Chapter 13. Devil woman

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I'm suddenly aware of just how naked I am right now. And the temperature in the room seems to have dropped to zero as goosebumps crawl up my bare legs.

Fuck, get it together Natalie. Don't let this devil woman get to you. You're better than this. Remember, you are in charge now.

I clear my throat. “Hello, Mrs. Jung. I wasn't expecting to have the pleasure of seeing you today.” I wish I never have to see your stupid face ever again..

“Ah, yes, but I managed to squeeze in a little time. After all, it's much more important for me to make sure the stranger moving in with my daughter is good enough. Again.” She stresses the word “stranger” with a venomous smile that doesn't reach her cold eyes.

“That's… very understandable,” I say slowly. Walking into the kitchen with my bare feet on the cold tiles, I grab a cup and pour water into it from a nearby bottle, partially wishing it was alcohol instead. Chilly silence fills the rooms as the liquid flows into the glass.

“Well, I have the contract here,” the mother speaks first, fishing out a small stack of papers stapled together from her leather beige purse. “I figured I should be present in the event you'll have any objections or concerns regarding the terms.”

I peer at her over the rim of my glass. “Mhm,” I answer, between gulps. “Sounds good.”

Her sharp cheekbone twitches in annoyance, but so does my nose when her scent reaches me. Poison Eau de toilette, the same perfume that she had worn back then. That charismatic sultry, unforgettable fragrance, it's poison trying to desperately invade and take control of my mind. Well, not today. And not ever.

Mira glances between us nervously. I can tell by the way she bites her bottom lip with those lines creasing her forehead between the damn bangs that she can sense the tension between us. If she only knew the true reason for it.

Setting down the cup with a clink, I make my way to the living room and sit on the ridiculously expensive couch across from Eleanor. She eyes me with pure hate as I prop my elbow on the arm and spread my legs with a smirk plastered on my face. Never, in a million years, will I show this woman that she can rattle me anymore. That I'm not vulnerable, and if I want, I can sleep with her daughter just as well. Ha, we'll see how she likes that. Not that I would ever do that, but still. It's the possibility that matters.

The furniture shifts as Mira sits beside me, her warmth a welcoming contrast to her mother's iciness. With a small irritated huff, Eleanor sets the papers on the wooden coffee table and leans back. Giving her a piercing glare, I pick them up and look through them. I've been taught to always check each contract before I sign, and I won't be doing an exception this time.

“So this really is free,” I ask after reading the first page. “And all I have to do is just keep her company?”

“Yep!” Mira chirps, even though I was asking her mother.

“Hm… and spend all my nights here from ten pm to six am… oh look at that, you really do have a curfew!” I snort.

Mira giggles. “Pretty much! So you were sort of right!”

Eleanor exhales loudly, and not at all subtle. Glancing up, she definitely has a look of annoyance decorating her face. She is not enjoying this, and the mere thought brings me joy. 

“I assume that won't be a problem,” Eleanor says coyly, poison seeping from her voice. “Considering you are probably very busy, aren't you?”

My smirk grows wider. “Well, good thing is, I can bring my nightly doings here. Unless that's a problem with Mira, of course.”

If Mira couldn't understand any of my very obvious sexual comments before, then there's a good chance that she might not notice what I really mean by my “nightly doings”. And judging by the growing frown on her mother's face, she definitely understands.

“Nope! Not a problem at all!” Mira says brightly. She's practically beaming with excitement, and to see somehow being this optimistic is so… strange yet at the same time… a nice change.

I cast a look at Eleanor. “Well, I assume that's settled then?”

She waves her hand, the gold bracelet dangling against her wrist. “That's fine.”

My heart stops at the sight of it. It's the same bracelet I had gifted her all those years ago when we had the affair, and she chose to wear it today. On purpose.

With a deep inhale to coax air into my paralyzed heart, I scan through the rest of the contract until page five, the last couple terms and the signature lines. The next to last one makes me halt the pen in my hand.

“Hold on… ‘inappropriate clothing like oversized t-shirts and shorts’?” I scoff. “Are you seriously trying to say that this-” I gesture toward my body. “-is inappropriate? I'm pretty sure your daughter wears the same stuff.”

“Yeah, I do actually. And–”

But before Mira can finish her sentence, her mother swoops in like the vulture she is. “My daughter can wear whatever she wants to inside. But I don't need anyone walking around in their underwear around her.”

Now it's my turn to scoff. “With all due respect, Mrs. Jung, I am living with your daughter, not you, and if she isn't uncomfortable with me walking around here in these very casual clothes, then I don't see why it should be any of your concern.” I glance toward Mira. “You are comfortable with me wearing this right?”

She looks me up and down, and I could have sworn her face reddens just a little. “Nope!” her voice squeaks a little too high. “I'm not uncomfortable with it at all!”

I glance pointedly at Eleanor, who shifts in her seat and shoots daggers at me from her eyes. "Fine then. You can cross it out. I won't be printing a new contract so it will have to do.”

“Well then, in that case, everything looks great.” Drawing my own line over the words, I sign my name at the bottom. Once I'm done, I hand the pen over to Mira, whose fingers brush against mine as she takes it from me. A spark of electricity seems to ignite at the touch, one that jolts all the way to my feet,  and it takes everything in me to not jerk my hand away. What the hell was that?

“There! All signed!” Mira says happily, handing the papers to her mother who stands up and takes them.

Getting up as well, I wait until Eleanor walks a few steps toward the door before turning around.

“Take care, Mira. I do hope to see you tomorrow at dinner, yes?”

“Yes, Eumma. I'll be there.” Mira hugs her mother, who glares at me over her shoulder. I return it with one of my own, topped with a smirk.

“Very well then, I'm off. And I hope you'll follow the terms of the contract, Natalie. “

I put on my best respectful voice. “I will, ma'am.”

With a stiff nod and a slight twitch of her lips, she leaves, her presence lingering behind like deadly smoke.

Leaning against the arm of the couch, I watch Mira walk into the kitchen and open one of the cabinets. She takes out some bread and lays it down on the counter. Then exhales a shaky breath and glances up at me with an apologetic smile.

“Sorry about my mom barging in at the last minute,” she says, biting her lip in worry. “She um… does this a lot.”

I shrug and push myself off the furniture. “It's fine. I assumed this was a normal occurrence.” Trekking my way to the fridge, I open it and take out some orange juice. And drink it straight from the bottle. I glance from the corner of my eye and notice Mira looking at me with her mouth slightly open in horror.

Which amuses me very much. Her face reddens when she catches me looking and returns her attention to the bread.

The knife shakes when she tries to cut it, and a sudden, foreign urge to help her overcomes me. I set the bottle back in the fridge and approach her. My hand closes around her trembling fist, warmth flowing through my skin from the simple contact. The long forgotten sensation of butterflies fluttering in my stomach screams at me to stop, to let go. But I don't. Because the truth is…

I'm liking what I'm feeling.

“Hey, let me cut it for you,” I say gently, prying the knife from her hand. She sniffles and nods, letting go. She moves to the side as I cut the bread in two perfect slices. “See? Maybe precut is good for situations like this.”

Mira lets out a soft chuckle, and the sound alone sends tingles down my spine.

“By the way, I should apologize for earlier.” I close the bag tight and put it back in the cabinet.

“What do you mean?” Mira asks.

“For bringing up the incident. You're right, it was wrong of me.” I don't know what I'm doing, but somehow, it feels right. For some odd reason.

“No, it's fine. People keep….telling me that I'm sensitive.” She takes a deep breath. “I have to work on that anyway.”

I scoff. “Doesn't make what I said any better. Listen, I'll… work on it, okay? We're going to be living together and, if we want to get through this without killing each other, then this is a start. Right?”

She lets out a small laugh, the corners of her mouth turning up in a ghost of a smile. Her pink, supple lips tremble in an effort to keep tears from flowing out of her very moist brown eyes staring at me with that adorable kitten look. A sort of gentle warmth flows into my heart. The need to hug her, to comfort her…

Oh my god, what's happening to me? I need to get out of here right now before any of her energy leeches onto me.

“That sounds good,” she finally says.

I give her a small smile. “Great, well, I have to go to work, so I guess I won't see you for the rest of the day.” Thankfully.

Disappointment makes its presence in her eyes.  “Oh… I was sort of hoping to get to know each other a little more, but I guess we could do that another day?”

“Sure, although I'm not sure when I'll be available for that interview.” With a wink, I start my way back to the bedroom to grab my clothes, then turn around before entering the hallway. “I do hope the guest bedroom will be ready though, because there's no way I'm listening to you moaning in your sleep.”

A sheet of red covers her face. “Definitely!” she squeaks. “I mean… not that…  I don't… Everything should be here this afternoon!”

I smirk at her blustering reaction. “Awesome then.” Although I wish I could grab a coffee here, I guess I would just have to survive until I get to my mother's café. After all, if I survived Eleanor Jung, then traffic should be a breeze.

Once I'm finally in my car, all dressed and ready for work, the realization of what just happened hits me in full blast.

What the hell is wrong with me? Did I seriously apologize to her? Have I gone soft? Why did I want to hug her?

There's only one solution. To fuck these thoughts out of me. And as my phone rings, the person whose name pops up on the screen is the perfect opportunity for me to do so. When I would usually groan and swipe down at the red button, a smile creeps up on my face.

Yep, I'm totally getting my brains and all Mira thoughts fucked out of me tonight.




Goddamnit, out of all people, just why did it have to be Mira Jung?

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