Chapter 14. Art of Dance

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Trigger warning: Brief mention of grooming (non-descriptive, more so just info/light on the topic)

“Do you need to be admitted into an asylum or something?” Anna's frustrated voice greets me as I walk into the empty cafe through the front entrance, the bell jingling behind me. The welcoming scent of freshly brewed coffee together with ground beans weave in through my nose, almost making me moan from how rich the smell is.

I've managed to arrive twenty minutes before opening and the dreadful morning rush. The sun's rays stream through the slightly tinted windows, casting a warm glow over the deep, mahogany wooden counter as well as the entire interior.

I roll my eyes with a huff as I pass her frowning face. “Well, good morning to you too.”

“Don't you dare ‘good morning’ me, Natalie.” Anna follows me into the backroom. I knew she would react this way when she saw me. I had texted her about the situation earlier, and judging by the frantic amount of messages, she was not happy at all.

With a sigh, I take off my shirt and throw it on the bench.“Come on, Anna. It's not–”

“Not what, huh? I mean, Jesus fucking Christ, you're seriously going to be roommates with the girl whose brother and mother you've dated?” Anna glares at me with her hands on her hips.

“I wasn't dating both of them.” Well, sort of... I grab the black dress shirt with the café’s logo and pull it over my head.

Anna snorts. “Okay, let me rephrase it. The brother whom you dated and the mother you had an affair with.”

With a groan, I run my hand through my hair and brush it off to the side. “So?”

Anna blinks slowly in disbelief. “So? So?? That bitch freaking manipulated you! And you're now going to be living with her daughter?”

I smirk. “Come on, sis. I thought you were rooting for us to be together.”

She throws her hands up in exasperation. “That's before I knew her mother was devil woman!”

“Look, Anna, I don't like it either, okay? But this is the best chance I have at the moment, and there's no way I'm torturing Mom by staying with her. Plus, it's free.”

Looking at myself in the mirror, I make sure that not even a single hair strand is out of place. Staring back at me is the sexiest bitch in the entire city, maybe even the state or even the country. Yep, I'm hot as hell.

“And free always comes with a price. Is it worth it though?”

I groan again, turning away from admiring myself. “Yes. I've put up with worse. I'll be fine. Just promise me you won't tell Mom.”


“Anna…” I narrow my eyes at her. “Promise me you won't. I don't need her worrying about this or giving me another lecture.”

“We both know no amount of lectures will make you change your stupid mind.” Anna scoffs. “But fine, I won't tell Mom.”

“Won't tell me what?” I nearly jump at the loud, rough voice of our mother as she walks in through the backdoor.

“Oh, uh… I –”

“She's planning on clocking out early, Mom.” Anna glares at me and mouths “good luck” before walking back to the front. I was going to ask that anyway, so that's an honest save.

My mother clicks her tongue. “Ah, well, there's no need to hide that from me, honey.”

I sigh. “I know, Mom. Sorry.”

She scrutinizes me. “So, how is the roommate? I hope she's a nice girl.” her voice drips heavily of European accent. I know she wants to say it in her native language, but she stopped talking in it to us since our asshole of a father abandoned us, so I have forgotten a lot of it.

“She's okay.” She's actually a little too nice.

“Natalie…” My mother sits on the bench and gestures for me to join her on the hard wooden surface. “I can tell when something is bothering you. Call it a mother's instincts, but I know that something is wrong.”

I sit down beside her and offer up a small smile. "Everything is fine, Mom. Really. You don't have to worry.”

“I'm your mother, Nat. I'll always worry about you, whether you want me to or not. Especially when you have been through such… rough situations.”

Pain seeps into my heart. Even years later, my mom still refers to my relationship with Eleanor as a “rough situation”, never wanting to outright say what it was out loud. She's been there to support me after the “break-up”, to lift me up from my downward spiral. Even at twenty-one years old, I fell into a deep pool, and was only barely pulled out just in time before I drowned for good. It had taken me a while to recognize and admit what the so-called relationship actually was: grooming.

I denied it for some time, that grooming can only happen to those under eighteen years old. I ended up blaming myself. After all, I was having a relationship with my boyfriend’s mother. Well, ex-boyfriend, but still. But after weeks, months of unwavering support from my mother, Anna, and a few friends, I accepted the fact that anyone from eighteen to twenty-five is susceptible to grooming as well, being taken advantage of by those significantly older than us. Manipulated, sucked into their world, our trust gained, used, and bent to their needs. Until it's too late.

And after so much healing, I'm facing the person who groomed me once again. I want to believe that I'll keep my impenetrable shield up and not let her rattle me, like this morning when I know she wore that perfume and bracelet on purpose, but what if I don't? What if I… break? And what's worse… what if her daughter is just a human version of deception? After all, how can a person be that happy and optimistic in this world?

Heavy silence hangs in the air. Even the frequent passing traffic or occasional noise from outside don't penetrate the stillness.

“Mom, I promise, I'm okay. I know you worry, but to be honest, you were worried about me walking in a crop top in 78 degrees the other day.”

“I didn't want you catching a cold!” my mom huffs in defense. “78 degrees is not enough to keep you warm!”

I chuckle. “See? You worry too much over little stuff.”

She lets out a soft sigh. “You'll always be my baby.” Her hand gently squeezes mine, her warmth comforting to the turmoil inside me. “And I won't pry, because I know you have a private life, but I'm always here to talk to when you want to.”

I smile, moisture tickling my eyes as I force them back. “Thanks, Mom.”

She wipes away a betraying year before kissing the top of my head. “Now let's finish getting everything ready before the LA stampede trots through the doors.”


The rest of the dancers mingle in the class as I gather up the last of my belongings into my duffel bag, including the damn empty water bottle that I had managed to drink just after one class. Sure, it's the middle of summer and the air is frustratingly dry, but substituting for my friend as a dance instructor has definitely contributed to my thirstiness. I feel like a sponge who has been squeezed until no drop of liquid is left.

And I'd prefer to be squeezed any other way. Preferably between a woman's th--

Shut up, Natalie!

Shouldering my bag, I pass another class whose choreographer I know well when a deep bass sound reaches me from behind the walls. My body of course becomes drawn to it like a vibrating magnet until I find myself standing in the door entrance. I watch a redhead and a dark-skin woman dancing, their bodies and techniques going pretty well with the music. But my attention is immediately captured by the girl in front, with the white low-rise pants and a pastel pink crop hoodie. Her dance moves are mesmerizing, each movement flawlessly and naturally performed as if she's been dancing her entire life. But my heart stops when she turns toward me. That cursed, kitten face.

Out of all people, I again cross paths with Mira. I mean, seriously? What are you trying to do, universe? And it's not that I saw her, it's that I was fucking mesmerized by her.

The song is beginning to fade. Okay, hopefully nobody has noticed me, and I can just sneak out. I'm just about to turn around without attracting any unnecessary attention when an Australian voice rings out from behind me.


Fuck me.

Taking a deep breath and counting to three, I force my lips to lift into a smile as I turn around and wave. “Hey, Aubrey!”

Aubrey jogs up to me and tackles me with a hug. But that doesn't stop me from noticing Mira’s eyes widen in surprise before the biggest smile I've ever seen spreads across her lit-up face. Even from her.

“I've missed you, Nat,” Aubrey whispers in my ear before pulling back. She smells nice, as good as I remember. Her body pressed against mine brings back some good times. We have quite a bit of history, not dating but more casual partners who give each other some “comfort” when we need it. Or rather, I'd give in to her incessant callings and have sex.

I smirk. “Good to know.” I, on the other hand, haven't been missing her. Or maybe it's because I had that fuck session earlier today with Nick, but either way, I do not want to be here.

“Maybe after class, we could… um…” Her fingers trace my bare arm, and yet I don't feel that electrical shock that I had been zapped with earlier with just a touch of Mira's hand.

“That depends.” Even in a space full of people, we're still a good distance away from any eavesdroppers. Well, unless they have the hearing of a dog. So, taking a quick glance around and at Mira , who is drinking from… wait, is that her bottle or Aubrey's? And if the latter, what is she doing with h–

No, Natalie. Stop.

Leaning down, I whisper into Aubrey’s ear. “Will you promise not to call me an hour later like last time? After all, we both know my tongue dances just as well as my body.”

A mischievous smile appears on her reddening face. “And you know I love the art you create with both,” she says in a barely audible low voice.

Yeah, I know you do.  A little too much.

Looking around, some people are talking about themselves while others are looking. I poke Aubrey in the ribs and nod toward them, the reminder that we're in a very public space jumping onto her face.

Giving me a wink, she claps her hands. “Natalie, we were just about to do partner dances. Why don't you join Mira and give everyone a show?” She gestures toward Mira, who is waiting for us like an eager kitten.

A show? What is she expecting for us to do, a female version of Magic Mike?

“Uh, you know, I wish I could-” definitely don't “-but unfortunately I'm really busy today so–”

“Come on now, Natalie. I'm sure you could spare a few minutes. Show everyone how it's done.”

I sigh. “I'm not escaping this, am I?”

“Nope.” She grins. “Just two minutes tops, in and out.”

I usually last longer than that, but whatever.

“Okay, fine.” I set down my duffel bag near the entrance and follow Aubrey to the center.

“Okay everybody, make room for these two!” Aubrey waves for everyone to stand near the walls, leaving a big space in the middle.

“Yay!” Mira shrieks. "I'm so glad we're going to be dancing! Are you excited? I'm excited!" She squeals. Does she ever keep her enthusiasm down? Okay, I do find it cute, but it's also annoying. Annoyingly cute.

Hopefully this won't last long, and I can be on my way out of here.

“Okay, ready guys?” Aubrey says as she walks to her front and turns on the music, the dim intro to Nasty by Tinashe coming on. “This is a freestyle, so get creative!”

Not this song… out of all songs, she has to pick this, although this IS a class for it. But judging by the twinkle of amusement in Aubrey's eyes, it's safe for me to say she's doing it on purpose. Most definitely to just watch me.

Mira stands a few feet to my right, her head already bopping to the beat as it increases in volume. She is smiling, more than ready to dance to this song. This … this song… people cheer around us, with a few whoops as we walk forward slowly, one foot after another. My body immediately falls in sync with the rhythm, the beat, and the song as each sound flows through my veins, giving me life. I feel free, as if I'm floating on air.

This is why I love dancing so much. It embraces my body in levels of dopamine that can't even compare to drugs or sex. It's my escape, carrying me into an euphoric state as the music surges through my body, connecting with each muscle, vein, and cell. I forget about all my problems, stress, and negativity in my life. It releases me from reality, setting me free as my soul and spirit float into a blissful state.

And it's apparent that Mira feels the same way, her face a mix of concentration and relaxation. Her lips are turned up in a constant smile, each movement so beautiful that my heart does a somersault. And lands in a pool of lava flowing into my stomach.


Step forward.

Body roll. Hold. Head bop. Resume.

Drop. Slap the thigh.

Turn. Once. Twice.

Ass shake.

Kick. Once. Twice. Flow to the side. Bring it back.

Sway back and forth, arms flow up and down. Left. Right.

Each movement flows naturally, our bodies in perfect synchronization. One predicts the other's moves as we dance.

As the bassline ends and the song switches to a smoother melody, I stand in place as Mira drops to the floor, swings her leg around, presses her back against the ground and rolls her hips upward. One. Two. Three. She leans forward on her knees. I glide my hand up her throat. A blistering heat meets my palm as her hands glide along my legs. She locks her eyes with mine as she slowly rises up. Whoops ensue from around us when she stands, her hold on me stopping at my waist.

She turns around. Against my sensible will, my hands end up on her hips as she presses her body against mine on the brief beat switch before gyrating against me.

Her sweet scent wafts through me, of cherry blossoms and warm sunshine as her hand lands on my outer thigh. She leans against me and rolls her hips up and down, her movements moving flawlessly like smooth, calm waves before she uprights herself and twirls to face me. Her hands gently grab onto my waist, as mine wrap around her small curves.

And that's when the world around us dims. The crowd's cheers fade into the void, the smooth, bass beat of the song vibrating through my bones, until nothing but her and I exist in this world. Something flickers in her eyes as she looks up at me, her breath so hot and soothing against my skin, like a warm summer breeze. My eyes graze her body and land on her lips, partially opened as her chest rises and falls rapidly. My heart races against my ribcage, so loud that I can't tell if the beat hammering in my ears is the song or my pounding organ.

I want to kiss her so fucking bad. Have a taste of those pink, full lips that sit on her adorable face so well. Brush away that stray hair strand blocking her brown eyes swirling with the golden warmth of a sunrise.

Fuck, what is happening to me?


If you guys are interested in seeing how the general dance goes, although half of what I wrote is my own version since it's a partner-up, I'd definitely recommend checking out the Nasty (Tinashe) choreography by JoJo Gomez!

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