👾CH. 45👾

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My hand is see-through.

My hand is see-through.

I sucked in a big breath, feeling myself stumble into a panicked state of mind. My brain felt utterly confused and brought me the sound of alarms blaring in my ears. The surrounding noise soon dulled into the complete back of my mind.

All I could hear was the rapid beating of my heart and the short breaths leaving my mouth. My hand began to shake terribly and my eyes blinked, hoping the sight wasn't true, hoping it was simply the effects of my dizzy spell, hoping the others would suddenly yell out that it was a joke.


My eyes couldn't seem to leave the sight of my disappearing hand out, keeping my gaze fixated and making my mind blend into a frenzy of confusion, fear, shock and panic. To add to it, my chest began to feel constricted, making me feel as if I'm holding in too much air, but at the same time, I'm not. I have no clue about what to do to get rid of this sudden weight over my chest; to get rid of it fast. I wasn't sure if this feeling of constriction was hurting me as my whole being was solely focused on the abnormalities before my very eyes.

"-ana! Diana, hey, hey,"

My breath hitched in my throat painfully, but my eyes finally snapped away when my face was turned away by force. Now focusing dazedly at Yoongi as he held my face delicately, yet firmly - keeping me from having any room to turn away and to return my eyes on the vanishing image of my hand.

"Breathe, sweet girl, please. Come on," he urged as calmly as he could muster, rubbing his thumb over my cheekbone, making my eyes flutter.

Another hand pressed gently over my back, rubbing it soothingly while the source whispered for me to focus on Yoongi's words.

I inhaled sharply and was pushed into a coughing fit, suddenly realising that I had my held breath for the longest time. As soon as I began to regulate my breathing patterns from their erratic ones, tears glazed my eyes and fell one after the other.

Then followed the unexpected pain on my chest, the feelings finally returning and reminding me just what the effects were from pushing my lungs to hold still for longer than I ever could muster consciously. My throat gulped at the air and I finally resounded a broken sob. I was so scared. I was terrified.

I don't want to disappear, please. Please don't do this to me. Please!

My body shuddered from my strong cries and I was soon pulled into a warm embrace, the man brought me in between his outstretched legs, circling me and using one hand to caress my head whilst the other hugged around my caving-in shoulders. I buried myself close to him, ridding myself from the sight of my state growing progressively worse and continuing until the time I manage to really get out of this world.

"You're gonna be alright, lovely. I swear it. Once we're out of here, you'll be back to normal." Jimin's voice hushed softly into my ear, his warm breath making goosebumps to erupt down from my neck to my toes.

"I don't want to die." I sniffled weakly into his damp shoulder, voice resounding shakily and my breaths remained laboured. My words brought a period of silence to wash over everyone as they registered my desperate plea to stay alive and not disappear.

"No, no, that won't happen, baby. Nothing like that will come close to that! Not at all." Namjoon's voice broke the silence, a third hand placed at the low of my back before I was squeezed into the center of Jimin and him; encased and warmed up from their body heat.

And yet, even when I know I'd find myself melt into this warmth at any other given moment, my mind was plagued with the image of my hand. Even worse, the case about my foot wasn't looking too good either.

It was numb. Too numb.

And I was too afraid to turn and check, but the sudden stiffness I felt from both Namjoon and Jimin was an answer enough. Something was wrong there, too.

I felt Jimin's hand occupy itself into my brown locks, urging my face to bury closer, almost as if to hide away the sight he was surely seeing alongside everyone else.

I flinched soon after this, feeling the same foot I was concerned over being moved around. Then my stretchy elastic was loosening around it. I hiccuped - a result from my grieving session a moment ago - and made a motion to pull away from the comfort of Jimin's embrace, not wanting to ignore what was happening despite the fear I knew it would further induce.

He kept repeating words of assurance into my ears in a soothing voice, which was honey-like and mellow, "It's going to be okay, lovely. You're incredibly strong, we'll get through this." He murmured, keeping himself as close as possible, yet keeping a distance far enough to allow me to move.

Blinking blearily as I willed myself to look, I felt my lips tremble with the starting of yet another weeping session as the numbness became awfully stronger and prominent.

I was sure I was being pushed closer into a state of unconsciousness as soon as the very sight of Jin's hand swiped through what was supposed to be my feet. A part of my body that was no longer even in form to see or to touch. Just plain air, a sight of nothing that lead upwards and transitioned into what was going to follow after as my calves.

I didn't have my right foot anymore. I didn't. I don't have it. I'm truly disappearing.

I felt my eyes grow heavy and my muscles turn limp before gravity pulled my swaying head down and into a dark pit of nothing.

~ 3rd person POV ~

"Yah, yah! Oh gosh!!" Jimin exlcaimed as soon as Diana's weight fell over him limply. His yelp of surprise pushed everyone to tear away from the absurd sight of a matter-less body part and towards the now, unconscious girl.

Wonho scurried over in a rush, supporting the woman's head with his palm as to not let her neck strain. He gently moved her head to lay against Jimin's chest, where the latter accordingly adjusted his position to attune to the comforts of her body.

"What do we do??" Jungkook's voice trembled with untold emotions, eyes gleaming as a layer of tears built up in his eyes. He was scared of what was happening to Diana. He was scared of just how unpredictable this situation was. He wasn't aware of the severity of her foot, let alone the sudden dawn of her hand following the same path as her abdomen.

"Can we not leave sooner? I can't bear to let this go on any longer!" He pleaded, utterly concerned for the girl's wellbeing.

"This isn't effecting her in the real world, right?" Jin asked with a tinge of pure desperation, hoping so badly, that this was simply an effect taken place in this world. "She's completely fine there, right?" He asked again, eyes instinctively moving towards Wonho, the ever-knowing guardian of Diana, but his hope deflated at the guilty look of uncertainty making its way known onto Wonho's features.

"I-I have no clue about the other world. My knowledge is limited solely to this world and Diana. I can only say that these abnormalities are worsening and increasing in pace - as daunting as it seems. I think the closer we get to that exit, the more aware this world becomes." He replied with conflicted eyes.

His gaze turned towards the subjected woman, "On any other circumstances, I would've held strong about avoiding anything to do with that other world because it concerns Diana's well-being. The closer we get, it worsens, and yet, it's the only way you all can get back." He sighed.

"So what do we do, now? We can't possibly wait and have our time here stretch any longer." Yoongi grunted in frustration, fists balled up in an attempt to contain himself.

"No, we can't." Wonho agreed defeatedly, a small sigh leaving his lips before he sported a determined look.

"Let's start packing up. If we all leave around this time, we might be able to make it before the sun rises again tomorrow." He suggested.

"W-what about Diana? She's still unconscious!" Hoseok pointed out with a frown. Wonho pursed his lips, "We can carry her. When she wakes up, someone can fill her in." He threw the idea out.

"Wait- we're really going through with this? This seems too sudden!" Jin interjected, worried and confused.

"I know." He replied simply with a nod.

"You can't be serious." Taehyung frowned, not upto the plan of action that was laid out in the spur of the moment. Jungkook shook his head insistingly, "We have to go! We can't wait around knowing what's happening to her," he pointed out. Taehyung pursed his lips, feeling conflicted, "But... still, kook-ah... it's really sudden. Wonho, you're actually serious about this?? You can't be..." He directed the question to the elder male.

Wonho scowled indignantly, "Yeah? Well, I actually am. So get moving you lot. My priority here is Diana. And I'm gonna be helping her by getting to that exit sooner. Got objections? You can shove it up your asses." He spat and jumped to his feet, taking purposeful strides towards their collected food to cook up a quick, yet filling meal.

"This is too reckless, Wonho." Namjoon stated sternly, following after the buff male whilst he began the fire. Namjoon jutted his jaw, "Hey, I'm talking to you." He scowled.

Wonho hummed halfheartedly.

"What's gotten into you?"

Namjoon couldn't help but pick up on the sudden cold up-front that the male put up. Whether or not was this the result of Diana's wellbeing that has his demeanour switching up was a big question mark. However, the dimpled man was inclined towards that possibility as he watched Wonho sloppily collect the raw foods and piled them beside the fire-pit that he began to work on.

Namjoon frowned as his question was left unanswered.

"What happens to you if she's not—"

"Nothing is going to happen to her." Wonho snapped suddenly, a scowl in his face at the audacity that Namjoon even dared to ask him about something ever truly happening to Diana.

Namjoon remained unfazed at the harsh tone that Wonho used and hummed in response, choosing to plop beside him, "Of course, nothing will happen to her. I'm asking about you." He clarified.

Wonho inhaled deeply, pausing to calm himself from acting out purely due to his fear and frustration. "My existence has a purpose." He began with a sigh and took a look at Namjoon who listened intently.

"And its purpose is revolved around Diana. If she's not there..., then I'm gone with her." He stated dejectedly.

Namjoon was overcome with the realisation as the former's words registered in his mind. Wonho wasn't simply worked up. In fact, he had all the right to feel so strongly of Diana's situation because harm to her is a direct threat to his own life. Although it doesn't truly effect his well-being, he is however, easily reminded of the fate that would meet him if anything were to truly happen.

The dimpled man's eyes softened, "You're scared." He realised then.

Of course, the buff man would be scared. Maybe his and Diana's bond is not seen equally as close to one another, but for Wonho, he's incredibly close to her, so naturally, he'd fuss and care deeply for her.

Namjoon sympathised with the man, however the planning was still reckless in the end, "We should wait for her to wake up, Wonho." He said, making the male frown in distaste, "Waiting won't help her." He argued.

Namjoon shook his head, "I understand that, but the plan itself has so many loose screws. It's purely impulsive," He tried to explain.

"All of the things we've done so far has had plenty of loose screws, Namjoon. This one is no different aside from the fact that I've settled on taking actions for it." He reasoned immediately, "And might I add - we've only been able to encounter one of the Olfstins out of the two I can sense. There is still one roaming around some distance away and I don't want to risk encountering that beast whilst Diana's condition worsens. I'd rather not risk anything at all." He said firmly.

Before Namjoon could reply, Hoseok had walked up from behind them, a frown on his face as he awaited some clarification about what will be done next.

Namjoon pursed his lips, glancing over his shoulder to glance at the remaining men hurdled around Diana's frame as they discussed amongst themselves. With a sigh, he pinched the bridge of his nose after looking back at Wonho sporting an unrelenting look of determination.

"Well? Are we really leaving, right now?" Hoseok quizzed uneasily. Namjoon nibbled on his lip and subtly nodded, "I... suppose so." He finally complied, watching as Wonho ever so slightly smiled compassionately, "I'll cook up the meat." He murmured, resuming his hands as they worked back to strengthen the fire burning in the pit.

Jimin heaved out a long breath, cradling Diana's physique close to his chest whilst the others surrounded him to keep him and her company.

"For how long will she be unconscious?" Jungkook timidly asked, eyes gazing worriedly at the motionless girl. Jin huffed nervously, "I have no idea..." he mumbled sadly.

A few minutes passed soon after their solemn and downcast gathering before Hoseok called for them to eat up. It was then that the others were informed about going along with the shortly-discussed plan to get moving. They were all reluctant but complied nonetheless, finding no reason to stay aside from the fact that Diana was still blacked out. On the other hand, Jungkook was already accepting of the plan of action and had rushed to help Wonho cook for everyone to speed up the process.

And just maybe if this was the right decision to make, they will have to find out for themselves.


~ Diana POV ~

I feel myself grow more aware as my body was pressed firmly against another warm body. Furthermore, what accompanied the bodily embrace was the continuous feeling of being moved. Then, I began to register the crunching of leaves as footsteps trekked further ahead. My head was propped and cushioned against a shoulder and my arms hung over them in a loose embrace whilst my legs remained floating above the ground.

My brows crossed in confusion and slight panic as I realised I was being carried. Though knowing that it was one of the boys that were carrying me eased that slight panic.

My eyes were heavy as they remained shut, but I urged them to pry open so that I could take in what was happening - why was there so much movement? Why is everyone so quiet? That's to put aside the crunching sound of dead leaves.

Whispers were exchanged not long after that question brewed in my mind and I began to wonder, 'what is going on?'. I couldn't make out what anyone was saying since they spoke in such a hushed manner.

Were they sneaking around??

With my curiosity growing larger, I subconsciously let out a small groan as the simple task of opening my eyes was tiring enough to convince me to keep them shut. Dismissing that urge to give in to its heaviness, I blinked repeatedly to clear up the slightly blurry vision afore me.

At my groan, the men seemed to halt and the man holding me against his frame gingerly loosened his hold to peer at me. I brought one of my dangling hands to rub the haziness from my eyes but I grew stiff in an instant.

My- my hand! How could I forget?!

"Diana, sweetheart?" Jin's voiced in a hushed tone as he called for me, having felt my body grow tense. I swallowed thickly and lifted my head off his broad shoulders to look into his eyes with my sad ones.

He visibly softened at my low spirit and cooed gently, "Oh love, I know. I know," he murmured softly, bringing one hand settled against my back to push my head back to his shoulders in a sort of embrace to comfort me.

"How are you feeling?" He asked and resumed his walking, followed by the others as they walked ahead.

I grumbled some into his neck dejectedly and heaved out a small "I'm fine.", to which he accepted understandingly.

"I could've been better though." I mumbled, bringing my arms to circle more tightly around his shoulders.

Then suddenly, I shot my head up as my eyes grew wide, "Wait, we're leaving." I realised as I glanced around me, finding our resting spot nowhere in sight.

Jin had startled a little at my abrupt movement before calming down, "Right, yes. We figured it was best to reach that cave sooner." He recounted softly.

Without needing to say another word, I got the gist of this plan head on. If any of them were in my place, I'd insist to reach the exit sooner, too.

I sucked in a deep breath as I fought the urge to look down at my dangling right foot, knowing it wasn't there. I squeezed my eyes closed and buried my face into the crook of Jin's neck to find some solace for myself and to block out the view of unintentionally seeing my foot again.

I already got a harsh reminder of my hand and that was a rough wake-up call in itself. I didn't need another one that could likely push me into a state of panic.

At the feeling of fingers brushing through the tangled mess of my hair, I lifted my face just slightly to see the source.

Namjoon smiled sadly my way. He'd slowed down his pace and began walking right beside Jin to be within my reach. He leaned forward just slightly to place a chaste kiss on my forehead before pulling away, "There are no stops from now on. We won't stop moving until we reach that cave." He murmured.

I blinked slowly as I nodded subtly, ignoring the nagging insecurity at the back of my head telling me that I'm becoming an even more of a dead weight.

With my right hand missing, I didn't exactly have the grip to hold onto my crutch, and although I can still hold it, the numbness of it had left it limp and motionless till the point the opacity was visible.

I gulped slightly and used my left hand to reach for Joon's hand as a silent request to hold it. Without a second to waste, he launched his hand forward to hold it. "I got you, baby." He said under his breath.

I felt more comfort through his unconscious ministrations as he rubbed his thumb over the back of my hand, possibly to console himself as well.

"How long was I passed out?" I asked, growing worried with how many times this has occurred for me. How many times have I asked about the amount of time I've been knocked out? Jin began to rub my back as he spoke, "I can't tell exactly. Most likely around twenty minutes or so." He answered. I sighed dejectedly, holding back my words from telling Jin to put me down.

His arms must be killing him. He must be tired.

"I'm alright, love. I'm just glad I can hold you." He whispered into my ear, leaning the side of his head against my own to make sure I was the only one hearing this. He seemed to have figured out my train of thoughts, which took me by surprise. I pursed my lips and tightened my hold around him in response. "Please tell me when you're tired, Jinnie..." I pleaded.

Jin paused for a moment before nodding, "Okay." He complied gently.

The sun was already descending and bringing large shadows to loom over us from its current angle. I could only hope that I didn't push myself into another panic attack because the thought of getting it again was nerve wracking.

I have never been pushed into such a state, and after continuously experiencing being thrown into them has made me fear the next one. That itself will probably be the reason I get sent into a next panic attack - I realised.

Not wanting to terrify myself from trailing into those thoughts any longer, I decided to focus on the grounding feeling of being wrapped in Jin's arms and having my hand being held in Joon's bigger ones, which ultimately had my body going slack and calm.

I felt undeniably secure and safe with them. I was well aware of that, so I filled my mind with that thought alone.

It made me subconsciously squeeze Joon's hand, which earned me his attention as his eyes glanced my way, a curious glint shining in his eyes as we made eye contact. I suppressed the fluster I felt under his gentle gaze and smiled at him, getting a dimpled one in response. He leaned my way a little, nuzzling my right cheek and I couldn't stop the red tint from appearing on my cheeks from the sudden show of affection.

Holy sheep, did that just happen??

My heart grew erratic in my chest at the gesture and before I could even physically respond, Jin beat me to it.

"Namjoon, you are too close to my face."

I huffed out a breathy laugh at that statement and watched Joon spring his head away instantly, his own cheeks dusking pink. Jin giggled at that, "Thank you." He smiled cheekily.

"Hyung..." Namjoon whined in embarrassment, this time being the one to squeeze my hand. I couldn't help but join the laughing fit Jin was letting out as the younger male groaned at the attention brought on him from the other guys walking ahead of us.

Not wanting to make him feel too embarrassed, I decided that I wanted to give him a peck on the cheek, just so that those pink cheeks were out of bashfullness instead.

At least that's what I predict will come out of it, so let's find out to see if it comes true, hehe.

Pulling on his hand, his eyes met mine and he tentatively leaned closer thinking I wanted to tell him something as I gestured for him to come closer. His eyes glanced at Jin, knowing that this closeness was the starting point for the elder's statement claiming he was too close.

Before I chickened out on this urge, I had puckered my lips and stretched my neck to meet his face.

It was like time slowed at that very moment as my eyes grew as wide as saucers upon the last second motion that Namjoon pulled by spinning his head to face mine head on.

His brain probably hadn't even registered the happenings before it was too late.

I had pecked him on the lips.



I was growing impatient and needed to do something abt this. So yeah, this ending and the kiss seems a bit too out of the blue lmao 😭😭✨✨

Hope you liked this chapter! 🥹🫶✨ It has a lot of things going on at once, huh? 😅 but it's long!~

See you next chapter lovelies 🥰😘❤️💕✨

~ Ada

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