(( Explanation & Rules ))

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(( To do this, I'm going to need to have 5 people join, more if you want. So, below in the comments, please vote if you want 5 people or MORE then 5 people. Also, I'm gonna need for whoever finds this, to try and tag more people, cause no one is gonna find this :/ ))

(( This will be open until I find a satisfying amount for you guys, then we'll begin. A chapter will be posted for story-telling, and sometimes for recaps if an "episode" has ended. Voting for challenges will actually be done during something I haven't done before. Voting will take place in Inbox's, and I will ask who do you vote for, and you must vote for someone. If you do not vote someone in, you will automatically have yourself voting yourself in, so please choose someone to vote in.))

(( This will be uploaded as well as the Dream's Random life, which doesn't freaking work. .-. ))

(( Now, I'm going to give you certain roles and explain what they are and how they dress, you can choose who you wanna be. ))

(( Also, with the role you choose, you're gonna be telling me your characters personality and his traits, and I will give you a certain amount of important surviving features. Stealth, Speed, Agility, Brain Power, Health, and Weaknesses. You must give one weakness of your character in your description. These features I give will be an integral part of if you survive challenges or not, it isn't always the MAIN factor but it usually is. ))

(( Now, before sharing roles, I'll be reading off some rules. If you feel you were kicked or warned for an unfair reason, please appeal to me through Inbox's. )) 


 1. Alliances are not allowed ( You may not team up with anyone, the closest you will ever get to this is when there are team challenges. Other than that, no alliances. If any alliance is seen, you will be given a warning, three warnings and you will be killed in some fashion. )

 2. Please do not get too dramatic over getting voted in, and/or dying ( I know you can't help your rage, neither can I. But please, it'll make it much easier if you comply. If you want to vent, please do it in Inbox's to me, and not in comments. Aggravation over the entire course of the game will get you kicked, however. )

 3. If you die, you are allowed to still watch what happens. ( You are allowed to stay and watch what happens. )

 4. Magic is not allowed ( You will see during the episode why, but if you are caught after, using magic, you will get a warning. Three warnings, and you will be killed. )

 5. Resurrection is not allowed ( Deaths are permanent. If your character comes back alive unless I do it, then your character will instantly die. No appealing. )

 6. Please do not give a perfect character to me ( Everyone has some flaws, so if you basically say your character is perfect, I will lower your stats ( Meaning making them reasonable ) to not comply with your details. It's unfair for someone to be put in a challenge with a perfect person. )

7. Your role doesn't really play much of a role ( Unless you want it to be, or it's a role 

 7. HAVE FUN AND BE WILD! ( I know for some this may seem unfair, but i'm doing this for the purpose of the roleplay! If I were to allow Magic, everyone would have left and escaped the night then and there! So please, just try and have fun! )


  ✔️ = Taken 

I will now list roles you may take! If you want to learn more, just google it up/ask me! (( A lot of these appear in the actual show! ))

- The Detective ✔️

- The Scientist ✔️

- The Jetsetter ✔️

- The Outlaw ✔️

- The Spy ✔️

- The Teller

- The Marketer

- The Accountant

- The DJ

- The Archeologist/Paleontologist

- The Thespian

- The TroubleMaker

- The Actor ✔️ 

- The Actress ✔️

- The Hustler

- The Gambler

- The Game Producer

- The Hunter/ Game Hunter

- The Daredevil ✔️

- The Engineer

- The Barber

- The Doctor

- The Director

- The Cook

- The Artist

- The Policeman/woman

(( Here are some things about the roles: Only one role will be given to each separate person, basically meaning if one person already took a role, you can't take it. Each role is unique to that one person. Also, when a role is taken, I will place a checkmark on it, letting you know that the role is taken. Also, Dream, Admin, Hatred, Auto Message, and Lucid are in this and they have their own roles.))

(( If you also don't wanna do this, that's ok, I won't be mad. Each episode will usually take up a day ( Not a full day, just portions of a day. There are 10 episodes, more depending on the number of people in this. ). This may not even start for months, but yeah. xd ))

(( Down in the comments, what I want you to do, is say what role you want, and what characteristics your character has ( Please follow the rules, listed above ). ))

(( Well, I'll leave you guys to it, we'll be starting when we have ten people or more! I hope you guys make it out alive, bye! :3))

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