right from here. Just do a quick wash on your hands to be safe and come back here while I bring breakfast." I instructed.

While he did that, I made my way towards the cabin, where I stored all the foods.

I filled the cup beside the pot with water and sliced up some carrots with my sword and even a single potato. I contemplated over bringing him pork, or any meat for that matter, but ultimately decided to bring as many choices I could for him.

I smiled sheepishly as I noticed his eyes widen at the variety of foods I brought. His hand twitched with the urge to help, but I had already placed it all before him.

"Dig in!" I smiled, reaching over to eat something myself.

"Thank you." He smiled, reaching over towards the pork and potatoes.

Weird combo in my opinion, but go for it. Not like mine is any better; Carrots and potatoes only.

What? It's not been so long since my streak of meat dishes. Smh

I paused mid-chew as I caught onto the little cuts decorating his flawless skin on his long hands.

Awww heck to the no.

"Sweets, come into my room once you're done eating, okay? I'll treat your cuts." I said once I swallowed. The male paused, looking over at his hands, "Ah, yes that'll be nice." He nodded.

Once I finished, I went back into my cabin, pulling out the first-aid kit from my bag and settling it on my bed. A few moments later, he bashfully came in after a knock.

I smiled assuringly, gesturing for him to sit on the stool. He silently walked towards it and sat down, pulling on his sleeves so I can take a better look at his mild injuries.

I pulled out all the things I would need to treat it; disinfectant for the deeper cuts, a wrap and a few varied sizes of bandages.

"Woah, hey..." I gasp, just now noticing the angry red marks littering his skin at his elbow, "Did you fall on a sharp rock?" I mumble. The male perked up, glancing down at his right elbow, "Oh.., I guess so. I didn't really pay much attention to all these scratches. I fell from the sky! It was the shock of my life." He defended. I chuckled, "Well, so did I, and I don't hold it against you, sweets." I chortled.

"Why do you keep calling me 'sweets'?" He questioned as I began to disinfect his injuries. I paused for a moment before continuing, a quick glance towards his face making me chuckle, "I use it to address you since I don't know your name." I answered.

Though, I could've just asked but this is more fun.

The man paused for a split moment before he gasped, "Oh my god, I never introduced myself! I'm so sorry, I'm Kim Seokjin. But you can just call me Jin." He grimaced, feeing embarrassed for not telling me sooner.

I chuckled, "It's nice to meet you, Jin. I guess I'll reintroduce myself; I'm Lee Diana." I brought one hand up to shake his. He smiled, bringing his free hand to shake it, "Likewise." He grinned.

"I don't know what I'd do if I was all alone. I'm glad you're... wait," he cut himself off, his eyes widening which made me worried, "What? Is something wrong?" I asked cautiously.

"You're the girl at the hospital! I knew I saw you somewhere before!!" He exclaimed, "What are you doing here??" He questioned, the shock still present in his features.

I froze, processing his words.




Don't mind me slipping in the Demi Lovato Song there haha, I just heard it recently and that one part of the lyrics fit Diana's situation pretty well, so I couldn't help it 😂😚

We got Jin into our game, now! 🥳✨

Did you expect Diana to be alone in this World for so long? 😬😬

Hope you're enjoying this story so far! See you next week 😘🥰❤️

~ Ada

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