Chapter 4

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"I can't believe it! We're actually getting out of here!" Snowball cried jubilantly. Morphed as a rabbit, he was hopping as fast as he could through the hallway. Running on all fours beside him, Chloe purred, "We're free! Goodbye prison, hello New York City!" Behind them, Ozone cried, "Hey! I wanna go back to my lab in London first!"

"Correction monsters. The only place you're going back to is your cells!" Rooster's voice called out. A moment later, the lieutenant drove up in his motorcycle, blocking the path. The monsters groaned in unison. So much for their freedom. Glaring at the lieutenant, Chloe growled, "Fun sucker."

"Let me ask you this, monsters. You got this far, that's a fact," Rooster commented. Raising an eyebrow, he asked, "But do you know the way out?" Chloe and Ozone's eyes widened, realizing that they had not thought of that. Snowball, however, was thinking about something else. Despite the lack of a proper brain, he just had an idea pop into his head. Pulling a small piece of himself off and morphing it into a ball, he remarked, "Let's find out, Rooster." Catching onto what the shapeshifting blob's idea was, Chloe and Ozone exclaimed at the same time, "Pin the Snowball on the lieutenant!"

"Uh oh..." Rooster mumbled, dread filling up inside him. Slamming his foot down on the gas pedal, he sped away. A split second later, little white blobs started raining down upon him. He skillfully avoided each one. Yet they kept on coming as the monsters chased after him, throwing pieces of Snowball while doing so. Getting scared now, Rooster grabbed his walkie talkie and shouted into it, "Close the doors in corridor 81!"

Up ahead, the doors slowly began to close.

"He's getting away!" Ozone cried. Snarling, Chloe snapped, "Oh no he's not!" Grabbing a chunk from Snowball, she whistled loudly before shouting, "Hey Rooster!" Getting the lieutenant's attention, she chucked the piece of the shapeshifting blob at him. Gasping, Rooster turned away and drove faster. However, because he had been distracted for just a few seconds, he was unable to escape his fate, nor was he able to escape the doors. His motorcycle got wedged between the doors just as he was struck by the blob. Straightening up, Snowball spoke in Rooster's voice, "I definitely shouldn't tell them that the hangar is straight down the hall on their right."

"No, dang it!" Rooster shouted, trying to get free, "Don't listen to that blob!"

"Yes! Freedom!" the monsters cheered. Taking the hallway on their right, they left Rooster behind. Finally getting himself free on the other side of the doors seconds before they finally crushed his motorcycle, the lieutenant sighed before he spoke into his walkie talkie, "Control room, open the doors in corridor 81 please."

The only response was crackled screams, along with a bone chilling animal like screech.

"There it is! The hangar!" Ozone declared. The monsters had made it. They could practically taste freedom in the air. Spotting a jet fueled up and ready to go, Snowball pointed at it and piped up, "Ooh, let's take that one!"

"Aye aye Captain Snowball," Chloe replied. Before the three escapees could even take a step, they were suddenly tackled from behind.

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