👾CH. 41👾

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- I won't be updating any chapters in the coming week as it's a really crucial period for me to stay away from Wattpad and other social media to keep my focus on studying!
This will be a double update for that reason to somewhat compensate for the wait 🥹🥹✨, see you in a while! 💕💕

"Hold onto them and keep them ready at all times." Wonho instructed.

We were all incredibly uneasy with the sudden tone he took on - Stern and commanding. Shortly after we resumed ahead, leaving behind the lot of parachute D-bags, a few minutes later he had instructed all of us to keep one hand occupied with our weapons.

I hadn't even had the time to pull my own out before he scooped me off my feet and into his hold. I know I mentioned how I had long since given up on arguing over being able to handle myself, but the lack of control I have over my own actions is starting to irritate me. Everyone had resumed walking ahead in a close hurdle but I had persistently told Wonho to put me down.

"Can I please just stick to your side and hold my own sword? I'm saying please." I huffed indignantly. Wonho quickly shook his head in refusal, adding onto my annoyance. "Guys??" I turned towards the others who simply gave me hesitant gazes, some avoiding my eyes, "Come on!" I complained, not being able to budge out of Wonho's hold even as I began squirming and pushing on his arms circled around me. "Wonho!" I gritted, indignant emotions arising the longer he continues to fight back by keeping an all too firm grip around me.

"Can you enlighten us as to why we need to do this? Do you sense some creature nearby?" Namjoon asked tentatively.

Being completely ignored, I scoffed under my breath when the man holding me chose to answer Joon instead of complying to my plea, "Two Olfstins." He revealed. All of us stiffened at that.

Wonho sucked in a breath through his teeth, nodding at our incredulous expressions, "I don't know when they'll pop out in front of us, so that's why I'm requesting for all of you to keep an eye out. Huddle close together and.. if we need to run, forget the bags. All those stuff will just slow us down." He instructed.

"Then put me down!" I exclaimed. I'm basically like those freaking bags, except I'm heavier! He'll slow down himself if he keeps carrying me.

"You can't run, Diana." Wonho sighed, visibly losing his patience at my stubborn act. I scoffed again, "It's about time I stop running away, don't you think?" I scowled. I don't want to be carried around anymore! I'm tired of hovering above the ground like a damn doll.

He rolled his eyes, "You haven't even laid a hand on one. What makes you think you can fight against two?" He countered harshly.

I glared down at him, "Low blow." I muttered, pushing against his arms that tightened upon my actions. "Diana!" Wonho huffed. 

"Hey, stop it already, you two." Jin frowned, taking a step forward to stop our argument. I snapped my gaze at Jin, "I'll stop once I'm put down." I retorted with a bite to my tone.

Jin's brows furrowed, "Don't use that tone on me." He said sternly, reaching forward and pulling me out of Wonho's hold. Wonho gave Jin a frustrated look, not retaliating as Jin was elder.


"Stop fussing around, Diana." Jin scolded and my jaw fell open. The momentary relief and triumph of standing on my own foot immediately ceased upon Jin's authoritative tone, "I just-"

He shook his head, "I know you don't like it. I do feel bad that it has to be this way..I do, really, but you just can't run." He stated, "Don't make this hard, I know you're well aware of the disadvantage of your injury. Let Wonho carry you; He knows what he's doing." He instructed with a stern look.

I opened my mouth but let them close without speaking another word. I glanced at the others and felt myself grow frustrated once again when they all visibly agreed at Jin's statement. "I'm just tired of being carried around like a baby. I feel like dead weight." I sighed indignantly.

With a small scowl, I turned to Wonho and let out an inaudible sigh whilst he took a step forward. His eyes grew soft at my clear upset and seemed to ponder over something before he turned his back my way and crouched down.

I grew confused at his actions before he spoke up, "Piggy back." Was all he said. I got the hint and with a slight moment of hesitance, I climbed onto his back and wrapped my arms around his neck.

I guess this doesn't make me feel like a child. Whatever.

I remained silent after this, though I made sure to keep an eye out for an Olfstin - A strange sound, anything really.

We all trudged forward cautiously but steadily. I was a little worried for the others who trailed closely behind me and Wonho, not wanting for anything to happen to them.

"What about traps?" Jimin asked after a while. Wonho perked up at that, adjusting my legs on either side of him before he returned his gaze back ahead from Jimin, who had began walking side-by-side with us.

"More than before. We actually passed by two of those not even a minute ago." He answered.

"Eh??" Hoseok spluttered, head spinning to look over his shoulders to somehow pin point said traps they passed by. Wonho shrugged before he stopped in his tracks, immediately causing the others to follow suit.

Rustle rustle

All of us simultaneously held our breaths in anticipation and anxiousness as the sound grew louder and more defined. Heavy steps. Distant sound of scraping on wood.

"Follow me." Wonho whispered audibly at everyone, taking a step towards the sound. I felt my heartbeat grow erratic, feeling more nervous as I had no choice but to keep my hold around him whilst he took steps closer towards the sound.

What is he doing?!

"Why are we going towards it..????" Yoongi gritted, audibly worried and nervous. Hoseok and Jimin voiced their worry as well.

Wonho shushed him warningly before making us turn rightward, opposite to the sound that was beginning to drift to our left. All of the men subconsciously began walking on their toes, trying their best to reduce the crunching sounds of fallen leaves under their feet.


The low rumbling growls of the Olfstin was an immediate giveaway of the source.

What is this guy thinking??? Is he deliberately trying to get us killed??

"Stop." He whispered harshly and we all froze instantly whilst I subconsciously held my breath.

Soon enough, a loud noise of harsh rustling accompanied the growing volume of the Olfstin's low growl. That same growl turned ferocious and the Olfstin began roaring for some reason we can't identify.

However that underlying question was answered by the sound of twigs snapping and the swift 'whooshing' sound cutting through the air like a whip was answer enough that the Olfstin had fallen prey to a trap.

I gave Wonho a wide-eyed look, gasping silently when he began to rush towards the aggressive sounds of struggle. Some men from behind us yelped in a panic at the lack of warning before rushing after us. I subconsciously tightened my grip around his frame to not lose my hold even though he held my legs securely. "I need to check something." Wonho answered back at some of the boys who voiced their worry and questions midway through his half-run and half-jog.

Sure enough, we were face-to-face with an Olfstin surrounded with green, goo-like coloured net that suspended the creature a few feet above the ground. I sucked in a breath as soon as it's eyes zeroed on me.

Why is it looking at me?? That's so freaking creepy!!


It had completely forgone the fight against the net and instead had more purposeful swipes towards the air and the net, more specifically my way. It's eyes remained unblinking and it's snake like eyes were harshly dilated in a predatory glare directed at me.

"Shit." Wonho cursed under his breath, making me grow nervous. "What? What is it??" I probed instantly upon his words, not at all feeling any better with the unwavering glare the Olfstin was directing towards me.

"The game is turning against you." Wonho revealed with gritted teeth and I felt my jaw drop in disbelief. It seemed as though the others were also listening in and had the same response as I did at that exact moment;



I'm gonna cry, I swear to nATURE.

How did this guy even conclude something that daunting???!?! One look at that Olfstin and suddenly, that gives away everything!!


"Surely that's not the case," Jin frowned in disbelief, "How can you even conclude that? Just because that monstrous thing was staring her down??" He added.

Wonho grunted, "That's exactly how I came to that conclusion." He retorted, pretty much speed walking from there to where we were now.

We- or..well, they had all resumed back to our tracks and avoided one other trap that was quite close to the one that caught the Olfstin.

"Didn't you say there were two?" Taehyung chimed anxiously. Earning a nod from the elder male, he made me squeak in surprise when taking a sharp left, making everyone do the same because all we know was that he knew what he was doing. "Where are we going, now?" Yoongi groaned indignantly.

"Our resting spot." He answered curtly. We all collectively blurted out sounds of confusion upon his answer, "Huh?"

"There's another cave. Though, that one doesn't have another giant rock to block the entrance with." He elaborated, he gave a side-glance towards the men trailing closely, "We're running out of food as well, aren't we?" He asked knowingly, earning solemn nods.

He nodded, "Alright. Once we get there, I'll start working on that." He mumbled.

I scoffed out a disbelieving laugh, "You really are a guardian Angel." I chuckled, giving him a brief squeeze in appeasement whilst hugging him over his shoulders behind his back.

I held back a teasing remark upon noticing his cheeks tint pink at my words. 'How adorable.' I thought with a toothy grin. I guess even he gets shy over compliments.

Did I forget about our short argument before? No, I didn't. Do I choose to let it go? Yes. I can't stay mad at this cute-faced hunka-bunk. As I thought of this, I had unconsciously trailed my eyes downward from my position over his back, getting a flattering view of his physique in the front.

That darn shirt hiding all the glory. Cruel coverage, I tell you.

I mean honestly, I think I haven't mentioned this enough; his cute face throws me into a loop of whiplash when his body is added into the mix. Bulky arms and that ever-so-obvious curve around his chest and biceps. His plain, white T-shirt is of no help in leaving any room for imagination. You can see the obvious tight muscle over his abdomen showing off its 6 packs through the useless piece of clothing that hugged it all and presented the godly built he has underneath.

I had to hold back the urge to swoon when his packs flexed against his shirt once a bit too visibly, leaving even lesser room for imagination, and maybe it flexed like that because he was adjusting my legs hung over his hips with his very obviously bulky arms that were flexing all the while.


"I can't believe this girl." Taehyung chortled disbelievingly at me whilst speaking to Jungkook who shook his head, scoffing as his eyes were trained on me.

I turned red at having been caught checking out Wonho without the decency to even try to be subtle with the act.

It's not what it looks like... I-I swear.....

I held back a sound of embarrassment upon the two boys openly shaking their heads in disapproval and in a teasing manner after figuring out that I had also realised my own unconscious and shameless checking out. Instead of voicing out my dismay at their full-on tease directed my way, I resorted to burying my face into the nape of Wonho's neck, ignoring the way he jerked in surprise at my actions.

"Everything okay?" He chuckled softly, keeping his head facing forward whilst I grumbled under my breath. "You're doing a good job riling those two up. Gotta try something more painfully obvious for the others more behind." He teased.


I gave his back a smack in retaliation when he deliberately revealed that he was aware of my roaming eyes. "What? I'm flattered, if anything." He laughed when I landed another hit to the back of his head, "Shut up!" I hissed.


"Why doesn't she check me out, like that? I have abs, too." Jungkook voiced deliberately loudly, instantly catching the attention of the elder males behind.

"Excuse me?" Jin spluttered incredulously.


Jimin was the first to rush to kook's side with wide, intrigued eyes. The said younger male happened to walk a bit towards my side but still a small distance apart. Of course, he had the perfect view of my sneaky act. My neck was literally straining forward to peep a glance over Wonho's broad shoulders.

I didn't even purposely do it! My eyes just did it on their own!!

"Who's she checking out?"




Hope you liked this chapter!! 🫶🫶✨✨✨

See you in the next chapter 😘🥰❤️💕

~ Ada

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