Chapter 20: Quality time

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Once the young group of Agency operatives reached the nearest Burger King, they exited the SUV and were eager to not only indulge in some fast food but spend some quality time together since they'd be departing for their separate missions the following day. "Now this is what I'm talking about," Sean said in an excited manner, "a beautiful day out, getting some food, and spending time with your friends is exactly how I want to spend my last day before we back to work tomorrow." 

"I agree," Franklin said, "hopefully this isn't our last day out together as companions and friends." Everyone hummed in agreement as they then entered the Burger King and stood in line while also figuring out what they wanted to eat. Once it was their turn to place their order, they all got the food that they wanted and then sat together at the nearest table. Timothy unwrapped a BBQ Whopper and growled in delight at the sight of his burger. "Well hello there gorgeous," he purred out, "you have the honor of satisfying my hunger, you should feel honored." Everyone laughed at his words and they too began to unwrap their food and began eating, a series of content growls and hums filled the air as took their first bite. 

"Alright, I know that Burger King isn't the best burger joint in the world, but I'm not going to lie, this is pretty good," Heather said after swallowing a bite of her Double Whopper, "and this is in fact my first time having Burger King." Sean turned to the former Brotherhood operative and nudged her lightly. "Well you're in luck, while this may not be the best burger joint in the world, the food here is still pretty good if I do say so myself," he then added with a wink, "I advise you savor the flavors of your food: seasoning, sauces, the quality of the burgers in your Whopper and so on. Savor it all, you won't regret it." 

"I get it, I mean this Angry Whopper has a spicy tang to it with the jalapenos in it," Rachel said after swallowing a bite of her burger and then took a drink of Coke, "it's not so bad, even though I've had better." 

"So, Henry and Ashley, I have a question for you," Timothy said after munching on some of his fries, "are you two... dating now?" Henry and Ashley shared a look and smiled at each other, the auburn-haired man looked at the male twin and nodded in confirmation. "We are," he then added, "I knew that sooner or later that I'd have to move on and find another partner to settle down with. But to be honest? I was afraid that no woman could handle being with me due to the... career I have. But being with Ashley is like... gods, it's one of the best feelings in the world. She's everything I could ever want in a woman and we just click so well." Ashley hummed in agreement while swallowing a bite of her TENDERGRILL Chicken Sandwich. "Facts," she said, "Henry is not only the first boyfriend I've ever had, but he may just be the one I'm destined to be with." 

"Aww, I'm so happy for you guys," Franklin said with genuine joy, "despite the world plunging into chaos right now, it warms my heart knowing that you two have formed a relationship together." After taking a bite of his MEGA XT Cheese & Bacon burger, Franklin chewed his food and then swallowed it before continuing. "But on a more serious note, are you both ready to infiltrate the enemy's base of operations?" 

"We are," Ashley said firmly, "not only was Heather kind enough to provide Henry and me with schematics of the entire facility, but she also provided us with all the locations of Pitch's data, future projects, and current projects. We aren't just going to scout out that facility, but we're going to destroy a ton of Pitch's toys." 

"I almost don't want to know what that madman has locked up in that facility," Henry said after swallowing down a bite of his Bacon Cheeseburger, "but as always, it's only a matter of time before I do find out." Heather took a sip of her Sprite and turned to Henry and Ashley. "I advise extreme caution while you're on your mission," she then continued, "nobody has ever infiltrated the Brotherhood's base of operation, and for good reason. It's like a mix of the White House and Area 51 combined; it's highly defended by some of Pitch's most ruthless killers, perimeter defenses to dispose of any intruders, and there are even drones disguised as various animals to silently alert the Brotherhood's command center of any unwanted guests. And the security is tight, this mission won't be a cakewalk."

"I expect nothing less," Henry said while munching down on some of his fries, "despite the risks this mission holds, it needs to be done. We need to get inside that stronghold and give our forces every possible advantage once the vice president authorizes a military attack on the enemy's base." Turning to Ashley, Henry raised a questioning eyebrow at her. "Do you need to head back to your apartment and grab your gear?" She nodded in confirmation. "It shouldn't take that long babe," she said with a smile, "we'll meet up at the airport tomorrow, right?" 

"We will," Henry said, "I advise you all get a good nights sleep tonight, tomorrow is going to be a very busy day." Everyone nodded in confirmation and continued to indulge in their fast food and enjoying the time together, once the group of friends had finished eating, they got up from their seat and threw away their garbage, and proceeded to exit the fast-food joint while walking back to their SUV.

"Well, that was some good quality time together, am I right, or am I right?" Sean inquired, everyone all hummed in agreement. "You sir, are quite right," Timothy said, "let's just bet ready to get our missions done and try not to die in the process." 

"Amen to that!"

Everyone said in unison, completely agreeing with Timothy. They then entered their SUV and Sean then drove towards the airport to drop off Henry and Ashley since their Agency jet was still there. While driving, Sean put on some music and Uptown Funk was beginning to play, causing everyone in the car to let out "ayes!" and they began to jam out to one of Bruno Mars's most popular songs.

Needless to say, the friends had a blast together. 

A/N: Again, I know this is a shorty, but the main course is coming up soon and I'm saving up for those chapters. I'll see you guys then!

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