Chapter 7: Bloodbath part I

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Madison, Thierry, and their guards made their way into the hangar to see Agent Ingerman holding a cuffed Heather Berzerk as they exited the stolen Viper. Heather tried resisting Franklin's strong grip, but he squeezed her arm tighter and she eventually gave up trying to squirm out of his grasp. "Agent Ingerman, welcome back," Madison said with a smile, "congratulations are in order for your ability to adapt to a hostile environment and acquire the information we need to destroy the Brotherhood once and for all."

"Indeed," Franklin said, "but I suggest we question her first." Gesturing to Heather, Franklin continued. "She was one of the best operatives the Brotherhood had to offer and she's a top-notch hacker," he then shrugged, "her skills could be useful should we ever consider recruiting her to our side."

"Perhaps," Madison said while eyeing Heather from head to toe, "for now though, take her to interrogation, I have questions for her." Nodding at his boss, Frankling urged Heather to move as he led them to the interrogation cell. Thierry turned to Madison and spoke in a respectful tone. "Ma'am, I mean no disrespect but what if Agent Ingerman is... compromised? He's been behind enemy lines for quite some time now and they may have converted him to turn—"

"I understand your concerns Thierry, I must confess that I too share similar concerns about this," Madison then continued, "but Agent Ingerman is one our most loyal operatives, I believe he couldn't risk contacting us behind enemy lines because he knows what the Brotherhood's leadership is like, someone who will ensure those who attempt to betray him will be silenced before their identity and secrets are revealed to the world. Regardless, we must have faith in our operative." Thierry still had doubts but nodded in submission as they too followed Agent Ingerman to the interrogation cell.

While on the way to the interrogation cell, Madison saw Henry and Ashley sprinting towards them, they took a moment to catch their breath and spoke what they learned from Iris. "Ma'am, we have a situation that requires your immediate attention," Henry said in a serious tone, "Ashely and I have learned that there are traitors among us who work for the Brotherhood and are planning a preemptive strike against us." Madison and Thierry shared a look and many of the operatives nearby stopped what they were doing to hear this.

"Do you have proof of this claim Agent Haddock?" Madison inquired, Henry nodded and summoned Iris who showed her the transmission made between Agent Carter Lay and Pitch Black, many of the operatives nearby gathered around as well to see this and they were all shocked, to say the least. After the transmission ended, Henry spoke up. "We need to oust Carter out before he strikes," he then added, "he could lead us to the other traitors that are embedded among us."

"This is a very sensitive matter," Madison said to everyone gathered, "I don't know who the other traitors could be, but no doubt they are in this building. Those of you who are not in league with our enemies will go hunt Agent Carter, this is a priority objective. In the meantime, Agents Haddock and Hofferson, come with us while we interrogate a supposed rogue Brotherhood operative that Agent Ingerman brought back."

"Wait, what?! Franklin's alive?" Ashley asked in disbelief, Madison hummed in confirmation. "I was shocked more than anyone," she said, "but he's alive and well and has brought us the piece of the puzzle we've been looking for." As Henry and Ashley followed their superiors, Henry murmured into Ashley's ear. "Who is Agent Ingerman?" Smiling lightly, Ashley answered him. "He was one of the best operatives the Agency had to offer," she then continued, "he used to work in the command center but he moved up in the rankings and became a field agent. He's helped prevent wars between America and foreign nations because of his skills as a negotiator, that and he's... well let's just say he's one of the biggest nerds I've ever met."

"He sounds like a laid back kind of guy," Henry said, "I look forward to meeting him." Snorting at his words, Ashley murmured out. "Oh, I think you and Franklin will become really great friends," she then added, "he respects people with a keen intellect and I know your intellect rivals even his! Don't tell him I said that." Henry chuckled and nodded, soon enough they made it to the interrogation cell to see Franklin placing Heather in the cell and closing the door behind him on his way out.

"Oh, I almost forgot to ask you Henry, but were able to take down Devon Berzerk?" Madison asked, Henry, sighed, and answered his boss. "He was taken down alright," he then added, "I can go back bring you the body to confirm the kill." Madison however shook her head at this. "No, that won't be necessary," she then added, "the world has one less murderer out there." Hearing that her brother was killed made Heather look at Henry and she snarled out. "You're a monster!"

"Look who's talking," Ashley shot back, "you've killed and stolen from hundreds of innocent people! If we're going to be tossing around the "monster" title? It belongs to you." Heather hung her head in disgust and shame, knowing full well that Ashley was right. Madison soon stepped up and spoke softly. "Listen, we don't want to hurt Heather, but we need you to tell us everything you know," she then continued, "who's your boss's real name?"

"I-I can't say anything!" Heather said with a heavy sigh.

"You're safe here Heather," Madison reassured, "please don't be afraid." Suddenly, Madison's phone vibrated and the caller ID was the president of the United States. "Excuse me, I have to take this call," she then turned to Thierry, "get her to talk please." Madison then answered her phone while leaving the interrogation room.

"You don't understand! Have you ever wondered why my boss has been working in the shadows for so long?" Heather said. "Why you haven't heard of him until now? It's because my boss has... abilities. Whenever his name is spoken, it creates a shadow zone, a waypoint he can use to send his operatives to silence anyone who speaks of him," she then continued, "the only reason anyone who knows his name and is still breathing is because my boss wanted it that way. I'm sorry, but I can't help you--"

"You're brother told us about Pitch Black before he died—"

"What're you...?!" Heather hissed out before sighing in defeat. "Well, now you've done it! We're all dead because of you."

"What're you talking about?" Henry inquired, but just as those words left his lips, blood-curdling screams could be heard outside the interrogation room as well as gunfire. Opening the door, Henry was shocked to see not only Shard and Knox slaughtering everyone in sight, but people he looked up to and called friends were killing countless Agency operatives. Quickly closing the door, Henry turned to his companions in the interrogation room and pulled out his sidearm. "We need to take them out," they all nodded while pulling out their own sidearms, "let's go!" Kicking the door open, Henry quickly dropped two of the traitors and took cover while Ashley turned to the right ducked under an enemy armed with a shotgun blast, she then shot both their knee caps and then shot the downed traitor in the head.

Shard and Knox appeared to be in their own little world, slaughtering countless Agency operatives with their weaponry, knives, or even bare hands. Knowing that they wouldn't be able to kill all of the Agency operatives themselves, Shard turned to nearby traitors and handed them small hand-held canisters. "They're filled with nano drones," he then gestured to the pins, "pull them and you'll release a swarm of those drones and they'll help us complete our mission faster." Nodding in understanding, the traitors embedded with the Agency took the canisters, pulled the pins, and threw them towards their true enemies. Once the canisters exploded, they released billions of those nano drones as they formed into swarms and surrounded Agency operatives who tried fighting back. The drones proceeded to sink into the Agency operative's skin and began to rip them apart from the inside until the flesh and muscle from their bones were reduced to nothing blood and gore.

Henry and Ashley were going to make a play at Shard and Knox, if they took these two down, then the rest of their companions could have a chance in apprehending the traitors embedded among them. Making the first move, Henry charges Shard while gunning down nearby traitors. "Shard!" Henry snarled out, said bounty hunter turned around, and cried out in surprise as Henry tackled him and the two them crashed through a glass window of a nearby office and the two exchanged heavy blows before kicking each other away and getting up on their feet. Henry was met with a ferocious punch to the jaw, but he shook the blow that he received and returned Shard's ferocity with his own in the form of two right hooks across the face. Attempting to land another punch, Henry only hit the air as Shard evaded the punch and elbowed the back of his head. Shard then pulled out a Garrote Wire and wrapped it around Henry's neck, strangling him to death.


Ashley cried out as she tried to come to his rescue but Knox punched her across the face which sent her crashing into the wall. With a ferocious snarl, Knox tried kicking the already stunned Ashley, but she moved out of the way just as Knox's kick made contact with the wall and it left a dent there as well. Knox then pulled out two Karambit knives, whirling them in his hands expertly while getting into a battle stance. Ashley quickly picked up a suit jacket from a deceased Agency operative and she too got into a battle stance. Knox then lashed out with one of his knives but Ashley backed away from the intimidating weapon, the bounty hunter then tried thrusting his knife at Ashley's throat, but she sidestepped away from the blade and used the suit jacket in hand to wrap around one of Knox's arms and slammed it against a nearby wall, causing Knox to drop his knife. Growling in annoyance, Knox used his other knife to cut Ashley across the stomach, causing her to cry out in pain and to clutch her now bleeding stomach. Thankfully the wound didn't cut too deeply, but it did break the skin and left behind a sizeable wound.

Henry, who was still being choked by Shard then drove the heel of his foot into Shard's, causing the man to cry out in pain. Seizing the opportunity, Henry bashed the back of his head against Shard's and then proceeded to elbow him in the face and grabbed his head, and drove his face right into his knee. All those blows staggered Shard and he was wobbling slightly, Henry didn't give his opponent any respite and bombarded him with ruthless left and right hooks and then proceeded to deliver a sharp uppercut which sent Shard flying him in the air and crashing down on the desk nearby. With Shard down for the count, Henry noticed Ashley clutching her bleeding stomach while fending off against Knox, he then charged the bigger bounty hunter and tackled him and they both crashed through a glass wall.

Kicking Henry away, Knox then used his superior strength to grab Henry and then bodyslam him on the ground. The stronger bounty hunter then raised his knife high above his head and brought it down on Henry, but he grabbed Knox's wrist to keep his knife at bay. "Just... die!" Knox snarled out while he was clearly overpowering Henry and his knife was mere inches from Henry's face. Knox was then shot in the shoulder, causing him to cry out in pain, and that gave Henry the opportunity to land two punches across the bounty hunter's face and then kicked him off of him. Looking to his savior, Henry saw Ashley still clutching her bleeding stomach and holding her smoking sidearm.

Henry turned to see Knox getting up and clutching his bleeding shoulder. "I don't have time for this," he then barked out, "Shard, let's go!" Turning to see Shard getting from the beat down he received, both bounty hunters turned invisible before Henry or Ashley could stop them. "We need to find Madison," Ashley said in an urgent tone, "if the Brotherhood cut off the head of the Agency, it'll be a crippling blow." Nodding in agreement, Henry approached Ashley and placed a hand on her stomach, causing her to whimper in pain. "Can you fight?" She wanted to say yes, but she didn't want to risk hurting herself more than she already is, so she shook her head and spoke up. "I'm going to the medical wing of the building and get patched up," she then grabbed Henry's shoulder and nodded at him, "try not to get killed." Henry chuckled lightly at her words and nodded. "Right back at you," he then added, "be safe." She nodded and raced off to get patched up.

Henry then pulled out his sidearm, emptied the clip in and replaced it with a loaded one, and then made his way towards the command center. He just hoped that Franklin and Thierry had Madison somewhere safe.

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