Chapter 6

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"Hurry! Everyone onto the plane!" Ozone shouted, holding the plane door open. The other three monsters quickly boarded. Once everyone was on, Ozone shut the door just as Rooster came running into the hangar, shouting something. Snowball waved at him through the window while the others fled into the cockpit. At that moment, his stomach growled. Looking around, he mumbled, "Where can I find a good carrot here?"

"Does anyone know how to fly a jet like this?" Chloe asked as she, Ozone and Tiberius entered the cockpit. Biting his lip, Ozone quietly mumbled to himself, "There has to be a pilot manual or something in here..." Rolling his light brown eyes in annoyance, Tiberius stepped forward and flipped a switch. Everything turned on. Taking a seat in the pilot's seat, he flipped a few more switches and pressed a few buttons. The jet's engines roared to life. Ozone huffed, unable to believe he had been outsmarted by a wild animal. Impressed,Chloe murmured, "It's because you have wings yourself, isn't it?" Tiberius shrugged his shoulders in reply.

"Hey look, it's the lieutenant," Ozone pointed out, gazing out the window. Sure enough, there was Lieutenant Rooster, standing in the hangar. The three monsters in the cockpit waved goodbye to him. Shaking his fist at them, Rooster shouted angrily, "Monsters! Get back here! That is government property!" Watching the jet as it kept going higher and higher up the vertical takeoff tunnel, he continued, "You shall never see the light of day!"

"That's what you think, loser," Chloe sneered. She shared a three way high five with Ozone and Tiberius. At the same time, they all heard a crash and a bang outside the cockpit followed by the sound of the engine failing. Worry coursing through their veins, they left the cockpit just as Snowball rushed forward and grabbed them as he cried, "I swear! I didn't mean to destroy the engine! I'm just hungry!" A moment later, the jet's power turned off.

"Uh oh..." Snowball read everyone's mind, since he was hugging them all.

At first, the jet just hung motionless in the air. A split second later, it plummeted straight down. Watching the whole thing, Rooster flinched as the jet crashed and exploded. Standing before the fiery wreckage, he smirked triumphantly as the four monsters crept forward. Grinning, he teased, "Welcome home monsters."

"We're not done yet!" Chloe snapped, holding her dislocated shoulder with one paw. Limping forward, Ozone shouted, "Grab him Snowball!" On cue, the shapeshifting blob sprouted arms and grabbed the lieutenant. Everyone watched, waiting to see what info the blob could gather. After a moment or two though, Snowball let Rooster go as he whimpered, "I'm sorry guys, but I think my powers wore off..."

"Well, ain't that a relief! Into the cage monsters!" Rooster ordered, pointing to the big cage a helicopter had dropped off. Their hopes of freedom dashed away, the monsters did what they were told. Once all four of them were in the cage, Rooster shut the door and waved up at the helicopter. Looking at the monsters, he remarked, "Thanks for the fun. Not bad for a Monday morning."

"Glad you enjoyed it, jerkface," Ozone grumbled as the cage was carried away.

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