Chapter 3

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"Something tells me that you three are up to no good again. Whatcha got in store for me this time?" Lieutenant Rooster growled, following Chloe and Ozone to a corner of the giant cell. He sensed trouble was afoot. That was why he was on high alert. Nothing was gonna get past him without him noticing.

"Relax Lieutenant. There's nothing up our sleeves," Ozone declared, gesticulating with his right arm. In the process, two screwdrivers, a tape measure and a toothbrush flew out. Smiling nervously, the mad scientist kicked them away. Rolling her green eyes, Chloe flicked her striped tail as she piped up, "What he was trying to say Lieutenant is that we have given up. Me, Ozone, Snowball. We will no longer try to escape. We've learned our lesson."


"Really really."

"That's all you wanted to tell me."

"More or less, yes Lieutenant."

"So... why did you bring me all the way into your giant cell?"

"Well, there's one more piece of good news we have for you..."

"Today is my birthday!" Snowball cried, jumping out. Chloe and Ozone backed away. Rooster, on the other hand, found himself caught in a massive bear hug. Standing off to the side, Chloe and Ozone smiled quietly. Their plan was working beautifully so far. Walking forward, Chloe practically shoved her face into Rooster's as she purred, "Like I said, we've given up. The only way we would escape is if you told us where the escape routes are. And you wouldn't tell us that, right?"

"I especially wouldn't tell you that there was a keypad under my poster," Snowball spoke in Rooster's voice, reading his mind. The lieutenant's eyes widened in shock when he heard that. "What kind of trickery is this?!" he demanded. Ignoring their warden, Ozone ran over to said poster and ripped it off the wall. Sure enough, there was a keypad. Turning around, the cat headed man asked, "What's the access code?"

"One two three four five- NO! Dang it Snowball! Let go of me!"

"You officially suck," Chloe remarked as a hidden door opened up, revealing a secret passageway. She and Ozone were about to enter when they heard footsteps. Turning around, they saw the bird creature was coming over. "Crap, what do we do?" Chloe questioned, her ears pinned against her head. Thinking quickly, Ozone shouted, "Snowball, toss the lieutenant!"

"Snowball, you toss me and you're- AHH!!!" Rooster shouted as he was thrown across the room by the shapeshifting blob. Seeing that, the nameless wild animal whirled around. Rooster hadn't even gotten to his feet when he was suddenly tackled to the floor. Free to go, the three monsters ran down the secret passageway. Whacking the bird monster on the head, Rooster escaped through another hidden door and quickly closed it. Grabbing his motorcycle, he raced through the halls.

Rooster's hat firmly clamped in its beak, the bird monster turned around to find the other monsters were missing. The hidden door was still open though. Growling angrily, the bird monster spat out the hat before dashing over and entering the secret passageway. The door finally closed behind the creature, sealing up the giant cell once more.

"Ow my head..." Sweetpea muttered quietly, finally regaining consciousness. Sitting up, the invisible man murmured, "Where is everyone?"

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