👾CH. 53🏠

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Sparks ignited every surface of my being, urging me to open my eyes and look, to figure out what was the cause of this.

My stomach churned at the feeling, it was hard to tell whether these sparks meant good or bad. I felt my fingers twitch as they tingled from these feelings. I swallowed thickly, feeling my throat grow increasingly dry. I found myself trying to move my legs, needing to move it but it felt too heavy to lift.

"She's- she's moving!!! Doctor!!!!"

Was I underwater? What's that sound??

I grimaced, unable to ignore my empty stomach and heavy limbs. Trying to wake up seems to be an impossible task as I attempted to open my eyes. They felt like heavy boulders and as if it was glued shut.

"Hyung!! She's becoming conscious!! Bring everyone, hurry!!"

I tried to relax, hoping this would allow me to put all of my strength into opening my eyes, needing to see, needing to know what was happening.

With a few breaths' passing, I tried again, only this time focusing on my eyes only.

I frowned in concentration and was surprised by the brightness that invaded my previously dark vision. Where am I? Is the sun in my face??

"Look! Hoseok, she's- she's trying to wake up! You can see it to? It's not just me??"

Another voice chimed and I felt my heart flutter, a lightness lifting some unknown weight off of my chest.

"No, you're right, Look; her fingers are moving!"

Using up the best of my will, I finally pried them open with great struggle, groaning and cringing at the raspiness of my voice and the bright- way too bright lights.

"Oh- oh my god! Wait, hold on sweetheart, I'll dim the lights. She's awake!!!"

Blinking blearily and quickly, I sighed as the lights grew dimmer, allowing me to look without shutting my eyes right back or any strain.

I turned my head to the side, heart pulsating as they landed on my hand.

Wires... so many wires...

My eyes trailed up, towards the beeping monitor and IV drip. I grunted, trying to sit up from my spot on this bed, realising I was settled on a hospital bed.

What...? how did I—-


"Welcome to the game."

"Mmph?!?! Mphh!! Mph!!!"

"Son of a b—-"

"Game, I might just hate you a little more..."

"Say hello to sweet, sweet revenge!!"

"Everyone adores you."

"My head's always empty, you goof."

"My friend... she's suffering with memory loss. Amnesia."

"-How can you just put yourself against that thing like that? You knew it was so dangerous."

"Be very grateful, angel. You're the first to receive two kisses from me."

"...you're forgetting about your life in the real world."

"You... again.."

"The game is turning against you."

"I like you a lot."

"I don't want to die."

"What will we do when we get out of here?"

"I-it's hard to b-breathe,"

"Why am I so calm?"

"...and tired,"

All these memories rushed into my head like bullets of a shot gun (though, a machine gun seems more fitting), making me gasp as I braced at the heavy load filling up my brain, my hand clutching tightly at the white sheets as a pounding in my head that was growing in intensity simply dissipated shortly after I knew I recalled every single moment.

Why was that so intense?!

"—ana, Deep breaths, come on beanie—"

My eyes snapped at the voice that entered my ears, the nostalgic words making me turn immediately to...

"H-Hoseok.." I rasped out. The man burst into tears, basically ugly crying into my hands clutched within his. When did he get so damn buff?

"Yes.. yes, it's me beanie. You're... you're finally awake! H-how do you feel? Any pain? Anything?" He asked with great attention, looking up to assess me.

My eyes teared up. "I-it was you. You're Wonho. It was you the whole time..!" I gasped as I wrapped my arms around him the best I could, melting into his embrace as he sat closer to make this easier for me.

"What do you mean? I was always Wonho, silly. Could you hear me from all the visits I made?" He asked softly into my hair, cradling us and swaying just slightly from side-to-side as we basked in each other's comfort.

"I-I saw you. In the game. You called yourself a glitch. You called yourself my Guardian." I mumbled into his chest, knowing he wouldn't be repulsed by my odd claim.

"I... did?" He pulled away slightly to get a look at me. A shine in his eyes that sparked with both curiosity and fondness. He must've found the thought of being my Guardian very sweet. I gave him a watery smile, "You were there for me the whole time." I choked out, gulping back my emotions.

He smiled, although not understanding any of my words, he simply accepted them as is, "You've got quite a crowd. I must give you a fair warning though, two of them might leave your heart a dangerous high. I'm not too sure if it's a good idea to let them in, but oh well. You've been their fan way before we even became friends." He chuckled knowingly, making me frown in confusion.

"A crowd?"

"Mmhmm. I didn't know you knew them, but they seem to have this... need to see you. Even those two. I can't believe they're here so see my beanie." He scoffed in disbelief, brushing away my hair from my face and wiping any fallen tears staining my cheeks, he patted my head and stood up.

"Who..?" My voice trailed into silence as Wonho opened the door. My eyes widened as a hoard of people rushed in with franticness and eagerness.

"Woah.." I huffed out a small laugh at the absurd sight of grown men fighting one another to get to the front.

Before else, however, a woman rushed through instead, making me gasp as my heart stammered.

"My baby!!!" She cried happily.

"M-Ma!" I breathed out, tears overflowing in an instant as I recall forgetting this beautiful woman, this incredible mother of mine.


I sobbed, hearing my Juno's voice for who knows how long, "Juno-yah," I weeped, letting my mom make space for the 12 year old to jump into my arms.

"Why is your hair so long?" I cried, too happy to care about my appearance as of now. I examined his face, recalling every detail like I normally would, flooding my being with another wave of relief, "Your hair is long!" Juno wailed back, sniffling his snot like the ugly crier I know him to be.

"Ew, don't get your snot all over me!" I pushed him lightheartedly.

"Eomma!! Noona hasn't learnt anything in that year-old sleep of hers! She's still annoying!" Juno complained to my smiling mother, her face stuck with a wide, happy grin.

I rolled my eyes at my brother, calming down my own water works whilst he rushed off to who knows where—-


I jolted on my spot when an all too familiar booming voice of my elder brother resounded throughout the halls of the hospital.

"Oppa!!!" I yelled for him, sitting up eagerly with a grunt, quickly giving my fretful Ma a smile to reassure her that I'm fine as her hands hovered over me just in case.

"My darling Dianaaa!!!" Yohan rushed in, pushing some men off their spot in a haste to get to me in the shortest route possible - which happened to be through the lil' crowd in this room.

"And she told me she doesn't call him Oppa! What a liar..."

I ignored one purposely loud remark of one of the guys in the crowd in favour of relishing in my brothers presence and embrace. I shrieked in surprised when he shifted me to a corner and made space for himself before indulging the two of us into a bone crushing hug.

"I'm so sorry, I never should've given you that cursed box!" He admitted first, making my smile falter, "If- if I hadn't taken it, if I hadn't given it to you, you wouldn't have had to be here." His voice trembled. I frowned at that, rubbing his back in consolation, "Hey, I'd rather it was me than you. I would've been way worse off if I found you in my place." And I was telling the truth. Finally seeing the face of my brother that was initially hidden behind an intense blur, I took in his appearance, noting the fatigue weighing him, yet the elation and happiness overpowered it.

I just know I couldn't have dealt any better than him. I wouldn't have an occupation of some sort to keep me distracted, but he does. He has things to do that can keep his mind off of me and my state.

"I don't blame you in the slightest for what happened... it's that anonymous manufacturer and this dark 'magic' they cursed the disk with that is at fault. I'm just glad I'm back." I smiled at him, pulling away to look at his face.

I winced inwardly at his wobbling bottom lip and tear stained face... he never was a pretty crier...

I guess this feature ran in the family. I wasn't a pretty crier either.

"Oh gosh, don't cry!" I laughed heartily, my own tears gathering in my eyes despite my plea for him to stop crying himself.

My eyes trailed to Wonho, heart bursting with an overwhelming ounce of elation, knowing he wasn't simply a part of the game. He's my best friend, the true other half since way before this whole game ordeal. He's real.

He smiled at me tearfully, noticing my happy gaze on him. He mouthed an 'I missed you' to me, making me choke back the lump forming in my throat, my hold tightening around my weeping brother who only hugged me back impossibly tighter. All the while, my mom smiled lovingly at the sight, her tears dried to give room to her happy laughter, a beautiful sound I missed dearly.

I ushered her into the hug, smiling widely when she laughed in surprise when Yohan simply resorted to cry on her instead, crushing her between the two of us.

"I missed you, Noona." Juno's voice resounded, making me strain my neck to look at him over the shoulder of my giggling mother and crying brother. My 12 year old brother smiled at me, which made me automatically smile back.

"Also I'm Thirteen now. You missed my birthday. So it's only fair that we celebrate it now that you're awake. You owe me this much for making me miss you for so long! I want a giant chocolate cake! And Ateez is having a tour. But me a ticket to their concert." He pointed out and I had to freeze.



My family eventually caved in after clutching onto my form after I whined about my empty stomach, something that felt awfully sickening and uncomfortable.

Whilst they left to buy everything I love - as they vowed to get, I was left alone in the meantime.

That was... for 10 whole minutes before seven guys entered the room with wide eyes full of purity and want. They had left initially to allow my family and I the time to reconnect.

My breath hitched as I finally focused on their forms. Some sported bandages around their heads, some with a plaster around their arm and others still in their hospital clothes.

Before I could utter a word, my breath was stolen.

"Diana!" Namjoon was the first to burst to my surprise. His loud exclaim not only startling me, but the guys closest to him as he launched forward to embrace me, his figure shaking with withheld emotions I can't imagine for how long he's held in.

"Joonie.., hi," I breathed out, relishing the feeling I get in his protective hold. "God, you're awake, you have no idea how long I had to wait just to see you looking at me." He breathed out, as if all the weight of the world lifted off of his shoulders.

I exhaled shakily, blinking as my heart pounded, only beating more fast when my beeping monitor caught onto its erratic pace, bringing a flush to my face.

What a snitch!!!

"YAH! careful with her!! She just woke up!! You giant punk!" Jin's voice filtered through when my monitor began to alert the fast pace of my heart rate, not helping my flush any more.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry!! A-are you okay?? Did I hurt you??" Namjoon scrambled to pull away, eyes scanning my being to check on me and I just shook my head, simply clutching at his shirt only to pull him back into a hug.

"I'm fine. I'm just... I... well...." I trailed off with red cheeks. 'It's not my fault that the monitor keeps exposing how my heart goes boom boom for you!' I thought, pursing my lips sheepishly.

"See, you're hurting her! She's just being nice," Jin blabbered, "Diana, you don't have to be nice to him, tell him right in the face to go away!"

"hyung, let him be." Jungkook chuckled softly.

"I missed you, Ana." Namjoon whispered into my ear, squeezing my frame for a moment before going lax and melting like a pudding in my arms, making me coo as I returned the squeeze, "Me too, Joonie." I giggled gently.

"So sappy..." Hoseok laughed with feigned disgust.

I sent the sunshine boy a pointed look, giving Joon a pat on the back as he pulled away with a sigh, I ushered the other 94' liner to me and he skipped close with a bright grin.

He lurched forward for a hug, which I reciprocated happily before scoffing as he snuggled close, "Look who's talking!" I laughed, joined by the others watching the scene play before them with amusement and fond eyes.

Eventually, I shared a warm hug with every one of them, smiling like a freak with my cheeks beginning to ache, I just simply couldn't fathom how we're all just... here. Outside of that simulation, with other people present, tall buildings and technology.

To an outsider's point of view, it would come off as something absurd; where a bunch of strangers who happened to fall into some coma out of nowhere are suddenly waking up to embrace each other as if they've known one another for years.

"The craziest thing is... We're not the only ones who got sucked into the game." Jimin revealed, sitting on the bed I was laying limply on. My eyes widened at that, "wait what?" I blurted out dumbly.

He nodded, "It's true! You know that note we found from that cave? The one about some rectangle light? We tested it..." he explained.

Shortly after waking up, he and the boys woke up roughly around the same time before taking time to recover under the hospitality of doctors and nurses, their obtained injuries were tended to, and physical therapy was taken for them to gain back the strength in their limbs that remained unmoving for the time they remained unconscious in the real world. When they recovered well enough to get back to normal, they were questioned about this absurd phenomena by investigators as they were the first to wake up.

This followed for 2 whole days before they finally decided that they had to trust and accept their 'stories' that were initially believed to be made up. But with the reoccurring 'tell-tale' of the same events taking place in their words individually, the investigators couldn't brush aside the fact that they couldn't have pulled this off as their research proved them as mere strangers - who now suddenly seemed to be long lost friends in present time. Their descriptions matched, the events playing in their tellings matched, and so did the names of those involved.

When they finally gave in to believe, the boys collectively informed them of something they hoped would help everyone else out of their game worlds.

It was hard to risk anyone, with protective family members refusing to risk the lives of their family member, they eventually landed on a pitiful family of riches. They allowed it, cursing under their breathes about the money they spent to keep their son alive over some phenomena that has remained inexplicable.

It angered them, yes, but it was the only opening they could find, so they tested it with belated breaths whilst they stood in the room of the poor boy of such a family. They gazed at the screen displaying a threat over the victim's life if it was switched off.

The investigator accompanying them took it upon himself to test it, allowing the seven men the relief from such a boulder of responsibility over one's life.

Taehyung held an iPad of the investigator's, watching the screen showing the boy who was attached to a monitor in the hospital with an awaiting doctor and another investigator sitting by his bed with hopeful looks on their faces.

When the screen shut dark, the controller sitting idly by the table supporting the TV screen buzzed with electricity like a light show, making everyone present in the room to flinch. On the other end, the doctor and investigator beside the unconscious boy gasped when his finger twitched. Following this, his eyes ticked with a tell-tale sign of him regaining consciousness.

The rest can be filled when the test proved to help and wake up the victim.

"It was just you.. who didn't wake up." Jimin sighed sadly. "We switched off your game screen, but you still didn't wake up.."

My mouth was kept gaping as I registered this recounting, processing it and feeling tentative as I wondered for how long I remained unconscious after they woke up...

"H-how long was I....—-" I asked timidly and my voice trailed, but Jungkook answered my question, "2 weeks." He smiled sadly at my look of shock.

"You know, there was another game world that held an odd group. Apparently there were 10 players in one world. With just one male player!" Yoongi enlightened me and the others nodded frivolously, displaying their own disbelief and fascination.

"I met two of those players. Sana and Dayhun. Apparently they had a similar situation like us. The guy wasn't meant to be in the game either and..." Namjoon mumbled, growing tentative whilst the room fell silent with a tension I began to jump to conclusions with.

"What happened to him?" I dared to ask and was mortified when Hoseok shook his head solemnly, giving me my answer.

"He-" I stopped before I could ask more. It's not my place to ask.

"There were many casualties. It wasn't just him." Yoongi revealed, pursing his lips.

"What matters now is that we can put an end to this... thing." Jimin said. I looked up at him quizzically at that whilst he sighed out a breath and gifted me a soft smile, "We helped everyone out of that cursed game. Those disks are limited, right? It'll be disposed of and investigators are currently working on making sure there's no such 'soft copy' of this thing that would allow another duplication." He explained.

I exhaled in relief, feeling more at peace at the thought of never having to encounter such a dark magic phenomena again. Or even witnessing another set of people being involuntarily sucked into some game world to deal with otherworldly creatures.

"I doubt it would work with a duplication, though. That's some dark witchery shit." Yoongi grumbled.

My Ma then entered with a permanent grin on her face, eyes gleaming more brightly upon seeing me for obvious reasons before she took her place by my side and smothered my face in kisses.

"My baby, you'll be discharged tomorrow. Just sometime in the afternoon after you regain some strength from that awfully long bedridden your body was put through." She told me.

She smiled and I grinned back happily, internally gushing in impatience as I was growing tired of this plain white setting. I let myself dismiss the previous topic that was being conversed.

"Thank the stars!" I huffed out. The boys laughed at my reply in understanding. They too, decided that dwelling on a past that already happened wouldn't change whomever's fate that got intervened... as insensitive as it seems, but... at least now we can stop it from potentially happening another time in the future.

"I will prepare your favourite hot chocolate when we reach home. I'm sure you'd like some. Or maybe my spaghetti?" She asked gently, fondly and I felt my eyes well up with tears.

"Hot chocolate would be wonderful." I smiled tearfully, watching my mom break into a teary grin as well, "Of course," she complied, "I'll even make the spaghetti, hm? Let's have both. Not in one sitting of course." She added with soft smile, giggling.

My eyes met Jin's and he grinned happily at me, nodding knowingly.

My mom turned to them shortly after and quickly wiped away her welling tears before addressing them, "Such fine men you all are. Are you all close friends with my daughter?" She smiled warmly at them, making me shrink back into my pillow with an incoming feeling of cringe, knowing she's going to go full out.

"Y-yes ma'am! We... met through the.. well- the game." Hoseok straightened, the rest following suit.

"That's alright. I figured as much since you lot rushed into her room shortly after waking up! I recognise you, though, young man." My mom suddenly pointed towards Taehyung, making the male stiffen.

"Huh?" He blurted out in response, making me hold back a laugh. He thought over it before 'ah!' -ing in recollection.

"Do you mean when I accompanied my friend?" He asked for clarification and my mom jumped up to her feet with an enthusiastic nod, "Yes! What is your name, sweetie?" She smiled.

"I'm Kim Taehyung, miss." He smiled boxily, cheeks blushing happily, making me internally coo.

I laughed silently as the other boys backed away with awkward smiles, some directing pointed looks to the happy boy for taking all of her attention.

My mom approached Taehyung and opened her arms for a hug, which Taehyung was pleasantly surprised with, closing the gap to hug her back with an impossibly wider smile.

"Good riddance... he's already made it into the family. We've got no chance, now!" Jungkook whined.

My eyes caught on to Juno staring dazedly at Jungkook, making my brow quirk up in interest.

"I want...."

He kept mumbling something under his breath before he was outwardly pointing at Jungkook, making everyone turn to him as he shouted his words, "I want to be like you, hyung!" He exclaimed enthusiastically.

Jungoook looked taken aback and pointed towards himself quizzically for clarification, "Me?" He asked and Juno nodded vigorously, rushing to stand beside him, "I'll be as tall as you and grow out my hair! You're so big and cool-looking!" He grinned, looking at the bunny boy in awe.

Jungkook grew flustered and his cheeks dusted a cute pink as he gained everyone's attention because of the 13 year old.

"Woww, Jungkookie's become a role model." Namjoon chuckled heartily. The said man could only smile toothily as he regarded Juno, "You look cool just as you are, right now. You've still got plenty of time, kiddo." Jungkook chuckled heartily, feeling undoubtedly flattered. Maybe he does have a chance into the family.

Juno grinned, turning to look at me and my eyes widened at the open mischief dancing in his orbs.

Oh hell no-

"Are you Noona's boyfriend? Or will you be??" He was purposely using his innocent look and made himself sound as pure as an Angel.

What a devil!!!

"Y-YAH!!!!" I screamed at him, cursing my limp body for keeping me from diving head first onto Juno to shut him up.

My mom snorted and broke into a surprised fit of laughter, "Juno-yah..~ that's too blatantly put! Poor boy has gotten red!" She lightheartedly scowled at her youngest, but it baffled me that she didn't outwardly reject the idea.

Oh who am I kidding? She's been trying to set me up way before this whole ordeal!! Gasp! She just met seven other candidates!! Oh gosh!!!!

Everyone was taken aback and Jungkook was a red tomato as his eyes turned to me, blown wide and shy.

Juno cackled at my burning face, giving me a cheeky grin as he skipped to stand beside Yohan, my elder brother who was covering his mouth from snorting at the position his little brother put me and Jungkook in.

"I, well- Uh, I-I'm not... really... we're just- you know—-" Jungkook spluttered with steam practically emitting out of his ears as he grew increasingly flustered.

Oh god.... My mom was looking at Jungkook like a hawk, and in a positive light, too.. and why is Taehyung looking like a kicked puppy?

My eyes trailed to Yoongi and I had to suppress the urge to burst into flames. He had this all-knowing look in his eyes and his disposition became sultry only under my gaze. Before anyone else could pick up on his flirtation, he feigned innocence and sent me a sneaky wink, making clear he was not at all bothered by what was transpiring before him.

Is this finally the time we get to indulge into things we had to put aside? The time we can finally be able to enjoy ourselves without the fear of some life-threatening danger hanging over us?

Do I... do I finally get the chance to discover and understand the callings and beating of what my heart desires?



What a journey, huh? And a lil cookie was dropped here, did anyone pick up on the surprise feature in this chapter? 🤭🤭

Just one more chapter is left before we finally conclude the end of this story and book ☝️✨

Let me know what you guys think!
Anything you wish to see in the near future? Any questions that have been left unanswered in a previous chapter, let me know!
Hope you enjoyed this chapter 🫶✨
See you next chapter! 🥰🥰😘❤️💕✨

~ Ada

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