🏠 CH. 54 🏠

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"Okay; careful with your leg, keep it on this platform- yes, good." Yohan kept pestering me as he helped me onto a wheelchair. I had no control over my legs and it may be the lingering effects of my time in the game...

"This is so unfair... why can't I just be back on my feet now that I'm out of that hell? I'm still as useless as ever if not more!!" I whined childishly as I was pushed out of this awfully plain room once and for all.

It was the next day and around the time I was done eating my lunch, Yohan and mom came to pick me up since I was discharged. Finally!

I'm still feeling salty over my useless body.

"You'll have some physical therapy to help gain back some strength in your arms and legs. For now, we'll just have some occasional revisits to check on the state of your legs' condition, see how much has subsided since your discharge. I have some medications already sent back at home with Eomma." He briefed me.

I nodded, holding a pout on my face to express my dismay as he wheeled me out of my designated room.

My dismay however was short lived as a crowd of people entered my vision. The seven men I came to adore and my best friend smiling alongside my baby brother.

My breath got caught in my throat as my eyes trailed towards another particular male.

"Appa...!" I gasped out, eyes widening in pleasant surprise as he grinned back at me, not one bit worried, but more so giddy with meeting me.

"My little Darling Diana," My Dad cooed, slipping past the others making room for him before my he bent down to engulf me in his protective hold, one hand habitually rubbing up and down my back whilst I choked back a happy cry, "You're here!" I laughed, astonished and incredibly ecstatic.

I feel like I'm in one of those emotional reunion compilation videos.

A fraction part of me was a little bummed that we had to reunite with him seeing me on a wheelchair, being discharged from the hospital.

"I am back. I'm sorry I wasn't there for the time of your recovery and inner battle since you got settled here... I never doubted that you'd return back with your beautiful smile. My work couldn't allow me the luxury to return and support you as you fought to come back... now, I know there was never truly anything to worry about. Seeing as you're here, strong as ever and on a road to a perfect recovery no less." He mumbled into my head, leaving a small peck to my head and making me melt as I embraced him back.

We hugged for a good few moments before he pulled away to regard the obvious scar running down my left arm. Something I had taken notice the moment I'd woken up after registering my whereabouts.

It was true that whatever happened from where we got sucked into, showed evidently through what we gained in terms of wounds in the real world, in our physical forms.

"Whatever did this..." My dad began, running his thumb over the scar covering the part over my wrist, making me turn to him expectantly, wondering what he was thinking.

"You must've been very courageous, dealing with an injury this size." He smiled at me, almost with an open glimmer of pride and of feeling proud that had me taken aback.

"Appa...." I awed softly.

"Plus, it makes my daughter look pretty badass! I'm sure this will help shoo away all these damn boys your helpless mom keeps trying to get you with." He laughed with his chest, giving the seven boys behind him a side-glance.

I felt a spec of fear for them but ultimately felt amused by that threat my dad indirectly put towards them. Mostly because they were gulping and straightening their postures as if to appeal to my dad's good books.

I couldn't stifle my chortle as my dad turned to them completely, noticing how they grew nervous and smiled awkwardly. Jin seemed to take this as his chance to step in and introduce himself formally, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Lee. I'm Kim Seokjin, I met your lovely daughter through this... occurrence." He smiled charmingly and my dad made a face conveying a 'huh.. not bad.' He gave me a sneaky wink, making me raise a brow and he turned back to Jin.

"Good to see you, too. I hope you treat my darling well. I don't want to end up pulling out my big guns if something happens, take this as a warning or that game experience is going to end up as nothing compared to me." He directed his threat to every boy who stiffened as soon as they just barely began to loosen up.

The sight was laughable had I not been weeping in embarrassment as this was a common occurrence. Even Wonho experienced this when my mom had that awful phase of making us date each other. My dad would send daggers his way until finally, Wonho told them that he wasn't single for a while and my mom dropped it, although pouting so prominently, my dad couldn't keep his emotions in check because he was finding her too adorable.

"We- we would never have any ulterior motives, sir. We all care about Diana a-and—" Namjoon stuttered the most since we met in the game and the sight was endearing and funny as hell. I could see some of the guys stifling their laugh and my dad's lips quirking up in amusement. I just held back mine to not further embarrass him because his eyes kept darting between me and my dad.

"I'm just messing with you boys, haha!" My dad belly laughed at them, his mischievous grin made me shake my head as it turned out to be a carbon copy of Juno's.

They all heaved out a breath of relief and even Yoongi looked like the energy got sucked out of him and he slumped on his spot with a sigh.

"And you two!" Me dad suddenly pointed towards Namjoon and Yoongi, who turned into stiff sticks, answering to him attentively, gaining the curiosity of not only me but the rest of the guys as well.

"My Diana is a huge fan. I never paid any mind to what she listens to but now that the people she admires is right in front of me, I want to get introduced to your work." He mentioned, not bothering to ask whilst I gasped at him in disbelief.

The said admired ones shot me devious smirks and nodded delightedly at my dad.


He actively ignored my cry of embarrassment, "Come on, I gotta get you home. A certain someone has been missing you like crazy, this day will finally end all that whining." My dad ushered and Yohan from behind me nodded at that knowingly.


I kept asking who was it and my dad nor my brother answered me, leaving me to sulk and for the seven boys to laugh silently behind my back even though they were just as clueless.

When we made it home, I felt a flood of comfort wash over me as I was wheeled into my home. When Dad rushed forward to unlock the front door, I could hear a slight commotion inside, which further sparked my curiosity. What's going on in there?

Shortly after the door opened, I was greeted by my hyper, giddy mom who squealed as she ushered everyone in, a hop to her steps conveying just how happy she is. I watch with a small grin as the seven new guests looked at my dad with amusement. Mostly because my dad can't hide his lovesick smile no matter how hard he tries.

"Noona, you almost seem to outmatch the energy Coco has. Do you want me to help with the food?"

"You know why I'm this way. Now come and lend me a hand, I do need some help."

My dad rushed to her side and I watched as Taehyung and Jimin swooned at their dynamic like fanboys, nudging each other with the way my mom and dad act.

I was used to it, but it makes me cringe a little, seeing my parents all lovey-dovey in my face. My brothers shared the sentiment and made a stank face at the sight of them in the kitchen, giggling like high schoolers and Yohan sighed, tired of looking at the sight before turning to me.

"Appa already left your side and we didn't even make it to the couch. Sorry, Appa had surprised Eomma, too. She's been in this hyper mood since." He huffed out a breath, already halfway drained and I gave him a pat to his hand where he placed them to help wheel me to the living room.

The boys followed behind like baby ducklings and finally Yohan made them feel more comfortable by greeting them and making some jokes.

"I love your home, Diana. It's so warm and homey." Hoseok beamed happily, comfy in his seat on the couch beside me, making me chuckle.

"Here's some snacks to munch on. You boys need to eat lots and dinner will take a while so feel free to ask for anything else in the mean time." My Ma rushed in with serving bowls holding a variety of light snacks and the guys all launched for it, making me and my two brothers make a face of surprise as they were practically in sync upto the bite.

After a moment of comfortable silence, Yohan broke it with a random question.

"Is anyone scared of dogs?"

We all paused and shook our heads, Yohan gave me a pointed look and I made a quizzical face, "Oh dear... She's forgotten. Juno, that's your cue." Yohan nodded to the younger boy who smiled not before sending me the same pointed look and then dashing off to his room.


I gasped at that sound, turning and straining my neck to look behind me as my limp legs limit me to stay facing ahead of me, not letting me bring my knees to my chest so I can look over the backrest of my couch.

Following the sound of doggy barks came the sound of rushing paw-steps that hit the wooden flooring before a German shepherd with a dangling tongue rushed out with excitement.

That's.... Oh my god!

"Coco!! Holy— Coco, my baby!!!!" I literally shrieked and watched my baby round the couch before pouncing over my legs to meet me up halfway, his back legs holding him up before I was slobbered with his kisses and sheer excitement and giddiness.

"Ack- yes, I missed- ye I missed you too, baby. Yes, I did! Okay, I got you, bud. Oh- okay- yep, missed you lots. Alright, calm down bud- okay, yes, I got it!!" I was just as excited, but when he decided he wasn't close enough and put all of his weight over my form, using my lap as his seat before leaving me no room to breathe as he showered me with his affection, I became more aware of the people staring at me.

I couldn't stop giggling happily as he settled down and snuggled, making me hug him against me to keep him from potentially leaving now that I finally have my lil' coco bean in my arms.

"H-he's so cute!!!" Hoseok chortled happily, patting Coco's head by my shoulder with sparkling eyes. Coco must've just realised all of the people around us and straightened, a chuff rumbling out of him before he was scurrying out of my arms and guarding my legs in alarm. I deflated into my seat as my arms fell empty from his majestic fluff.

"You can relax, buddy. They're my friends." I laughed as I watched Coco's tail wag before he was going around sniffing everyone to grow accustomed to them. Taehyung was bursting at the seems from Coco's happy little chirp and clutched his heart as if it physically brought him pain.

"I can't believe you forgot about Coco!" Juno suddenly chimed, patting at said dog's head and glaring slightly at me. I pouted dejectedly, "I can't believe it either! I lost some of my memories in the game, okay! Maybe I'm just now recovering from any lingering side-effects. Give me a break, you b—-" I paused from nearly cussing at him and took a deep breath, "You beetle." I slipped out and glanced meekly at my parents before rolling my eyes as they were very much occupied with each other. A little too lovey dovey, I swear they're a breath away from smooching the shidazzles out of each other.

"Get a room, Eomma, Appa!" Yohan yelled at them and the two sent him an indignant look before separating and actually working on whatever they're making in the kitchen.

"Your parents' dynamic is so sweet." Jimin smiled fondly. I shrugged, "I guess. I'm just over it because I've dealt with them since I was born. Trust me, they never left their honey moon faze since they've had one. People mistake them as a newly wedded couple when they're far from it." I snorted.

"Wow." Namjoon chimed in amusement.

"I know I'll act the same with my eternal partner." Taehyung suddenly told and my eyes snapped to him so quickly, I was a little thrown off at some sudden surge of emotions that flooded me that one moment before it dispersed into one I knew as fluster when he was already looking at me with a knowing glint in his deadly eyes.

What the frock.

I laughed nervously and I accidentally made eye contact with Yohan who grinned mischievously which only served to make me more red.

Oh no... Yohan might become like mom and embarras me in front of everyone....

I'm so screwed.


It took a while, but the lot of us eventually got back into our routines that were abandoned when we got sucked into Escapade.

It took me particularly longer, having to take physical therapy and rely on clutches, sometimes even the wheelchair before fully regaining all the strength in my limbs. The effects of the game and its intent on erasing my very existence took an extra toll on my body, hence my recovery period stretched longer than I care to admit.

I still had a lot of work to catch up to, being a university student. Fortunately though, I wasn't the only one. Jungkook and I frequently planned to hang out together so that we can bask in each other's presence while working on our own stuff.

It was a big shock when Jin and I belatedly found out that his brother actually worked in the same restaurant that my Mother owns. I mean that's just destiny now, isn't it?

Jimin and Hoseok usually ended up playing Just Dance with me whenever we hung out, and their own Dance studio was back to life. Hoseok's sister had taken the liberty to look after the place, but her hand could only do so much by hiring part time dance instructors on the two boys' behalf. However, upon their return, the Studio has been bustling with an all time high with newer admissions by children and avid dancers who seek their guidance.

Taehyung was flooded with sudden attention by brand deals, and just the overall industry in Fashion. This was another scheme played by Destiny, as it was the work of my Borther who had a single modelling gig that involved Taehyung's designs. Yohan's full look had become the highlight of the many fashion shows he attended and modelled in, and so followed the sudden fame for Taehyung as well. As a way to show gratitude, Taehyung surprised me and my family with gifts he exclusively made for us. A custom handbag with hand-sewed design and shoes for my mom, a custom suit set for my dad, a custom coat and tie for my elder brother, a one of a kind sports shoes made just for Juno (the only existing one currently) and finally, a lovely custom dress and earrings set for me.

Namjoon and Yoongi were exposed to the world. Their sudden disappearance, and the plea by their families for their recovery eventually had news out by nosey reporters, but despite this slight setback, they never wavered and embraced the change, all the while not changing how they lived their lives and who they are. Hence why it wasn't a rare occurrence for them to come visit me and sweep my parents off of their feet like the handsome and charming men they are.

We all had made a plan collectively to go out and do things we could only hope to do when we were stuck in the game. Something as simple as sitting and eating fast-food together was treasured. We all even planned out picnics and sleep overs, just tying ourselves together in the real world.

From this point on, our future looked brighter.
We can live our lives like we used to. Only now, the changes that have come from our experiences have brought together so many memories and bonds. We can indulge in the luxury of living as us in the present, basking in the knowledge that our lives are now intertwined.

It couldn't have been better.
Whatever the future holds for us...
For the better or worse,

I can't wait to find out.


👾You have reached the end of the game!👾
?How was your experience?
It is with great hope that you enjoyed your journey throughout this gameplay.




Yes. This story has come to its conclusion.
Fret not however! I know many of u anticipated some intimacy among the members.
We will indulge in that in the near future ❤️🔥

☝️ I know not everyone pays much mind to the book's descriptions, but considering how this book has reached the end of its journey, I'll let you know that this book is actually the First Arc of Escapde! I have mentioned it in the Description LOL.

Hence it's safe for you to assume a NEW Arc for this Story! ❤️❤️

Thank you for supporting this Story and my book. For the votes and your amusing Comments. Just for interacting, Thank you!

Lots and lots of love to all of you lovelies 🥰😘❤️💕

We'll meet again sometime in the future in another book. (Hopefully haha) 😆✨

Goodbye for now! 💜💜

~ Ada 💕

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