Chapter 5: Daring move

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A/N: I'm going to be making some big moves in this story and I hope you guys are ready for it. Also, I want to thank you guys for the love and positive feedback this story has been getting, it means a lot to me. Anyway, onwards to the next chapter!

(Normal pov— Unknown location)

Many of the Brotherhood of Shadow's operatives knew full well that it was most unwise to disturb their leader when he was busy, but two of the newest members of the Brotherhood had not learned that lesson yet and they would learn it the hard way. Entering the office of Pitch Black, the two newest members of the Brotherhood shivered as the room was suddenly colder than the rest of the fortress here on an island in the Pacific Ocean. These two operatives couldn't see their leaders face for his office was shrouded in darkness and the only source of light was a fireplace, its flames illuminated the room just enough for anyone entering wouldn't wander blindly.

"We mustn't act yet! The time to strike has not yet come," Pitch snarled out to one of his overeager contacts embedded in the U.S. government, "but rest assured, everything is going according to plan. And when Operation Nightmare has begun? The world will be reformed into my own image!" Ending his call, Pitch turned to his new pawns and addressed one of them by name. "O'Connell, what have you to report?"

"Your rivals in the United Nations Security Council have been disposed of," O'Connell said, I made sure that their... "accident" looked like the attack of a domestic American citizen. However, several operatives from the Agency tried to stop me, I managed to give them the slip and left no means of them tracking me to this island."

"Wonderful news, thank you, O'Connell," Pitch said, "you certainly performed well on the field."

"I aim to please sir," O'Connell said with a light smile.

"I no longer have need of your services." Pitch suddenly said, rapid beeping suddenly filled O'Connell's ears and he noticed his wrist gauntlet was flashing and he began to panic. "W-Wait, what? Sir, wait! NO—" O'Connell cried out in pain as his veins turned black and he was then reduced to ashes, the site caused Gloria to cry out in horror. "No, O'Connell!" The woman began hyperventilating as she tried leaving Pitch's office but the doors closed and were locked shut.

"You're not going anywhere, Gloria!" Pitch snarled out, his tone caused a shiver of fear to crawl down Gloria's spine, and with a deep breath, she did something that no operative in the Brotherhood has had the nerve to do, stand up before Pitch. "Sir if I can be honest here, I know that you're trying to keep up the illusion that you're the evilest man on the planet right now, but... that doesn't just mean you can senselessly murder your followers! O'Connell was giving you good news!"

"I did not kill O'Connell because of his report," Pitch said in a cool tone before snarling out, "I killed him because he wasn't on his knees!" Gloria then kneeled before her leader and stammered out. "Y-Yes sir," she then added, "my apologies sir."

"Thank you, Gloria, now..." Pitch said with a pleased tone, "...your report, please. I had better be something I find pleasing." For a moment, the office was silent as Gloria tried to think of good news until she finally revealed something. "Oh! My friend Robbie and spotted that newbie in the Agency, Henry Haddock in New York," she then continued, "he looked a little roughed up and we nearly had him in our line of sights to take him out. But uh... unfortunately, there were too many witnesses for us to kill him openly, but I'll see to it personally that Haddock is dead by the end of next week sir, I promise."

"You were trying to kill Henry Haddock?" Pitch inquired in a low tone.

"Uh, y-yes sir," Gloria stammered out, "I... I know that we weren't assigned to kill him but we've heard how he was able to best Shard and Knox who are some of the top operatives among us! I know we'd all be better off without Haddock interfering with our affairs, right?" While Gloria was speaking, Pitch was slowly approaching his kneeled pawn and loomed down upon her like an angel of death, his shadow caused Gloria's heart to hammer in her chest and her breathing was becoming shallow because she was being strangled by fear.

Swallowing a thick lump in her throat, Gloria looked up and gazed at Pitch's deathly pale face and his face was twisted with great displeasure. Baring his fang-like teeth, Pitch's right hand suddenly formed what looked like a sword of... shadow.

"S-Sir?" Gloria inquired cautiously. "W-What're you doing? Please just tell me what to do and I'll see to it that I—" With one precise and deadly swing, Pitch severed Gloria diagonally, from shoulder to torso. Her now severed corpse fell to the floor, her blood and insides staining the floor.

As Pitch willed his sword of shadow to dissipate, he then returned to take in the breathtaking view of the island that housed his army of killers, war machines, and the ultimate weapon he'd unleash upon the world. This world had taken everything from him and all the pain and darkness he bottled up would be unleashed upon the world, and from the ashes, he would rule this world and cut out the rot that has crippled humanity. What is now impure, he would make the world pure by purging all who pose a threat to him as well as the insolent fools who have corrupted governments, laws, and humanity's very way of life.

Operation Nightmare would be Pitch's ultimate revenge against those who sent his only daughter to her death.

Pitch's thoughts were interrupted by his cellphone ringing, he picked it up and answered it. "What is it?" One of his contacts in the U.S. government was requesting to see him, Pitch growled lightly and replied to his contact. "Inform them that I'll be there when I can," hanging up his phone, Pitch straightened up his black suit and opened the doors to his office, revealing to guards, "you two, clean that mess up." He said while gesturing to O'Connell's ashes and Gloria's severed corpse as well as her blood and insides.

Making his way to his private jet, Pitch hated attending meetings with those within the government, because they're all fools who can't solve the world's problems, one of the many reasons Pitch will see that they are purged.

All in good time though, all in good time.

(Sometime later)

About an hour after Pitch's jet left the island, Heather Berzerk was able to sneak into his office, along with two other operatives who wanted to leave this place and bring the Brotherhood of Shadows to justice. Once the three operatives were inside Pitch's office, Heather approached Pitch's desk and found his personal computer. "Jackpot," she murmured to herself before turning to the other two operatives who accompanied her, "alright I'm going to get cracking on Pitch's computer, you two keep watch and be ready for anything." Nodding at Heather's words, the two operatives activated their cloaking tech and were watching out over Heather as she began hacking into Pitch's computer.

Knowing that Pitch has eyes and ears everywhere in the island stronghold, Heather had a small jamming device distort and corrupt the hidden video cameras and bugs placed throughout Pitch's office to catch any of his pawns who dared to betray him by getting into his personal computer and handing the footage to the people who can bring Pitch down for good. Heather then contacted her brother. "Devon, I'm inside Pitch's personal computer," she then took out a thumb drive and plugged in the USB port, "transferring all incriminating evidence onto the drive now."

"Good to hear dear sis!" Devon said excitedly over the phone. "So, once you get the data and hand it over to the people who can bring Pitch down, what happens next?"

"We get as far away as we can and lay low," Heather said, "we have enough money to disappear and live without looking over our shoulders Devon. Those among us who wish to join our coup are ready as well, we just need to give the word and we'll make our move."

"Alright, sounds like a plan," Devon said, "it's just... once we do this, there's no turning back. You know that right?"

"I do," Heather said firmly, "Pitch is a psychopath and the world needs to see what he's going to do. Once I'm done with extracting the data here, I'll meet up with you back in New York. For now, though, you just stay put and wait for my word."

"Got it," Devon sighed and spoke in a soft, affectionate tone, "good luck sis."

"Good luck bro," Heather said while smiling lightly, "stay safe." After exchanging sentiments, Heather grinned once all the incriminating evidence that would either sentence Pitch for life in prison or death was all in her thumb drive. Removing the drive from Pitch's computer, Heather pocketed the device and made her way to the door and turned to face her cloaked allies. "Alright let's go," she then added, "watch my back once we're in the hallway." Once Heather slowly opened the doors to Pitch's office, she checked the hallways and saw nobody present. Satisfied with what she saw, Heather slowly exited the office with her cloaked allies by her side as they closed the doors. As soon as they closed those doors, alarms went off and a voice on the intercoms went off.

"Warning! Data has been stolen from Pitch Black's personal computer! Intruder alert! All operatives of the Brotherhood are tasked with hunting down and killing those who stole from our leader! Kill the traitors and you will be rewarded."

Cursing under her breath, Heather ran like the wind as the alarms kept ringing, Brotherhood operatives all over the compound were arming themselves and were prepared to shoot first and ask questions later. Heather then activated her cloaking ability and waited for several squads of heavily armed Brotherhood operatives to pass them by. One of Heather's allies murmured out loud enough for Heather to hear. "We can't stay cloaked forever," they then added, "pretty soon the operatives will activate thermal scans and find us. We need to get to the hangar and get out of here."

"Y-Yeah," Heather said in agreement, "let's go." The trio quickly made their way towards the hangar that held airborne vehicles for long-distance traveling. Finally reaching the hangar, Heather and her allies laid eyes on several Vipers docked in the hangar, these vehicles are ducted-fan aero craft developed by Pitch and are used by his guards to patrol the island to not only deploy his men but also pursue those who try to desert the Brotherhood. Vipers were originally conceived as large, less versatile aircraft. The Viper has evolved from a bulky sentry ship to a suave, sleek helicopter-like vehicle. The ducted fans allow for incredible maneuverability and can twist for movement.

"There's our ride out of here," one of Heather's allies said, "let's go!" Just as that operative was making a run for it, they were gunned down by hangar guards. Knowing that the guards had their thermal vision on, Heather and her other ally made a gun for the nearest Viper while avoiding incoming gunfire from the hangar guards. Quickly taking cover, Heather pulled out her sidearm and covered her ally as they entered the Viper to start it up. More Brotherhood operatives had arrived to assist the hangar guards and Heather knew that she was outgunned, so she then boarded the Viper and got on one of its turrets and began to spray bullets at her pursuers. She then began shooting down any aircraft that could attempt to pursue them, Heather then turned to her ally flying the Viper and barked out.

"Get us out of here!"

Nodding, the operative flying the Viper flew away from the compound, but there was no time to celebrate yet because the Brotherhood had just now activated their anti-air defenses which were seeker missiles and railguns. "Brace yourself! This is going to get pretty dicy!" The operative barked out to Heather as he began evading the railgun fire and trying to get out of the guns firing range. Soon enough, the seeking missiles were fired and several dozens of them were heading right for them. "I'm not being blown out of the sky today!" Heather snarled out as she began shooting down many of the missiles heading for their Viper, but several more of them were out of Heather's firing range. "Heads up! We've got several missiles incoming! She barked out to her ally.

"Hold on!"

The Viper then began reaching higher altitudes while the missiles were still fast approaching. Seeing that their transport had flares, the pilot deployed flares and the missiles that were locked on the Viper's magnetic signature Breaking off from the Viper, the missiles pursued the missiles and hit them head-on, causing multiple explosions to rattle the Viper and nearly hurl Heather out of the ship, but she was able to catch herself before she could fall to her death. Soon enough, the Viper was high enough in the air, and out of the Brotherhood's anti-air firing range, they were in the clear. Heather began chuckling while letting out a sigh of relief, she and her ally were the first operatives to successfully defect from the Brotherhood and make it out alive. Not only that, but they were also able to cut out their kill chips in secret so Pitch wasn't able to kill them from afar.

Making her way towards the cockpit, Heather eyed her ally flying the Viper and tried making conversation. "Feels good to get out of there huh?" Grunting in agreement, the man flying their transport replied. "You have no idea," he then added, "I've been there for a while now and I never thought I'd get out of there." Humming in acknowledgment, Heather than inquired. "Hey uh, I never thought to ask but what's your name?" The man turned his head and answered her. "Agent Franklin Ingerman," he then added, "member of the Agency." Heather's eyes widened in shock and disbelief, but before she could even blink, Franklin shot her with a stun dart, knocking Heather out cold.

Now that he had time for himself, Franklin could focus on getting back to Agency HQ and inform Director Madison that he's alive. Franklin was one of the very first agents the Agency sent to learn about the Brotherhood of Shadows and see if the organization was a myth or if they were real. Ingerman confirmed that they were real but his cover was blown for confirming with the Agency that the Brotherhood exists. He was then imprisoned within their island compound for three years, but thanks to his keen intellect, Franklin not only escaped the cell he was in on that wretched island but he also invented a holographic disguise matrix to appear and sound like anyone he wished to be and so he's been undercover within the heart of the Brotherhood's compound inflicting damage where he could but also making sure that he didn't compromise his cover.

Regardless, he was out now and was eager to tell Director Madison and the Agency that he not only has the Brotherhood's location but also that he has enough data to expose Pitch Black for what he truly is, a psychopathic monster. Pitch will get what's coming to him in good time, but for now, Franklin turned on the Viper's autopilot and fell asleep after many sleepless nights.

A/N: Things are going to escalate very quickly here and I can't wait to show you guys what's coming. But that'll have to wait until next time, see you guys then.

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