👾CH. 42👾

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Double update! Be sure to read CH. 41 before this! ❤️💕

"It's been too long, doctor..."

"Mrs. Lee... you have to understand the position we're in—"

"I can't, okay?! I won't, either! You've said the same thing to me for the past few months! The least you can do is say something else, for goodness sake!"

"Mrs. Lee..."

"I've been stressing over my only daughter for six whole months! You should be the one who needs to understand my pain! For how much longer must I wait for my baby to finally open up her eyes?"


"Doctor.. can you leave us alone, please?"

"I... yes, of course. I'll ask a nurse to bring you two some water, okay?"

"Thank you."

"I'll be going then."


"Eomma... I'm sure we won't have to wait long."

"Y̵̸̢̡͔̞͉̘͛̈́͌̚͝o̴̸̞͓̦͕͇͚̐̈́͐̾͒̐h̴̸̼̙͖̫͚͑̽̔̕͘͝a̴̸̺͚̪̻̼͋͆̔̚͘̚n̴̵̢̝̝͖̫͔̒̿͊͘͝͝... just how much longer?? My baby has been here for too long..."

"You're right... but we still need to stay strong."

"She's getting worse! I don't know what I'd do if she.. if..."

"Ah- Ma.. no. She'll be with us. She's not... she's not going anywhere."





I gasped deeply, springing forward from my resting position as I sat up with a jolt.

What the hell was that? Doctor?? What???

I looked around at my surroundings, realising that the night was still stretching with time. I looked at everyone who were fast asleep.

That wasn't even a nightmare to begin with so why was I so worked up? Who was talking? A mother?? Who was she talking to after that doctor left? It was just a sad dream. Not a scary one. But why was my heart pounding a 100 times per second?

Why was my heart hurting?

I glanced down at myself. My sprained leg to be specific. It felt oddly warm before. But now... it's as if I can't feel a single muscle anymore.


Bringing my attention towards my leg, I couldn't stand the lack of feeling flooding my foot and decided to ultimately undo my wrap to maybe somehow get it to breathe. Anything really. I preferred the occasional throbbing pain than this.

It felt ghostly. Too much. Too numb.

With a slowly calming heart and a deep intake of breath, I carefully undid the stretchy elastic around my ankle, hoping to feel something - the cool breeze of the night, the ground beneath my heel, but I felt nothing.

I couldn't hold back a gasp as it slipped my mouth, this time more audibly.

It's fading.

Why was it fading? Was my waist not enough? Was that not horrifyingly enough??

I snapped my gaze away from my see-through foot, opting to reach out for someone, anyone. I can't handle this on my own.

I can already feel panic rising within me and that thought alone made me crawl hastily towards the closest person next to me. It just so happened that it was Jimin.

"Jimin... J-Jimin," I squealed out as softly as I could amidst my panic and erratic breaths.

He groaned some and shuffled on his spot as he stirred awake at my persistent calling. As soon as his eyes pried open, he immediately caught onto the clear panic and fear displayed openly on my face. He jolted upwards in alarm, the sleep fogging his figure completely vanished before he leaned forward to get a hold on my shoulders.

"Hey, hey," he voiced in a hushed tone, whilst I clung desperately at the front of his shirt. "What's wrong? What's going on?" He asked with clear worry glimmering in his eyes.

"M-my my leg. Jimin, it's getting.. it's getting worse. What do I do? How do I stop it? I'm so scared," my lips quivered with strong emotions surfacing slowly but surely.

Upon my words, his eyes snapped towards my leg, immediately noticing the obvious lack of opacity on my right foot. His own gasp was proof enough that I wasn't just seeing it. I'd prefer it if I were actually crazy for thinking of something this absurd, however I wasn't. It was really happening, and the tightness within my guts made me churn uneasily and shake slightly.

"Oh, love..." he mumbled softly, reaching forward to prop my head against his chest to cradle me in the most effective type of comfort I find. Tactile.

I held back the urge to sob, shutting my eyes tightly to get rid the image of my very being fading ever so surely under my nose. Why? Was spending nearly half a year inside a game- a survival game not enough? Was it really necessary for me to go through with this? With the knowledge of understanding that I was slowly vanishing?

Jimin curved his arms securely over my frame, his other rubbing up and down my tense shoulders and arm. I sucked in a sharp breath whilst fighting the need to cry out in fear for the fate my body was reaching towards the longer I spent inside this world.

"It'll be okay, lovely. We'll be back to our normal world soon enough. You'll be completely fine, I swear." Jimin whispered into my hair, nuzzling closely to bring me impossibly closer and I let a few unshed tears fall. To release some tension that I'm holding back, even if it was just a little compared to the pile I had contained inside.

"Mmh.. what... what's going on..?"

I tensed at the slurred words resounding from behind Jimin. The latter pulled away slightly to peer over his shoulders to gaze at the source.

Hoseok leisurely propped himself with his elbows, rubbing his eyes to clear his blurry vision. Squinting, his eyes landed on the back view of Jimin hunching forward.

I peeked over Jimin's shoulder, immediately meeting his eyes, making him perk up, "What..." he trailed unsurely, sitting upright soon after his confusion and worry settled upon the sight of the two of us awake and in distress.

Jimin pursed his lips solemnly, giving a discreet side-glance towards my foot after catching Hoseok's gaze, urging the elder male to see for himself. When he did, the situation clicked in his head and his eyes grew wide as it dawned on him.

"Oh, sunflower..." he murmured softly, scooting our way and joining Jimin with playing a part in comforting my disheveled and scared self.

At least it wasn't happening to my good foot, right? I should be glad for that at the very least. I should. It shouldn't concern me since it's my bad foot. I still can't use it the same as I could before. It's the same. I can still make use of my left one. Right?

So I can calm down, now. It's no biggie. Just pretend that it's completely normal. You can see your immobile foot and the swollen flesh. You can see it, but it's wrapped up.

Yeah... it's completely fine.


I hadn't realised when I'd fallen asleep, but I was pleasantly surprised to find myself snuggled in between hobi and Jimin when I woke up.

I assumed my stirring provoked the two some disturbance whilst I adjusted my position between them. Not that I could move much. I was in a tight, human sandwich.

They simultaneously grumbled at my slight movements, urging me to stop so I didn't unintentionally wake them up. They need all the sleep they can get. I did cause them some trouble with my frantic demeanour.

Anyway, I was careful enough to wiggle out of the tangle of limbs, already missing the cocooning warmth they provided. I was almost tempted to squeeze myself right back as I peered behind me to see the two all snuggled up. Almost.

As I scooted away, I gently splayed our covers back over them, relieved that I didn't stir them awake.

"Good morning,"

I startled at Wonho's soft voice, making me snap my gaze his way. I know my eyes dulled at the sight of food plated beside a fire pit I'm sure he set up while we were asleep. At least he didn't need to fetch for much since I won't be consuming anything anytime soon.

"Oh, good morning.."

He noticed my lingering gaze at the foods and smiled compassionately at me. "Not feeling up for it?" He gestured towards the meat he was cooking up over the flames, a knowing look displayed over his features.

I cringed out a smile his way, knowing that he understands why. Maybe I should tell him about...

I crawled a bit further his way, eventually propping my bent knees over a more grassy, soil-like ground instead of the previous stoney surface.

I squinted my eyes as the sun peeking over the few trees hit my eyes from the corner of my vision. As I reached for my crutch sitting idly beside a sloppy wall beside the cave we reside in, I shuffled ahead until I was finally within his reach, plopping back onto my bum.

With a huff of a breath, I trailed my gaze towards the flames cooking up the meat Wonho had readily brought for all of us. All of them, rather.

"How much longer will it be before we get out?" I asked softly, basking in the little silence of the early morning before Wonho replied, "Well... let's see-" he mumbled whilst plating away a set of meat before reaching for a new one, "- two-thirds of the journey has been covered... I'm pretty sure. After this, we'll have to climb a little; there's a bit of a height we need to work through so we'll figure out a way when we reach there. After walking- maybe... an hour or two? Mostly when the sun is ready to set in this case - We'll likely be standing before a giant entrance." He briefed our remaining obstacles and trip.

"Will that entrance lead towards the cave we've been aiming to reach for from the start?" I probed with narrowing eyes.

Wonho's bright demeanour visibly faltered and his hands slowed down from their motions.

His face turned to completely face me, his eyes widening at the question I asked. "What? Of course." He spluttered.

It's been nagging me for a while. The cave we were trying to reach was much closer than it seems to be right now. We all should've been there by now. For goodness sake, the cave was in level with the height Jungkook could see. Clearly, there wasn't an entire cliff to jump down from in order to reach it, otherwise it wouldn't have been visible being on a lower ground than ours.

I sighed inaudibly, "Don't lie to me. This is way further than I know it really is. You're directing us towards somewhere else." I frowned.

He pursued his lips, "Then...why didn't you say anything sooner?" He asked with furrowed brows, "You knew for a while, didn't you?" He added.

I nodded, "You're... in a way... connected to this world." I mumbled, "If there's one thing I know certainly, it's that you know exactly what you're doing." I looked him in the eyes, "Tell me Wonho," I started, making sure to hold his gaze strongly.

"Are you really a guardian?" I had to ask him this to make sure his intentions were valid. If he lied about that as well, then I'd be more uneasy knowing I had blindly allowed and trusted a full-on liar. I mean- I'd completely forgone his first impression on me!

I'm fading as it is. As scary as it is to acknowledge that, I am. I need to get out of this world and if he really is doing what he has so far for good reason, one that benefits and helps us return to our normal lives, then he shouldn't have to feel nervous when answering my question.

Wonho huffed, "Okay, hold up." He shook his head, spinning his body so he faced me completely. I watched silently as he put aside everything and grabbed my hands, holding them firmly. I was ready to pull them away to display that I was skeptical, but honestly? He's actually been so incredibly helpful throughout the trek we've made.

If he had bad intentions, he would've easily been able to leave us in the hands of two giant Olfstin's, maybe even leave us at the entrance of some cave holding an uncountable number of those monstrous snakes.

"Diana," He began, "I redirected everyone's course, yes. But I didn't lie about being a guardian. My main priority is you, and it will continue to be that way. Well.. er, the others, too." He swiftly added.

I raised a brow in amusement whilst he rummaged through his brain to pick the right words he deemed valid for his reason, "That cave you were all going to head towards... it's filled with those snader creatures. I can't even begin to count, Diana. Sure, it has those lights - purple lights... but do you really think a game would make your way out so simple? Find the closest, largest cave from your camp and you're out of here? You can't underestimate this game that has already captured all of you in its escape-less trap." He pointed out, "The only reason you have one somewhere out here, or that I'm here is because of you." He added.

I pursed my lips at that. Right... despite figuring out the puzzle, the exit seemed to be too conveniently placed for us.

He sighed, "This second one... it's even more enormous than the one Jungkook saw. It's placed between the valley of two steep mountains. I say you try and convince the others to spend one more day here. Just so we collect enough supplies for the remaining journey to proceed. We can't have someone go dehydrated or malnourished from lack of food." He stated.

I nodded, "How do we find water, though?" I asked doubtfully, diverting my gaze to examine our surroundings and stretching my neck to get my ears to pick up on any possible sounds of running water.

"Right. There's still very little in that pot, but while I was skimming through the area, there's actually a small river going down hill from that cave's right." He mentioned.

"How much sleep did you get?" I frowned worriedly. If he's done so much whilst we were all slumbering away, I doubt he slept at all.

Wonho smiled softly, "I got enough, beanie." He replied simply. That nickname again...

I parted my lips to voice my question regarding that awfully familiar name, yet not-so-familiar name at the same time. However, before I could get a syllable out, another presence interjects, albeit cluelessly.

"Are you two confessing or what?" Yoongi grumbled sluggishly, still plagued with the sleepiness he awoke from. I turned on my spot and watched as he plopped beside me just in time to be able to notice the adorable mess of locks on his head.

Wait- confessing?

"What?" I huffed out a laugh, simultaneously letting go of Wonho's hand as did he to mine. Yoongi peeled one eye more widely while his other was being softly rubbed by one of his hands to rid of the sleepiness.

He shrugged, "You were so engrossed with what each of you were saying, holding hands and shit, and didn't even notice me walk up from behind." He pointed out. I held back a smirk, getting a bit ahead of myself with my running thoughts of possibly thinking that the man was indirectly claiming his jealousy over a simple hand holding.

I've literally cuddled with you, yoongi.

I mean- I kinda have with Wonho, too- anyway...

"How's space, sweetie?" Yoongi cut through my trailing thoughts and I blinked, resounding a dumbfounded sound, "Huh?"

He smirked slyly, "You spaced out, so I was curious. Unless you were lost looking at my face?" He tilted his head to the side with a teasing glint. I spluttered, "No," I denied a bit too quickly to pass as convincing. He hummed, clearly seeing through my unavailing attempt at denying his words.

"Good morning..."

Another voice mumbled, joining the three of us by the pile of foods.

We all chorused the same words back, whilst Namjoon plopped down beside Yoongi. He blinked leisurely, displaying a small smile our way when making eye contact before he diverted his gaze towards the foods with a new found curiosity.

"Where did all of this come from?" He asked and Wonho raised his hand up to claim the credit behind his hard work, "That would be my doing." He smiled toothily.

Namjoon 'ah'ed in response, thanking him with a dimpled smile before he glanced behind him to point out that the others were slowly waking up as well. At that, I peered towards our open cave where we slumbered, noticing the remaining men rouse from sleep.

Wonho gave me a small nudge with his elbows, an expectant brow perked up at my confused look. I got the hint then, registering the silent request to initiate the idea about resting in this particular spot for one extra day.

I nodded assuringly, mouthing that I'll bring it up once everyone's wide awake.

Soon enough, they all piled around the dished out plates Wonho generously cooked up for them. They all sat around in a circle, already digging in after mumbling out sleepy 'good morning's. Once I was sure they had a clearer mind and sleep wasn't fogging their minds anymore, I spoke up.

"Uhm, guys?" I began tentatively, trying to prepare myself for the looks they'll shoot at me, holding all the questions regarding my next words. As they all glanced up from their plates, some of their mouths stuffed and others just about to take a bite or swallowing, I continued.

"So... Wonho and I talked about this and.. well, I think we should camp out here for one more day."

As I was anticipating, they paused their steady movements, having put every ounce of their attention towards me with furrowed brows and eyes holding wonder.


I expected that question to pop up first, as well. "We're running out of water, and food. Wonho here, had just briefed me about what awaits us next." I began.

Let's just hope that they see the reason as sufficient enough to follow through.


I wasn't too worried with the idea of hearing objections regarding the suggestion. In fact, I knew Jin especially, was concerned about our basic needs since we reached till this point.

I was too, but not for myself; I didn't really need food, can't have them either way. However, water was the main problem. As for food, we can survive long enough before we finally leave this world. As I've been informed, just one more day after we leave this point of our journey is remaining before we're out of here for good.

Water is much more essential. Also considering that that's the only thing I'm able to consume, I had prioritised the liquid more than the foods.

It was relatively easy to convince them after Wonho and I rediscussed our trek ahead once more with everyone. They all agreed collectively after a moment to think through the suggestion.

With this spare day we granted ourselves, we had all already formulated a plan to collect all the essentials that we lack. Unfortunately, I'd completely forgotten to mention to Wonho about my missing leg disguised underneath the elastic wrap supposedly supporting my non-existent sprain on my non-existent ankle.

Up until this point, it was safe to say that only Jimin and Hoseok were aware of my state because the remaining men stayed clueless. I plan to inform them as well. However, I decided that I would approach the guardian first, before saying anything to the remaining boys - just to hopefully gain some input about what we can do about it, and maybe even try to theorise how much longer I have before it's something crucially important to keep tabs on.

I know it will have to come to that point eventually. But that doesn't make the knowledge of knowing that any less daunting and frightening. I've kept a cool composure- er... well, the best I could with the position I've been put in, but I fear it won't hold strong long enough before I really begin to fear for my survival.

Our exit isn't too far now, and if I still don't manage to leave this unrealistic world before I vanish from existence, then I'd be damned.

... that's an understatement.

"I'll come with you." Jin volunteered soon after Wonho had finished informing everyone about the running water source he luckily managed to find. He had asked if anyone was up for the task of collecting the water and Jimin, too, volunteered alongside Jin.

"That's settled then." Wonho nodded.

The two had left by then, trailing closely behind Wonho before disappearing behind a load of vegetation. He had already taken care of the matter regarding food-

As if the previous eating session with everyone in this chapter wasn't proof enough

Uh.... What was I saying?
Oh right, so despite clearly having enough food to spare us this day, we still need to collect more for the remaining journey - We will, however, still have brief stops to refill only because it's going to be a long trek from this point. There won't be complete stops for us to take a proper breather since we all plan to continue walking until we do reach the cave.

I think it's pretty obvious to say this but I will mention it anyway: we've taken too many stops till this point. And the others agree as well and the admittance is a little embarrassing but it's true.

I recall that we had specifically decided to continue our journey even if it gets dark. I mean, we have 2 flashlights and some of those glowing rocks! But either way, it was safer for us to pause at night because we had to be wary with the traps set out throughout the forest.

We can't see shit so.

I can't really partake in helping much because of my stupid (non-existent) sprain, so Yoongi was going to stay behind with me whilst the remaining men took part in hunting for more food with Wonho. Once he returns from retrieving our water source, of course.

This final preparation better be the most final of final!!


Aaaaaaah it's a good thing Wonho popped in before they reached the cave they were going to!! 😟😟 imagine walking into a cave full of Snaders 😖😖

I Hope you all enjoyed this chapter too! 🥹🫶✨

I'll see you in a while! 😘❤️💕

~ Ada

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