👾CH. 40👾

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This story has progressed way more than my previous book lmaoooo 😭😭


I tried to consol Hoseok as he sat stuck to the ground with incredulity and fear in his eyes. He shook his head firmly, keeping his ground and disdain towards the current situation at hand.

"Hoseok-ssi, We need to cross this. It's the shortest way to the cave." Wonho sighed softly, trying to reason with the frightened male.

Hoseok scoffed disbelievingly, "I'm not about to rely my entire life on that jump!! We're too high and we don't even know if this shit is in golden condition! The fabric could be torn for all we know!!!" He countered.

Wonho shook his head immediately, "It isn't. Trust me, these bags haven't been touched and are going to work perfectly fine. I swear." He vowed earnestly.

Let me recount how we got here...

Soon after we dodged passed the traps laid out on our path to our exit, Wonho announced for us to take our route rightward. We were all confused, but followed his instructions with an underlying ominous feeling because we had stuck to walking as straight as the horizon line since the beginning.

He called for Jungkook specifically later on after we had trudged rightwards to carry on from that point. I have no clue why he called kook specifically but I couldn't help but send that man a death glare for sending me into a flustered frenzy by being shifted into his strong arms. Wonho didn't even hide his devious grin, so very ready to hand me over to an all too eager bunny boy.

It didn't exactly help that Jungkook's eyes were sparkling like the starry night and he had acted out the cutest grabby hands when I had bashfully stretched my arms his way as Wonho loosened his grip around me.

Jungkook had his own muscular arms wrapped fairly strongly around me while I adjusted my grip around his neck and tightened my legs over his hips, keeping myself up whilst he circled his arm securely around me. Almost protectively, which made me feel oddly giddy...

I had completely surrendered in defeat ever since I had given up on fighting over the fact that I can still carry myself ahead. Although the forest wasn't as dense and packed up with vegetation at this point, the ground however, still grew rocky and rough. So it made it hard for me to keep myself up without nearly toppling over. It's also because nearly all of them had told me to let any of them carry me until we reach a more proper grounding where I don't risk falling over. Yeah, well I think a proper ground will arrive anytime soon...

I'm side tracking... ANYWAY-

Wonho then jogged ahead of our group, taking the lead and he began to actively look around from one side to the other. Meanwhile, all of us were slowing down our pace as curiosity and worry grew. We all wondered what he was looking for. Did he sense some creature nearby??

Was it an Olfstin? Or that snake???

Nope. Nada.

He had soon stopped in his tracks and snapped his head upwards, looking at the branches of one particularly slim, but tall tree. A few of the guys voiced their questions about what he was looking for before falling silent as Wonho began to climb expertly up the tree.

I watched with wide, intrigued eyes as he effortlessly climbed further up, eventually disappearing from my view behind the leaves over us. After a few more silent moments of standing and waiting, he exlcaimed about finding something before sliding down the branch, having a good 4-5 white-coloured bags slung over his shoulders in a haste before he landed on the ground with an appeased grin.

We all collectively gasped in shock, a bit stupefied with how many he snagged from one single spot. It wasn't just any bag holding the treasures we found before.

They were all white - albeit stained with dirt and the likes - they were parachute *D-bags.

(*Deployment bags)

They were equipped with belts that ensure it sticks to you and doesn't fling out of your grasp. All of them had extra belt straps and the likes, persumably for a second person to fit for one single parachuting.

Wonho jumped to explain that after we're a bit further ahead from here, once we continue back to our initial path, we will reach somewhat of a dead end. I emphasise "somewhat" because the path we need to continue on, comes to an end when we reach the edge of a high cliff we're on.

There's a pretty far drop from that point. Unfortunately, there's no other easy way out of this situation as there isn't exactly a bridge or flatter slope down the cliff that we could safely climb down from. It was a dead drop with no slope. There was nothing else waiting at the bottom of the cliff other than the same rocky, rough ground we trudged through.

It's clear to say that we wouldn't've made it down any other way, unless we decide that taking the longest route without losing our path and finding the safest way down would suffice. However, considering how I'm also kind of fading from existence... I'd prefer not to risk the longer route in favour of saving myself from fading further by elongating our journey.

I don't want to cease from existence.

And so, as everyone began to clip their belts attached to the parachute over their frames, I'm trying to reason and comfort Hoseok and hopefully convince him to take that leap with a bit more of a positive mindset where we end up unharmed and safe.

"You won't be alone either, hobi." I softly mentioned, gesturing towards Wonho, who was waiting beside me and also trying to console a poor, frightened sunshine from going along with this course of action.

Remember when I mentioned that Wonho managed to snag 4-5 bags? Well, to confirm, there's 5 of them. Everyone has a pair whilst one parachutes alone. Jungkook willingly and courageously volunteered to do it alone.

Although no one fought his volunteering, everyone was worried. Without the aid of a professional skydiver to ensure you don't fall free from the bag holding your canopy, it's really dangerous.

Wonho however, was neutral towards it. With a simple nod, he had instantly snatched the youngest male to the side to explain how to use the D-bag to ensure he doesn't do anything wrong.

And with that in mind, it was already decided that the safest Hoseok would feel, would be by pairing with Wonho; since the man was well knowledgeable with how to work with the parachute.

The only thing stopping us from proceeding right now, was the process of convincing hobi.

Jimin and Jin were also extremely reluctant, but the rest of us had managed to convince them. I was paired with Jin; he said that he would go along with it only if all of us ensured that we won't turn into a corpse.

It was a simple request if you ask me.

Namjoon was paired with Jimin, and Yoongi with Taehyung. You can guess who's the one wearing the backpack and who's belted up in front of the other.

"Nothing will happen. I mean it." Wonho added. Hoseok still held a deep frown on his face, glancing at the others a bit before he grunted in dismay, "O-Okay. Fine, I'll... I'll do it." He finally agreed, taking in a deep breath before standing back onto his feet. I followed his action and stood up as well, incredibly proud of him.

I smiled warmly at him, exclaiming happily for his courage, "You're so brave, Sunshine!" I stated, pulling him into a tight, assuring hug that he returned just as tightly.

The others gathered closely, some waddling as they already paired up, tied securely together.

"Way to go!" Namjoon beamed, standing a bit awkwardly as Jimin was strapped right in front of him, the younger's face also lit up with an encouraging smile.

Hoseok huffed out a small, bashful smile, ducking his head down at the sudden shower of cheers thrown his way. He made a cutesy noise out of shyness whilst hiding his face into the crook of my neck, making me laugh, "Aigooo~ hobi~~" I teasingly let out before snorting when he pushed me away with a groan, dragging his words as he told us to stop.

Wonho chuckled under his breath before ushering Hoseok to come over after everyone calmed down.

"It will be over before you know it, man." He smiled, pulling on some extra belts and straps used to secure a second person to the same bag he was wearing.

Hoseok nodded, growing serious alongside everyone else.

I turned towards Jin, keeping all of my weight on my left leg while removing my crutch from under my right arm, intending to hold tightly so I can keep using it once we make it down.


Everyone paused, waiting nearby the edge of the cliff before turning towards the source.

"How do we get our stuff down?" Taehyung asked.

Oh. I didn't think of that.


"...well shit." Jungkook said, exasperated. Everyone looked over towards the pile of bags and the likes sitting a bits away from the cliff. All of us completely disregarded it.

Wonho pursed his lips in thought, glancing around before trudging towards the edge of the cliff and looking down, shushing a worried Hoseok who was unfortunately forced to follow along as he was already glued to him.

"Got a plan?" Yoongi asked, having also noticed Wonho's movements aside from me.

The said male snapped his head up at that question, "well..." he trailed sheepishly, his eyes diverting towards Jungkook who stood still before freezing when noticing his eyes on him. All of us also followed the direction he was facing and looked at kook who stood like a deer caught under headlights.

"Oh no." He whispered under his breath.


Everyone was laughing and giggling. We had worked with a team effort and managed to strap most of the stuff to him using the remaining belts.

He arms were full and he just looked like a sushi roll - except he's the goodies inside and the bags are collectively playing as the seaweed holding it together.

Get the picture? No? Okay.

"It's not that funny." Jungkook huffed, holding back a small smile I knew he disguised by pursing his lips to keep a poker face.

"You look so cute!" I beamed, giggling. Aside from the funny picture, his movement was slightly disturbed so he was waddling ahead like a penguin and his face was sporting an adorable, natural pout whilst he stretched his neck upward to peer over the two big bags strapped over his chest securely.

"I'm not cute," he frowned in retaliation, contradicting his firm claim with his adorable penguin waddle.

In my heart, he will always be cute.

"Alright, we've spent way too much time standing around here by the cliff." Wonho clapped his hands to gain back our attention.

I made a sound of surprise when Jin spun on his heel to face the source, causing me to hurriedly turn as well. We'd already paired up securely, so I was stuck to his front quite firmly. His tall stature didn't help me much aside from readily providing my sprained foot some leverage whilst I half hung in air and half tip-toed to feel the ground under my good foot.

Everyone collectively nodded and I gave Hoseok a sympathetic smile as he displayed his clear discomfort and fear despite walking closer towards the edge of the cliff alongside everyone else.

"We will go first. Try to jump as far ahead as possible, we don't need to limit our space by sticking close to the cliff-side." He instructed.

We all nodded attentively and watched with belated breaths as he took on a slightly crouching stance, making Hoseok do the same.

"You can close your eyes." Wonho muttered assuringly to Hoseok who was already beginning to shake slightly from the sight of the drop ahead of him. Hoseok immediately stuck to that, shutting his eyes closed before opening them again after a deep breath, "Fair warning - I might scream." He replied.

Wonho nodded understandingly, "That's fair."

Before any of us could anticipate the jump, Wonho had already launched ahead, followed by the loud screech from Hoseok. We all gasped and leaned forward just slightly to peer down at the free fall taken place before our eyes.

We all mentally took note of the moment Wonho pulled on the string that opens up the canopy. About 1/3 of the way down before they're gliding downward and soon after, Hoseok's screams subsided. Wonho had leaped as far as he could manage alongside Hoseok. It was a distance safe enough for them to not crash against the walls behind them.

We all watched with a hint of anxiousness, waiting until they safely land. Until the canopy eventually crumbled into the ground with no more air pushing upwards. Then we watched as Wonho swiftly unhooked their straps and belts before parting from the jelly-legged man as he rushed to pull aside the large fabric.

His face peered upwards, his hand stretching forward to gesture for us to hurry up.

We all backed away from the edge after his message, glancing at each other to see who was going to be next in line.

Taehyung looked away as soon as I made eye contact with him, clearly reluctant to be next. Yoongi was holding a neutral look, but his posture was clearly indicating that he wasn't very excited to go next either. Then my eyes met Jimin's, who then glanced over his shoulders at Namjoon, who grimaced.

"Uhhh, so who's next?"

"Ha, cowards." Jungkook smugly voiced amongst the short silence that followed after Joon's question.

I narrowed my eyes defensively upon his words, "Go on, then, sushi boy." I urged challengingly. He spluttered in response to the name I called him and scowled playfully, "Now just for that, I'm taking dibs on going last." He pointed.

I scoffed, "You can't do that." I retorted and he laughed mockingly with a hint of confidence, "I just did. What're you gonna do about it?" He raised a brow.

I made a motion to step forward to reach him but grunted when I was pulled right back against Jin's chest.

Oh... right...

"Jinnie..." I sweetly called for him while tilting my head up to catch his face, but he displayed a deadpanned look before rolling his eyes. I grinned victoriously when he waddled ahead to allow me to walk ahead as well.

I didn't pay any mind towards the other guys whilst they straightened their postures with a shining glint in their eyes when looking at the male behind me. Almost as if they knew what was going to happen.

I'll tell you what will happen! I'm about to shove this sushi roll over the edge myself!

However, before I could even lay a finger on him, he was already grinning like a cheeky child waiting for his prank to commence with the success he knows is guaranteed. I didn't understand why he was behaving as such but my answers were delivered the moment Jin decided to change his course. I gasped when I was forced to turn towards the edge.

"Wait- what are you—"

I didn't get to finish voicing the question before I was letting out a blood-curling scream of shock and terror when Jin launched us forward.




I didn't bother to shut them up whilst I caught my breath and glued my soul back to my body, sitting beside an equally shaken Hobi, who was doing much better than before and doing his best to help bring the soul of my body back to me.

Everyone took their turns soon after Jin and I landed. Once the parachute was let free from its bag, I was not prepared to be jerked back upwards to slow down my fall, nor the sight of my feet dangling aimlessly over hundreds of feet up.

Despite initiating the jump for the both of us, Jin had also joined in on the screaming but still had the coherent mind throughout that time to pull the string to break our fall.

He had no right for laughing at my jelly feet when he was in the same position as I was!!

"They'll never understand," Hoseok sighed and pretended to hold back tears whilst placing a hand to his heart. I nodded and let out a groan, having not yet recovered from the immense shock the previous occurance brought me.

"Y'all suck." I whined indignantly soon after their roaring laughter died down into sets of giggles and muffled chuckles.

"That's the loudest scream I've ever heard from you!"

"Shut up!"



I know i told y'all in advance about not updating for a week, but I still feel off when holding off, but the deed needed to be done so I could focus on my studies 🤌🤌

Anyways! Here's a lighthearted chapter to compensate the wait hehe 🫶✨ I've always, and still want to try out skydiving or bungee jumping because I'm quirky like that 😚👍💕 Poor Hobi had to overcome his fear of heights 🥹🥹

I Hope you enjoyed this chapter! 🥰🥰 see you next week! 😘❤️💕🫶✨✨✨

~ Ada

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