Chapter 19: Fall out

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"The president of the United States has been assassinated in the Oval Office earlier this morning today..."

"...we still don't have the specifics, but the president had just concluded with a meeting with General Blake and members of the Agency. After concluding the meeting with his companions, the president returned to the Oval Office and it was there that he was then assassinated, along with several of his Secret Service guards..." 

"...questions and rumors are coming left and right as our government is doing everything in its power to detain the fall out of this catastrophic loss..." 

"...we have reasons to believe that Pitch Black and the Brotherhood of Shadows are behind the assassination of the president, and the United States government plans on deploying a counterattack in response to this offense..." 

The news outlets all over America lit up with the tragic loss of the president and Henry still couldn't believe that the latest casualty in this war against Pitch was the commander and chief of the United States of America. 

Nobody is safe as long as Pitch is still breathing. 

This madness needs to end. 

As the government continued its best to contain the fall out of the president's death, the vice president did their best to calm the American people's fears and reassure them that Pitch and his army of murderers wouldn't be around for much longer. It wasn't much, but it was all the vice president could say to at least calm the panicking people down. The vice president and the presidential staff had wrapped up several press conferences and they then made their way to the situation room to find the Agency operatives waiting for their next orders. 

"Well this has been a crappy day, am I right?" Sean said, Franklin, however, punched him in the arm, causing the stocky man to hiss in pain and look at the hulking Ingerman in question. "What? Forgive me for trying to lighten the mood!" Franklin just rolled his eyes and then turned to the vice president. "Ma'am? How're you holding up?" Vice President Clarke let out a shaky breath and shook her head. "I'm shaken up," she confessed, "I believe I speak for everyone when I say that we all are. How did the Brotherhood of Shadows even infiltrate the White House?!"

"The Brotherhood's influence is worldwide," Ashley said, "they operatives in governments all over the world if they're ordered to kill the world leaders for Pitch, they won't hesitate to do it. Our now late president was just the latest casualty in Pitch's greedy ambition to rule the world."

"Our last orders from the president was to scout out the enemy's base of operations and bring our recon back so that we can present it not only to the military but to the president himself so that we can mount a full-scale invasion," Henry said, "I believe his orders still stand, this offense cannot go unchecked! We need to fulfill this mission so that we can finally take the fight to Pitch and the enemy!" 

"And then we'll blow his entire island off the map!" Timothy said. 

"And then we'll finally be rid of that creep Pitch once and for all!" Rachel added. 

"We cannot afford to be crippled by this loss Vice President Clarke," Henry said, "give us the go-ahead and we'll ensure that we complete these missions, they'll bring us one step closer to bringing Pitch and his operations down." The soon to be madam president pursed her lips and thought and knew that they couldn't afford to be standing around and doing nothing, and she knew that now was not the time to be paralyzed by fear, now was the time for action and payback. 

"You have the green light to proceed with your missions," Clarke said, "do us all proud." She said firmly, the Agency operatives nodded and got out of their seats and left the situations room, and made their way into the hallway. With a heavy sigh, Sean spoke up. "I don't know about you guys, but I think I need some burgers and a milkshake," he then inquired, "wanna hit up Burger King for some food?" The gang of young spy agents hummed in agreement as they made their way to get some fast food and take their minds off of what just happened. 

"So, if we fail in stopping Pitch and his army of psychopathic killers, I just wanted to thank you guys for allowing me to redeem myself after doing so much harm to those around the world," Heather spoke up, "especially you Henry, I was there when my brother and I killed your late fiancé. And... it still baffles me that you'd forgive me after that." Henry turned to Heather and merely snorted and replied. "Well we all have to move on at some point in our lives," he then continued, "besides, you've proven that your intentions to help us bring this madman down are genuine, you're one of us now." Heather smiled lightly and nodded in thanks at Henry's words. 

"It has been quite a blast working with you lot," Timothy said while blowing one of his dreadlocks out of his face, "I just hope our adventures don't end prematurely." 

"You said it, bro! I'd rather we'd all be here alive and well to see Pitch receive the death sentence for his unspeakable crimes," Rachel said, "and then maybe take a break from being a spy." 

"I know what you mean," Henry said, "our line of work is very dangerous, but we have a duty to follow and if we must, lay down our lives to ensure our nation lives on." 

"Yeah, uh, not a big fan of dying," Sean said, "I'd rather live." 

"As do we all," Franklin said, "and there's no better time to enjoy life than spending it with friends." Everyone hummed in agreement at Franklin's words as they finally made it outside and entered a Black Suv. "Alright people, buckle up and let's go grab some food," Sean said in an excited tone, "I'm so hungry I can eat a horse." 

"Is that a fact?" Heather inquired in a teasing tone. 

"Babe, you have no idea what I'm capable of," Sean said in a flirting tone, "but you're more than welcome to find out." Heather rolled her eyes and replied. "Tempting off, but you're just not my type Sean," she then added, "I admire a man who's intelligent, polite, humble, and not full of himself." Sean snorted at Heather's words. "Oh well, your loss," he said, "anyway, let's get going." he then started up the car and they drove off to get their food. 

Life was indeed short, and if life as you knew it would end soon, wouldn't you go out and get some fast food?

A/N: This one and the next one will be short because I'm saving up for the big chapters that'll be coming very soon, hope you guys are ready for that. 

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