👾CH. 43👾

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I'm back!~ 🥰❤️✨

"Will you return back to Daegu after we get out?"

Yoongi turned to face me whilst we laid down under the shade of the cave we sheltered ourselves for a day.

"What makes you think that?" He asked curiously.

I shrugged nonchalantly. The thought simply popped up in my mind and I voiced it out without really pondering over it.

We both were pretty much basking in the silence that came to play after the rest of the men disappeared behind the forest's vegetation to hunt for food. We were laying side-by-side with our arms supporting the back of our heads to cushion it.

Yoongi hummed softly under his breath, resorting to closing his eyes whilst facing upwards. "I've settled with Joon-ah in Seoul. I might occasionally go back to visit, but I won't leave for good." He responded in a mumble. I nodded subtly at that.

"Why, will you miss me if I did?" He smiled teasingly and I unintentionally grew pink at that question. Clearing my throat a little, I couldn't really deny that, "Yes," I muttered in a hushed tone. I peeked to gauge his reaction and pursed my lips when noticing him completely turn his face my way, displaying a warm, lazy grin in response. "Good. I can't let that be one-sided." He said softly.

I coughed as my cheeks flushed even more, "Don't say stuff like that..." I murmured, flustered. He quirked a brow, "Hm?" He pressed curiously. I decidedly diverted my gaze from him, intending to keep my eyes occupied with the view of the cave walls instead. "You know... I might get the wrong idea." I revealed timidly.

I turned back to look at him at the sound of shuffling. I noticed him prop his upper body up with his elbow, his frame twisting my way to make him lay on his side whilst he peered at me with an expression I can't quite pinpoint, nor read.

It honestly made me feel a bit conscious of myself as his eyes drank in the sight of me with a serious glint. I gulped subconsciously before I waited with a belated breath as he opened his mouth to speak.

Did he get what I was implying?? Is this the moment I realise my boundaries? That I should stop before it's too late?

"Do you..." he trailed, suddenly displaying a nervous demeanour, clear uncertainty dulling his glittering eyes from outrightly asking the lingering words stuck at the tip of his tongue. With the change in the mood, I chose to sit up amidst the silence, thinking over what to do or say next since he seemed to come to a pause.

I bit my bottom lip in contemplation, wondering if I should just rid of my inner turmoil from the choice of my uncontrollable heart, and clear it up at least a fraction more since this opportunity was one that seemed appropriate enough to bring up.

I sucked in a deep breath, choosing to ease the building tension by holding his hands whilst he followed suit with positioning himself upright and crossing his legs in front of him just like me.

He blinked and gazed at me with a nervous nibble to his lips, allowing me to hold his hands in mine while I framed my words carefully.

"Yoongi," I began, pursing my lips at the shaky tremble that accompanied my voice. "Um..., I don't think I can find a more fitting time - as of yet - to say this but..." I exhaled shakily, feeling my rapid heart near the base of my throat now that I've finally confronted this feeling I couldn't bring myself to brush off for much longer.

Oh god... I'm really a wreck on the inside. I can hear myself screaming to shut up before I really do spill the beans. My heart was pounding unrelentingly hard in my chest.

He was listening so intently at every word that left my mouth, I couldn't just put this to a stop now that he was anticipating my next words. His eyes revealed that he was growing a bit concerned at the trembling my hands began to ensue due to how nervous I'm starting to become.

Good job, Diana. Now he's worried!

I gave his hand a squeeze to assure myself that I need to let it out and so, with another deep, needed breath, I spoke.

"I... I-I really like you. I like you a lot." I held back the urge to simply squeeze my eyes shut and cease from existence now that the words have left my mouth. Instead, I trained them solely on his face to gain some sort of response, whether it be verbal or not.

I waited for the moment he pulled his hands out of my grasp, or maybe show signs of discomfort, maybe even awkwardness at my confession. The slightest hint of rebuff.

Though, when he remained silent, I figured I needed to speak more so before I could ponder over it, I spoke before my mind could register what I was saying.

"I realised this.. quite a while ago. Admittedly, I had a tiny crush on you from the moment I realised you were Agust D. But without really realising for a stretch of time and blaming all of these feelings I'm experiencing to the little crush I had on you, I began to develop something more. Something beyond the little crush based solely on your musical aspects, beyond the fanatic knowledge of who I used to imagine you are." I sucked in a shaky breath, holding strong from pulling away my hands to hide the clamminess that's sure to build the longer this stretches.

At this point, I had resorted to focusing on staring at the ground afore me to avoid the potential dejection at the sight I've predicted to picture on his pale skin and soft yet, sharp features.

Licking my lips, I had the need to completely come clean with my feelings. "This- I... I've been trying to deny this growing feeling the moment it began to dawn on me the reason behind the sudden pace my heart begins to beat. Every time you do so much as hold my hand, I feel like my chest is going to burst with how hard my heart is pounding. Yoongi," I huffed breathily, urging myself to look him in the eyes.

"I-I like like you." I flushed, having trouble to put into words the absolute length of my feelings for him because I know for a fact that my heart still beats for six other reasons.

I began to grow increasingly anxious as the silence stretched a bit longer. Choosing to pull my hands away and let his hand go from my grasp, I felt my heart lurch forward impossibly more when Yoongi clamped onto mine instead. A firm grip indicating that he wasn't about to let it go.

I squeaked in surprise upon the strong tug on my hand, making my body jerk forward from the force. I was left stunned whilst I was engulfed into his arms, wrists freed but my body stuck flushed against his as his arms wrapped themselves around me. My breath hitched in anticipation as his face leaned forward and buried itself into the crook of my neck, hiding it from my view.

"Do you really mean that?"

I inhaled sharply as his breath tickled the side of my neck with his whisper. I picked up on the sudden bashful tinge mixed into his gravely voice, almost too breathy that it's causing goosebumps to erupt.

I gulped harshly, nodding against his chest and mumbling a low 'yes' to clarify it with all the remaining courage left in me. I blinked some as his grip tightened around my frame, bringing me impossibly closer and nearly hiding me away from view of other potentially peering eyes.

"Diana, I'm struggling to put words just how I feel right now. Simply admitting how this feeling you've confessed is mutual, ...is hard. I can't frame it well enough to express the piling load of giddiness and elation your words have brought me." He chuckled softly, giving my frame a light squeeze and hiding away his pink cheeks that I was unfortunately left unaware of.

I was sure I was beet red, feeling my mind go dizzy with the overwhelming feeling of relief and glee at his saying.

He... he feels the same? Really??

"But if I had to verbalise it, just to properly convey my own... I do, too. I really like you as well. A lot - in fact." He revealed, giving the back of my head a caress. I immediately melted into his arms like I was pudding. I wrapped my own arms around his frame, trying to bury even more impossibly closer for good measure.

I was sure he could feel my chest thump with my heart beating so out of control. I sagged and heaved out a long sigh, closing my eyes whilst basking at the feeling of being wrapped up in his arms knowing my feelings were returned.


My eyes shot open, a feeling of dread curling up and making my mind race at the single word he uttered. I made a motion to pull away, growing incredibly nervous despite not knowing what his next words would be. My mind automatically drove towards the path where he contradicts his own confession.

Yoongi let me pull away from his hold, leaning away to finally make eye contact. I don't know what I was expecting but the red tint covering his face was not it. Nor was the openly loving gleam of his eyes staring back at mine. It made me shiver at just how raw the emotion was displayed.

His gaze was warm, inviting, so incredibly assuring to my anxious self, bringing me a calm to the growing worry I had built immediately.

He smiled softly, "I'm not the only one that has taken your heart, am I right?" He pointed out knowingly, making me feel extremely exposed and a spluttering mess.


I looked down at my fidgeting hands sheepishly, unable to deny, nor confirm it. Despite that, he seemed sure already, so he didn't need my clarification. I gave in with a red face, nodding timidly. I can't imagine the pitch my voice would've taken if I had verbalised my answer. No thank youuuuu

I'm not about to embarrass myself right now.

"It's Taehyung, isn't it?" He prompted, an easygoing expression taking over his features. I pursed my lips, feeling my cheeks burst into flames at being called out. I pressed my lips tightly together, unsure of how to deliver this answer.

It's not just Taehyung....

"U-uhm," I stammered helplessly, blinking dumbly as my eyes stared back at his knowing gaze. I think my brain is malfunctioning. Give me a second to click back to my soul. Thanks.

Yoongi subtly shook his head with a breathy chuckle, oddly finding my dumbfounded and stupefied expression cute. Endearing even. I swallowed when his hands left from grasping mine to cupping my face, pulling it ahead so that I could lean forward, get closer.

My hand jumped to stable my upper body from falling over with how far his gesture has made me lean forward. I felt my heart lurch harshly against my chest, wondering what he was about to do. 'Are- are we going to kiss?!?!' My brain unhelpfully assumed.

He tilted his head to the side with a casual raise to his brow, "Oddly enough, I'm not ticked off by it." He admitted.

I blinked again, "W-what?" I stammered out, gauging his expression to see if there was any ulterior emotion behind his admission. One that would state otherwise. And true to his words, I found nothing that contradicted his claim. He shrugged subtly, taking a deep breath whilst pulling on my forearm so that I was situated beside him instead of in front.

I complied to his silent request wordlessly and bit my lip when he proceeded to wrap an arm around me before making the two of us lay back, ensuing a cuddle session immediately. "It's hard to explain, to be honest. I noticed how you looked at him; those soft gazes, the subtle reach for him when he moved away slightly, those crimson cheeks when he does so much as smile your way... all those spoke enough." He began.

I clenched at his shirt's fabric unconsciously at his words, unable to stop myself from exposing how he makes me feel just the same, "You make me nervous majority of the time - In a good way." I blushed, "Uhm, since we're on the topic of calling me out, I might as well step forward and reveal that during the first few weeks after you came here, I always got giddy and my heart pounded one too many times whenever you simply say my name." I mumbled.

Yoongi stifled a chuckle, "What?" He huffed out disbelievingly. I couldn't help but smile, "It's true! I always worried that you could hear my heart beating." I stated. After a split moment of silence, I was suddenly overcome with great curiosity. With a deep inhale and a rapidly beating heart, I willed myself to speak up.

"Yoongi," I called for his name, making him tilt his face my way. He hummed softly, urging me to continue. "I-It's true that I... um, have feelings for Taehyung as well..." I began tentatively.

God, it's so weird telling this to the man who I also like... and he apparently likes me too!!! Should I even be saying this????

"Why aren't you upset about that? You... you claim to like me, too... but even after knowing this..? To be frank, I expected a rejection right off the bat," I huffed with a small, anxious chuckle, "But even if you did mutually like me, too... I had planned to tell you about having feelings for the— uh, Taehyung as well. After that, I was sure it would've ended up the same.. so why..?" I trailed unsurely at the end.

He hummed at my words, head tilting sideways in thought, "I never expected you to like me, actually. I had planned to keep my feelings to myself and hope it goes away with a strong belief that you never saw me as anything more than a friend." He mumbled thoughtfully, "When I began noticing how you were with him, I had already began to accept the outcome. Strangely, I have no clue why I still don't find it bothersome now that I have you right here, returning my feelings and in my arms." He sheepishly smiled.

I let a small smile grace my lips, "You should give yourself more credit, Yoongs. You're everything any woman could ask for." I stated, quite frankly enjoying the show of pink decorating his cheeks a bit too much, solely for the reason that I was the cause of its appearance.

He cleared his throat to dismiss the casual compliment I slipped and sat up with a subtle huff of breath, quite visibly flustered. I held back a giggle, following after his motions as I sat up as well.

Unlike the expectant idealistic scenario I had built in regards to newly forming bonds - ones that bloom into a more intimate level, I was at odds with how unchanged the outcome remained regarding our dynamic.

Now what?

Instead of the initial start to a potential step-up into our relationship, wherein the partners grow bashful and somewhat awkward after getting their feelings heard, I found myself feeling more at ease when initiating anything with him. Of course, how blurred our boundaries will be after this confession needs to be discussed, so none of us accidentally bring discomfort to one another when initiating some sort of skinship outside of the "friends only" label.

It seemed to ring the same for him. Nothing much had changed between the two of us. In fact, we might've opened up to one another a bit more. I'm not sure how far this will build, whether it will at all.

It's a start, but one I find surprisingly nonchalant. We confessed, we revealed what we feel for one another. Yet, we're still the same. We're just more aware of how the other feels.

And as embarrassing as it may be, he also knows that my heart isn't occupied by him solely.

"I'm sure the others would agree, too." I added, letting out my giggle when he coughed, trying to brush-off this point as casually as he could make it.

"Speaking of others, when will they return? We can't hear even one of them. They must be far." He brought up after he grew a bit too flustered. He avoided my gaze whilst I held a beaming smile his way. I slung one arm around his shoulder to get him to look at me, but he was intent on keeping his gaze fixated on the very interesting ground we sat on. The rocky surface seemingly an artistic sight to behold as he stared at it, almost as if he was sealing it to memory.

"Is the ground more pretty than me?" I pouted jokingly, nudging him and holding back a laugh as his eyes snapped to meet mine in a frantic manner to shoot down that idea. "Are you seriously comparing yourself to the ground?" He huffed, amusement making his lips curl upwards.

I shrugged, giving a more toothy grin, "You were more interested in keeping your eyes on it than on me. I had to ask to know what was stealing your attention so effortlessly. I might have to work to be like this very ground." I joked, pretending to think deeply into that plan of action.

"Hmm, it'll take time. There's no doubt about that." I mumbled. He laughed breathily, twisting in his spot and repositioning his legs so that they were laying on either side of my form.

His arms stretched forward to wrap around my mid-riff and pulled me close. I squeaked when my face met his chest and huffed out a breath. Looking up to meet his eyes, I raised a brow all the while ignoring the accelerating pace of my heart.

Don't look at me like that.

A lopsided grin, lidded eyes and cocked eyebrows, all smashing right into my line of vision and involuntarily bringing a fresh new shade of red to my already reddening cheeks. "W-what?" I huffed as my eyes darted away in a hurry whilst I tried to play cool and composed for my own dignity's sake.

"Nothing. I'm just looking at you, now." He smugly replied and I spluttered in response. He chuckled softly, "You're the one who began to compare yourself with the floor!" He pointed out accusingly with a laugh, tightening his grip around me.

"I was joking!! Who the hell gets all jealous over the ground????" I scoffed, holding back my own laughter that was begging to join his.

"You!" He countered and I gasped in mock offense, "I told you I was joking around!!!"


My finals have ended and now I must stress over my entrances 🥹🥹🥹 I've finished them all and now I'm waiting in anticipation and a little bit of dread for the outcome 😭😭 oh well. I did my best so I'm hoping for the best 🤌✨

How have you all been? ☺️☺️ Thank you for being so patient with my updates for this book 🫶🫶 I'll do my best to be consistent but I'm afraid the oncoming updates will be posted irregularly, without any set schedule, so please bear with me 🥹🥹🙏

I'll try to update as regularly as I can manage, but I want to give you quality chapters so I might take some time in between

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! 🥰❤️❤️ we've finally moved a step forward, but not in the way we thought, huh? 👀 A confession has been voiced! Feelings are being reciprocated 😳😳 but what about the others?? 😟😟

See you next chapter!! 😘💕✨✨

~ Ada

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