👾CH. 5👾

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It's been 5 days since I met Jin. He's settled well in this world, courtesy of me since I helped him out in almost everything except cooking up food and treating wounds. Turns out that he has studied medicine so my offer on the first day with him was basically unnecessary and a waste.

He had re-done his wrap around his elbow. He did it much neatly and securely than I could ever, despite my constant need to use it for the past 2 months or so. My experience in the medical kit was put to shambles when he offered to redo some of my own wraps as well, pointing out how I had tied mine too tight, which he joked by saying that I was basically stopping my blood circulation.

After he patched up some of my cuts, That day, he watch me go out of my room with my walk of shame.

He's also an amazing cook. Despite the lack of ingredients we had, he managed to pull off a perfectly cooked fish and pork on the second night, familiarising himself with how I organised our foods in the cabin and even placing some of the foods to his own liking in the cabin to fit his style. Simply speaking, he reorganised the ingredients in the cabin how he would like them to be since he put himself up to task for making our meals.

Also, as if the shock of my life hadn't happened twice in this world, he pulled out with a 3rd one and left me a bundle of mess when he mentioned I was kept within the hospital's care in the real world. So my body was still present in the real world.

He mentioned my mother and my little brother. And as much as I would like to know how they're doing and if my elder brother has come back yet, Jin had only briefly visited the room I was kept in so the exchange of words never happened. He still apologised for it which I quickly dismissed because how could he have known he'd end up here with me?

He also told me that my body (in real life) was being intensely dotted by nurses and doctors almost every second of the day. Though I do wonder how that works; I'm physically inside the game, but I'm also physically present in real-life. Well- my body is.

I grew concerned, wondering if I was dying in the real world (insert here the shock of my life number 4) and he jumped to assure me that that wasn't the case, but the daily doses of cuts and bruises my body 'magically' gained overnight was the reason.

"I guess by now I would be in the hospital, too..." he mumbled. I couldn't help but agree, considering that his body is probably also under the hospital's care and possibly being dotted for gaining similar symptoms as I do. I wonder who found him?

I absently thought about my own friend group, wondering if they miss me at all as I hunted for more food to last me and Jin another week.

Oh, by the way, random fun fact: The pigs actually "spawn" at a certain area within the forest, so it's easier to find them. All I have to do is put up a little fight with their scrambling selves and retreat with their snorting arses to add to the farm. I've lost count of the pigs. I don't even know how to count all the way to ten in Spanish so there's that.

Yes, Dos and tres have ascended to this world's animal heaven. Emo, too. To be frank, they served pretty well while they lasted.


"Uhm, Diana?" Jin called out to me, clearly shy at whatever it is that has him reaching out to me while I stabbed at the shallow water by the river to gather more fish. "Yes?" I asked, pausing to pay attention to the elder male.

Did I mention he was 5 years older than me? Well, he's 24, so now you know.

Sure hope he doesn't mind the gap.. I sure don't (^-^)

Jin cleared his throat, "Uh, well, you know... waterfall... shower, and you're here..." he spluttered with red cheeks. I got the message and nodded, "Oh, yes, of course, I'll be by the cabin. Just scream if you're not done and I come too close. Or if anything happens." I pulled myself out of the water, unfolding my pants so they reach down to my ankles.

I did not want to walk around with wet pants at my ankles. It's super uncomfortable.

I gave him a curt nod before grabbing my shoes and rushing to the far right, away from the water body.

He yelled out a quick thank you before going about his business.

I never mentioned this before, have I? I've been using the force of the waterfall as substitue for shower heads to rid myself of dust and dirt that sticks glued to my skin from sweating. The water in this world is quite fresh and clean. It still holds its salty aspect like in real life but it works perfectly fine for a quick wash up.

fun fact; my clothes barely get dirty actually. That's one upside to this garbage world I got sucked into. I think every morning, it's brand new again, so I don't need to worry about doing 'laundry'.

And nO PERIODS!!! Hurray!!! Yes, keep them coming girls, the whooping and the 'you wish you were me' remarks.

That's probably the best thing to ever happen to me in this game. Nothing can top that.

Except maybe getting out of this survival doodlecrack to embrace my family and shower them with my gratitude and love for providing me a comfortable life.

So anyway, I assumed he would've been done within 8-10 minutes with a quick wash but after a while, I realised a lot more time had passed since, and I grew slightly worried.

Though it could also just be me. Time is an illusion after all. Especially so, in this world.

"Jin? Sweets? Is everything okay over there?" I yelled out, hoping my voice can be heard through the loud splashes of water coming from the waterfall. It doesn't hurt to still check.

After another moment of silence, I was led to believe something happened, the back of my mind reminding me of how I spent my days before; without an answer and left alone. I inched my way closer towards the water body, still being careful to not peak at anything and hoping that I'm just fretting over nothing.

I heard a muffled voice, trying to reach out. That was definitely Jin's voice.

I immediately let go of keeping his privacy to himself in case he really was just a long shower-taker, but clearly, something had happened.

"Mmph! Mmh, mph hmph!!"
(Yahh! Stop, get away!!)

I gasped, catching onto the sight of a half-naked Jin being held close to an Olfstin. It was eyeing Jin with great curiosity and amusement, if the swishing of its pointy tail had anything to go by.

"Holy cheese whiz..!" I muttered under my breath, pulling out my pocket knife discreetly as to not divert its attention towards me. Not yet, anyway. It was incredibly distracted by Jin's failed attempt to stand up, having him pinned to the ground with its giant paws and using a little pressure to secure him there.

I inched my way across the narrow river, dampening my pants in the process as I crossed it. However, my movement on the water created splashing sounds which snapped the Olfstin back into focus, making it whip its head over to me.

Instantly, it let out a warning growl. I was honestly kind of taken by surprise. Not because of its sudden appearance, but because it didn't growl like that at Jin. I glanced down at my knife, then at the beast.


Is this How to train your Dragon?? Tf??

I put my hand up, showing my knife to the creature and realising that this was the cause of my misfortune all those weeks ago. It wasn't growling at me, per say... it was growling at the sharp object in my hand. It felt threatened by my weapon and assumed the worst at my sudden movement, choosing to strike at me to defend itself from possible death, thinking it would be best to get rid of the threat so it doesn't bother it later on. I'd briefly taken ethology because of my interest in animals but I'd dropped it to pursue my new goal to become an architect. To make use of my talent in arts and my big brain moves in maths. Perfect combo.

Except I don't like chemistry. Like at all.

(A/N: me neither :/)


back to the Olfstin because it was snarling more as I continued to hold the sharp object.

"I-it's okay. I'm.. I'm not gonna.. hurt you." I said softly, as if it could understand me. Is this my chance at being a Disney princess? Let's test it because I'm currently very idiotic.

Showing the knife in my hands and crouching down slowly to put it on the ground before easing up to my feet once again.

"Mmph?! Mph Mmh hmmph!?!?!" (What?! Are you crazy!?!?!)

Jin's incoherent words started to fall out of his throat at my actions, an 'are you crazy?!' Look directed at me, that muffled tone was unbelievably readable.

Oh shush.

The paw of the Olfstin hovered over his mouth slightly, covering his mouth and limiting his speaking ability as a result.

But I motioned for him to watch the Olfstin and stay still. An 'it's gonna be okay' look shot back at him. He still looked at me like I had a second head but I paid no mind to it.

It had stopped growling, and instead opted to watch me with caution, keeping a low rumble under its throat. "Please let him go. He won't hurt you either." I pointed at Jin under it. He obviously can't.

As if understanding what I'm trying to say along with my hand gestures, the Olfstin lifted the paw keeping Jin grounded on the floor. Instantly, he scrambled to move away from the creature. Bare-chested while he clutched at his top, he made a beeline to stand beside me instead of behind, not willing to keep me open for the creature despite the fright he got.

The manliest of men, right there. Sheeesh.

The Olfstin tilted its head curiously, albeit still cautiously. It was visibly ready to pounce if it deemed anything a threat. It's eyes were turning more round instead of its snake-like slits, telling me that it was ever so slowly easing up at our presence.

Or maybe it's tricking us. Who knows.

"O-off you go, now." I pointed back towards the forest, hoping it understood that there was nothing for it over here. The Olfstin stared pointedly at my hand directing towards the forest before making eye contact with me.

It stepped back, then took another before ultimately leaping back into the forest. I let out a breath I didn't realise I was holding from the fear nagging me at the back of my mind at the sight of it. I turned towards Jin, my brows creased in utter concern, "Are you okay? It didn't hurt you too bad, did it? Let me check your back." I pushed him to turn around, not giving him any time to reply to me.

He was as stiff as can be, but luckily, it was just dirt stuck to his back. Mild bruising at his shoulder blades, presumably from the force the Olfstin applied to keep him laid down.

"I-I'm fine." He stuttered, turning back to look at me, "Why the hell did you come closer to it? Not to mention dropping the knife; Your only source of defence against that thing?! Are you out of your mind?!?" He scowled, scolding me like a father would to his disobedient child. I pouted, feeling awfully babied by his lecture of staying out of trouble and not risking my life.

I can take care of myself, thank you very much, toned, built man.

"What if it attacked you?" He questioned. I huffed out a breath, "But it didn't. Let's get back to our camp, okay? You should be worrying about yourself more than me." I pointed, pushing at his forearms so he could start crossing the river.

He grumbled words under his breath, "So that's the "Olfstin" you mentioned?" He asked instead. I hummed a 'yes' and didn't miss the way he made sure I was within his reach as he crossed the river, me right behind him. I smiled internally at that, feeling endeared.

"What about your back? It's all dirty, now." I mentioned and he shrugged, "There's no way I'm going to stay by the waterfall right now. It'll have to do as it is." He mumbled, realising that he was still bare at the top before flinging his shirt over his shoulders in a rush to cover up.

I was kind of staring at his back, to be honest. Who wouldn't? His shoulders are so wide then there's his damn torso, thin little bastard made me jealous af but you didn't hear me say that.

His back was flexing its muscles constantly so when he lifted his arms up, it just flexed more.

Oh snickers, am I drooling?

I wiped at the corner of my lips in a swift movement, grateful for having him in front of me instead of beside me, or else he would see that I was ogling his bare back like a perverted creep.

It never happened, pffttt.

Hahaahaha shut up.

I was super close to offering to brush off some of the dirt from his back but immediately back-tracked, realising that it was weird when we haven't even gotten to know each other for more than 4 days. That's excluding the late night he first got here.

"When did you come across it? When you went on your daily hunt for treasures in the forest? That's where you got your scar??" He asked, turning around to look at me with wide, sad eyes. I thought for a moment before answering, "I'm not sure. It was around a month and a half before you came. So basically a week after I got here. And yeah, it did give me a nasty cut but it's fine now. " I said, scratching the nape of my neck while I took a glance at my left hand, where I got the cut from the creature.

When I looked back up at him, I pursed my lips when Jin's expression took on a softer look, his eyes turning sad and I hated it. It was awfully resembling of pity, which I had no need for. I handled myself well on my own. "Diana... that's such a long time." He stated.

Oh. That's what made him sad?

I nodded whilst furrowing my brows, wondering where he's going with this as his expression twisted more into one of sympathy than pity.

"You... you must've been so lonely." He frowned, placing a hand on my shoulder. My eyes widened, not expecting the sudden contact, nor the glint of determination in his eyes.

Determined for what? I didn't know.

"I... well, yes. It was lonely. But it has passed, now. I've got your company! So stop giving me that look, sweets. I'm okay!" I dismissed his concerns. His lips thinned into a straight line before he let out a sigh, nodding, "Okay." He let it go.

I heaved out a small breath, thankful that he didn't push it.

"Why do you still call me 'sweets', by the way? You know my name, don't you?" He raised a brow. At that, I grinned, "It's a nickname that I believe suits you well so far and probably so forth. We're friends now, are we not?" I mirrored his expression. He smiled softly at that, "Of course, we are." He confirmed instantly.

"Then I'll call you 'sweets' as many times as I want!" I claimed, laughing when Jin spluttered, "I'm older than you! Why don't you just address me as Oppa, instead?" He asked, running after me as I had already skipped my way towards the ladder, intending to take a short nap.

"I have an elder brother and don't even address him as 'Oppa'. What makes you think I'll call you that?" I scoffed.

"My authority over you!" He immediately shot back, making me snort, "Please, I feel like I'm the one taking care of you half of the time. You should be calling me 'Noona', if anything." I mocked, a sly grin on my face as Jin gaped at me.

"Absolutely not, missy. It doesn't work like that and you know it. And where are you headed?" He said as he watched me climb up the ladder, "Inside. I'm gonna take a nap." I informed. "Hell no, get back here." He shook his head, catching up to me and grabbing at my ankles before I climbed further up, "I'm not gonna be alone after what just happened to my precious life." He said.

I yelped when he pulled at my ankle, making me lose my grip on the ladder and making me stumble backwards. My arms flailed in the air as I leaned further back and my eyes shut instinctively at the upcoming landing my back would suffer the impact of.

But it never came.

What in the fan fiction—

I shot my eyes open and gazed at Jin with wide eyes, surprise clear in my expression. He scoffed, watching as I blinked blankly at him before he helped me to my feet, having caught me mid-fall.

"What? You think I'd let you fall after being the one to pull on your legs? You have a lot to learn about me, Sweets." He tsked, urging me to take my seat beside the fire pit before heading into the storage cabin. "Hey, that nickname is for you. Don't use it on me, you unoriginal man." I stated.

"Anyway, one of the fruits you collected from the forest yesterday is actually a giant grape. It tastes just like one, but looks like a purple-coloured watermelon." He told me as he came back with the said purple-watermelon neatly cut into triangular slices, like many would to watermelons.

I gaped at him, "You ate it?! What if it was poisonous?!" I scolded lightly. Jin blew a raspberry, "Well, it isn't, so eat up. How else was I supposed to taste-test it if I can't even try it?" He raised a brow at me.

"You don't." I retorted, munching on the grape-flavoured, purple watermelon. "Oh, wow. This does taste like a grape." I mumbled.

Jin rolled his eyes, "I tried a tiny piece. It would've done nothing except make my stomach a little queezy before I poop it out." He shrugged like it wasn't a big deal, "I never got queezy so that's the end of it." He finished.

"Shouldn't you puke it out instead mr. medicine man? Also there's no pooping in this world. Did you forget already?" I quirked a brow. Jin immediately shook his head, "Nope. Since this is a game, I'm basically a character. So I wouldn't die from a lick of poison. And like you mentioned, we don't poop. You don't have your periods either, am I right?" He grinned cheekily.

I blushed, "I- well no...I don't have periods-- wh-why would you bring that up?" I squeak out, embarrassed by the topic he suddenly brought out of nowhere.

"What? It's a natural, womanly phenomenon. It's normal. There's nothing to be embarrassed about, dear." He chuckled, patting my head assuringly. I stuffed my mouth with the fruit, deciding that that's the end of the subject. Jin chuckled some more at my actions before dropping it as well.

He is honestly a breath of fresh air despite me being out in the open, living off of said fresh air as long as I was here. He's definitely ridden me from loneliness and my negative thoughts. He's even made my time in this world more bearable than ever before. Whether he likes it or not, I would step into the face of danger for him if it means keeping him safe and sound. Even if we've only met a few days ago. The sudden appearance of the Olfstin shocked me a lot. The sight of Jin being pinned to the ground, more so.

That's why I took a step closer; To get rid of the danger in hopes to keep Jin alive and well. I'll do it again, too, if the situation arises.

"What're you thinking about in that little head of yours?" Jin snapped me out of my mind. I gulped down my fruit and shrugged, "Ever heard of 'Nunya'?" I asked, grinning.

Jin smiled back at me- oh, so innocently whilst shaking his head, "No. what is it?" He asked.

"It's Nunya' business."

Instantly, his smile dropped and instead, a scowl took over his features, "Come here, you." He stretched his arms to grab onto me but I had already fled, a squeal leaving my lips, "No!" I laughed, quickly running up the ladder and shutting the door to my room once I got inside.

"Yah! You're cheating! Get out here and face me like a mighty woman would!" He yelled, pounding on my door as I held it closed.

"I'd rather not since I don't feel like being one right now. Maybe another time!" I giggled, hearing the scoff Jin let out at my answer, "I'll get you when you least expect it, missy. Mark my words!" Jin dramatically let out before his footsteps retreated to his own.

I let out a happy sigh. That was all I needed. Some company or even better; A friend like him to work through getting out of this world and back to our homes.

It might seem like I already cherish him dearly, but that's because I probably already do. More than I realise.

Also, I'm gonna make sure to collect more of those purple watermelons. Tomorrow's forest venture has another purpose other than a treasure hunt.



So they've settled well together and are getting along just fine! A close call was encountered but that one beast had unexpectedly listened 🤨🤨 I wonder what that's about.

Maybe Diana's become a Disney princess? Who knows lmao

Should we be expecting a new player in the game? who do you think is joining next? 👀👀







No one 🫠

Let me know in the comments lol!

Hope you're enjoying this story so far, see you in the next chapter lovelies!❤️💕

~ Ada

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