👾CH. 46👾

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Namjoon jerked away in shock, turning visibly pink and leaving me to catch the attention of not only his wide blown eyes, but of seven others.

My mouth broke free to explaining myself with hurried and a messy jumble of words, "I... it wasn't- I didn't- I mean.. I was going to- uh, that kiss- gah!!"

I felt myself flush even more as the others watched me blabber none sense as an explanation, possibly shocked themselves. I'm shocked at myself!!

It was for a second too long that my lips touched his and I came to realise that I desired it awfully more. I wanted to kiss those lips again. As he pulled away and I remained stark still, Jin's arms tightening around my frame and with the group - as a whole - coming to a stop, I could only manage to shrink in on myself, unable to look away from Namjoon who was just as still, if not more.

I'd buried my face into Jin's neck in a desperate attempt to hide myself and though I couldn't blame the male, he was stuck glued on his spot and motionless as he let me bury as close as I could manage without a very conscious state of mind.

Namjoon blinked once, twice, maybe a few more times before he finally broke his gaze from staring at my currently melting being. He coughed into his hand, hiding his face with his hands to cover up the darker flush dusting his cheeks upon registering the happenings.


I jolted on my spot and my eyes blew wide open at the look on everyone's faces. I grew utterly confused as they all seem to be standing behind Joon, Jin and I. They were just standing ahead of us, right?? Wh—-

"Diana? What is it??" Namjoon asked, snapping me out of my trance.


I blinked, noticing Joon sport an expectant look as he leaned close to me, awaiting what I wanted to tell him. His face was tilted to the side so his ears were closer, ready to hear me.

I blinked a few times before looking around me to see everyone was still walking ahead. Jin was minding his own business as he kept his head facing forward, allowing me the space to move a little within his hold.

I gulped, returning my attention to an awaiting Joon, who was now looking at me in the eyes with a confused frown at my silence. I noticed my hand still holding onto his hand, keeping him close before I extended it forward, letting him pull away as I didn't have words to say anything.

"I- uh.. I forgot what I...um- what I was going to say..." I mumbled sheepishly. He quirked a brow at that, a look of concern washing over his features before he took in a deep breath before nodding, "That's okay." He dismissed.

I nodded back with pursed lips, internally wishing for the ground to swallow me whole as it dawned on me that I had gotten way into my imagination as the picture of feeling Joon's lips won me over.

I still craved it. And I wanted to just black out at the realisation. What has gotten into me??

Gosh, I need help.


I was in Jungkook's arms now, Jin needed a break and it was long overdue. It was a short pause before everyone continued forward even as our setting grew darker.

2 to 3 glowing rocks were pulled out of one of the bags alongside the handy-dandy torches so that we could watch our steps. We didn't need to worry too much about the traps even as nightlight shone on us as Wonho's abilities made our venture safer to be somewhat at ease.

"Watch your steps. There's a fallen tree ahead." Wonho spoke up every once in a while to inform us of such things, and I always worried when Jungkook struggled a little when manoeuvring around or over them since he held me.

Not that I worried I'd fall, it's just the extra effort he had to put to make sure I didn't and that he didn't as well.

I could barely make out anything in the forest aside from time to time - when the torch lights shined in the direction I was looking, which is behind us - so it wasn't often.

With majority of the time, I had remained quiet alongside everyone else. Having done nothing but look around, my eyes began to tire out and I wasn't quite ready to fall asleep knowing everyone else is working through getting past the night.

I lifted my head off of Jungkook's shoulder, leaving one factor out from bringing me closer to sleep. Instead, I decided to start a conversation with him to keep myself awake.

"What will you do when we get out of here?" I mumbled softly at Kook, who looked my way for a second before looking ahead again. "What will I do?" He repeated thoughtfully, thinking through his answer as he wondered as well.

He hummed as he thought about it, "Well, for starters, I would hug my family and spend some time from all that we missed. I miss them a lot." He chuffed with a small smile. I smiled at his answer, nodding.

"Then..." he continued, "I would come looking for you and the hyungs. After everything we went through, there's no way I could forget all of you in the real world." He shrugged.

"Me too." I affirm knowingly, "If we forget everything, it would be really sad." I said. He nodded, feeling upset over that thought before he changed and directed my own question to me, "What about you? What is the first thing you will do?" He asked. I pursed my lips as I thought through this, wondering if my dad would be there when I wake up, or if my mom would break into tears of joy upon seeing me awake and well.

"I'd hug my family, too." I answered and Jungkook's gaze softened as he smiled. I smiled back, "Then I'll hug you and the others. Then we can all hang out and eat all the goodies." I giggled.

Jungkook grinned widely, "Yeah. We'll stuff our faces with all sorts of food." He nodded quickly. We both looked at each other for a moment, simply smiling fondly at one another, and I came to realise this first as my cheeks flushed. Clearing my throat, I resorted to hiding my face into his neck, intending to keep my flushed face out of his sight even though it was dark.

Jungkook chuckled almost bashfully soon after and gave my head a slight nuzzle with his nose before focusing on looking ahead, leaving me to calm the harsh beating of my heart at the gesture.

I'm a lost cause...

I took a peek at Namjoon who was trailing behind me and Jungkook, feeling heat radiate off of my face as I recalled the scenario that had imprinted in my mind at the thought of kissing him on accident.

Am I becoming horny? Is that what this is??

Because I wanted to test the accuracy of my imagination. Is it as soft and kissable as I think? Maybe more? Maybe less?? Unconsciously, I licked my lips and instantly snapped my eyes away from a clueless Namjoon, intending to keep him that oblivious for as long as I think in such a manner.

I'm gonna blame the game for my rotting mind.

I strained my neck slightly to peek forward, noting that the front view was just as dark (with the exception of the torch lights, of course) if not more. It's almost more scary than looking behind us considering that we're walking into the darkness instead of away.


"Everyone, let's slow down a little. We should be nearing a slope." Wonho voiced out into the silence, making my skin crawl with nerves at the eery silence that followed after his words.

"Is it... um, steep?" I hesitate mid-sentence at the volume of my voice, feeling self-conscious with how loud I spoke before speaking in a more hushed tone to not potentially disturb our setting.

Wonho grimaced, unfortunately nodding at the question as an answer, "There should be a few flatter areas climbing up. Maybe we should all briefly refuel ourselves. It will be difficult even without anything to carry alone." He pointed out.

I wanted to tell him to speak more softly but held back, knowing it wasn't the time to interject - especially with what I had to say.

I'm surprised I managed to keep myself awake when a while ago, I was ready to pass out. Either way, I needed to make sure I was awake now, too. More so because of the incoming hassle the slope will bring. I'm already feeling bad for whoever had to deal with my weight when climbing up. It's most likely going to still be Jungkook, but I doubt he'll have the strength to continue all the way.

"I hope you're not underestimating me, petal." Jungkook grinned knowingly, feeling challenged with my expressions slipping out to show my doubt and hesitance at the oncoming obstacle.

That nickname is practically my second name now, but it still doesn't stop my heart from going boom-boom.

I smiled back at him sheepishly, choosing not to reply to his rhetorical question because I was not really underestimating him. I was just... thinking logically. Yeah, that.

"Maybe you should put me down for now. You know, to regain your energy and bring relief to your poor arms. Look at your veins, jeez..." I patted him on his chest and he complied, gently settling me to sit on the ground, to which I thanked him with a smile.

Hot damn veins, indeed

I watched as Hoseok and Jimin manoeuvred our water supply carefully and scooped up some water to chug down before passing it around for the others.

Just like that, we spent a few minutes to energise and resumed towards the oncoming slope.

I leaned away from Jungkook's chest to peer at him curiously whilst he looked forward as he watched his steps. Upon my stare, he couldn't ignore it for long before meeting my gaze quizzically.

"I know you mentioned about your daily gym routines in the real world, but still... you utter no complaints when lifting me for so long. I'm pretty sure you don't train your body to carry around someone for a stretch of time." I brought up after a short stare down.

Jungkook huffed out a chuckle at that, shaking his head at my words and readjusted his grip on me whilst I wrapped my arms around his neck more firmly. "You silly girl. Holding you like this isn't as hard as you think. Just enjoy being held, will you?" He wiggled his brows suggestively in the end, making me gape at him in disbelief.

He's trying to make me confess!!!! Heck nawwww

"Yah," I scoffed, giving his head a light smack and making him laugh more. "I was just saying that because now you have one more thing coming and it will become harder. I care about how much you push yourself, okay? Be grateful." I rolled my eyes. He shrugged as he looked ahead, rounding a little bump rising from the ground before resuming walking straight, "Well, it can't be helped so there's no reason to ponder over it. It's not like we can make the ground flatter to favour us." He replied.

I hummed, "I know." I sighed and plopped my chin on his shoulder with dispirit.

"Oh, we're here." He stated, slowing down alongside everyone else as their heads tilted upwards, gauging the sloped path before them. I leaned away again, twisting my head to peer ahead to see just how slanted the ground was and sure enough, it was steep steep.

Just great...

"Buckle up, buttercup. You're in for it, now." I snorted, not even caring about how my weight would bring him great struggle, now. Instead of countering my words, he took my words as a challenge.

"Watch me." He huffed out cockily and followed behind Wonho as the elder began to trudge forward whilst he beckoned for everyone to begin climbing upwards. I heard some of the men mutter curses under their breath at the slope and felt bad for their already working legs.

"I'd totally make this more difficult for you, but considering our situation and the time of day, I'll be as still as an inanimate object." I giggled softly. Jungkook rolled his eyes in good nature, "That's - oh, so greatly appreciated, sweet, sweet, Diana." He replied back, a toothy grin in his features as I returned it.

"Should I start a daily gym routine every morning, too?" Yoongi huffed out indignantly, feeling the start of a burning sensation at the back of his calves from climbing up the slope. "I'm not fit for this." He groaned out. I reached out for Yoongi's hand as he walked just behind Jungkook, to which he complied and reached for it, holding it and using it to help him up some areas that jump a few inches up.

"I'm considering that too, hyung..." Taehyung whined, "I've only ever worked on my arms and chest. My legs are not happy." He elaborated whilst he climbed forward with a grunt.

Jungkook simply laughed silently, "We could go together once we're out." He piped in.

"I'm too old for this." Jin cursed under his breath, gripping at Namjoon's upper arm to help himself up whilst the latter hummed in compassion. "I've gone on plenty of hikes so I've got some stamina for this." He grinned. Yoongi rolled his eyes, "Maybe I should've joined you from all those times you've asked me. I might not be breaking a sweat like I am now." He muttered.

"I have a lot of stamina. But most of it has been used up since our trek so I'm beginning to get a little tired." Jimin chimed in with a sigh and Hoseok nodded, "Same. I might dance a lot, but these recent weeks haven't improved my stamina. I haven't been doing much of exercise myself, maybe I'll take you up on that offer, kookie." He chortled breathily.

I smiled at them as they conversed, remaining quiet as I wasn't in place to complain when I'm being carried around for the majority of our trip. The only complaints I've managed to utter were of being carried too much. I can't really use that same thing now that I had nothing within me to help balance myself - no matter a crutch. It's useless with my disappearing hand.

I sneaked a glance at my fading arm, gulping down the uneasy feeling at the pit of my stomach as my forearm was halfway translucent. At least from what I could tell with the darkness.

And so it spreads....

"How high up are we supposed to climb?" Taehyung asked Wonho, who was silently enjoying the men's conversation with a look of amusement.

The latter glanced high up, pausing as he did so to avoid possibly tripping from a misstep and he squinted his eyes. He lifted his hand up, pointing the torch light forward to get a better look, "We should be up in five more minutes max. That is if we keep this pace up." He estimated.

"Five more minutes of climbing this crap?" Jin huffed, feeling slightly discouraged with the length of time needed to overcome this hassling path.

"My legs are already screaming..." Yoongi sighed.


Man that's tiring ://


Anyways! Hope you liked this chapter! 😂😁✨✨

See you in the next chapter! Love you guys 🥰🥰😘❤️💕✨✨

~ Ada

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