👾CH. 44👾

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It wasn't a few hours later before the others soon began to pile back to our resting spot with a load of foods enough to ensure that everyone begins our final trek with full stomachs and without any concern regarding the possibility of leaving anyone even the tiniest bit hungry.

And it wasn't even a couple of minutes later before they all began to notice the shift between the interactions Yoongi and I shared. Maybe it was the lingering touches behind each other's backs, or the less than subtle glances at each other, or even my less than discreet and invisible magnetic pull bringing me to his side every chance I get.

The first I noticed that had caught onto our shift was (unsurprisingly) Wonho - the ever-knowing guardian of mine, who openly winked my way and gave me a thumbs up to show his support.

And to make it any more obvious, he didn't bother to be discrete and pointedly stared towards the rest as a way to question when this shift will take place with them as well.

An absurd thought to contemplate, mind you. As if everyone of them would be open to knowing something as complex as my jumbled up feelings. I had immediately shot down that idea from him, and although that should've given a hint at the very least, he was incredibly adamant and stubborn.

For some reason, he was very confident in the outcome regarding when I finally allow myself to bare my heart out in the open for them to see. An outcome I didn't want to jump conclusions to, but one I had a slight inkling of what he expected.

As of now, Hoseok and I were sitting side-by-side to keep some form of tidiness with the new food resources that came piling in one after another from every man.

"Did something happen?" He piped in casually, keeping his eyes from straying away from his busy hands. I paused from my own tidying work and shot him a glance, slowly resuming once I shook my head and realised he wasn't going to elaborate.

"Nope." I replied, sneaking a quick glance at Yoongi who returned to his laying position at the other end of the cave, eyes closed but he was very much awake.

Hoseok however, noticed my small glance and stopped from his work to properly put his attention at the one in question - me.

I stopped as well, twisting from my spot to face him a bit better as to not strain my neck for a long time when looking at him. He tilted his head to the side in obvious curiosity. "What about in between you and hyung?" He quirked a brow expectantly.

I frowned, "With.. Yoongi?" I asked to clarify and he nodded. I licked my lips, wondering whether or not should I reveal the complete truth...

I don't want him to think that I was taken. Because, I actually wasn't. Yoongi and I haven't discussed whether we're making anything official after revealing our feelings. We've simply resumed our usual ways with each other, only with an additional amount of skin ship that we try to sneak in.

"We just shared some secrets to each other." I shrugged, "You could say that we've grown closer through that." I offered as a response, looking to see how the sunshine took the answer. He nodded acceptingly, a hum escaping his lips, "They must be personal, then." He murmured thoughtfully.

I giggled softly, "Aren't secrets meant to be personal?" I inquired and he smiled, "Yeah." He agreed, eyes trailing back towards the work that's yet to be done.

I didn't expect this conversation to come to a stop so suddenly. I'm even surprised that I feel a bit awkward right now. I cleared my throat slightly, pursing my lips awkwardly whilst turning back to my own pile of resources.


So Hoseok wasn't the only one. Just about every other man was behaving... almost distant? It's the first word that really came to mind. It seemed this way with all, except Yoongi and Wonho. I was growing a bit unnerved with the sudden switch.

For instance, as I finished helping Hobi with tidying up, I had decidedly sat myself beside Jimin. He seemed apprehensive when conversing with me and almost seemingly careful. I had no idea why.

It couldn't have been simply over the fact that Yoongi and I grew closer, right? Does he think we're together?? Is that why he's behaving so reserved, right now??

Either way, none of us had mentioned anything that should've induced such a demeanour from everyone else. We're still the same. I'm still the same!

Even Tae!! I noticed the moment he had a second thought when approaching me and Jimin, before he took a turn and plopped beside Jungkook.

I didn't know how to feel about this change. Maybe they're all realising that they don't want to be close to me? Is getting close to Yoongi the reason? Or is it just me?

"How far did you guys go?" I asked Jimin, holding back the flash of hurt that was sure to display in my eyes when he scooted a bit away from me from where I sat beside him. "It wasn't too far, actually. Just beside a small lakeside where two pigs were." He briefed, hands fidgeting as his eyes darted back and forth from me and anywhere else.

"A lakeside?" I parroted curiously, "Is it as big as the one back at our camp?" I wondered. Jimin paused to think about that, before shaking his head, "No, it was much smaller." He answered. I nodded subtly, pursing my lips as I thought of asking some more.

"Fishes? Were there many fishes there, too?" I asked again and he simply shook his head, denying it.


"Much less then?" I inwardly grimaced, this is really awkward. Where did his talkative spirit go??

Jimin shook his head again, "There weren't any." He finally spoke up and I 'ah'ed in response.

With an uncomfortable glance around us, I couldn't really think of much more to bring up at the moment. This silence was anything but comfortable.

With a small sigh, I gazed at Jimin with conflicted eyes. Should I confront it or not? He's obviously cutting our conversation short. Why??

"Diana," Yoongi's voice called for me from his spot under the shade of the cave. I turned to look at him sulkily and he gestured for me to come to him. Without having anything else to do, I easily complied. Standing up from the spot I took beside a stiff Jimin, I almost rushed to the elder's side to get away from the uncomfortable situation.

I let out a huff of breath and gazed at Yoongi whilst he sat himself up and patted the spot beside him. I wordlessly took a seat beside him and awaited for what he wanted to say or ask of me.

"Is everything okay? You looked really tense there." He pointed out softly. I licked my lips and shrugged, "Uhm... I feel like I'm just being overly sensitive but everyone's been acting... I don't know.. distant? I feel like I can't even sit beside them without feeling the need to ask to make sure they're fine with it." I frown, slightly disgruntled.

Yoongi tutted indignantly, which made me quirk a brow at his knowing gaze. He knows why. He so does.

"These guys..." he grumbled under his breath. "You know, right?" I probed and he nodded.

"Yes. I just have to talk to them, don't worry, you didn't do anything." He assured shortly before grunting as he stood up. With a closed-lipped smile my way, he clapped his hands and asked for everyone to gather together.

I sighed. These guys will be the reason I turn 90 just the next day.

~ 3rd person POV ~

Yoongi sighed under his breath as everyone collectively rushed his way with questioning eyes that demanded answers. He didn't expect them to act this way with the simple idea that he was closer to Diana.

"What is it, hyung?" Joon asked without a second to waste once everyone was standing around in a circle. Yoongi clicked his tongue, "You tell me. What is it with you lot?" He threw the question out for anyone to answer.

They all shared a glance, silently passing on words before Taehyung huffed. "Okay, I've been holding back from asking; Are you two together, now?" He asked, impatience in his tone while the others stiffened. Yoongi scoffed, "You're asking that because?" He asked in return instead.

Taehyung took in a deep breath, "It's just... I've noticed that you two are.. Ah, how do I put this?" He paused before glancing at the others, then at Yoongi.

"Closer?" Yoongi offered with cocked brows. "And more! Ugh-"

Cutting off Taehyung's weak attempt at asking, Jin took the liberty to outright confront him, "-Dating. Are you two in a relationship, now?" He inquired with an indignant tone. Yoongi couldn't help but grin, which seemed to rile the others up more.

"You are!!" Jimin pointed out.

Yoongi put his hands up, unable to hold back a small chuckle whilst shooting down their assumptions, "No, no. We're not together. Not like that." He easily denied. However, with one simple look at the others, he knew they didn't believe him.

He sighed, bringing a hand to rub at his nape, "You really think now's the time to get into more intimate relationships? We're in the middle of a forest and are basically lost if we didn't have Wonho with us. Get your minds out of the gutter. We can think of all that stuff once we get out of here. We don't even have to wait that long; we'll be out and about the next day. Latest by nighttime." He pointed out before growing more serious as he crossed his arms, "I know why you're all so worked up. Now that you know that we're not dating, stop acting so cold towards her." He said sternly.

"Cold?? When did we act like that??" Jin frowned with furrowed brows. Yoongi took in a breath, "You haven't yet. Well, not anymore now that you know. The rest are more showy, though. Jimin-ah I called Diana to me because she was very obviously uncomfortable." He turned to the said male who gasped.

"So was I! I didn't do anything though!!" He tried to defend and Yoongi scoffed, "Why were you uncomfortable?" He probed pointedly, watching as the blonde spluttered, "I-I was just- you..." he trailed aimlessly.

"Okay, okay, we all became a bit frustrated and antsy. I'll be the first to admit." Namjoon piped in with a sigh, "I was thrown into a loop when I noticed the change so I decided to back up a little to process it and maybe find conclusions through observations. I didn't mean to make her feel like I was acting distant..." he mumbled in the end.

"I was acting distant." Taehyung admitted immediately, pointedly staring at Yoongi who raised an inquisitive brow. "I like her. I thought you were together and I love you hyung, that's why I tried to respect what was seemingly going on by not getting too close. But now that I know you two aren't together, I won't let the thought of giving her up to you a chance to bloom." He stated, ignoring the rapper's little moment of fluster at the open admittance of his affection for him.

Shaking his head, Yoongi chuffed amusedly, "Okay." He shrugged, the slightest hint of pink on his cheeks. Giving the others a quick glance, he pursed his lips thoughtfully, "Whether the rest of you are actively ignoring the reason behind your actions or are just oblivious, I suggest you to think over the answer behind them either way. It'll clear up some of your lingering doubts." He mentioned.

"Or I could do something to provoke those answers to shoot right into your head." He muttered as he sauntered back towards Diana, who was conversing softly with Wonho.

Taehyung bit his lip from spewing some words to counter the elder before sighing long and audibly.

He gave the rest of the boys a glance before deciding to rush to the distracted girl before Yoongi could reach her.

"Diana!!" He called out for her, slowing down slightly after passing Yoongi and watching as she turned to him with questioning eyes. He felt guilt hit him at that moment when seeing the conflicting emotions glimmered on her features for a split moment, knowing that he was part of the reason behind that response.

"Ye- oh! Okay." Diana cut herself off as soon as Taehyung launched forward and engulfed her into a tight hug. Slowly returning the gesture, she subtly gave Wonho a questioning glance at the happenings, hoping to find some sort of answer through him. However, she was only met with the sight of his retreating figure hiding away a snicker like a know-it-all piece of game pixels and she does not like that.

"I'm sorry, I know you saw me go away before I could even come towards you. You must've felt bad, right?? I promise you didn't do anything wrong!" Taehyung diverted her attention to him, giving her frame a brief squeeze. She blinked, giving his back small pats to console him whilst he rambled and eventually landed on a set of words that left her a flustered mess.

"You know I like you, right?" He mumbled against her shoulder, furrowing his brows a moment later when he was met with silence whilst waiting for her response. Pulling away, he made an 'O' shape with his mouth, noticing the prominent red flush of her cheeks that only grew redder upon his notice. She cleared her throat, nodding her head messily, "Y-Yeah, I... I like you, too. It's okay, I'm- I wasn't.. Uhm, upset." She assured through her stutters.

He sent her a devilish grin and nodded, "Good! Then I won't have to win you over to like me back." He wiggled his brows suggestively, finally bringing out a cute giggle from the girl as she gave his chest a light smack.

She's glad to see Taehyung being his silly goofball self. Although he's just messing around, she still secretly cherished those words as if they were meant as something more. But it still had her wondering what changed from just a few moments ago.

"You can't hog her, Taehyung-ah!!" Jimin's voice chimed in as he rushed their way, a purposeful gaze sporting his features before he launched forward, knocking both Tae and Diana. Groaning at the sudden weight, Diana huffed and scowled at Jimin's giggling figure.

"My lungs-" she wheezed out. Jimin scoffed, scrambling off of them with mock offense, "I'm not that heavy!" He grumbled.

~ Diana POV ~

My mind is a confused mess, and so are my emotions. I'm thrown into a loop with the switch; I'm definitely relieved to have this devil duo returning to their cuddly, bright selves, but I'm also really lost. Was I just imagining everything before?? Did Yoongi break some sort of spell??

Why is Wonho giggling like he has all the answers but won't tell me and chooses to watch everything unfold with a thousand years worth of knowledge regarding this current mayhem of confusion that I'm facing????


"What do you want Jimin-Ah?? I was having a moment with her!" Taehyung whined, narrowing his eyes pointedly but it held no hard feelings. Jimin 'hmph!'ed in response and scooted to sit on my other side, officially locking me in between him and Tae.

Also... why is Yoongi grinning like that?

"Why do you have that look on your face?" Jimin raised a brow, verbalising my own question himself as he asked Yoongi whilst he approached us leisurely and sat down across us. As soon as the question slipped out of his mouth, Yoongi turned stoic, as if he wasn't just smiling almost creepily.

"What look?" He questioned back, feigning cluelessness. Jimin huffed, rolling his eyes in good nature, "Never mind." He mumbled.

I jolted on my spot upon being snuggled and glanced to my side to see Jimin making himself cozy at the crook of my neck. It's practically a favourite spot for him I swear...

Taehyung was no different as he was already settled being splayed over my back in a semi-back hug.

Should I confront this sudden switch?? I probably should because my confusion is causing me to feel dizzy. Really dizzy.

Oh wait.

"Guys- um, as nice as this seems, I'm getting dizzy." I groaned out, crinkling my brows together in discomfort as the effects brought along the nauseous feeling that I'm starting to get way too familiar with.

Out of concern, the two cuddling bears pulled away in an instant, frowns turning prominent and worried as I hunch forward to lean my head on my bent knees. Yoongi had sprung to his feet and hurried as he gathered a cup of water, knowing that the urge to empty my non-existent stomach accompanies these dizzy spells.

"Ah.. I wish I could do something to stop them from happening." Jimin sighed, feeling helpless whilst he massaged my exposed nape in hopes to help ground me from the absurd length of this spell.

"Oh my god!" Taehyung gasped loudly, making me flinch and the remaining men to snap their heads in our direction in alert.

"What? What??" Jin rushed over immediately from his spot by the temporary fire pit a bit further ahead from their cave-shelter.

I blinked rapidly to get rid of the sight of a spinning world, hoping it'll go still and steady once my eyes blinked open, needing to know what has gotten Tae so worked up. With his hand clutching my right wrist almost shakily, I lifted my head to get a look of what has him so horrified.

"Holy shit..!!" Came another voice, sounding just as shocked and horrified, bringing me a feeling of dread.

"W-what is it? What's going on?" I finally voiced out, finally feeling more aware and steady as the dizziness gradually dissipated.

"Ana.. your hand..." Hoseok stuttered breathily, eyes blown wide and scared. Scared for me.

I frowned, feeling a new level of dread wash over my form and glanced down at my hand, the one occupied in Jimin's; it was as normal as can be and the thought made fear creep up even more, oddly enough. Knowing that if I just glance at my other hand, the answer would reveal itself. It would reveal the source of the sudden tense atmosphere, and to be frank, I didn't want to know.

Yet, the prospect of knowing something was wrong, and that it involved me was a stronger urge that made me want to know what exactly has gone wrong.

With a little tilt to my other side, my eyes trailed down to my other hand, suddenly registering how Taehyung has limited himself to holding only my wrist, not my hand. I held back a breath and let out a shaky breath, finally landing my eyes on the untouched hand, held by Taehyung's trembling ones by the wrist.

"O-oh my god- oh my god, no, no, please no..." I gasped out in a ramble, feeling my consciousness subside for a split moment at the sight.

At the sight of my see-through hand.


Ooopppp 🫢🫢

Welp! I Hope you liked this chapter hehe 🤠🤠✨✨ see you next chapter! 😘❤️💕

~ Ada

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